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Re: Help with debugging

From: andrés ramírez
Subject: Re: Help with debugging
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2023 15:02:40 +0000

Hi c.buhtz.
My comments below.

>>>>> "c" == c buhtz <c.buhtz@posteo.jp> writes:

    c> Hi folks, I tried Emacs 29 (in daemon mode) on my Raspberry Pi 4 with 
Debian 11.

How Do You run it 'emacs --daemon'?
what happens If You run 'emacs -Q --daemon'?
If 'emacs -Q --daemon' runs without issue. You should start bisecting
your .init.

Also what happens If You run 'emacs' normally. Without the '--daemon'
parameter. does It crash also?.

    c> It crashes all 1 to 2 minutes without doing something (I can see in the 
journalctl) and while
    c> connected with emacsclient.  I would like to help you figuring out what 
it is. I assume my
    c> Pi4 is a quit exotic system you are not focusing on.

It is not an exotic system. I have an orange pi plus 2e and emacs from
23 until 28 are running Ok on them. Stefan Monnier has an SBC also.

You could learn some things about gdb If needed. emacs has covered You
M-x view-emacs-debugging

Best Regards

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