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From: Dave Love
Subject: [Emacs-diffs]
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 05:43:51 -0400

Index: emacs/gc/finalize.c
diff -c emacs/gc/finalize.c:1.1 emacs/gc/finalize.c:removed
*** emacs/gc/finalize.c:1.1     Thu Jun  5 13:45:53 2003
--- emacs/gc/finalize.c Fri Jun  6 05:43:51 2003
*** 1,870 ****
- /*
-  * Copyright 1988, 1989 Hans-J. Boehm, Alan J. Demers
-  * Copyright (c) 1991-1996 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.
-  * Copyright (c) 1996-1999 by Silicon Graphics.  All rights reserved.
-  *
-  * Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program
-  * for any purpose,  provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
-  * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
-  * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
-  * modified is included with the above copyright notice.
-  */
- /* Boehm, February 1, 1996 1:19 pm PST */
- # define I_HIDE_POINTERS
- # include "private/gc_pmark.h"
-     int GC_finalize_on_demand = 1;
- # else
-     int GC_finalize_on_demand = 0;
- # endif
-     int GC_java_finalization = 1;
- # else
-     int GC_java_finalization = 0;
- # endif
- /* Type of mark procedure used for marking from finalizable object.   */
- /* This procedure normally does not mark the object, only its         */
- /* descendents.                                                               
- typedef void finalization_mark_proc(/* ptr_t finalizable_obj_ptr */); 
- # define HASH3(addr,size,log_size) \
-     ((((word)(addr) >> 3) ^ ((word)(addr) >> (3+(log_size)))) \
-     & ((size) - 1))
- #define HASH2(addr,log_size) HASH3(addr, 1 << log_size, log_size)
- struct hash_chain_entry {
-     word hidden_key;
-     struct hash_chain_entry * next;
- };
- unsigned GC_finalization_failures = 0;
-       /* Number of finalization requests that failed for lack of memory. */
- static struct disappearing_link {
-     struct hash_chain_entry prolog;
- #   define dl_hidden_link prolog.hidden_key
-                               /* Field to be cleared.         */
- #   define dl_next(x) (struct disappearing_link *)((x) -> prolog.next)
- #   define dl_set_next(x,y) (x) -> prolog.next = (struct hash_chain_entry 
-     word dl_hidden_obj;               /* Pointer to object base       */
- } **dl_head = 0;
- static signed_word log_dl_table_size = -1;
-                       /* Binary log of                                */
-                       /* current size of array pointed to by dl_head. */
-                       /* -1 ==> size is 0.                            */
- word GC_dl_entries = 0;       /* Number of entries currently in disappearing  
-                       /* link table.                                  */
- static struct finalizable_object {
-     struct hash_chain_entry prolog;
- #   define fo_hidden_base prolog.hidden_key
-                               /* Pointer to object base.      */
-                               /* No longer hidden once object */
-                               /* is on finalize_now queue.    */
- #   define fo_next(x) (struct finalizable_object *)((x) -> prolog.next)
- #   define fo_set_next(x,y) (x) -> prolog.next = (struct hash_chain_entry 
-     GC_finalization_proc fo_fn;       /* Finalizer.                   */
-     ptr_t fo_client_data;
-     word fo_object_size;      /* In bytes.                    */
-     finalization_mark_proc * fo_mark_proc;    /* Mark-through procedure */
- } **fo_head = 0;
- struct finalizable_object * GC_finalize_now = 0;
-       /* LIst of objects that should be finalized now.        */
- static signed_word log_fo_table_size = -1;
- word GC_fo_entries = 0;
- void GC_push_finalizer_structures GC_PROTO((void))
- {
-     GC_push_all((ptr_t)(&dl_head), (ptr_t)(&dl_head) + sizeof(word));
-     GC_push_all((ptr_t)(&fo_head), (ptr_t)(&fo_head) + sizeof(word));
-     GC_push_all((ptr_t)(&GC_finalize_now),
-               (ptr_t)(&GC_finalize_now) + sizeof(word));
- }
- /* Double the size of a hash table. *size_ptr is the log of its current       
- /* size.  May be a noop.                                              */
- /* *table is a pointer to an array of hash headers.  If we succeed, we        
- /* update both *table and *log_size_ptr.                              */
- /* Lock is held.  Signals are disabled.                                       
- void GC_grow_table(table, log_size_ptr)
- struct hash_chain_entry ***table;
- signed_word * log_size_ptr;
- {
-     register word i;
-     register struct hash_chain_entry *p;
-     int log_old_size = *log_size_ptr;
-     register int log_new_size = log_old_size + 1;
-     word old_size = ((log_old_size == -1)? 0: (1 << log_old_size));
-     register word new_size = 1 << log_new_size;
-     struct hash_chain_entry **new_table = (struct hash_chain_entry **)
-               (size_t)new_size * sizeof(struct hash_chain_entry *), NORMAL);
-     if (new_table == 0) {
-       if (table == 0) {
-           ABORT("Insufficient space for initial table allocation");
-       } else {
-           return;
-       }
-     }
-     for (i = 0; i < old_size; i++) {
-       p = (*table)[i];
-       while (p != 0) {
-         register ptr_t real_key = (ptr_t)REVEAL_POINTER(p -> hidden_key);
-         register struct hash_chain_entry *next = p -> next;
-         register int new_hash = HASH3(real_key, new_size, log_new_size);
-         p -> next = new_table[new_hash];
-         new_table[new_hash] = p;
-         p = next;
-       }
-     }
-     *log_size_ptr = log_new_size;
-     *table = new_table;
- }
- # if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
-     int GC_register_disappearing_link(GC_PTR * link)
- # else
-     int GC_register_disappearing_link(link)
-     GC_PTR * link;
- # endif
- {
-     ptr_t base;
-     base = (ptr_t)GC_base((GC_PTR)link);
-     if (base == 0)
-       ABORT("Bad arg to GC_register_disappearing_link");
-     return(GC_general_register_disappearing_link(link, base));
- }
- # if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
-     int GC_general_register_disappearing_link(GC_PTR * link,
-                                             GC_PTR obj)
- # else
-     int GC_general_register_disappearing_link(link, obj)
-     GC_PTR * link;
-     GC_PTR obj;
- # endif
- {
-     struct disappearing_link *curr_dl;
-     int index;
-     struct disappearing_link * new_dl;
-     if ((word)link & (ALIGNMENT-1))
-       ABORT("Bad arg to GC_general_register_disappearing_link");
- #   ifdef THREADS
-       LOCK();
- #   endif
-     if (log_dl_table_size == -1
-         || GC_dl_entries > ((word)1 << log_dl_table_size)) {
- #     ifndef THREADS
-           DISABLE_SIGNALS();
- #     endif
-       GC_grow_table((struct hash_chain_entry ***)(&dl_head),
-                     &log_dl_table_size);
- #     ifdef CONDPRINT
-         if (GC_print_stats) {
-           GC_printf1("Grew dl table to %lu entries\n",
-                       (unsigned long)(1 << log_dl_table_size));
-         }
- #     endif
- #     ifndef THREADS
-           ENABLE_SIGNALS();
- #     endif
-     }
-     index = HASH2(link, log_dl_table_size);
-     curr_dl = dl_head[index];
-     for (curr_dl = dl_head[index]; curr_dl != 0; curr_dl = dl_next(curr_dl)) {
-         if (curr_dl -> dl_hidden_link == HIDE_POINTER(link)) {
-             curr_dl -> dl_hidden_obj = HIDE_POINTER(obj);
- #         ifdef THREADS
-                 UNLOCK();
-               ENABLE_SIGNALS();
- #         endif
-             return(1);
-         }
-     }
-     new_dl = (struct disappearing_link *)
-       GC_INTERNAL_MALLOC(sizeof(struct disappearing_link),NORMAL);
-     if (0 == new_dl) {
- #     ifdef THREADS
-       UNLOCK();
- #     endif
-       new_dl = (struct disappearing_link *)
-             GC_oom_fn(sizeof(struct disappearing_link));
-       if (0 == new_dl) {
-       GC_finalization_failures++;
-       return(0);
-       }
-       /* It's not likely we'll make it here, but ... */
- #     ifdef THREADS
-         DISABLE_SIGNALS();
-       LOCK();
- #     endif
-     }
-     new_dl -> dl_hidden_obj = HIDE_POINTER(obj);
-     new_dl -> dl_hidden_link = HIDE_POINTER(link);
-     dl_set_next(new_dl, dl_head[index]);
-     dl_head[index] = new_dl;
-     GC_dl_entries++;
- #   ifdef THREADS
-         UNLOCK();
-         ENABLE_SIGNALS();
- #   endif
-     return(0);
- }
- # if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
-     int GC_unregister_disappearing_link(GC_PTR * link)
- # else
-     int GC_unregister_disappearing_link(link)
-     GC_PTR * link;
- # endif
- {
-     struct disappearing_link *curr_dl, *prev_dl;
-     int index;
-     LOCK();
-     index = HASH2(link, log_dl_table_size);
-     if (((unsigned long)link & (ALIGNMENT-1))) goto out;
-     prev_dl = 0; curr_dl = dl_head[index];
-     while (curr_dl != 0) {
-         if (curr_dl -> dl_hidden_link == HIDE_POINTER(link)) {
-             if (prev_dl == 0) {
-                 dl_head[index] = dl_next(curr_dl);
-             } else {
-                 dl_set_next(prev_dl, dl_next(curr_dl));
-             }
-             GC_dl_entries--;
-             UNLOCK();
-           ENABLE_SIGNALS();
- #         ifdef DBG_HDRS_ALL
-             dl_set_next(curr_dl, 0);
- #         else
-               GC_free((GC_PTR)curr_dl);
- #         endif
-             return(1);
-         }
-         prev_dl = curr_dl;
-         curr_dl = dl_next(curr_dl);
-     }
- out:
-     UNLOCK();
-     return(0);
- }
- /* Possible finalization_marker procedures.  Note that mark stack     */
- /* overflow is handled by the caller, and is not a disaster.          */
- GC_API void GC_normal_finalize_mark_proc(p)
- ptr_t p;
- {
-     hdr * hhdr = HDR(p);
-     PUSH_OBJ((word *)p, hhdr, GC_mark_stack_top,
-            &(GC_mark_stack[GC_mark_stack_size]));
- }
- /* This only pays very partial attention to the mark descriptor.      */
- /* It does the right thing for normal and atomic objects, and treats  */
- /* most others as normal.                                             */
- GC_API void GC_ignore_self_finalize_mark_proc(p)
- ptr_t p;
- {
-     hdr * hhdr = HDR(p);
-     word descr = hhdr -> hb_descr;
-     ptr_t q, r;
-     ptr_t scan_limit;
-     ptr_t target_limit = p + WORDS_TO_BYTES(hhdr -> hb_sz) - 1;
-     if ((descr & GC_DS_TAGS) == GC_DS_LENGTH) {
-        scan_limit = p + descr - sizeof(word);
-     } else {
-        scan_limit = target_limit + 1 - sizeof(word);
-     }
-     for (q = p; q <= scan_limit; q += ALIGNMENT) {
-       r = *(ptr_t *)q;
-       if (r < p || r > target_limit) {
-           GC_PUSH_ONE_HEAP((word)r, q);
-       }
-     }
- }
- GC_API void GC_null_finalize_mark_proc(p)
- ptr_t p;
- {
- }
- /* Register a finalization function.  See gc.h for details.   */
- /* in the nonthreads case, we try to avoid disabling signals, */
- /* since it can be expensive.  Threads packages typically     */
- /* make it cheaper.                                           */
- /* The last parameter is a procedure that determines          */
- /* marking for finalization ordering.  Any objects marked     */
- /* by that procedure will be guaranteed to not have been      */
- /* finalized when this finalizer is invoked.                  */
- GC_API void GC_register_finalizer_inner(obj, fn, cd, ofn, ocd, mp)
- GC_PTR obj;
- GC_finalization_proc fn;
- GC_PTR cd;
- GC_finalization_proc * ofn;
- GC_PTR * ocd;
- finalization_mark_proc * mp;
- {
-     ptr_t base;
-     struct finalizable_object * curr_fo, * prev_fo;
-     int index;
-     struct finalizable_object *new_fo;
-     hdr *hhdr;
- #   ifdef THREADS
-       LOCK();
- #   endif
-     if (log_fo_table_size == -1
-         || GC_fo_entries > ((word)1 << log_fo_table_size)) {
- #     ifndef THREADS
-           DISABLE_SIGNALS();
- #     endif
-       GC_grow_table((struct hash_chain_entry ***)(&fo_head),
-                     &log_fo_table_size);
- #     ifdef CONDPRINT
-         if (GC_print_stats) {
-           GC_printf1("Grew fo table to %lu entries\n",
-                       (unsigned long)(1 << log_fo_table_size));
-         }
- #     endif
- #     ifndef THREADS
-           ENABLE_SIGNALS();
- #     endif
-     }
-     /* in the THREADS case signals are disabled and we hold allocation        
-     /* lock; otherwise neither is true.  Proceed carefully.           */
-     base = (ptr_t)obj;
-     index = HASH2(base, log_fo_table_size);
-     prev_fo = 0; curr_fo = fo_head[index];
-     while (curr_fo != 0) {
-         if (curr_fo -> fo_hidden_base == HIDE_POINTER(base)) {
-             /* Interruption by a signal in the middle of this */
-             /* should be safe.  The client may see only *ocd  */
-             /* updated, but we'll declare that to be his      */
-             /* problem.                                               */
-             if (ocd) *ocd = (GC_PTR) curr_fo -> fo_client_data;
-             if (ofn) *ofn = curr_fo -> fo_fn;
-             /* Delete the structure for base. */
-                 if (prev_fo == 0) {
-                   fo_head[index] = fo_next(curr_fo);
-                 } else {
-                   fo_set_next(prev_fo, fo_next(curr_fo));
-                 }
-             if (fn == 0) {
-                 GC_fo_entries--;
-                   /* May not happen if we get a signal.  But a high   */
-                   /* estimate will only make the table larger than    */
-                   /* necessary.                                               
- #             if !defined(THREADS) && !defined(DBG_HDRS_ALL)
-                   GC_free((GC_PTR)curr_fo);
- #             endif
-             } else {
-                 curr_fo -> fo_fn = fn;
-                 curr_fo -> fo_client_data = (ptr_t)cd;
-                 curr_fo -> fo_mark_proc = mp;
-               /* Reinsert it.  We deleted it first to maintain        */
-               /* consistency in the event of a signal.                */
-               if (prev_fo == 0) {
-                   fo_head[index] = curr_fo;
-                 } else {
-                   fo_set_next(prev_fo, curr_fo);
-                 }
-             }
- #         ifdef THREADS
-                 UNLOCK();
-               ENABLE_SIGNALS();
- #         endif
-             return;
-         }
-         prev_fo = curr_fo;
-         curr_fo = fo_next(curr_fo);
-     }
-     if (ofn) *ofn = 0;
-     if (ocd) *ocd = 0;
-     if (fn == 0) {
- #     ifdef THREADS
-             UNLOCK();
-           ENABLE_SIGNALS();
- #     endif
-         return;
-     }
-     GET_HDR(base, hhdr);
-     if (0 == hhdr) {
-       /* We won't collect it, hence finalizer wouldn't be run. */
- #     ifdef THREADS
-           UNLOCK();
-         ENABLE_SIGNALS();
- #     endif
-       return;
-     }
-     new_fo = (struct finalizable_object *)
-       GC_INTERNAL_MALLOC(sizeof(struct finalizable_object),NORMAL);
-     if (0 == new_fo) {
- #     ifdef THREADS
-       UNLOCK();
- #     endif
-       new_fo = (struct finalizable_object *)
-             GC_oom_fn(sizeof(struct finalizable_object));
-       if (0 == new_fo) {
-       GC_finalization_failures++;
-       return;
-       }
-       /* It's not likely we'll make it here, but ... */
- #     ifdef THREADS
-         DISABLE_SIGNALS();
-       LOCK();
- #     endif
-     }
-     new_fo -> fo_hidden_base = (word)HIDE_POINTER(base);
-     new_fo -> fo_fn = fn;
-     new_fo -> fo_client_data = (ptr_t)cd;
-     new_fo -> fo_object_size = hhdr -> hb_sz;
-     new_fo -> fo_mark_proc = mp;
-     fo_set_next(new_fo, fo_head[index]);
-     GC_fo_entries++;
-     fo_head[index] = new_fo;
- #   ifdef THREADS
-         UNLOCK();
- #   endif
- }
- # if defined(__STDC__)
-     void GC_register_finalizer(void * obj,
-                              GC_finalization_proc fn, void * cd,
-                              GC_finalization_proc *ofn, void ** ocd)
- # else
-     void GC_register_finalizer(obj, fn, cd, ofn, ocd)
-     GC_PTR obj;
-     GC_finalization_proc fn;
-     GC_PTR cd;
-     GC_finalization_proc * ofn;
-     GC_PTR * ocd;
- # endif
- {
-     GC_register_finalizer_inner(obj, fn, cd, ofn,
-                               ocd, GC_normal_finalize_mark_proc);
- }
- # if defined(__STDC__)
-     void GC_register_finalizer_ignore_self(void * obj,
-                              GC_finalization_proc fn, void * cd,
-                              GC_finalization_proc *ofn, void ** ocd)
- # else
-     void GC_register_finalizer_ignore_self(obj, fn, cd, ofn, ocd)
-     GC_PTR obj;
-     GC_finalization_proc fn;
-     GC_PTR cd;
-     GC_finalization_proc * ofn;
-     GC_PTR * ocd;
- # endif
- {
-     GC_register_finalizer_inner(obj, fn, cd, ofn,
-                               ocd, GC_ignore_self_finalize_mark_proc);
- }
- # if defined(__STDC__)
-     void GC_register_finalizer_no_order(void * obj,
-                              GC_finalization_proc fn, void * cd,
-                              GC_finalization_proc *ofn, void ** ocd)
- # else
-     void GC_register_finalizer_no_order(obj, fn, cd, ofn, ocd)
-     GC_PTR obj;
-     GC_finalization_proc fn;
-     GC_PTR cd;
-     GC_finalization_proc * ofn;
-     GC_PTR * ocd;
- # endif
- {
-     GC_register_finalizer_inner(obj, fn, cd, ofn,
-                               ocd, GC_null_finalize_mark_proc);
- }
- #ifndef NO_DEBUGGING
- void GC_dump_finalization()
- {
-     struct disappearing_link * curr_dl;
-     struct finalizable_object * curr_fo;
-     ptr_t real_ptr, real_link;
-     int dl_size = (log_dl_table_size == -1 ) ? 0 : (1 << log_dl_table_size);
-     int fo_size = (log_fo_table_size == -1 ) ? 0 : (1 << log_fo_table_size);
-     int i;
-     GC_printf0("Disappearing links:\n");
-     for (i = 0; i < dl_size; i++) {
-       for (curr_dl = dl_head[i]; curr_dl != 0; curr_dl = dl_next(curr_dl)) {
-         real_ptr = (ptr_t)REVEAL_POINTER(curr_dl -> dl_hidden_obj);
-         real_link = (ptr_t)REVEAL_POINTER(curr_dl -> dl_hidden_link);
-         GC_printf2("Object: 0x%lx, Link:0x%lx\n", real_ptr, real_link);
-       }
-     }
-     GC_printf0("Finalizers:\n");
-     for (i = 0; i < fo_size; i++) {
-       for (curr_fo = fo_head[i]; curr_fo != 0; curr_fo = fo_next(curr_fo)) {
-         real_ptr = (ptr_t)REVEAL_POINTER(curr_fo -> fo_hidden_base);
-         GC_printf1("Finalizable object: 0x%lx\n", real_ptr);
-       }
-     }
- }
- #endif
- /* Called with world stopped.  Cause disappearing links to disappear, */
- /* and invoke finalizers.                                             */
- void GC_finalize()
- {
-     struct disappearing_link * curr_dl, * prev_dl, * next_dl;
-     struct finalizable_object * curr_fo, * prev_fo, * next_fo;
-     ptr_t real_ptr, real_link;
-     register int i;
-     int dl_size = (log_dl_table_size == -1 ) ? 0 : (1 << log_dl_table_size);
-     int fo_size = (log_fo_table_size == -1 ) ? 0 : (1 << log_fo_table_size);
-   /* Make disappearing links disappear */
-     for (i = 0; i < dl_size; i++) {
-       curr_dl = dl_head[i];
-       prev_dl = 0;
-       while (curr_dl != 0) {
-         real_ptr = (ptr_t)REVEAL_POINTER(curr_dl -> dl_hidden_obj);
-         real_link = (ptr_t)REVEAL_POINTER(curr_dl -> dl_hidden_link);
-         if (!GC_is_marked(real_ptr)) {
-             *(word *)real_link = 0;
-             next_dl = dl_next(curr_dl);
-             if (prev_dl == 0) {
-                 dl_head[i] = next_dl;
-             } else {
-                 dl_set_next(prev_dl, next_dl);
-             }
-             GC_clear_mark_bit((ptr_t)curr_dl);
-             GC_dl_entries--;
-             curr_dl = next_dl;
-         } else {
-             prev_dl = curr_dl;
-             curr_dl = dl_next(curr_dl);
-         }
-       }
-     }
-   /* Mark all objects reachable via chains of 1 or more pointers      */
-   /* from finalizable objects.                                                
-     GC_ASSERT(GC_mark_state == MS_NONE);
-     for (i = 0; i < fo_size; i++) {
-       for (curr_fo = fo_head[i]; curr_fo != 0; curr_fo = fo_next(curr_fo)) {
-         real_ptr = (ptr_t)REVEAL_POINTER(curr_fo -> fo_hidden_base);
-         if (!GC_is_marked(real_ptr)) {
-           GC_MARKED_FOR_FINALIZATION(real_ptr);
-             GC_MARK_FO(real_ptr, curr_fo -> fo_mark_proc);
-             if (GC_is_marked(real_ptr)) {
-                 WARN("Finalization cycle involving %lx\n", real_ptr);
-             }
-         }
-       }
-     }
-   /* Enqueue for finalization all objects that are still              */
-   /* unreachable.                                                     */
-     GC_words_finalized = 0;
-     for (i = 0; i < fo_size; i++) {
-       curr_fo = fo_head[i];
-       prev_fo = 0;
-       while (curr_fo != 0) {
-         real_ptr = (ptr_t)REVEAL_POINTER(curr_fo -> fo_hidden_base);
-         if (!GC_is_marked(real_ptr)) {
-           if (!GC_java_finalization) {
-               GC_set_mark_bit(real_ptr);
-           }
-             /* Delete from hash table */
-               next_fo = fo_next(curr_fo);
-               if (prev_fo == 0) {
-                 fo_head[i] = next_fo;
-               } else {
-                 fo_set_next(prev_fo, next_fo);
-               }
-               GC_fo_entries--;
-             /* Add to list of objects awaiting finalization.  */
-               fo_set_next(curr_fo, GC_finalize_now);
-               GC_finalize_now = curr_fo;
-               /* unhide object pointer so any future collections will */
-               /* see it.                                              */
-               curr_fo -> fo_hidden_base = 
-                               (word) REVEAL_POINTER(curr_fo -> 
-               GC_words_finalized +=
-                       ALIGNED_WORDS(curr_fo -> fo_object_size)
-                               + ALIGNED_WORDS(sizeof(struct 
-           GC_ASSERT(GC_is_marked(GC_base((ptr_t)curr_fo)));
-             curr_fo = next_fo;
-         } else {
-             prev_fo = curr_fo;
-             curr_fo = fo_next(curr_fo);
-         }
-       }
-     }
-   if (GC_java_finalization) {
-     /* make sure we mark everything reachable from objects finalized
-        using the no_order mark_proc */
-       for (curr_fo = GC_finalize_now; 
-        curr_fo != NULL; curr_fo = fo_next(curr_fo)) {
-       real_ptr = (ptr_t)curr_fo -> fo_hidden_base;
-       if (!GC_is_marked(real_ptr)) {
-           if (curr_fo -> fo_mark_proc == GC_null_finalize_mark_proc) {
-               GC_MARK_FO(real_ptr, GC_normal_finalize_mark_proc);
-           }
-           GC_set_mark_bit(real_ptr);
-       }
-       }
-   }
-   /* Remove dangling disappearing links. */
-     for (i = 0; i < dl_size; i++) {
-       curr_dl = dl_head[i];
-       prev_dl = 0;
-       while (curr_dl != 0) {
-         real_link = GC_base((ptr_t)REVEAL_POINTER(curr_dl -> dl_hidden_link));
-         if (real_link != 0 && !GC_is_marked(real_link)) {
-             next_dl = dl_next(curr_dl);
-             if (prev_dl == 0) {
-                 dl_head[i] = next_dl;
-             } else {
-                 dl_set_next(prev_dl, next_dl);
-             }
-             GC_clear_mark_bit((ptr_t)curr_dl);
-             GC_dl_entries--;
-             curr_dl = next_dl;
-         } else {
-             prev_dl = curr_dl;
-             curr_dl = dl_next(curr_dl);
-         }
-       }
-     }
- }
- /* Enqueue all remaining finalizers to be run - Assumes lock is
-  * held, and signals are disabled */
- void GC_enqueue_all_finalizers()
- {
-     struct finalizable_object * curr_fo, * prev_fo, * next_fo;
-     ptr_t real_ptr;
-     register int i;
-     int fo_size;
-     fo_size = (log_fo_table_size == -1 ) ? 0 : (1 << log_fo_table_size);
-     GC_words_finalized = 0;
-     for (i = 0; i < fo_size; i++) {
-         curr_fo = fo_head[i];
-         prev_fo = 0;
-       while (curr_fo != 0) {
-           real_ptr = (ptr_t)REVEAL_POINTER(curr_fo -> fo_hidden_base);
-           GC_MARK_FO(real_ptr, GC_normal_finalize_mark_proc);
-           GC_set_mark_bit(real_ptr);
-           /* Delete from hash table */
-           next_fo = fo_next(curr_fo);
-           if (prev_fo == 0) {
-               fo_head[i] = next_fo;
-           } else {
-               fo_set_next(prev_fo, next_fo);
-           }
-           GC_fo_entries--;
-           /* Add to list of objects awaiting finalization.    */
-           fo_set_next(curr_fo, GC_finalize_now);
-           GC_finalize_now = curr_fo;
-           /* unhide object pointer so any future collections will     */
-           /* see it.                                          */
-           curr_fo -> fo_hidden_base = 
-                       (word) REVEAL_POINTER(curr_fo -> fo_hidden_base);
-           GC_words_finalized +=
-               ALIGNED_WORDS(curr_fo -> fo_object_size)
-                       + ALIGNED_WORDS(sizeof(struct finalizable_object));
-           curr_fo = next_fo;
-         }
-     }
-     return;
- }
- /* Invoke all remaining finalizers that haven't yet been run. 
-  * This is needed for strict compliance with the Java standard, 
-  * which can make the runtime guarantee that all finalizers are run.
-  * Unfortunately, the Java standard implies we have to keep running
-  * finalizers until there are no more left, a potential infinite loop.
-  * YUCK.
-  * Note that this is even more dangerous than the usual Java
-  * finalizers, in that objects reachable from static variables
-  * may have been finalized when these finalizers are run.
-  * Finalizers run at this point must be prepared to deal with a
-  * mostly broken world.
-  * This routine is externally callable, so is called without 
-  * the allocation lock. 
-  */
- GC_API void GC_finalize_all()
- {
-     LOCK();
-     while (GC_fo_entries > 0) {
-       GC_enqueue_all_finalizers();
-       UNLOCK();
-       LOCK();
-     }
-     UNLOCK();
- }
- #endif
- /* Returns true if it is worth calling GC_invoke_finalizers. (Useful if       
- /* finalizers can only be called from some kind of `safe state' and   */
- /* getting into that safe state is expensive.)                                
- int GC_should_invoke_finalizers GC_PROTO((void))
- {
-     return GC_finalize_now != 0;
- }
- /* Invoke finalizers for all objects that are ready to be finalized.  */
- /* Should be called without allocation lock.                          */
- int GC_invoke_finalizers()
- {
-     struct finalizable_object * curr_fo;
-     int count = 0;
-     word mem_freed_before;
-     GC_bool first_time = TRUE;
-     while (GC_finalize_now != 0) {
- #     ifdef THREADS
-           DISABLE_SIGNALS();
-           LOCK();
- #     endif
-       if (first_time) {
-           mem_freed_before = GC_mem_freed;
-           first_time = FALSE;
-       }
-       curr_fo = GC_finalize_now;
- #     ifdef THREADS
-           if (curr_fo != 0) GC_finalize_now = fo_next(curr_fo);
-           UNLOCK();
-           ENABLE_SIGNALS();
-           if (curr_fo == 0) break;
- #     else
-           GC_finalize_now = fo_next(curr_fo);
- #     endif
-       fo_set_next(curr_fo, 0);
-       (*(curr_fo -> fo_fn))((ptr_t)(curr_fo -> fo_hidden_base),
-                             curr_fo -> fo_client_data);
-       curr_fo -> fo_client_data = 0;
-       ++count;
- #     ifdef UNDEFINED
-           /* This is probably a bad idea.  It throws off accounting if */
-           /* nearly all objects are finalizable.  O.w. it shouldn't    */
-           /* matter.                                                   */
-           GC_free((GC_PTR)curr_fo);
- #     endif
-     }
-     if (mem_freed_before != GC_mem_freed) {
-         LOCK();
-       GC_finalizer_mem_freed += (GC_mem_freed - mem_freed_before);
-       UNLOCK();
-     }
-     return count;
- }
- void (* GC_finalizer_notifier)() = (void (*) GC_PROTO((void)))0;
- static GC_word last_finalizer_notification = 0;
- void GC_notify_or_invoke_finalizers GC_PROTO((void))
- {
-     if (GC_finalize_now == 0) return;
-     if (!GC_finalize_on_demand) {
-       (void) GC_invoke_finalizers();
- #     ifndef THREADS
-         GC_ASSERT(GC_finalize_now == 0);
- #     endif   /* Otherwise GC can run concurrently and add more */
-       return;
-     }
-     if (GC_finalizer_notifier != (void (*) GC_PROTO((void)))0
-       && last_finalizer_notification != GC_gc_no) {
-       last_finalizer_notification = GC_gc_no;
-       GC_finalizer_notifier();
-     }
- }
- # ifdef __STDC__
-     GC_PTR GC_call_with_alloc_lock(GC_fn_type fn,
-                                        GC_PTR client_data)
- # else
-     GC_PTR GC_call_with_alloc_lock(fn, client_data)
-     GC_fn_type fn;
-     GC_PTR client_data;
- # endif
- {
-     GC_PTR result;
- #   ifdef THREADS
-       LOCK();
-       SET_LOCK_HOLDER();
- #   endif
-     result = (*fn)(client_data);
- #   ifdef THREADS
- #     ifndef GC_ASSERTIONS
-         UNSET_LOCK_HOLDER();
- #     endif /* o.w. UNLOCK() does it implicitly */
-       UNLOCK();
- #   endif
-     return(result);
- }
- #if !defined(NO_DEBUGGING)
- void GC_print_finalization_stats()
- {
-     struct finalizable_object *fo = GC_finalize_now;
-     size_t ready = 0;
-     GC_printf2("%lu finalization table entries; %lu disappearing links\n",
-              GC_fo_entries, GC_dl_entries);
-     for (; 0 != fo; fo = fo_next(fo)) ++ready;
-     GC_printf1("%lu objects are eligible for immediate finalization\n", 
- }
- #endif /* NO_DEBUGGING */
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