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[elpa] externals/hyperbole 9e13b43 02/25: hui-select.el and hyperbole.el

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/hyperbole 9e13b43 02/25: hui-select.el and hyperbole.el reformatting; no logic changes
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2020 10:29:25 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/hyperbole
commit 9e13b4396a4860e14367fc31d3ec440725b09650
Author: Bob Weiner <rsw@gnu.org>
Commit: Bob Weiner <rsw@gnu.org>

    hui-select.el and hyperbole.el reformatting; no logic changes
 hui-select.el | 1331 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 hyperbole.el  |    4 +-
 2 files changed, 668 insertions(+), 667 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hui-select.el b/hui-select.el
index 5fa90de..282527e 100644
--- a/hui-select.el
+++ b/hui-select.el
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
 (defcustom hui-select-indent-modes
   (append '(altmath-mode asm-mode csh-mode eiffel-mode ksh-mode
                          math-mode miranda-mode python-mode pascal-mode 
-             hui-select-text-modes)
+         hui-select-text-modes)
   "*List of language major modes that use indentation mostly to define 
syntactic structure."
   :type '(repeat (function :tag "Mode"))
   :group 'hyperbole-commands)
@@ -219,26 +219,26 @@ The non-nil value returned is the function to call to 
select that syntactic unit
     (or (numberp pos) (setq pos (point)))
     (setq hui-select-previous 'char)
     (let* ((syntax (char-syntax (or (char-after pos) (char-before pos))))
-              (pair (assq syntax hui-select-syntax-alist)))
+          (pair (assq syntax hui-select-syntax-alist)))
       (and pair (or hui-select-whitespace (not (eq (cdr pair) 
-              ;; Ignore matches that are preceded by '\' as a quote, e.g. ?\'
-              (or (not (char-after pos))
-                  (= pos (point-min))
-                  (and (char-before pos) (/= ?\\ (char-before pos))))
-              (cdr pair)))))
+          ;; Ignore matches that are preceded by '\' as a quote, e.g. ?\'
+          (or (not (char-after pos))
+              (= pos (point-min))
+              (and (char-before pos) (/= ?\\ (char-before pos))))
+          (cdr pair)))))
 (defun hui-select-goto-matching-delimiter ()
   "Jump back and forth between the start and end delimiters of a thing."
   (cond ((memq major-mode hui-select-markup-modes)
-            (hui-select-goto-matching-tag))
-           ((and (preceding-char) (or (= ?\) (char-syntax (preceding-char)))
-                                                  (= ?\" (preceding-char))))
-            (backward-sexp))
-           ((and (following-char) (or (= ?\( (char-syntax (following-char)))
-                                                  (= ?\" (following-char))))
-            (forward-sexp))))
+        (hui-select-goto-matching-tag))
+       ((and (preceding-char) (or (= ?\) (char-syntax (preceding-char)))
+                                  (= ?\" (preceding-char))))
+        (backward-sexp))
+       ((and (following-char) (or (= ?\( (char-syntax (following-char)))
+                                  (= ?\" (following-char))))
+        (forward-sexp))))
 (defun hui-select-initialize ()
@@ -247,33 +247,32 @@ Also, add language-specific syntax setups to aid in thing 
   (unless (boundp 'hyperbole-loading)
     (require 'hyperbole))
-  (if hkey-init
-      (progn
-           (transient-mark-mode 1)
-           (hkey-global-set-key [double-down-mouse-1] nil)
-           (hkey-global-set-key [double-mouse-1] 'hui-select-thing-with-mouse)
-           (hkey-global-set-key [triple-down-mouse-1] nil)
-           (hkey-global-set-key [triple-mouse-1] 
+  (when hkey-init
+    (transient-mark-mode 1)
+    (hkey-global-set-key [double-down-mouse-1] nil)
+    (hkey-global-set-key [double-mouse-1] 'hui-select-thing-with-mouse)
+    (hkey-global-set-key [triple-down-mouse-1] nil)
+    (hkey-global-set-key [triple-mouse-1] 'hui-select-thing-with-mouse))
   ;; These hooks let you select C++ and Java methods and classes by
   ;; double-clicking on the first character of a definition or on its
   ;; opening or closing brace.  This is all necessary since some
   ;; programmers don't put their function braces in the first column.
   (var:add-and-run-hook 'java-mode-hook (lambda ()
-                                                             (setq 
-                                                                       "^[ 
\t]*\\)\\(\\s-*\\<throws\\>\\s-*\\(\\([_$a-zA-Z][_$.a-zA-Z0-9]*\\)[, \t\n\r\f 
+                                         (setq defun-prompt-regexp
+                                               "^[ 
   (var:add-and-run-hook 'c++-mode-hook (lambda ()
-                                                            (setq 
-                                                                  "^[ 
+                                        (setq defun-prompt-regexp
+                                              "^[ 
   ;; Match to Lisp symbols with : in their names, often included in help 
   (var:add-and-run-hook 'help-mode-hook (lambda () (modify-syntax-entry ?:  
"_"  help-mode-syntax-table)))
   ;; Allow for marking and moving brace delimited groups.
   (var:add-and-run-hook 'lisp-mode-hook
-                                   (lambda ()
-                                     (modify-syntax-entry ?\{ "\(\}" 
-                                     (modify-syntax-entry ?\} "\)\{" 
+                       (lambda ()
+                         (modify-syntax-entry ?\{ "\(\}" 
+                         (modify-syntax-entry ?\} "\)\{" 
   ;; This hook makes tags, comments, sentences and text blocks
   ;; selectable in SGML-related modes.
@@ -287,32 +286,32 @@ Also, add language-specific syntax setups to aid in thing 
                   syntax-table-sym (intern (concat mode-str "-syntax-table"))
                   keymap-sym (intern (concat mode-str "-map")))
             (var:add-and-run-hook hook-sym
-                                             `(lambda ()
+                                 `(lambda ()
                                      (let ((syntax-table (symbol-value 
                                            (keymap (symbol-value 
-                                                  (modify-syntax-entry ?<  
"(>" syntax-table)
-                                                  (modify-syntax-entry ?>  
")<" syntax-table)
-                                                  (modify-syntax-entry ?\{ 
"\(\}" syntax-table)
-                                                  (modify-syntax-entry ?\} 
"\)\{" syntax-table)
-                                                  (modify-syntax-entry ?\" 
"\"" syntax-table)
-                                                  (modify-syntax-entry ?=  "." 
-                                                  (modify-syntax-entry ?.  "_" 
-                                                  (setq sentence-end "\\([^ 
\t\n\r>]<\\|>\\(<[^>]*>\\)*\\|[.?!][]\"')}]*\\($\\| $\\|\t\\|  \\)\\)[ \t\n]*")
-                                                  (define-key keymap "\C-c." 
+                                      (modify-syntax-entry ?<  "(>" 
+                                      (modify-syntax-entry ?>  ")<" 
+                                      (modify-syntax-entry ?\{ "\(\}" 
+                                      (modify-syntax-entry ?\} "\)\{" 
+                                      (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" 
+                                      (modify-syntax-entry ?=  "."  
+                                      (modify-syntax-entry ?.  "_"  
+                                      (setq sentence-end "\\([^ 
\t\n\r>]<\\|>\\(<[^>]*>\\)*\\|[.?!][]\"')}]*\\($\\| $\\|\t\\|  \\)\\)[ \t\n]*")
+                                      (define-key keymap "\C-c." 
             (unless (eq mode 'web-mode)
                hook-sym (lambda ()
-                                     (make-local-variable 'comment-start)
-                                     (make-local-variable 'comment-end)
-                                     (setq comment-start "<!--" comment-end 
-                                     (make-local-variable 'sentence-end)))))
+                         (make-local-variable 'comment-start)
+                         (make-local-variable 'comment-end)
+                         (setq comment-start "<!--" comment-end "-->")
+                         (make-local-variable 'sentence-end)))))
 (defun hui-select-get-region-boundaries ()
   "Return the (START . END) boundaries of region for `hui-select-thing'."
   (or (hui-select-boundaries (point))
       (when (eq hui-select-previous 'punctuation)
-           (hui-select-word (point)))))
+       (hui-select-word (point)))))
 (defun hui-select-get-region ()
@@ -329,26 +328,26 @@ If `hui-select-display-type' is non-nil and this is called
 interactively, the type of selection is displayed in the minibuffer."
    (cond ((and (fboundp 'use-region-p) (use-region-p))
-             nil)
-            ((and (boundp 'transient-mark-mode) transient-mark-mode 
-             nil)
-            (t
-             ;; Reset selection based on the syntax of character at point.
-             (hui-select-reset)
-             nil)))
+         nil)
+        ((and (boundp 'transient-mark-mode) transient-mark-mode mark-active)
+         nil)
+        (t
+         ;; Reset selection based on the syntax of character at point.
+         (hui-select-reset)
+         nil)))
   (let ((region (hui-select-get-region-boundaries)))
     (unless region
       (when (eq hui-select-previous 'punctuation)
-           (setq region (hui-select-word (point)))))
+       (setq region (hui-select-word (point)))))
     (when region
       (goto-char (car region))
       (set-mark (cdr region))
       (when (fboundp 'activate-region) (activate-region))
       (when (and (boundp 'transient-mark-mode)
-                    transient-mark-mode)
-           (setq mark-active t))
+                transient-mark-mode)
+       (setq mark-active t))
       (and (called-interactively-p 'interactive) hui-select-display-type
-              (message "%s" hui-select-previous))
+          (message "%s" hui-select-previous))
       (run-hooks 'hui-select-thing-hook)
@@ -362,18 +361,18 @@ displayed in the minibuffer."
   (interactive "@e")
   (mouse-set-point event)
   (cond ((and (eq hui-select-prior-point (point))
-                 (eq hui-select-prior-buffer (current-buffer)))
-            ;; Prior click was at the same point as before, so enlarge
-            ;; selection to the next bigger item.
-            (let ((select-active-regions t)) ;; Automatically copy active
-              ;; region to PRIMARY inter-program selection.
-              (when (hui-select-bigger-thing)
-                (and (called-interactively-p 'interactive) 
-                         (message "%s" hui-select-previous))))
-            t)
-           (t (setq this-command 'mouse-start-selection)
-              (hui-select-reset)
-              (hui-select-thing-with-mouse event))))
+             (eq hui-select-prior-buffer (current-buffer)))
+        ;; Prior click was at the same point as before, so enlarge
+        ;; selection to the next bigger item.
+        (let ((select-active-regions t)) ;; Automatically copy active
+          ;; region to PRIMARY inter-program selection.
+          (when (hui-select-bigger-thing)
+            (and (called-interactively-p 'interactive) hui-select-display-type
+                 (message "%s" hui-select-previous))))
+        t)
+       (t (setq this-command 'mouse-start-selection)
+          (hui-select-reset)
+          (hui-select-thing-with-mouse event))))
 (defun hui-select-goto-matching-tag ()
@@ -384,13 +383,13 @@ does not have a `>' terminator character."
   (when (memq major-mode hui-select-markup-modes)
     (let ((result)
-             ;; Assume case of tag names is irrelevant.
-             (case-fold-search t)
-             (opoint (point))
-             (tag)
-             end-point
-             start-regexp
-             end-regexp)
+         ;; Assume case of tag names is irrelevant.
+         (case-fold-search t)
+         (opoint (point))
+         (tag)
+         end-point
+         start-regexp
+         end-regexp)
       ;; Leave point at the start of the tag that point is within or that
       ;; follows point.
@@ -399,100 +398,102 @@ does not have a `>' terminator character."
        ((looking-at "<[^<> \t\n\r]"))
        ;; Point was within a tag.
        ((and (re-search-backward "[<>]" nil t)
-                (looking-at "<[^<> \t\n\r]")))
+            (looking-at "<[^<> \t\n\r]")))
        ;; Move to following tag.
        ((and (re-search-forward "<" nil t)
-                (progn (backward-char 1)
-                           (looking-at "<[^<> \t\n\r]"))))
+            (progn (backward-char 1)
+                   (looking-at "<[^<> \t\n\r]"))))
        ;; No tag follows point.
        (t (error "(hui-select-goto-matching-tag): No tag found after point")))
       (if (catch 'done
-               (cond
-                ;; Beginning of a tag pair
-                ((looking-at "<[^/][^<> \t\n\r]*")
-                 (setq tag (match-string 0)
-                           start-regexp (regexp-quote tag)
-                           end-regexp   (concat "</" (substring start-regexp 
-                 ;; Skip over nested tags.
-                 (let ((count 0)
-                           (regexp (concat start-regexp "\\|" end-regexp))
-                           match-point)
-                       (while (and (>= count 0)
-                                       (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
-                         (setq match-point (match-beginning 0))
-                         (if (/= (char-after (1+ (match-beginning 0))) ?/)
-                             ;; Start tag
-                             (setq count (1+ count))
-                           ;; End tag
-                           (setq end-point (point))
-                           (if (or (not (re-search-forward "[<>]" nil t))
-                                       (= (preceding-char) ?<))
-                                   ;; No terminator character `>' for end tag
-                                   (progn (setq result end-point)
-                                          (throw 'done nil)))
-                           (setq count (1- count))
-                           (when (zerop count)
-                             (goto-char match-point)
-                             (setq result t)
-                             (throw 'done result))))))
-                ;;
-                ;; End of a tag pair
-                ((or (looking-at "</[^\> \t\n\r]+")
-                         (and (skip-chars-backward "<")
-                              (looking-at "</[^\> \t\n\r]+")))
-                 (goto-char (match-end 0))
-                 (setq tag (match-string 0)
-                           end-regexp (regexp-quote tag)
-                           start-regexp   (concat "<" (substring end-regexp 
-                 (setq end-point (point))
-                 (when (or (not (re-search-forward "[<>]" nil t))
-                                   (= (preceding-char) ?<))
-                       ;; No terminator character `>' for end tag
-                       (setq result end-point)
-                       (throw 'done nil))
-                 ;; Skip over nested tags.
-                 (let ((count 0)
-                           (regexp (concat start-regexp "\\|" end-regexp)))
-                       (while (and (>= count 0)
-                                       (re-search-backward regexp nil t))
-                         (if (= (char-after (1+ (point))) ?/)
-                             ;; End tag
-                             (setq count (1+ count))
-                           ;; Start tag
-                           (setq count (1- count))
-                           (when (zerop count)
-                             (setq result t)
-                             (throw 'done t))))))))
-             nil
-           ;; Didn't find matching tag.
-           (goto-char opoint))
+           (cond
+            ;; Beginning of a tag pair
+            ((looking-at "<[^/][^<> \t\n\r]*")
+             (setq tag (match-string 0)
+                   start-regexp (regexp-quote tag)
+                   end-regexp   (concat "</" (substring start-regexp 1)))
+             ;; Skip over nested tags.
+             (let ((count 0)
+                   (regexp (concat start-regexp "\\|" end-regexp))
+                   match-point)
+               (while (and (>= count 0)
+                           (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
+                 (setq match-point (match-beginning 0))
+                 (if (/= (char-after (1+ (match-beginning 0))) ?/)
+                     ;; Start tag
+                     (setq count (1+ count))
+                   ;; End tag
+                   (setq end-point (point))
+                   (if (or (not (re-search-forward "[<>]" nil t))
+                           (= (preceding-char) ?<))
+                       ;; No terminator character `>' for end tag
+                       (progn (setq result end-point)
+                              (throw 'done nil)))
+                   (setq count (1- count))
+                   (when (zerop count)
+                     (goto-char match-point)
+                     (setq result t)
+                     (throw 'done result))))))
+            ;;
+            ;; End of a tag pair
+            ((or (looking-at "</[^\> \t\n\r]+")
+                 (and (skip-chars-backward "<")
+                      (looking-at "</[^\> \t\n\r]+")))
+             (goto-char (match-end 0))
+             (setq tag (match-string 0)
+                   end-regexp (regexp-quote tag)
+                   start-regexp   (concat "<" (substring end-regexp 2)))
+             (setq end-point (point))
+             (when (or (not (re-search-forward "[<>]" nil t))
+                       (= (preceding-char) ?<))
+               ;; No terminator character `>' for end tag
+               (setq result end-point)
+               (throw 'done nil))
+             ;; Skip over nested tags.
+             (let ((count 0)
+                   (regexp (concat start-regexp "\\|" end-regexp)))
+               (while (and (>= count 0)
+                           (re-search-backward regexp nil t))
+                 (if (= (char-after (1+ (point))) ?/)
+                     ;; End tag
+                     (setq count (1+ count))
+                   ;; Start tag
+                   (setq count (1- count))
+                   (when (zerop count)
+                     (setq result t)
+                     (throw 'done t))))))))
+         nil
+       ;; Didn't find matching tag.
+       (goto-char opoint))
       (cond ((integerp result)
-                (goto-char result)
-                (error "(hui-select-goto-matching-tag): Add a terminator 
character for this end <tag>"))
-               ((null tag)
-                (error "(hui-select-goto-matching-tag): No <tag> following 
-               ((null result)
-                (when (called-interactively-p 'interactive)
-                  (beep)
-                  (message "(hui-select-goto-matching-tag): No matching tag 
for %s>" tag)
-                  result))
-               (t result)))))
+            (goto-char result)
+            (error "(hui-select-goto-matching-tag): Add a terminator character 
for this end <tag>"))
+           ((null tag)
+            (error "(hui-select-goto-matching-tag): No <tag> following point"))
+           ((null result)
+            (when (called-interactively-p 'interactive)
+              (beep)
+              (message "(hui-select-goto-matching-tag): No matching tag for 
%s>" tag)
+              result))
+           (t result)))))
 (defun hui-select-and-copy-thing ()
   "Copy the region surrounding the syntactical unit at point."
   (let ((bounds (hui-select-boundaries (point))))
-    (if bounds (copy-region-as-kill (car bounds) (cdr bounds)))))
+    (when bounds
+      (copy-region-as-kill (car bounds) (cdr bounds)))))
 (defun hui-select-and-kill-thing ()
   "Kill the region surrounding the syntactical unit at point."
   (interactive "*")
   (let ((bounds (hui-select-boundaries (point))))
-    (if bounds (kill-region (car bounds) (cdr bounds)))))
+    (when bounds
+      (kill-region (car bounds) (cdr bounds)))))
@@ -510,10 +511,10 @@ The character at POS is selected if no other thing is 
      ((eq hui-select-previous 'char)
       (hui-select-syntactical-region pos))
      ((and (car hui-select-old-region)
-              (memq hui-select-previous
-                        '(sexp sexp-start sexp-end sexp-up))
-              (hui-select-sexp-up pos)
-              (hui-select-region-bigger-p hui-select-old-region 
+          (memq hui-select-previous
+                '(sexp sexp-start sexp-end sexp-up))
+          (hui-select-sexp-up pos)
+          (hui-select-region-bigger-p hui-select-old-region hui-select-region))
      ;; In the general case, we can't know ahead of time what the next
@@ -521,42 +522,42 @@ The character at POS is selected if no other thing is 
      ;; the best fit.  This means that dynamically, the order of type
      ;; selection will change based on the buffer context.
      (t (let ((min-region (1+ (- (point-max) (point-min))))
-                 (result)
-                 region region-size)
-             (mapc
-              (lambda (sym-func)
-                (setq region
-                          (if (car (cdr sym-func))
-                              (funcall (car (cdr sym-func)) pos)))
-                (if (and region (car region)
-                             (hui-select-region-bigger-p
-                              hui-select-old-region region)
-                             (setq region-size
-                                       (- (cdr region) (car region)))
-                             (< region-size min-region))
-                        (setq min-region region-size
-                              result
-                              (list
-                                   ;; The actual selection type is
-                                   ;; sometimes different than the one we
-                                   ;; originally tried, so recompute it here.
-                                   (car (assq hui-select-previous
-                                                  hui-select-bigger-alist))
-                                   (car region) (cdr region)))))
-              hui-select-bigger-alist)
-             (if result
-                 ;; Returns hui-select-region
-                 (progn (setq hui-select-previous (car result))
-                            (hui-select-set-region (nth 1 result) (nth 2 
-               ;;
-               ;; Restore prior selection type since we failed to find a
-               ;; new one.
-               (setq hui-select-previous prior-type)
-               (beep)
-               (message
-                "(hui-select-boundaries): `%s' is the largest selectable 
-                hui-select-previous)
-               nil))))))
+             (result)
+             region region-size)
+         (mapc
+          (lambda (sym-func)
+            (setq region
+                  (when (car (cdr sym-func))
+                    (funcall (car (cdr sym-func)) pos)))
+            (when (and region (car region)
+                       (hui-select-region-bigger-p
+                        hui-select-old-region region)
+                       (setq region-size
+                             (- (cdr region) (car region)))
+                       (< region-size min-region))
+              (setq min-region region-size
+                    result
+                    (list
+                     ;; The actual selection type is
+                     ;; sometimes different than the one we
+                     ;; originally tried, so recompute it here.
+                     (car (assq hui-select-previous
+                                hui-select-bigger-alist))
+                     (car region) (cdr region)))))
+          hui-select-bigger-alist)
+         (if result
+             ;; Returns hui-select-region
+             (progn (setq hui-select-previous (car result))
+                    (hui-select-set-region (nth 1 result) (nth 2 result)))
+           ;;
+           ;; Restore prior selection type since we failed to find a
+           ;; new one.
+           (setq hui-select-previous prior-type)
+           (beep)
+           (message
+            "(hui-select-boundaries): `%s' is the largest selectable region"
+            hui-select-previous)
+           nil))))))
 (defun hui-select-double-click-hook (event click-count)
@@ -565,9 +566,9 @@ If the double-click occurs at the same point as the last 
double-click, select
 the next larger syntactic structure.  If `hui-select-display-type' is non-nil,
 the type of selection is displayed in the minibuffer."
   (cond ((/= click-count 2)
-            ;; Return nil so any other hooks are performed.
-            nil)
-           (t (hui-select-thing-with-mouse event))))
+        ;; Return nil so any other hooks are performed.
+        nil)
+       (t (hui-select-thing-with-mouse event))))
 (defun hui-select-syntactical-region (pos)
   "Return the (start . end) of a syntactically defined region based upon the 
buffer position POS.
@@ -592,14 +593,14 @@ If an error occurs during syntax scanning, it returns 
   (if (save-excursion (goto-char pos) (eolp))
       (hui-select-line pos)
     (let* ((syntax (char-syntax (or (char-after pos) (char-before pos))))
-              (pair (assq syntax hui-select-syntax-alist)))
+          (pair (assq syntax hui-select-syntax-alist)))
       (cond ((and pair
-                         (or hui-select-whitespace
-                             (not (eq (cdr pair) 'hui-select-whitespace))))
-                (funcall (cdr pair) pos))
-               (hui-select-char-p
-                (setq hui-select-previous 'char)
-                (hui-select-set-region pos (1+ pos)))))))
+                 (or hui-select-whitespace
+                     (not (eq (cdr pair) 'hui-select-whitespace))))
+            (funcall (cdr pair) pos))
+           (hui-select-char-p
+            (setq hui-select-previous 'char)
+            (hui-select-set-region pos (1+ pos)))))))
 (defun hui-select-at-delimited-thing-p ()
   "Return non-nil if point is at a markup pair, list, array/vector, set, 
comment or string, else nil.
@@ -609,14 +610,14 @@ Ignores any match if on an Emacs button and instead 
returns nil."
   (unless (button-at (point))
     (setq hkey-value (hui-select-delimited-thing-call #'hui-select-at-p))
     (cond ((eq hkey-value 'hui-select-punctuation)
-              (if (hui-select-comment (point))
-                  (setq hkey-value #'hui-select-comment)
-                ;; Else here used to be `hkey-value' but then we are returning 
-                ;; value for any punctuation character without knowing if
-                ;; it is part of a delimited thing.  Nil should be the
-                ;; right thing here.
-                nil))
-             (t hkey-value))))
+          (if (hui-select-comment (point))
+              (setq hkey-value #'hui-select-comment)
+            ;; Else here used to be `hkey-value' but then we are returning a
+            ;; value for any punctuation character without knowing if
+            ;; it is part of a delimited thing.  Nil should be the
+            ;; right thing here.
+            nil))
+         (t hkey-value))))
 (defun hui-select-delimited-thing ()
   "Select a markup pair, list, array/vector, set, comment or string at point 
and return t, else nil."
@@ -624,23 +625,23 @@ Ignores any match if on an Emacs button and instead 
returns nil."
   (prog1 (and (hui-select-delimited-thing-call #'hui-select-thing) t)
     ;; If selected region is followed by only whitespace and then a
     ;; newline, add the newline to the region.
-    (if (use-region-p)
-           (if (> (mark) (point))
-               (save-excursion
-                 (goto-char (mark))
-                 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
-                 (and (char-after) (= ?\n (char-after))
-                          (set-mark (1+ (point)))))
-             (if (looking-at "[ \t]*\n")
-                 (goto-char (match-end 0)))))))
+    (when (use-region-p)
+      (if (> (mark) (point))
+         (save-excursion
+           (goto-char (mark))
+           (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+           (and (char-after) (= ?\n (char-after))
+                (set-mark (1+ (point)))))
+       (when (looking-at "[ \t]*\n")
+         (goto-char (match-end 0)))))))
 (defun hui-select-at-delimited-sexp-p ()
   (unless (eolp)
     (let ((syn-before (if (char-before) (char-syntax (char-before)) 0))
-             (syn-after  (if (char-after)  (char-syntax (char-after)) 0)))
+         (syn-after  (if (char-after)  (char-syntax (char-after)) 0)))
       (or (and (/= syn-before ?\\) (or (= syn-after ?\() (= syn-after ?\))))
-             (and (= syn-before ?\)) (char-before (1- (point)))
-                  (/= ?\\ (char-syntax (char-before (1- (point))))))))))
+         (and (= syn-before ?\)) (char-before (1- (point)))
+              (/= ?\\ (char-syntax (char-before (1- (point))))))))))
 (defun hui-select-mark-delimited-sexp ()
   "If point is before or after an sexp and not at an end of line, then 
deactivate the mark and mark the sexp.
@@ -649,23 +650,23 @@ Return t if marked, nil otherwise.  If any error occurs 
such as
   (let ((mark-sexp-func (lambda ()
-                                     (if (region-active-p) (deactivate-mark))
-                                     (mark-sexp) t)))
+                         (when (region-active-p) (deactivate-mark))
+                         (mark-sexp) t)))
     (condition-case nil
-           (let ((syn-after (char-syntax (char-after)))
-                 syn-before)
-             (cond ((eq syn-after ?\()
-                        (funcall mark-sexp-func))
-                       ((eq syn-after ?\))
-                        (forward-char 1)
-                        (backward-sexp)
-                        (funcall mark-sexp-func))
-                       ((and (not (eolp))
-                             (setq syn-before (char-syntax (char-before)))
-                             (eq syn-before ?\)))
-                        (backward-sexp)
-                        (funcall mark-sexp-func))))
-         (error nil))))
+       (let ((syn-after (char-syntax (char-after)))
+             syn-before)
+         (cond ((eq syn-after ?\()
+                (funcall mark-sexp-func))
+               ((eq syn-after ?\))
+                (forward-char 1)
+                (backward-sexp)
+                (funcall mark-sexp-func))
+               ((and (not (eolp))
+                     (setq syn-before (char-syntax (char-before)))
+                     (eq syn-before ?\)))
+                (backward-sexp)
+                (funcall mark-sexp-func))))
+      (error nil))))
 ;;; ************************************************************************
 ;;; Private functions
@@ -675,23 +676,23 @@ Return t if marked, nil otherwise.  If any error occurs 
such as
   "Return non-nil if on a blank line or a comment start or end line.
 Assumes point is before any non-whitespace character on the line."
   (let ((comment-end-p (and (stringp comment-end)
-                                       (not (string-equal comment-end "")))))
+                           (not (string-equal comment-end "")))))
     (if (looking-at
-            (concat "\\s-*$\\|\\s-*\\(//\\|/\\*\\|.*\\*/"
-                        (if comment-start
-                            (concat
-                             "\\|" (regexp-quote comment-start)))
-                        (if comment-end-p
-                            (concat
-                             "\\|.*" (regexp-quote comment-end)))
-                        "\\)"))
-           (or (not (and comment-start comment-end-p))
-               ;; Ignore start and end of comments that
-               ;; follow non-commented text.
-               (not (looking-at
-                         (format ".*\\S-.*%s.*%s"
-                                     (regexp-quote comment-start)
-                                     (regexp-quote comment-end))))))))
+        (concat "\\s-*$\\|\\s-*\\(//\\|/\\*\\|.*\\*/"
+                (if comment-start
+                    (concat
+                     "\\|" (regexp-quote comment-start)))
+                (if comment-end-p
+                    (concat
+                     "\\|.*" (regexp-quote comment-end)))
+                "\\)"))
+       (or (not (and comment-start comment-end-p))
+           ;; Ignore start and end of comments that
+           ;; follow non-commented text.
+           (not (looking-at
+                 (format ".*\\S-.*%s.*%s"
+                         (regexp-quote comment-start)
+                         (regexp-quote comment-end))))))))
 (defun hui-select-back-to-indentation ()
   "Move point to the first non-whitespace character on this line and return 
@@ -699,9 +700,9 @@ This respects the current syntax table definition of 
whitespace, whereas
 `back-to-indentation' does not.  This is relevant in literate programming and
 mail and news reply modes."
   (goto-char (min (progn (end-of-line) (point))
-                         (progn (beginning-of-line)
-                                    (skip-syntax-forward " ")
-                                    (point)))))
+                 (progn (beginning-of-line)
+                        (skip-syntax-forward " ")
+                        (point)))))
 (defun hui-select-bigger-thing ()
   "Select a bigger object where point is."
@@ -713,43 +714,43 @@ mail and news reply modes."
   "Select a markup pair, list, vector/array, set, comment or string at point 
and return non-nil, else nil.
 The non-nil value returned is the function to call to select that syntactic 
   (unless (and (memq major-mode hui-select-ignore-quoted-sexp-modes)
-                  ;; Ignore quoted identifier sexpressions, like #'function
-                  (char-after) (memq (char-after) '(?# ?\')))
+              ;; Ignore quoted identifier sexpressions, like #'function
+              (char-after) (memq (char-after) '(?# ?\')))
     (let ((hui-select-char-p)
-             (hui-select-whitespace)
-             (hui-select-syntax-alist '((?\" . hui-select-string)
-                                                    (?\( . 
-                                                    (?\$ . 
-                                                    (?\' . 
-                                                    (?\) . hui-select-sexp-end)
-                                                    (?\< . hui-select-comment)
-                                                    ;; Punctuation needed to 
-                                                    ;; multi-char comment 
-                                                    (?\. . 
-         (hui-select-reset)
-         (funcall func))))
+         (hui-select-whitespace)
+         (hui-select-syntax-alist '((?\" . hui-select-string)
+                                    (?\( . hui-select-sexp-start)
+                                    (?\$ . hui-select-sexp-start)
+                                    (?\' . hui-select-sexp-start)
+                                    (?\) . hui-select-sexp-end)
+                                    (?\< . hui-select-comment)
+                                    ;; Punctuation needed to match
+                                    ;; multi-char comment delimiters
+                                    (?\. . hui-select-punctuation))))
+      (hui-select-reset)
+      (funcall func))))
 (defun hui-select-region-bigger-p (old-region new-region)
   "Return t if OLD-REGION is smaller than NEW-REGION and NEW-REGION partially 
overlaps OLD-REGION, or if OLD-REGION is uninitialized."
   (if (null (car old-region))
     (and (> (abs (- (cdr new-region) (car new-region)))
-               (abs (- (cdr old-region) (car old-region))))
-            ;; Ensure the two regions intersect.
-            (or (and (<= (min (cdr new-region) (car new-region))
-                             (min (cdr old-region) (car old-region)))
-                         (>  (max (cdr new-region) (car new-region))
-                             (min (cdr old-region) (car old-region))))
-                (and (>  (min (cdr new-region) (car new-region))
-                             (min (cdr old-region) (car old-region)))
-                         (<= (min (cdr new-region) (car new-region))
-                             (max (cdr old-region) (car old-region))))))))
+           (abs (- (cdr old-region) (car old-region))))
+        ;; Ensure the two regions intersect.
+        (or (and (<= (min (cdr new-region) (car new-region))
+                     (min (cdr old-region) (car old-region)))
+                 (>  (max (cdr new-region) (car new-region))
+                     (min (cdr old-region) (car old-region))))
+            (and (>  (min (cdr new-region) (car new-region))
+                     (min (cdr old-region) (car old-region)))
+                 (<= (min (cdr new-region) (car new-region))
+                     (max (cdr old-region) (car old-region))))))))
 (defun hui-select-reset ()
   ;; Reset syntactic selection.
   (setq hui-select-prior-point (point)
-           hui-select-prior-buffer (current-buffer)
-           hui-select-previous 'char)
+       hui-select-prior-buffer (current-buffer)
+       hui-select-previous 'char)
   (hui-select-set-region nil nil))
 (defun hui-select-set-region (beginning end)
@@ -761,8 +762,8 @@ Return the updated cons cell."
     (setcar hui-select-old-region nil)
     (setcdr hui-select-old-region nil))
   (if (and (not (memq hui-select-previous '(buffer markup-pair)))
-              (integerp beginning) (integerp end)
-              (= beginning (point-min)) (= end (point-max)))
+          (integerp beginning) (integerp end)
+          (= beginning (point-min)) (= end (point-max)))
       ;; If we selected the whole buffer and not matching a markup-pair,
       ;; make sure that 'thing' type is 'buffer'.
@@ -774,43 +775,42 @@ Positions include delimiters.  String is delimited by 
double quotes unless
 optional START-DELIM and END-DELIM (strings) are given.
 Returns nil if not within a string."
   (let ((opoint (point))
-           (count 0)
-           bol start delim-regexp start-regexp end-regexp)
+       (count 0)
+       bol start delim-regexp start-regexp end-regexp)
     (or start-delim (setq start-delim "\""))
     (or end-delim (setq end-delim "\""))
     ;; Special case for the empty string.
     (if (looking-at (concat (regexp-quote start-delim)
-                                       (regexp-quote end-delim)))
-           (hui-select-set-region (point) (match-end 0))
+                           (regexp-quote end-delim)))
+       (hui-select-set-region (point) (match-end 0))
       (setq start-regexp (concat "\\(^\\|[^\\]\\)\\("
-                                                (regexp-quote start-delim) 
-               end-regexp   (concat "[^\\]\\(" (regexp-quote end-delim) "\\)")
-               delim-regexp (concat start-regexp "\\|" end-regexp))
+                                (regexp-quote start-delim) "\\)")
+           end-regexp   (concat "[^\\]\\(" (regexp-quote end-delim) "\\)")
+           delim-regexp (concat start-regexp "\\|" end-regexp))
-           (beginning-of-line)
-           (setq bol (point))
-           (while (re-search-forward delim-regexp opoint t)
+       (beginning-of-line)
+       (setq bol (point))
+       (while (re-search-forward delim-regexp opoint t)
+         (setq count (1+ count))
+         ;; This is so we don't miss the closing delimiter of an empty
+         ;; string.
+         (if (and (= (point) (1+ bol))
+                  (looking-at (regexp-quote end-delim)))
              (setq count (1+ count))
-             ;; This is so we don't miss the closing delimiter of an empty
-             ;; string.
-             (if (and (= (point) (1+ bol))
-                          (looking-at (regexp-quote end-delim)))
-                 (setq count (1+ count))
-               (unless (bobp)
+           (unless (bobp)
               (backward-char 1))))
-           (goto-char opoint)
-           ;; If found an even # of starting and ending delimiters before
-           ;; opoint, then opoint is at the start of a string, where we want 
-           (if (zerop (mod count 2))
-               (unless (bobp)
+       (goto-char opoint)
+       ;; If found an even # of starting and ending delimiters before
+       ;; opoint, then opoint is at the start of a string, where we want it.
+       (if (zerop (mod count 2))
+           (unless (bobp)
               (backward-char 1))
-             (re-search-backward start-regexp nil t))
-           ;; Point is now before the start of the string.
-           (if (re-search-forward start-regexp nil t)
-               (progn
-                 (setq start (match-beginning 2))
-                 (when (re-search-forward end-regexp nil t)
-                       (hui-select-set-region start (point)))))))))
+         (re-search-backward start-regexp nil t))
+       ;; Point is now before the start of the string.
+       (when (re-search-forward start-regexp nil t)
+         (setq start (match-beginning 2))
+         (when (re-search-forward end-regexp nil t)
+           (hui-select-set-region start (point))))))))
 ;;; Code selections
@@ -825,98 +825,97 @@ list, hui-select-brace-modes."
       (goto-char pos)
       (let ((at-def-brace
-                (or (looking-at "^\{") (looking-at "^\}")
-                        ;; Handle stupid old C-style and new Java
-                        ;; style of putting braces at the end of
-                        ;; lines.
-                        (and (= (following-char) ?\{)
-                             (stringp defun-prompt-regexp)
-                             (save-excursion
-                                   (beginning-of-line)
-                                   (looking-at defun-prompt-regexp)))
-                        (and (= (following-char) ?\})
-                             (stringp defun-prompt-regexp)
-                             (condition-case ()
-                                     (progn
-                                       ;; Leave point at opening brace.
-                                       (goto-char
-                                        (scan-sexps (1+ (point)) -1))
-                                       ;; Test if these are defun braces.
-                                       (save-excursion
-                                         (beginning-of-line)
-                                         (looking-at defun-prompt-regexp)))
-                                   (error nil)))))
-               eod)
-           (if (or at-def-brace
-                       ;; At the start of a definition:
-                       ;; Must be at the first non-whitespace character in the 
-                       (and (= (point) (save-excursion 
-                            ;; Must be on an alpha or symbol-constituent 
-                            ;; Also allow ~ for C++ destructors.
-                            (looking-at "[a-zA-z~]\\|\\s_")
-                            ;; Previous line, if any,  must be blank or a 
-                            ;; start or end or we must be looking at
-                            ;; `defun-prompt-regexp' when at the beginning of 
the line.
-                            (or (and (stringp defun-prompt-regexp)
-                                         (save-excursion
-                                               (beginning-of-line)
-                                               (looking-at 
-                                    (save-excursion
-                                      (if (/= (forward-line -1) 0)
-                                          t
-               (progn
-                 (setq hui-select-previous 'brace-def-or-declaration)
-                 ;; Handle declarations and definitions embedded within 
-                 (if (and (eq (following-char) ?\{)
-                              (/= (point) (save-excursion
-                         (setq at-def-brace nil))
-                 ;;
-                 (if at-def-brace nil (beginning-of-line))
-                 (if (and (not at-def-brace)
-                              (stringp defun-prompt-regexp)
-                              (or (looking-at defun-prompt-regexp)
-                                      ;; For Java classes mainly
-                                      (looking-at "[a-zA-Z_$. \t]+\\s-*\{")))
-                         ;; Mark the declaration or definition
-                         (hui-select-set-region
-                          (point)
-                          (progn (goto-char (match-end 0))
-                                     (if (eq (preceding-char) ?\{)
-                                         (backward-char 1))
-                                     (if (eq (following-char) ?\{)
-                                         (forward-list 1)
-                                       (search-forward ";" nil t))
-                                     (skip-chars-forward " \t")
-                                     (skip-chars-forward "\n")
-                                     (if (looking-at "^\\s-*$")
-                                         (forward-line 1))
-                                     (point)))
-                       ;; Mark function definitions only
-                       (setq eod (save-excursion
-                                       (condition-case ()
-                                               (progn
-                                                 (if (and (eq major-mode 
-                                                              (fboundp 
-                                                     (id-java-end-of-defun)
-                                                   (end-of-defun))
-                                                 (if (looking-at "^\\s-*$")
-                                                     (forward-line 1))
-                                                 (point))
-                                         (error (point-max)))))
-                       (if (= (following-char) ?\})
-                           ;; Leave point at opening brace.
-                           (goto-char (scan-sexps (1+ (point)) -1)))
-                       (if (= (following-char) ?\{)
-                           (progn
-                             (while (and (zerop (forward-line -1))
-                                                 (not 
-                             (if (hui-select-at-blank-line-or-comment)
-                                     (forward-line 1))))
-                       ;; Mark the whole definition
-                       (setq hui-select-previous 'brace-def-or-declaration)
-                       (hui-select-set-region (point) eod))))))))
+            (or (looking-at "^\{") (looking-at "^\}")
+                ;; Handle stupid old C-style and new Java
+                ;; style of putting braces at the end of
+                ;; lines.
+                (and (= (following-char) ?\{)
+                     (stringp defun-prompt-regexp)
+                     (save-excursion
+                       (beginning-of-line)
+                       (looking-at defun-prompt-regexp)))
+                (and (= (following-char) ?\})
+                     (stringp defun-prompt-regexp)
+                     (condition-case ()
+                         (progn
+                           ;; Leave point at opening brace.
+                           (goto-char
+                            (scan-sexps (1+ (point)) -1))
+                           ;; Test if these are defun braces.
+                           (save-excursion
+                             (beginning-of-line)
+                             (looking-at defun-prompt-regexp)))
+                       (error nil)))))
+           eod)
+       (when (or at-def-brace
+                 ;; At the start of a definition:
+                 ;; Must be at the first non-whitespace character in the line.
+                 (and (= (point) (save-excursion 
+                      ;; Must be on an alpha or symbol-constituent character.
+                      ;; Also allow ~ for C++ destructors.
+                      (looking-at "[a-zA-z~]\\|\\s_")
+                      ;; Previous line, if any,  must be blank or a comment
+                      ;; start or end or we must be looking at
+                      ;; `defun-prompt-regexp' when at the beginning of the 
+                      (or (and (stringp defun-prompt-regexp)
+                               (save-excursion
+                                 (beginning-of-line)
+                                 (looking-at defun-prompt-regexp)))
+                          (save-excursion
+                            (if (/= (forward-line -1) 0)
+                                t
+                              (hui-select-at-blank-line-or-comment))))))
+         (setq hui-select-previous 'brace-def-or-declaration)
+         ;; Handle declarations and definitions embedded within classes.
+         (if (and (eq (following-char) ?\{)
+                  (/= (point) (save-excursion
+                                (hui-select-back-to-indentation))))
+             (setq at-def-brace nil))
+         ;;
+         (unless at-def-brace
+           (beginning-of-line))
+         (if (and (not at-def-brace)
+                  (stringp defun-prompt-regexp)
+                  (or (looking-at defun-prompt-regexp)
+                      ;; For Java classes mainly
+                      (looking-at "[a-zA-Z_$. \t]+\\s-*\{")))
+             ;; Mark the declaration or definition
+             (hui-select-set-region
+              (point)
+              (progn (goto-char (match-end 0))
+                     (when (eq (preceding-char) ?\{)
+                       (backward-char 1))
+                     (if (eq (following-char) ?\{)
+                         (forward-list 1)
+                       (search-forward ";" nil t))
+                     (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+                     (skip-chars-forward "\n")
+                     (when (looking-at "^\\s-*$")
+                       (forward-line 1))
+                     (point)))
+           ;; Mark function definitions only
+           (setq eod (save-excursion
+                       (condition-case ()
+                           (progn
+                             (if (and (eq major-mode 'java-mode)
+                                      (fboundp 'id-java-end-of-defun))
+                                 (id-java-end-of-defun)
+                               (end-of-defun))
+                             (if (looking-at "^\\s-*$")
+                                 (forward-line 1))
+                             (point))
+                         (error (point-max)))))
+           (when (= (following-char) ?\})
+             ;; Leave point at opening brace.
+             (goto-char (scan-sexps (1+ (point)) -1)))
+           (when (= (following-char) ?\{)
+             (while (and (zerop (forward-line -1))
+                         (not (hui-select-at-blank-line-or-comment))))
+             (when (hui-select-at-blank-line-or-comment)
+               (forward-line 1)))
+           ;; Mark the whole definition
+           (setq hui-select-previous 'brace-def-or-declaration)
+           (hui-select-set-region (point) eod)))))))
 (defun hui-select-indent-def (pos)
   "If POS is at the first alpha character on a line, return (start . end) 
@@ -927,51 +926,51 @@ list, hui-select-indent-modes."
   (when (memq major-mode hui-select-indent-modes)
       (goto-char pos)
-      (if (and
-              ;; Use this function only if point is on the first non-blank
-              ;; character of a block, whatever a block is for the current
-              ;; mode.
-              (cond ((eq major-mode 'kotl-mode)
-                         (and (looking-at "[1-9*]") (not 
-                        ((or (eq major-mode 'outline-mode) selective-display)
-                         (save-excursion (beginning-of-line)
-                                                 (looking-at outline-regexp)))
-                        ;; After indent in any other mode, must be on an alpha
-                        ;; or symbol-constituent character.
-                        (t (looking-at "[a-zA-z]\\|\\s_")))
-              ;; Must be at the first non-whitespace character in the line.
-              (= (point) (save-excursion (hui-select-back-to-indentation))))
-             (let* ((start-col (current-column))
-                        (opoint (if (eq major-mode 'kotl-mode)
-                                        (progn (kotl-mode:to-valid-position) 
-                                      (beginning-of-line) (point))))
-               (while
-                       (and (zerop (forward-line 1))
-                            (bolp)
-                            (or (progn (hui-select-back-to-indentation)
-                                               (> (current-column) start-col))
-                                    ;; If in a text mode, allow outdenting, 
-                                    ;; only include special lines here 
indented to the
-                                    ;; same point as the original line.
-                                    (and (or (memq major-mode 
-                                                 (= (current-column) 
-                                         (looking-at
-                                          (or (car (cdr
-                                                            (assq
-                                                             major-mode
-                                                  "\\'"))))))
-               (if (and (looking-at
-                             (or (car (cdr (assq major-mode
-                                     "\\'"))
-                            (or (memq major-mode hui-select-text-modes)
-                                    (= (current-column) start-col)))
-                       (forward-line 1))
-               (beginning-of-line)
-               ;; Mark the whole definition
-               (setq hui-select-previous 'indent-def)
-               (hui-select-set-region opoint (point)))))))
+      (when (and
+            ;; Use this function only if point is on the first non-blank
+            ;; character of a block, whatever a block is for the current
+            ;; mode.
+            (cond ((eq major-mode 'kotl-mode)
+                   (and (looking-at "[1-9*]") (not (kview:valid-position-p))))
+                  ((or (eq major-mode 'outline-mode) selective-display)
+                   (save-excursion (beginning-of-line)
+                                   (looking-at outline-regexp)))
+                  ;; After indent in any other mode, must be on an alpha
+                  ;; or symbol-constituent character.
+                  (t (looking-at "[a-zA-z]\\|\\s_")))
+            ;; Must be at the first non-whitespace character in the line.
+            (= (point) (save-excursion (hui-select-back-to-indentation))))
+       (let* ((start-col (current-column))
+              (opoint (if (eq major-mode 'kotl-mode)
+                          (progn (kotl-mode:to-valid-position) (point))
+                        (beginning-of-line) (point))))
+         (while
+             (and (zerop (forward-line 1))
+                  (bolp)
+                  (or (progn (hui-select-back-to-indentation)
+                             (> (current-column) start-col))
+                      ;; If in a text mode, allow outdenting, otherwise
+                      ;; only include special lines here indented to the
+                      ;; same point as the original line.
+                      (and (or (memq major-mode hui-select-text-modes)
+                               (= (current-column) start-col))
+                           (looking-at
+                            (or (car (cdr
+                                      (assq
+                                       major-mode
+                                "\\'"))))))
+         (when (and (looking-at
+                     (or (car (cdr (assq major-mode
+                                         hui-select-indent-end-regexp-alist)))
+                         "\\'"))
+                    (or (memq major-mode hui-select-text-modes)
+                        (= (current-column) start-col)))
+           (forward-line 1))
+         (beginning-of-line)
+         ;; Mark the whole definition
+         (setq hui-select-previous 'indent-def)
+         (hui-select-set-region opoint (point)))))))
 (defun hui-select-symbol (pos)
   "Return (start . end) of a symbol at POS."
@@ -980,33 +979,33 @@ list, hui-select-indent-modes."
       ;; an outline entry, in which case we mark entries as indented blocks.
       (hui-select-indent-def pos)
-        (if (memq (char-syntax (if (eobp) (preceding-char) (char-after pos)))
-                     '(?w ?_))
-               (progn (setq hui-select-previous 'symbol)
-                          (condition-case ()
-                              (let ((end (scan-sexps pos 1)))
-                                (hui-select-set-region
-                                 (min pos (scan-sexps end -1)) end))
-                            (error nil)))))))
+        (when (memq (char-syntax (if (eobp) (preceding-char) (char-after pos)))
+                 '(?w ?_))
+         (setq hui-select-previous 'symbol)
+         (condition-case ()
+             (let ((end (scan-sexps pos 1)))
+               (hui-select-set-region
+                (min pos (scan-sexps end -1)) end))
+           (error nil))))))
 (defun hui-select-sexp-start (pos)
   "Return (start . end) of sexp starting at POS."
   (or (hui-select-markup-pair pos)
       (hui-select-brace-def-or-declaration pos)
-           (setq hui-select-previous 'sexp-start)
-           (condition-case ()
-               (hui-select-set-region pos (scan-sexps pos 1))
-             (error nil)))))
+       (setq hui-select-previous 'sexp-start)
+       (condition-case ()
+           (hui-select-set-region pos (scan-sexps pos 1))
+         (error nil)))))
 (defun hui-select-sexp-end (pos)
   "Return (start . end) of sexp ending at POS."
   (or (hui-select-brace-def-or-declaration pos)
-           (setq hui-select-previous 'sexp-end)
-           (condition-case ()
-               (hui-select-set-region (scan-sexps (1+ pos) -1) (1+ pos))
-             (error nil)))))
+       (setq hui-select-previous 'sexp-end)
+       (condition-case ()
+           (hui-select-set-region (scan-sexps (1+ pos) -1) (1+ pos))
+         (error nil)))))
 (defun hui-select-sexp (pos)
   "Return (start . end) of the sexp that POS is within."
@@ -1014,8 +1013,8 @@ list, hui-select-indent-modes."
     (goto-char pos)
     (condition-case ()
-           (hui-select-set-region (progn (backward-up-list 1) (point))
-                                          (progn (forward-list 1) (point)))
+       (hui-select-set-region (progn (backward-up-list 1) (point))
+                              (progn (forward-list 1) (point)))
       (error nil))))
 (defun hui-select-sexp-up (pos)
@@ -1027,8 +1026,8 @@ list, hui-select-indent-modes."
     (goto-char pos)
     (condition-case ()
-           (hui-select-set-region (progn (backward-up-list 1) (point))
-                                          (progn (forward-list 1) (point)))
+       (hui-select-set-region (progn (backward-up-list 1) (point))
+                              (progn (forward-list 1) (point)))
       (error nil))))
 (defun hui-select-preprocessor-def (pos)
@@ -1042,17 +1041,16 @@ included in the list, hui-select-brace-modes."
     (setq hui-select-previous 'preprocessor-def)
       (goto-char pos)
-      (if (and (= (following-char) ?#)
-                  ;; Must be at the first non-whitespace character in the line.
-                  (= (point) (save-excursion 
-             (progn
-               ;; Skip past continuation lines that end with a backslash.
-               (while (and (looking-at ".*\\\\\\s-*$")
-                                   (zerop (forward-line 1))))
-               (forward-line 1)
-               ;; Include one trailing blank line, if any.
-               (if (looking-at "^[ \t\n\r]*$") (forward-line 1))
-               (hui-select-set-region pos (point)))))))
+      (when (and (= (following-char) ?#)
+                ;; Must be at the first non-whitespace character in the line.
+                (= (point) (save-excursion (hui-select-back-to-indentation))))
+       ;; Skip past continuation lines that end with a backslash.
+       (while (and (looking-at ".*\\\\\\s-*$")
+                   (zerop (forward-line 1))))
+       (forward-line 1)
+       ;; Include one trailing blank line, if any.
+       (if (looking-at "^[ \t\n\r]*$") (forward-line 1))
+       (hui-select-set-region pos (point))))))
 ;; Allow punctuation marks not followed by white-space to include
 ;; the previous and subsequent sexpression.  Useful in contexts such as
@@ -1063,89 +1061,89 @@ included in the list, hui-select-brace-modes."
       (hui-select-preprocessor-def pos)
       (hui-select-brace-def-or-declaration pos) ;; Might be on a C++ 
destructor ~.
-           (setq hui-select-previous 'punctuation)
-           (goto-char (min (1+ pos) (point-max)))
-           (cond ((and (char-after pos) (= ?\  (char-syntax (char-after pos))))
-                  (hui-select-set-region pos (1+ pos)))
-                 ((and (char-before pos) (= ?\  (char-syntax (char-before 
-                  (hui-select-set-region (1- pos) pos))
-                 (t (goto-char pos)
-                        (condition-case ()
-                            (hui-select-set-region
-                             (save-excursion (backward-sexp) (point))
-                             (progn (forward-sexp) (point)))
-                          (error nil)))))))
+       (setq hui-select-previous 'punctuation)
+       (goto-char (min (1+ pos) (point-max)))
+       (cond ((and (char-after pos) (= ?\  (char-syntax (char-after pos))))
+              (hui-select-set-region pos (1+ pos)))
+             ((and (char-before pos) (= ?\  (char-syntax (char-before pos))))
+              (hui-select-set-region (1- pos) pos))
+             (t (goto-char pos)
+                (condition-case ()
+                    (hui-select-set-region
+                     (save-excursion (backward-sexp) (point))
+                     (progn (forward-sexp) (point)))
+                  (error nil)))))))
 (defun hui-select-comment (pos)
   "Return rest of line from POS to newline."
   (setq hui-select-previous 'comment)
     (goto-char pos)
-    (let ((start-regexp  (if (stringp comment-start)
-                                        (regexp-quote comment-start)))
-             (end-regexp    (if (stringp comment-end)
-                                        (regexp-quote comment-end)))
-             bolp)
+    (let ((start-regexp  (when (stringp comment-start)
+                          (regexp-quote comment-start)))
+         (end-regexp    (when (stringp comment-end)
+                          (regexp-quote comment-end)))
+         bolp)
        ;; Beginning of a comment
        ((and (stringp comment-start)
-                (or (looking-at start-regexp)
-                        (save-excursion
-                          (and (skip-chars-backward comment-start)
-                                   (looking-at start-regexp)))))
-           (skip-chars-backward " \t")
-           (setq bolp (bolp)
-                 pos (point))
-           (if (equal comment-end "")
-               (progn (end-of-line)
-                          (hui-select-set-region pos (point)))
-             (if (stringp comment-end)
-                 ;; Skip over nested comments.
-                 (let ((count 0)
-                           (regexp (concat start-regexp "\\|" end-regexp)))
-                       (catch 'done
-                         (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
-                           (if (string-equal (match-string 0) comment-start)
-                                   (setq count (1+ count))
-                             ;; End comment
-                             (setq count (1- count))
-                             (if (= count 0)
-                                     (progn
-                                       (if (looking-at "[ \t]*[\n\r]")
-                                               ;; Don't include final newline 
unless the
-                                               ;; comment is first thing on 
its line.
-                                               (goto-char (if bolp (match-end 
-                                                                (1- (match-end 
-                                       (throw 'done (hui-select-set-region
-                                                             pos 
+            (or (looking-at start-regexp)
+                (save-excursion
+                  (and (skip-chars-backward comment-start)
+                       (looking-at start-regexp)))))
+       (skip-chars-backward " \t")
+       (setq bolp (bolp)
+             pos (point))
+       (if (equal comment-end "")
+           (progn (end-of-line)
+                  (hui-select-set-region pos (point)))
+         (if (stringp comment-end)
+             ;; Skip over nested comments.
+             (let ((count 0)
+                   (regexp (concat start-regexp "\\|" end-regexp)))
+               (catch 'done
+                 (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
+                   (if (string-equal (match-string 0) comment-start)
+                       (setq count (1+ count))
+                     ;; End comment
+                     (setq count (1- count))
+                     (when (= count 0)
+                       (when (looking-at "[ \t]*[\n\r]")
+                         ;; Don't include final newline unless the
+                         ;; comment is first thing on its line.
+                         (goto-char (if bolp
+                                        (match-end 0)
+                                      (1- (match-end 0)))))
+                       (throw 'done (hui-select-set-region
+                                     pos (point)))))))))))
        ;; End of a comment
        ((and (stringp comment-end)
-                (not (string-equal comment-end ""))
-                (or (looking-at end-regexp)
-                        (and (skip-chars-backward comment-end)
-                             (looking-at end-regexp))))
-           (goto-char (match-end 0))
-           (if (looking-at "[ \t]*[\n\r]")
-               (goto-char (match-end 0)))
-           (setq pos (point))
-           (skip-chars-forward " \t")
-           ;; Skip over nested comments.
-           (let ((count 0)
-                 (regexp (concat start-regexp "\\|" end-regexp)))
-             (catch 'done
-               (while (re-search-backward regexp nil t)
-                 (if (string-equal (match-string 0) comment-end)
-                         (setq count (1+ count))
-                       ;; Begin comment
-                       (setq count (1- count))
-                       (if (= count 0)
-                           (progn
-                             (skip-chars-backward " \t")
-                             ;; Don't include final newline unless the comment 
-                             ;; first thing on its line.
-                             (if (bolp) nil (setq pos (1- pos)))
-                             (throw 'done (hui-select-set-region
-                                                   (point) pos)))))))))))))
+            (not (string-equal comment-end ""))
+            (or (looking-at end-regexp)
+                (and (skip-chars-backward comment-end)
+                     (looking-at end-regexp))))
+       (goto-char (match-end 0))
+       (when (looking-at "[ \t]*[\n\r]")
+         (goto-char (match-end 0)))
+       (setq pos (point))
+       (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+       ;; Skip over nested comments.
+       (let ((count 0)
+             (regexp (concat start-regexp "\\|" end-regexp)))
+         (catch 'done
+           (while (re-search-backward regexp nil t)
+             (if (string-equal (match-string 0) comment-end)
+                 (setq count (1+ count))
+               ;; Begin comment
+               (setq count (1- count))
+               (when (= count 0)
+                 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
+                 ;; Don't include final newline unless the comment is
+                 ;; first thing on its line.
+                 (unless (bolp)
+                   (setq pos (1- pos)))
+                 (throw 'done (hui-select-set-region
+                               (point) pos))))))))))))
 ;;; Textual selections
@@ -1156,12 +1154,12 @@ included in the list, hui-select-brace-modes."
   (or (hui-select-brace-def-or-declaration pos)
       (hui-select-indent-def pos)
       (progn (setq hui-select-previous 'word)
-                (save-excursion
-                  (goto-char pos)
-                  (forward-word 1)
-                  (let ((end (point)))
-                        (forward-word -1)
-                        (hui-select-set-region (point) end))))))
+            (save-excursion
+              (goto-char pos)
+              (forward-word 1)
+              (let ((end (point)))
+                (forward-word -1)
+                (hui-select-set-region (point) end))))))
 (defun hui-select-string (pos)
   "Return (start . end) of string at POS or nil.  Pos include delimiters.
@@ -1170,19 +1168,19 @@ Delimiters may be single, double or open and close 
     (goto-char pos)
     (if (and (memq major-mode hui-select-markup-modes)
-                (/= (following-char) ?\")
-                (save-excursion
-                  (and (re-search-backward "[<>]" nil t)
-                           (= (following-char) ?>))))
-           (progn (setq hui-select-previous 'text)
-                  (search-backward ">" nil t)
-                  (hui-select-set-region
-                       (1+ (point))
-                       (progn (if (search-forward "<" nil 'end)
-                                      (1- (point))
-                                    (point)))))
+            (/= (following-char) ?\")
+            (save-excursion
+              (and (re-search-backward "[<>]" nil t)
+                   (= (following-char) ?>))))
+       (progn (setq hui-select-previous 'text)
+              (search-backward ">" nil t)
+              (hui-select-set-region
+               (1+ (point))
+               (progn (if (search-forward "<" nil 'end)
+                          (1- (point))
+                        (point)))))
       (or (hui-select-string-p) (hui-select-string-p "'" "'")
-             (hui-select-string-p "`" "'")))))
+         (hui-select-string-p "`" "'")))))
 (defun hui-select-sentence (pos)
   "Return (start . end) of the sentence at POS."
@@ -1190,8 +1188,8 @@ Delimiters may be single, double or open and close 
     (goto-char pos)
     (condition-case ()
-           (hui-select-set-region (progn (backward-sentence) (point))
-                                          (progn (forward-sentence) (point)))
+       (hui-select-set-region (progn (backward-sentence) (point))
+                              (progn (forward-sentence) (point)))
       (error nil))))
 (defun hui-select-whitespace (pos)
@@ -1202,13 +1200,13 @@ the line.  Then return all of it."
     (goto-char pos)
     (if (= (following-char) ?\^L)
-           (hui-select-page pos)
+       (hui-select-page pos)
       (let ((end (progn (skip-chars-forward " \t") (point)))
-               (start (progn (skip-chars-backward " \t") (point))))
-           (if (looking-at "[ \t]")
-               (if (or (bolp) (= (1+ start) end))
-                       (hui-select-set-region start end)
-                 (hui-select-set-region (1+ start) end)))))))
+           (start (progn (skip-chars-backward " \t") (point))))
+       (when (looking-at "[ \t]")
+         (if (or (bolp) (= (1+ start) end))
+             (hui-select-set-region start end)
+           (hui-select-set-region (1+ start) end)))))))
 (defun hui-select-markup-pair (pos)
   "Return (start . end) of region between the opening and closing of an HTML, 
XML or SGML tag pair, one of which is at POS.
@@ -1217,100 +1215,100 @@ list, hui-select-markup-modes."
   (when (memq major-mode hui-select-markup-modes)
     (setq hui-select-previous 'markup-pair)
     (let ((pos-with-space)
-             ;; Assume case of tag names is irrelevant.
-             (case-fold-search t)
-             (result)
-             start-regexp
-             end-regexp
-             bolp
-             opoint)
+         ;; Assume case of tag names is irrelevant.
+         (case-fold-search t)
+         (result)
+         start-regexp
+         end-regexp
+         bolp
+         opoint)
         (setq result
-                 (catch 'done
-                   (goto-char pos)
-                   (cond
-                    ;; Beginning of a tag pair
-                    ((looking-at "<[^/][^<> \t\n\r]*")
-                     (setq start-regexp (regexp-quote (match-string 0))
-                               end-regexp   (concat "</" (substring 
start-regexp 1)))
-                     (setq pos (point))
-                     (skip-chars-backward " \t")
-                     (setq bolp (bolp)
-                               pos-with-space (point))
-                     ;; Skip over nested tags.
-                     (let ((count 0)
-                               (regexp (concat start-regexp "\\|" end-regexp)))
-                       (while (and (>= count 0)
-                                           (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
-                             (if (/= (char-after (1+ (match-beginning 0))) ?/)
-                                 ;; Start tag
-                                 (setq count (1+ count))
-                               ;; Move past end tag terminator
-                               (setq opoint (point))
-                               (when (or (not (re-search-forward "[<>]" nil t))
-                                             (= (preceding-char) ?<))
-                                     (throw 'done opoint))
-                               (setq count (1- count))
-                               (when (= count 0)
+             (catch 'done
+               (goto-char pos)
+               (cond
+                ;; Beginning of a tag pair
+                ((looking-at "<[^/][^<> \t\n\r]*")
+                 (setq start-regexp (regexp-quote (match-string 0))
+                       end-regexp   (concat "</" (substring start-regexp 1)))
+                 (setq pos (point))
+                 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
+                 (setq bolp (bolp)
+                       pos-with-space (point))
+                 ;; Skip over nested tags.
+                 (let ((count 0)
+                       (regexp (concat start-regexp "\\|" end-regexp)))
+                   (while (and (>= count 0)
+                               (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
+                     (if (/= (char-after (1+ (match-beginning 0))) ?/)
+                         ;; Start tag
+                         (setq count (1+ count))
+                       ;; Move past end tag terminator
+                       (setq opoint (point))
+                       (when (or (not (re-search-forward "[<>]" nil t))
+                                 (= (preceding-char) ?<))
+                         (throw 'done opoint))
+                       (setq count (1- count))
+                       (when (= count 0)
                           (cond ((eobp)
                                  (if bolp
-                                                    ;; Include leading space 
since the
-                                                    ;; start and end tags 
begin and end
-                                                    ;; lines.
-                                                    (setq pos pos-with-space)
+                                    ;; Include leading space since the
+                                    ;; start and end tags begin and end
+                                    ;; lines.
+                                    (setq pos pos-with-space)
                                    (goto-char (1- (point)))))
-                                           ((looking-at "[ \t]*[\n\r]")
-                                            ;; Don't include final newline 
unless the
-                                            ;; start tag was the first thing 
on its line.
-                                            (if bolp
-                                                    (progn (goto-char 
(match-end 0))
-                                                           ;; Include leading 
space since the
-                                                           ;; start and end 
tags begin and end
-                                                           ;; lines.
-                                                           (setq pos 
-                                              (goto-char (1- (match-end 0))))))
-                                     (throw 'done (hui-select-set-region pos 
-                    ;;
-                    ;; End of a tag pair
-                    ((or (looking-at "</[^\> \t\n\r]+")
-                             (and (skip-chars-backward "\<")
-                                  (looking-at "</[^\> \t\n\r]+")))
-                     (goto-char (match-end 0))
-                     (setq end-regexp (regexp-quote (match-string 0))
-                               start-regexp   (concat "\<" (substring 
end-regexp 2))
-                           opoint (point))
-                     (when (or (not (re-search-forward "[<>]" nil t))
-                                   (= (preceding-char) ?<))
-                           (throw 'done opoint))
-                     (setq pos (point))
-                     (when (looking-at "[ \t]*[\n\r]")
-                           (setq pos-with-space (match-end 0)))
-                     ;; Skip over nested tags.
-                     (let ((count 0)
-                               (regexp (concat start-regexp "\\|" end-regexp)))
-                       (while (and (>= count 0)
-                                           (re-search-backward regexp nil t))
-                             (if (= (char-after (1+ (point))) ?/)
-                                 ;; End tag
-                                 (setq count (1+ count))
-                               ;; Start tag
-                               (setq count (1- count))
-                               (when (= count 0)
-                                     (when pos-with-space
-                                       ;; Newline found after original end tag.
-                                       (skip-chars-backward " \t")
-                                       (if (bolp)
-                                               ;; Don't include final newline 
unless the
-                                               ;; start tag is the first thing 
on its line.
-                                               (setq pos pos-with-space)
-                                             (setq pos (1- pos-with-space))
-                                             ;; Don't include non-leading 
-                                             (skip-chars-forward " \t")))
-                                     (throw 'done (hui-select-set-region 
(point) pos)))))))))))
+                               ((looking-at "[ \t]*[\n\r]")
+                                ;; Don't include final newline unless the
+                                ;; start tag was the first thing on its line.
+                                (if bolp
+                                    (progn (goto-char (match-end 0))
+                                           ;; Include leading space since the
+                                           ;; start and end tags begin and end
+                                           ;; lines.
+                                           (setq pos pos-with-space))
+                                  (goto-char (1- (match-end 0))))))
+                         (throw 'done (hui-select-set-region pos (point))))))))
+                ;;
+                ;; End of a tag pair
+                ((or (looking-at "</[^\> \t\n\r]+")
+                     (and (skip-chars-backward "\<")
+                          (looking-at "</[^\> \t\n\r]+")))
+                 (goto-char (match-end 0))
+                 (setq end-regexp (regexp-quote (match-string 0))
+                       start-regexp   (concat "\<" (substring end-regexp 2))
+                       opoint (point))
+                 (when (or (not (re-search-forward "[<>]" nil t))
+                           (= (preceding-char) ?<))
+                   (throw 'done opoint))
+                 (setq pos (point))
+                 (when (looking-at "[ \t]*[\n\r]")
+                   (setq pos-with-space (match-end 0)))
+                 ;; Skip over nested tags.
+                 (let ((count 0)
+                       (regexp (concat start-regexp "\\|" end-regexp)))
+                   (while (and (>= count 0)
+                               (re-search-backward regexp nil t))
+                     (if (= (char-after (1+ (point))) ?/)
+                         ;; End tag
+                         (setq count (1+ count))
+                       ;; Start tag
+                       (setq count (1- count))
+                       (when (= count 0)
+                         (when pos-with-space
+                           ;; Newline found after original end tag.
+                           (skip-chars-backward " \t")
+                           (if (bolp)
+                               ;; Don't include final newline unless the
+                               ;; start tag is the first thing on its line.
+                               (setq pos pos-with-space)
+                             (setq pos (1- pos-with-space))
+                             ;; Don't include non-leading space.
+                             (skip-chars-forward " \t")))
+                         (throw 'done (hui-select-set-region (point) 
       (if (integerp result)
-             (progn (goto-char result)
-                        (error "(hui-select-markup-pair): Add a terminator 
character for this end tag"))
-           result))))
+         (progn (goto-char result)
+                (error "(hui-select-markup-pair): Add a terminator character 
for this end tag"))
+       result))))
 ;;; Document selections
@@ -1322,7 +1320,7 @@ list, hui-select-markup-modes."
     (goto-char pos)
     (let* ((start (progn (beginning-of-line 1) (point)))
-              (end (progn (forward-line 1) (point))))
+          (end (progn (forward-line 1) (point))))
       (hui-select-set-region start end))))
 (defun hui-select-paragraph (pos)
@@ -1330,9 +1328,10 @@ list, hui-select-markup-modes."
   (setq hui-select-previous 'paragraph)
     (goto-char pos)
-    (if (looking-at paragraph-start) (forward-paragraph))
+    (when (looking-at paragraph-start)
+      (forward-paragraph))
     (hui-select-set-region (progn (backward-paragraph) (point))
-                                      (progn (forward-paragraph) (point)))))
+                          (progn (forward-paragraph) (point)))))
 (defun hui-select-page (pos)
   "Return (start . end) of the page preceding POS."
@@ -1340,7 +1339,7 @@ list, hui-select-markup-modes."
     (goto-char pos)
     (hui-select-set-region (progn (backward-page) (point))
-                                      (progn (forward-page) (point)))))
+                          (progn (forward-page) (point)))))
 (defun hui-select-buffer (pos)
   "Return (start . end) of the buffer at POS."
diff --git a/hyperbole.el b/hyperbole.el
index ba21b81..57b4c7b 100644
--- a/hyperbole.el
+++ b/hyperbole.el
@@ -213,7 +213,9 @@ Entry format is: (key-description key-sequence 
          (hkey-bindings-keys hkey-previous-bindings)))
 (defun hkey-global-set-key (key command &optional no-add)
-  (or no-add (add-to-list 'hkey-previous-bindings (hkey-binding-entry key)))
+  "Same as `global-set-key' except saves prior binding for later restoration 
unless optional 3rd argument NO-ADD is given as a non-nil value."
+  (unless no-add
+    (add-to-list 'hkey-previous-bindings (hkey-binding-entry key)))
   (global-set-key key command))
 (defun hkey-initialize ()

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