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[nongnu] elpa/tuareg 1e80bcd 1/2: Remove TABs

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/tuareg 1e80bcd 1/2: Remove TABs
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2021 05:57:43 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/tuareg
commit 1e80bcd4654d547ad02c30eb88a6e51b055c8fd2
Author: Christophe Troestler <Christophe.Troestler@umons.ac.be>
Commit: Christophe Troestler <Christophe.Troestler@umons.ac.be>

    Remove TABs
 .dir-locals.el |  1 +
 ocamldebug.el  | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 tuareg-opam.el | 30 +++++++++---------
 tuareg.el      | 96 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 4 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.dir-locals.el b/.dir-locals.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..002211c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.dir-locals.el
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+((emacs-lisp-mode . ((indent-tabs-mode . nil))))
diff --git a/ocamldebug.el b/ocamldebug.el
index 82faef8..3bf9e27 100644
--- a/ocamldebug.el
+++ b/ocamldebug.el
@@ -283,47 +283,47 @@ buffer, then try to obtain the time from context around 
          (select-window (get-buffer-window ocamldebug-current-buffer))
-           (if (re-search-backward "^Time : [0-9]+ - pc : [0-9]+ "
-                                   nil t (- 1 ntime))
-               (ocamldebug-goto nil)
-             (error "I don't have %d times in my history"
-                    (- 1 ntime))))))))
+            (if (re-search-backward "^Time : [0-9]+ - pc : [0-9]+ "
+                                    nil t (- 1 ntime))
+                (ocamldebug-goto nil)
+              (error "I don't have %d times in my history"
+                     (- 1 ntime))))))))
    ((eq (current-buffer) ocamldebug-current-buffer)
     (let ((time (cond
-                ((eobp) 0)
-                ((save-excursion
-                   (beginning-of-line 1)
-                   (looking-at "^Time : \\([0-9]+\\) - pc : [0-9]+ "))
-                 (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
-                ((string-to-number (ocamldebug-format-command "%e"))))))
+                 ((eobp) 0)
+                 ((save-excursion
+                    (beginning-of-line 1)
+                    (looking-at "^Time : \\([0-9]+\\) - pc : [0-9]+ "))
+                  (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
+                 ((string-to-number (ocamldebug-format-command "%e"))))))
       (ocamldebug-call "goto" nil time)))
     (let ((module (ocamldebug-module-name (buffer-file-name)))
-         (ocamldebug-goto-position (int-to-string (1- (point))))
-         ocamldebug-goto-output address)
+          (ocamldebug-goto-position (int-to-string (1- (point))))
+          ocamldebug-goto-output address)
       ;; Get a list of all events in the current module
       (with-current-buffer ocamldebug-current-buffer
-       (let* ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
-              (ocamldebug-filter-function #'ocamldebug-goto-filter))
-         (ocamldebug-call-1 (concat "info events " module))
-         (while (not (and ocamldebug-goto-output
-                          (zerop (length ocamldebug-filter-accumulator))))
-           (accept-process-output proc))
-         (setq address (unless (eq ocamldebug-goto-output 'fail)
-                         (re-search-backward
-                          (concat "^Time : \\([0-9]+\\) - pc : "
-                                  ocamldebug-goto-output
-                                  " - module "
-                                  module "$")
+        (let* ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
+               (ocamldebug-filter-function #'ocamldebug-goto-filter))
+          (ocamldebug-call-1 (concat "info events " module))
+          (while (not (and ocamldebug-goto-output
+                           (zerop (length ocamldebug-filter-accumulator))))
+            (accept-process-output proc))
+          (setq address (unless (eq ocamldebug-goto-output 'fail)
+                          (re-search-backward
+                           (concat "^Time : \\([0-9]+\\) - pc : "
+                                   ocamldebug-goto-output
+                                   " - module "
+                                   module "$")
                            nil t)
-                         (match-string 1)))))
+                          (match-string 1)))))
       (if address (ocamldebug-call "goto" nil (string-to-number address))
-       (error "No time at %s at %s" module ocamldebug-goto-position))))))
+        (error "No time at %s at %s" module ocamldebug-goto-position))))))
 (defun ocamldebug-delete-filter (string)
   (setq ocamldebug-filter-accumulator
-       (concat ocamldebug-filter-accumulator string))
+        (concat ocamldebug-filter-accumulator string))
   (when (string-match
          (concat "\\(\n\\|\\`\\)[ \t]*\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+[0-9]+[ \t]*in "
                  (regexp-quote ocamldebug-delete-file)
@@ -331,16 +331,16 @@ buffer, then try to obtain the time from context around 
                  ocamldebug-delete-position "\n")
     (setq ocamldebug-delete-output
-         (match-string 2 ocamldebug-filter-accumulator))
+          (match-string 2 ocamldebug-filter-accumulator))
     (setq ocamldebug-filter-accumulator
-         (substring ocamldebug-filter-accumulator (1- (match-end 0)))))
+          (substring ocamldebug-filter-accumulator (1- (match-end 0)))))
   (when (string-match comint-prompt-regexp
     (setq ocamldebug-delete-output (or ocamldebug-delete-output 'fail))
     (setq ocamldebug-filter-accumulator ""))
   (if (string-match "\n\\(.*\\)\\'" ocamldebug-filter-accumulator)
       (setq ocamldebug-filter-accumulator
-           (match-string 1 ocamldebug-filter-accumulator)))
+            (match-string 1 ocamldebug-filter-accumulator)))
@@ -361,11 +361,11 @@ around point."
     (let ((narg (ocamldebug-numeric-arg arg)))
       (if (> narg 0) (ocamldebug-call "delete" nil narg)
-       (with-current-buffer ocamldebug-current-buffer
-         (if (re-search-backward "^Breakpoint [0-9]+ at [0-9]+ : file "
-                                 nil t (- 1 narg))
-             (ocamldebug-delete nil)
-           (error "I don't have %d breakpoints in my history"
+        (with-current-buffer ocamldebug-current-buffer
+          (if (re-search-backward "^Breakpoint [0-9]+ at [0-9]+ : file "
+                                  nil t (- 1 narg))
+              (ocamldebug-delete nil)
+            (error "I don't have %d breakpoints in my history"
                     (- 1 narg)))))))
    ((eq (current-buffer) ocamldebug-current-buffer)
     (let* ((bpline "^Breakpoint \\([0-9]+\\) at [0-9]+ : file ")
diff --git a/tuareg-opam.el b/tuareg-opam.el
index 0904845..658e9f3 100644
--- a/tuareg-opam.el
+++ b/tuareg-opam.el
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
   (when (file-directory-p "~/.opam")
     (let ((c (directory-files "~/.opam" t "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+")))
       (if (file-directory-p "~/.opam/system")
-               (cons "~/.opam/system" c)
-             c)))
+                (cons "~/.opam/system" c)
+              c)))
   "The list of OPAM directories for the installed compilers.")
 (defvar tuareg-opam
@@ -334,10 +334,10 @@ form (n v) where n is the name of the environment 
variable and v
 its value (both being strings).  If opam is not found or the
 switch is not installed, `nil' is returned."
   (let* ((switch (if switch (concat " --switch " switch)))
-        (get-env (concat tuareg-opam " env --sexp" switch))
-        (opam-env (tuareg--shell-command-to-string get-env)))
+         (get-env (concat tuareg-opam " env --sexp" switch))
+         (opam-env (tuareg--shell-command-to-string get-env)))
     (if opam-env
-       (car (read-from-string opam-env)))))
+        (car (read-from-string opam-env)))))
 (defcustom tuareg-opam-insinuate nil
   "By default, Tuareg will use the environment that Emacs was
@@ -370,13 +370,13 @@ error message as a string)."
 (defun tuareg-opam-installed-compilers ()
   (let* ((cmd1 (concat tuareg-opam " switch list -i -s"))
          (cmd2 (concat tuareg-opam " switch list -s")); opam2
-        (cpl (or (tuareg--shell-command-to-string cmd1)
+         (cpl (or (tuareg--shell-command-to-string cmd1)
                   (tuareg--shell-command-to-string cmd2))))
     (if cpl (split-string cpl "[ \f\t\n\r\v]+" t) '())))
 (defun tuareg-opam-current-compiler ()
   (let* ((cmd (concat tuareg-opam " switch show -s"))
-        (cpl (tuareg--shell-command-to-string cmd)))
+         (cpl (tuareg--shell-command-to-string cmd)))
     (when cpl
       (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t\n]*" "" cpl))))
@@ -385,17 +385,17 @@ error message as a string)."
   "Update the environment to follow current OPAM switch configuration."
    (let* ((compl (tuareg-opam-installed-compilers))
-         (current (tuareg-opam-current-compiler))
-         (default (if current current "current"))
-         (prompt (format "opam switch (default: %s): " default)))
+          (current (tuareg-opam-current-compiler))
+          (default (if current current "current"))
+          (prompt (format "opam switch (default: %s): " default)))
      (list (completing-read prompt compl))))
   (let* ((switch (if (string= switch "") nil switch))
-        (env (tuareg-opam-config-env switch)))
+         (env (tuareg-opam-config-env switch)))
     (if env
-       (dolist (v env)
-         (setenv (car v) (cadr v))
-         (when (string= (car v) "PATH")
-           (setq exec-path (split-string (cadr v) path-separator))))
+        (dolist (v env)
+          (setenv (car v) (cadr v))
+          (when (string= (car v) "PATH")
+            (setq exec-path (split-string (cadr v) path-separator))))
       (message "Switch %s does not exist (or opam not found)" switch))))
 ;; OPAM compilation
diff --git a/tuareg.el b/tuareg.el
index 6e8494c..d041c5b 100644
--- a/tuareg.el
+++ b/tuareg.el
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ Regexp match data 0 points to the chars."
                      (buffer-substring (point)
                                        (progn (skip-chars-forward "a-z_")
-          (when (search-forward (concat "|" id "}") end 'move)
+           (when (search-forward (concat "|" id "}") end 'move)
              (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point)
                                 'syntax-table (string-to-syntax "|")))))
         (c (error "Unexpected char '%c' starting delimited string" c))))))
@@ -902,9 +902,9 @@ for the interactive mode."
   (let* ((id tuareg--id-re)
          (lid tuareg--lid-re)
          (uid tuareg--uid-re)
-        (attr-id1 "\\<[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_']*\\>")
-        (attr-id (concat attr-id1 "\\(?:\\." attr-id1 "\\)*"))
-        (maybe-infix-extension (concat "\\(?:%" attr-id "\\)?")); at most 1
+         (attr-id1 "\\<[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_']*\\>")
+         (attr-id (concat attr-id1 "\\(?:\\." attr-id1 "\\)*"))
+         (maybe-infix-extension (concat "\\(?:%" attr-id "\\)?")); at most 1
          ;; Matches braces balanced on max 3 levels.
           (let ((b "\\(?:[^()]\\|(")
@@ -927,15 +927,15 @@ for the interactive mode."
                     "\\|~\\(?:[!$%&*+-./:<=>?@^|~]+" end-op
                     "\\|[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[: ]\\)"
                     "\\|(" braces e)))
-        (balanced-brackets
+         (balanced-brackets
           (let ((b "\\(?:[^][]\\|\\[")
                 (e "\\]\\)*"))
             (concat b b b "[^][]*" e e e)))
-        (maybe-infix-attribute
-         (concat "\\(?:\\[@" attr-id balanced-brackets "\\]\\)*"))
-        (maybe-infix-ext+attr
-         (concat maybe-infix-extension maybe-infix-attribute))
-        ;; FIXME: module paths with functor applications
+         (maybe-infix-attribute
+          (concat "\\(?:\\[@" attr-id balanced-brackets "\\]\\)*"))
+         (maybe-infix-ext+attr
+          (concat maybe-infix-extension maybe-infix-attribute))
+         ;; FIXME: module paths with functor applications
          (module-path (concat uid "\\(?:\\." uid "\\)*"))
          (typeconstr (concat "\\(?:" module-path "\\.\\)?" lid))
@@ -962,8 +962,8 @@ for the interactive mode."
          (let-binding-g4 ; 4 groups
           (concat "\\_<\\(?:\\(let\\_>" binding-operator-char "?\\)"
                   "\\(" maybe-infix-ext+attr
-                 "\\)\\(?: +\\(" (if (tuareg-editing-ls3) let-ls3 "rec\\_>")
-                 "\\)\\)?\\|\\(and\\_>" binding-operator-char "?\\)\\)"))
+                  "\\)\\(?: +\\(" (if (tuareg-editing-ls3) let-ls3 "rec\\_>")
+                  "\\)\\)?\\|\\(and\\_>" binding-operator-char "?\\)\\)"))
          ;; group for possible class param
           (concat "\\(\\_<class\\(?: +type\\)?\\(?: +virtual\\)?\\_>\\)"
@@ -975,9 +975,9 @@ for the interactive mode."
             ;; cppo
             (,(concat "^ *#"
                       (regexp-opt '("define" "undef" "if" "ifdef" "ifndef"
-                                   "else" "elif" "endif" "include"
-                                   "warning" "error" "ext" "endext")
-                                 'symbols))
+                                    "else" "elif" "endif" "include"
+                                    "warning" "error" "ext" "endext")
+                                  'symbols))
              . font-lock-preprocessor-face)
             ;; Directives
             ,@(if interactive-p
@@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ for the interactive mode."
             (,(concat "[^;];\\(" maybe-infix-extension "\\)")
              1 tuareg-font-lock-infix-extension-node-face)
             (,(concat "\\_<\\(function\\)\\_>\\(" maybe-infix-ext+attr "\\)"
-                     tuareg--whitespace-re "\\(" lid "\\)?")
+                      tuareg--whitespace-re "\\(" lid "\\)?")
              (1 font-lock-keyword-face)
              (2 tuareg-font-lock-infix-extension-node-face keep)
              (3 font-lock-variable-name-face nil t))
@@ -1027,18 +1027,18 @@ for the interactive mode."
             ;; First class modules.  In these contexts, "val" and "module"
             ;; are not considered as "governing" (main structure of the code).
             (,(concat "( *\\(module\\) +\\(" module-path "\\) *\\(?:: *\\("
-                     balanced-braces-no-string "\\)\\)?)")
+                      balanced-braces-no-string "\\)\\)?)")
              (1 font-lock-keyword-face)
              (2 tuareg-font-lock-module-face)
              (3 tuareg-font-lock-module-face keep t))
             (,(concat "( *\\(val\\) +\\("
                       balanced-braces-no-end-operator "\\): +\\("
-                     balanced-braces-no-string "\\))")
+                      balanced-braces-no-string "\\))")
              (1 font-lock-keyword-face)
              (2 tuareg-font-lock-module-face)
              (3 tuareg-font-lock-module-face))
             (,(concat "\\_<\\(module\\)\\(" maybe-infix-ext+attr "\\)"
-                     "\\(\\(?: +type\\)?\\(?: +rec\\)?\\)\\>\\(?: *\\("
+                      "\\(\\(?: +type\\)?\\(?: +rec\\)?\\)\\>\\(?: *\\("
                       uid "\\)\\)?")
              (1 tuareg-font-lock-governing-face)
              (2 tuareg-font-lock-infix-extension-node-face)
@@ -1069,10 +1069,10 @@ for the interactive mode."
              (3 tuareg-font-lock-module-face keep t))
             ;; "!", "mutable", "virtual" treated as governing keywords
             (,(concat "\\<\\(\\(?:val\\(" maybe-infix-ext+attr "\\)"
-                     (if (tuareg-editing-ls3) "\\|reset\\|do")
+                      (if (tuareg-editing-ls3) "\\|reset\\|do")
                       "\\)!? +\\(?:mutable\\(?: +virtual\\)?\\_>"
                       "\\|virtual\\(?: +mutable\\)?\\_>\\)"
-                     "\\|val!\\(" maybe-infix-ext+attr "\\)\\)"
+                      "\\|val!\\(" maybe-infix-ext+attr "\\)\\)"
                       "\\(?: *\\(" lid "\\)\\)?")
              (2 tuareg-font-lock-infix-extension-node-face keep t)
              (3 tuareg-font-lock-infix-extension-node-face keep t)
@@ -1080,7 +1080,7 @@ for the interactive mode."
              (4 font-lock-variable-name-face nil t))
             ;; "val" without "!", "mutable" or "virtual"
             (,(concat "\\_<\\(val\\)\\_>\\(" maybe-infix-ext+attr "\\)"
-                     "\\(?: +\\(" lid "\\)\\)?")
+                      "\\(?: +\\(" lid "\\)\\)?")
              (1 tuareg-font-lock-governing-face keep)
              (2 tuareg-font-lock-infix-extension-node-face keep)
              (3 font-lock-function-name-face keep t))
@@ -1214,10 +1214,10 @@ for the interactive mode."
        (,(concat "`" id) . tuareg-font-lock-constructor-face)
        (,(regexp-opt '("failwith" "failwithf" "exit" "at_exit" "invalid_arg"
                        "parser" "raise" "raise_notrace" "ref" "ignore"
-                      "Match_failure" "Assert_failure" "Invalid_argument"
-                      "Failure" "Not_found" "Out_of_memory" "Stack_overflow"
-                      "Sys_error" "End_of_file" "Division_by_zero"
-                      "Sys_blocked_io" "Undefined_recursive_module")
+                       "Match_failure" "Assert_failure" "Invalid_argument"
+                       "Failure" "Not_found" "Out_of_memory" "Stack_overflow"
+                       "Sys_error" "End_of_file" "Division_by_zero"
+                       "Sys_blocked_io" "Undefined_recursive_module")
         . font-lock-builtin-face)
        ("\\[[ \t]*\\]" . tuareg-font-lock-constructor-face) ; []
@@ -1576,7 +1576,7 @@ For use on `electric-indent-functions'."
              (insert (car inners)))))))
-;;;                             SMIE
+;;;                              SMIE
 ;; TODO:
 ;; - Obey tuareg-*-indent customization variables.
@@ -1799,12 +1799,12 @@ For use on `electric-indent-functions'."
              (setq tok (tuareg-smie--backward-token))
              (if (not (zerop (length tok)))
                  (not (member tok tokens))
-              (unless (bobp)
-                (condition-case err
-                    (progn (backward-sexp) t)
-                  (scan-error
-                   (setq tok (buffer-substring (nth 3 err) (1+ (nth 3 err))))
-                   nil))))))
+               (unless (bobp)
+                 (condition-case err
+                     (progn (backward-sexp) t)
+                   (scan-error
+                    (setq tok (buffer-substring (nth 3 err) (1+ (nth 3 err))))
+                    nil))))))
 (defun tuareg-smie--search-forward (tokens)
@@ -1813,12 +1813,12 @@ For use on `electric-indent-functions'."
              (setq tok (tuareg-smie--forward-token))
              (if (not (zerop (length tok)))
                  (not (member tok tokens))
-              (unless (eobp)
-                (condition-case err
-                    (progn (forward-sexp) t)
-                  (scan-error
-                   (setq tok (buffer-substring (nth 2 err) (nth 3 err)))
-                   nil))))))
+               (unless (eobp)
+                 (condition-case err
+                     (progn (forward-sexp) t)
+                   (scan-error
+                    (setq tok (buffer-substring (nth 2 err) (nth 3 err)))
+                    nil))))))
 (defun tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments ()
@@ -2039,7 +2039,7 @@ Return values can be
                        "val" "method" "=" ":="
                        "if" "then" "else" "->" ";" ))
            (nearest (tuareg-smie--search-backward telltale)))
-      (cond                            ;Issue #7
+      (cond                             ;Issue #7
        ((and (member nearest '("type" "module"))
              (member (tuareg-smie--backward-token) '("with" "and"))) "c=")
        (t ":=")))))
@@ -2090,7 +2090,7 @@ Return values can be
           (while (progn
                    (setq nearest (tuareg-smie--search-backward
                                   '("with" "|" "fun" "function" "functor"
-                                   "type" ":" "of")))
+                                    "type" ":" "of")))
                    (and (equal nearest ":")
           (if (member nearest '("with" "|" "fun" "function" "functor"))
@@ -2145,10 +2145,10 @@ Return values can be
      ((equal tok "exception")
       (let ((back-tok (save-excursion (tuareg-smie--backward-token))))
-       (cond
-        ((member back-tok '("|" "with")) "exception-case")
-        ((equal back-tok "let") "exception-let")
-        (t tok))))
+        (cond
+         ((member back-tok '("|" "with")) "exception-case")
+         ((equal back-tok "let") "exception-let")
+         (t tok))))
      ((string-match-p "\\`[[:alpha:]_].*\\.\\'"  tok)
       (forward-char (1- (length tok))) ".")
      (t tok))))
@@ -2249,9 +2249,9 @@ Return values can be
                (smie-backward-sexp 'halfsexp)
                (cons 'column (smie-indent-virtual))))))
-       ((and tuareg-match-patterns-aligned
-             (equal token "|-or") (smie-rule-parent-p "|"))
-        (smie-rule-parent))
+        ((and tuareg-match-patterns-aligned
+              (equal token "|-or") (smie-rule-parent-p "|"))
+         (smie-rule-parent))
         ;; If we're looking at the first class-field-spec
         ;; in a "object(type)...end", don't rely on the default behavior which
         ;; will treat (type) as a previous element with which to align.

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