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Re: best practices for implementing Emms configuration

From: Yoni Rabkin
Subject: Re: best practices for implementing Emms configuration
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2022 09:03:33 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.2 (gnu/linux)

Björn Bidar <bjorn.bidar@thaodan.de> writes:

> Yoni Rabkin <yoni@rabkins.net> writes:
>> Hello all,
>> We are trying to make Emms (https://www.gnu.org/software/emms/) better
>> out of the box.
>> The idea is to have the user invoke "M-x emms-setup", have Emms ask some
>> questions (check which player binaries the user has installed, which
>> metadata programs are installed, where the music is located, etc.), and
>> have Emms generate and write the appropriate elisp configuration.
>> I can think of two approaches. I am wondering which, if any, would be
>> considered best practice:
> I was in that situation a month ago, I want to add what would make this
> easier.
> Emms is quite flexible which makes the initial setup a little more
> complicated.
> For example if I want to setup as an mpd client I would want some
> defaults that make sense and that can be changed if needed.
> I think would make more sense to have defaults for common use cases such
> as these then writing a configuration, simplifying the configuration
> rather than making it easier to configure.
> For example Circe provides defaults for common IRC server's than can be
> adjusted individually.
> Emms could provide similar defaults.

No reason why mpd configuration can't be a part of the y-or-n-p type of
easy configuration I'm thinking about.

But this thread should be picked up in emms-help@gnu.org.

   "Cut your own wood and it will warm you twice"

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