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Re: [PATCH] Add user content APIs for WebKit Xwidgets

From: Qiantan Hong
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Add user content APIs for WebKit Xwidgets
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2022 23:33:32 +0000

More questions:

>> + WebKitWebView *wkwv = WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (xw->widget_osr);
> "WebKitWebView *view = WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (…"

Some existing code in xwidget.c use this naming as well.
Should I make a separate patch to fix those?
Should I also include the fix to some capitalization error
and the runtime symbol usage in that same patch?

> In addition, xw is a Lisp object. It should be marked for garbage
> collection as long as the signal handler is attached, as making
> assumptions about when signals are run is not safe.
How do I mark it?

> I did not look at the NS code very closely, but I also can't see where
> anything is deallocated there. If you wrote that code assuming
> Objective-C automatic reference counting is used in Emacs, it will have
> to be rewritten to use manual memory management, as Objective-C features
> not supported by GCC are not allowed in Emacs.
I’m imitating the usage pattern of what is already in nsxwidget.m.
I think if I’m leaking memory then the current code must also have been
(which could be the case)...


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