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Re: ruby-ts-mode.el -- first draft

From: Theodor Thornhill
Subject: Re: ruby-ts-mode.el -- first draft
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2022 09:22:28 +0100

Perry Smith <pedz@easesoftware.com> writes:

> Ruby is a versatile language and I fear that I may have missed wide swaths of 
> its features.  So, here is the first pass.  I hope folks can play with it and 
> find the bugs.
> Tree sitter is so versatile that for fortification, it is practically endless 
> the features you could add.
> I have a git repository here: https://github.com/pedz/ruby-ts-mode
> And here inline is the file:


> (defcustom ruby-ts-mode-indent-style 'base
>   "Style used for indentation.
> The selected style could be one of Ruby.  If one of the supplied
> styles doesn't suffice a function could be set instead.  This
> function is expected return a list that follows the form of
> `treesit-simple-indent-rules'."
>   :version "29.1"
>   :type '(choice (symbol :tag "Base" 'base)
>                  (function :tag "A function for user customized style" 
> ignore))
>   :group 'ruby)

I believe we decided against using this indent style technique unless we
had specific styles to show.  A user could just:

(add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
           (setq treesit-simple-indent-rules

to override the current default anyway.

> (defcustom ruby-ts-mode-indent-style 'gnu
>   "Style used for indentation.
> Currently can only be set to BASE.  If one of the supplied styles
> doesn't suffice a function could be set instead.  This function
> is expected return a list that follows the form of
> `treesit-simple-indent-rules'."
>   :version "29.1"
>   :type '(choice (symbol :tag "Base" 'base)
>                  (function :tag "A function for user customized style" 
> ignore))
>   :group 'ruby)

This can be removed.

> (defface ruby-ts-mode--constant-assignment-face
>   '((((class grayscale) (background light)) :foreground "DimGray" :slant 
> italic)
>     (((class grayscale) (background dark))  :foreground "LightGray" :slant 
> italic)
>     (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :foreground 
> "VioletRed4")
>     (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))  :foreground "plum2")
>     (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light)) :foreground 
> "RosyBrown")
>     (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark))  :foreground 
> "LightSalmon")
>     (((class color) (min-colors 8)) :foreground "green")
>     (t :slant italic))
>   "Font Lock mode face used in ruby-ts-mode to highlight assignments to 
> constants."
>   :group 'font-lock-faces)
> (defface ruby-ts-mode--assignment-face
>   '((((class grayscale) (background light)) :foreground "DimGray" :slant 
> italic)
>     (((class grayscale) (background dark))  :foreground "LightGray" :slant 
> italic)
>     (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) :foreground 
> "VioletRed4")
>     (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))  :foreground "coral1")
>     (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light)) :foreground 
> "RosyBrown")
>     (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark))  :foreground 
> "LightSalmon")
>     (((class color) (min-colors 8)) :foreground "green")
>     (t :slant italic))
>   "Font Lock mode face used in ruby-ts-mode to hightlight assignments."
>   :group 'font-lock-faces)

Are you sure we need these very specific faces?  Can't we reuse any of
the provided ones?

> ;; doc/keywords.rdoc in the Ruby git repository considers these to be
> ;; reserved keywords.  If these keywords are added to the list, it
> ;; causes the font-lock to stop working.
> ;;
> ;; "__ENCODING__" "__FILE__" "__LINE__" "false" "self" "super" "true"
> ;;
> ;; "nil" (which does not exhibit this issue) is also considered a
> ;; keyword but I removed it and added it as a constant.
> ;;
> (defun ruby-ts-mode--keywords (language)
>   "Ruby keywords for tree-sitter font-locking.
> Currently LANGUAGE is ignored but shoule be set to `ruby'."
>   (let ((common-keywords
>          '("BEGIN" "END" "alias" "and" "begin" "break" "case" "class"
>            "def" "defined?" "do" "else" "elsif" "end" "ensure" "for"
>            "if" "in" "module" "next" "not" "or" "redo" "rescue"
>            "retry" "return" "then" "undef" "unless" "until" "when"
>            "while" "yield")))
>     common-keywords))
> ;; Ideas of what could be added:
> ;;   1. The regular expressions start, end, and content could be font
> ;;      locked.  Ditto for the command strings `foo`.  The symbols
> ;;      inside a %s, %i, and %I could be given the "symbol" font.
> ;;      etc.
> (defun ruby-ts-mode--font-lock-settings (language)
>   "Tree-sitter font-lock settings.
> Currently LANGUAGE is ignored but should be set to `ruby'."
>   (treesit-font-lock-rules
>    :language language
>    :feature 'comment
>    `((comment) @font-lock-comment-face
>      (comment) @contextual)
>    :language language
>    :feature 'keyword
>    `([,@(ruby-ts-mode--keywords language)] @font-lock-keyword-face)
>    :language language
>    :feature 'constant
>    `((true) @font-lock-constant-face
>      (false) @font-lock-constant-face
>      (nil) @font-lock-constant-face
>      (self) @font-lock-constant-face
>      (super)  @font-lock-constant-face)
>    ;; Before 'operator so (unary) works.  (I didn't want to try
>    ;; :override)
>    :language language
>    :feature 'literal
>    `((unary ["+" "-"] [(integer) (rational) (float) (complex)]) 
> @font-lock-number-face
>      (simple_symbol) @font-lock-number-face
>      (delimited_symbol) @font-lock-number-face
>      (integer) @font-lock-number-face
>      (float) @font-lock-number-face
>      (complex) @font-lock-number-face
>      (rational) @font-lock-number-face)
>    :language language
>    :feature 'operator
>    `("!" @font-lock-negation-char-face
>      [,@ruby-ts-mode--operators] @font-lock-operator-face)
>    :language language
>    :feature 'string
>    `((string) @font-lock-string-face
>      (string_content) @font-lock-string-face)
>    :language language
>    :feature 'type
>    `((constant) @font-lock-type-face)
>    :language language
>    :feature 'assignment
>    '((assignment
>       left: (identifier) @ruby-ts-mode--assignment-face)
>      (assignment
>       left: (left_assignment_list (identifier) 
> @ruby-ts-mode--assignment-face))
>      (operator_assignment
>       left: (identifier) @ruby-ts-mode--assignment-face))
>    ;; Constant and scoped constant assignment (declaration)
>    ;; Must be enabled explicitly
>    :language language
>    :feature 'constant-assignment
>    :override t
>    `((assignment
>       left: (constant) @ruby-ts-mode--constant-assignment-face)
>      (assignment
>       left: (scope_resolution name: (constant) 
> @ruby-ts-mode--constant-assignment-face)))
>    :language language
>    :feature 'function
>    '((call
>       method: (identifier) @font-lock-function-name-face)
>      (method
>       name: (identifier) @font-lock-function-name-face))
>    :language language
>    :feature 'variable
>    '((identifier) @font-lock-variable-name-face)
>    :language language
>    :feature 'error
>    '((ERROR) @font-lock-warning-face)
>    :feature 'escape-sequence
>    :language language
>    :override t
>    '((escape_sequence) @font-lock-escape-face)
>    :language language
>    :feature 'bracket
>    '((["(" ")" "[" "]" "{" "}"]) @font-lock-bracket-face)
>    )
>   )

Tuck these end-parens up together with the third to last line.

> (defun ruby-ts-mode--indent-styles (language)
>   "Indent rules supported by `ruby-ts-mode'.
> Currently LANGUAGE is ignored but should be set to `ruby'"
>   (let ((common
>          `(
>            ;; Slam all top level nodes to the left margin
>            ((parent-is "program") parent 0)
>            ((node-is ")") parent 0)
>            ((node-is "end") grand-parent 0)
>            ;; method parameters with and without '('
>            ((query "(method_parameters \"(\" _ @indent)") first-sibling 1)
>            ((parent-is "method_parameters") first-sibling 0)
>            ((node-is "body_statement") parent ruby-ts-mode-indent-offset)
>            ((parent-is "body_statement") first-sibling 0)
>            ((parent-is "binary") first-sibling 0)
>            ;; "when" list spread across multiple lines
>            ((n-p-gp "pattern" "when" "case") (nth-sibling 1) 0)
>            ((n-p-gp nil "then" "when") grand-parent 
> ruby-ts-mode-indent-offset)
>            ;; if / unless unless expressions
>            ((node-is "else") parent-bol 0)
>            ((node-is "elsif") parent-bol 0)
>            ((node-is "when")  parent-bol 0)
>            ((parent-is "then") parent-bol ruby-ts-mode-indent-offset)
>            ((parent-is "else") parent-bol ruby-ts-mode-indent-offset)
>            ((parent-is "elsif") parent-bol ruby-ts-mode-indent-offset)
>            ;; for, while, until loops
>            ((parent-is "do") grand-parent ruby-ts-mode-indent-offset)
>            ;; Assignment of hash and array
>            ((n-p-gp "}" "hash" "assignment") grand-parent 0)
>            ((n-p-gp "pair" "hash" "assignment") grand-parent 
> ruby-ts-mode-indent-offset)
>            ((n-p-gp "]" "array" "assignment") grand-parent 0)
>            ((n-p-gp ".*" "array" "assignment") grand-parent 
> ruby-ts-mode-indent-offset)
>            ;; hash and array other than assignments
>            ((node-is "}") first-sibling 0)
>            ((parent-is "hash") first-sibling 1)
>            ((node-is "]") first-sibling 0)
>            ((parent-is "array") first-sibling 1)
>            ;; method call arguments with and without '('
>            ((query "(argument_list \"(\" _ @indent)") first-sibling 1)
>            ((parent-is "argument_list") first-sibling 0)
>            )))
>     `((base ,@common))))

Just return the common when the indent style is removed :)

> (defun ruby-ts-mode--class-or-module-p (node)
>   "Predicate returns turthy if NODE is a class or module"
>   (string-match-p "class\\|module" (treesit-node-type node)))
> (defun ruby-ts-mode--get-name (node)
>   "Returns the text of the `name' field of NODE"
>   (treesit-node-text (treesit-node-child-by-field-name node "name")))
> (defun ruby-ts-mode--full-name (node)
>   "Returns the fully qualified name of NODE"
>   (let* ((name (get-name node))
>          (delimiter "#"))
>     (while (setq node (treesit-parent-until node 
> #'ruby-ts-mode--class-or-module-p))
>       (setq name (concat (get-name node) delimiter name))
>       (setq delimiter "::"))
>     name))
> (defun ruby-ts-mode--imenu-helper (node)
>   "Helper for `ruby-ts-mode--imenu' converting a treesit sparse tree
>   into a list of imenu ( name . pos ) nodes"
>   (let* ((ts-node (car node))
>          (subtrees (mapcan #'ruby-ts-mode--imenu-helper (cdr node)))
>          (name (when ts-node
>                  (ruby-ts-mode--full-name ts-node)))
>          (marker (when ts-node
>                    (set-marker (make-marker)
>                                (treesit-node-start ts-node)))))
>     (cond
>      ((or (null ts-node) (null name)) subtrees)
>      ;; Don't include the anonymous "class" and "module" nodes
>      ((string-match-p "(\"\\(class\\|module\\)\")"
>                       (treesit-node-string ts-node))
>       nil)
>      (subtrees
>       `((,name ,(cons name marker) ,@subtrees)))
>      (t
>       `((,name . ,marker))))))
> ;; For now, this is going to work like ruby-mode and return a list of
> ;; class, modules, def (methods), and alias.  It is likely that this
> ;; can be rigged to be easily extended.
> (defun ruby-ts-mode--imenu ()
>   "Return Imenu alist for the current buffer."
>   (let* ((root (treesit-buffer-root-node))
>          (nodes (treesit-induce-sparse-tree root 
> "^\\(method\\|alias\\|class\\|module\\)$")))
>     (ruby-ts-mode--imenu-helper nodes)))

Are you sure we don't want more granularity than this?  Why is
everything in the same regexp?

> (defun ruby-ts-mode--set-indent-style (language)
>   "Helper function to set the indentation style.
> Currently LANGUAGE is ignored but should be set to `ruby'."
>   (let ((style
>          (if (functionp ruby-ts-mode-indent-style)
>              (funcall ruby-ts-mode-indent-style)
>            (pcase ruby-ts-mode-indent-style
>              ('base (alist-get 'base (ruby-ts-mode--indent-styles 
> language)))))))
>     `((,language ,@style))))

Remove this when indent style is removed.

> (define-derived-mode ruby-ts-base-mode prog-mode "Ruby"
>   "Major mode for editing Ruby, powered by tree-sitter."
>   :syntax-table ruby-ts-mode--syntax-table
>   ;; Navigation.
>   (setq-local treesit-defun-type-regexp
>               (regexp-opt '("method"
>                             "singleton_method")))
>   ;; AFAIK, Ruby can not nest methods
>   (setq-local treesit-defun-prefer-top-level nil)
>   ;; Imenu.
>   (setq-local imenu-create-index-function #'ruby-ts-mode--imenu)
>   ;; seems like this could be defined when I know more how tree sitter
>   ;; works.
>   (setq-local which-func-functions nil)
>   (setq-local treesit-font-lock-feature-list
>               '(( comment definition)
>                 ( keyword preprocessor string type)
>                 ( assignment constant escape-sequence label literal property )
>                 ( bracket delimiter error function operator variable)))
>   )
> (define-derived-mode ruby-ts-mode ruby-ts-base-mode "Ruby"
>   "Major mode for editing Ruby, powered by tree-sitter."
>   :group 'ruby
>   (unless (treesit-ready-p 'ruby)
>     (error "Tree-sitter for Ruby isn't available"))
>   (treesit-parser-create 'ruby)
>   ;; Comments.
>   (setq-local comment-start "# ")
>   (setq-local comment-end "")
>   (setq-local comment-start-skip "#+ *")
>   (setq indent-tabs-mode ruby-ts-indent-tabs-mode)
>   (setq-local treesit-simple-indent-rules
>               (ruby-ts-mode--set-indent-style 'ruby))
>   ;; Font-lock.
>   (setq-local treesit-font-lock-settings (ruby-ts-mode--font-lock-settings 
> 'ruby))
>   (treesit-major-mode-setup))
> ;; end of ruby-ts-mode.el

Also when this is ready, also add an entry to the NEWS file along with
an update to the build script in 'admin/notes/tree-sitter/build-module/'
so that we can get the ruby language installed easily!

Thanks for your effort!


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