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[elpa] externals/sketch-mode 96ce92b 02/38: First sketch of sketch-mode

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/sketch-mode 96ce92b 02/38: First sketch of sketch-mode
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2021 16:57:33 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/sketch-mode
commit 96ce92ba417a1034a9b3f41bf1f285988420d108
Author: Daniel Nicolai <dalanicolai@gmail.com>
Commit: Daniel Nicolai <dalanicolai@gmail.com>

    First sketch of sketch-mode
 README.org     |   3 +
 sketch-mode.el | 423 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 426 insertions(+)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a713b27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.org
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#+TITLE: Sketch mode
+* Welcome
diff --git a/sketch-mode.el b/sketch-mode.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2c4f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sketch-mode.el
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+;;; sketch-mode.el --- Support for the Foo programming language  -*- 
lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2010-2021 Daniel Nicolai
+;; Author: D.L. Nicolai <dalanicolai@gmail.com>
+;; Created: 17 Jul 2021
+;; Keywords: multimedia 
+;; URL: https://github.com/dalanicolai/sketch-mode
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; TODO maybe transform relevant transient argument (strings) to variables
+;; TODO add function to open svg code in 'other buffer' and quickly reload
+;; (after editing)
+;; TODO add functionality to start drawing from org-mode source block and 
+;; source block after each draw/edit
+;; TODO maybe add keybindings (save/bind transient setting to specific 'mouse 
+;; TODO add functionality to toggle grid
+;; NOTE this is a most straightforward sketch-mode. A more advanced/general 
+;; could implement a drawing DSL based on nodes (a la tikz/asymptote etc.)
+;;; Code:
+(require 'svg)
+(require 'transient)
+(defgroup sketch nil
+  "Configure default sketch (object) properties.")
+(defcustom sketch-default-image-size '(800 . 600)
+  "Default size for sketch canvas.
+Cons cell with car and cdr both integers, respectively
+representing the image width and image height
+(default: `'(800 . 600)')."
+  :type '(cons integer integer))
+(defcustom sketch-default-grid-parameter 25
+  "Default grid line separation distance (integer)."
+  :type 'integer)
+(defcustom sketch-default-shape 'line
+  "Default object type for `sketch-interactively.'"
+  :type '(choice
+               (const :tag "Line" 'line)
+               (const :tag "Rectangle" 'rectangle)
+          (const :tag "Circle" 'circle)
+          (const :tag "Ellipse" 'ellipse)))
+(defcustom sketch-snap-to-grid t
+  "When non-nil snap to grid."
+  :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom sketch-include-start-marker nil
+  "Start start-marker"
+  :type '(choice
+               (const :tag "No marker" nil)
+               (const :tag "Arrow" 'arrow)
+          (const :tag "Point" 'point)))
+(defcustom sketch-include-mid-marker nil
+  "Mid marker type"
+  :type '(choice
+               (const :tag "No marker" nil)
+               (const :tag "Arrow" 'arrow)
+          (const :tag "Point" 'point)))
+(defcustom sketch-include-end-marker nil
+  "End marker type"
+  :type '(choice
+               (const :tag "No marker" nil)
+               (const :tag "Arrow" 'arrow)
+          (const :tag "Point" 'point)))
+(defun svg-marker (svg id width height &optional color reverse)
+  "Add a gradient with ID to SVG.
+TYPE is `linear' or `radial'.
+STOPS is a list of percentage/color pairs."
+  (svg--def
+   svg
+   (apply
+    'dom-node
+    'marker 
+    `((id . ,id)
+      (viewBox . "0 0 10 10")
+      (refX . 5)
+      (refY . 5)
+      ,(pcase id
+         ("arrow" `(markerWidth . ,width))
+         ("dot" `(markerWidth . ,width)))
+      ,(pcase id
+         ("arrow" `(markerHeight . ,height))
+         ("dot" `(markerHeight . ,height)))
+      ,(pcase id
+         ;; ("arrow" '(orient . auto-start-reverse))))
+         ("arrow" (if reverse
+                      '(orient . auto)
+                    '(orient . auto-start-reverse)))))
+    (pcase id
+      ("arrow" (list (dom-node 'path `((d . "M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z")
+                                       (fill . ,(or color "black"))))))
+      ("dot" (list (dom-node 'circle `((cx . 5)
+                                       (cy . 5)
+                                       (r . 5)
+                                       (fill . ,(or color "black"))))))))))
+(define-minor-mode sketch-mode
+  "Create svg images using the mouse."
+  nil "sketch-mode"
+  '(([drag-mouse-1] . sketch-interactively)
+    ([C-S-drag-mouse-1] . sketch-interactively)))
+(defun sketch--circle-radius (start-coords end-coords)
+  (sqrt (+ (expt (- (car end-coords) (car start-coords)) 2)
+           (expt (- (cdr end-coords) (cdr start-coords)) 2))))
+(defun sketch--rectangle-coords (start-coords end-coords)
+  (let ((base-coords (cons (apply 'min (list (car start-coords) (car 
+                           (apply 'min (list (cdr start-coords) (cdr 
+  (list (car base-coords)
+        (cdr base-coords)
+        (abs (- (car end-coords) (car start-coords)))
+        (abs (- (cdr end-coords) (cdr start-coords))))))
+(defun sketch--ellipse-coords (start-coords end-coords)
+  (list (/ (+ (car start-coords) (car end-coords)) 2)
+        (/ (+ (cdr start-coords) (cdr end-coords)) 2)
+        (abs (/ (- (car end-coords) (car start-coords)) 2))
+        (abs (/ (- (cdr end-coords) (cdr start-coords)) 2))))
+(defun sketch--create-canvas (width height &optional grid-param)
+  "Create canvas for drawing svg using the mouse."
+  (defvar svg)
+    (insert-image (let ((width width)
+                        (height height))
+                    (setq svg (svg-create width height :stroke "gray"))
+                    (svg-marker svg "arrow" 8 8 "black" t)
+                    (svg-rectangle svg 0 0 width height :fill "white")
+                    (unless (or (not grid-param) (= grid-param 0) )
+                      (let ((dash t))
+                        (dotimes (x (1- (/ width grid-param)))
+                          (let ((pos (* (1+ x) grid-param)))
+                            (svg-line svg pos 0 pos height :stroke-dasharray 
(when dash "2,4"))
+                            (setq dash (if dash nil t)))))
+                      (let ((dash t))
+                        (dotimes (x (1- (/ height grid-param)))
+                          (let ((pos (* (1+ x) grid-param)))
+                            (svg-line svg 0 pos width pos :stroke-dasharray 
(when dash "2,4"))
+                            (setq dash (if dash nil t))))))
+                    (svg-image svg :pointer 'arrow :grid-param grid-param)))
+    (sketch-mode)
+    (call-interactively 'sketch-transient))
+(defun sketch (arg)
+  "Initialize or switch to (new) SVG image.
+With prefix argument,  "
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((width (if arg (car sketch-default-image-size) (read-number "Enter 
width: ") ))
+        (height (if arg 600 (read-number "Enter height: ")))
+        (grid-param (if arg 25 (read-number "Enter grid parameter (enter 0 for 
no grid): ")))
+        (buffer (get-buffer "*sketch")))
+    (if buffer
+        (progn (switch-to-buffer buffer)
+               (call-interactively 'tutorial-transient))
+      (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*sketch"))
+      (sketch--create-canvas width height grid-param))))
+(defun sketch-snap-to-grid (coord grid-param)
+  (cons (* (round (/ (float (car coord)) grid-param)) grid-param)
+        (* (round (/ (float (cdr coord)) grid-param)) grid-param)))
+;;; Transient
+(defclass sketch-variable:choices (transient-variable)
+  ((choices     :initarg :choices)
+   (fallback    :initarg :fallback    :initform nil)
+   (default     :initarg :default     :initform nil)))
+(cl-defmethod transient-infix-read ((obj sketch-variable:choices))
+  (let ((choices (oref obj choices)))
+    (if-let ((value (oref obj value)))
+        (cadr (member value choices))
+      (car choices))))
+(cl-defmethod transient-infix-value ((obj sketch-variable:choices))
+  "Return the value of OBJ's `value' slot if not nil,
+     else return value of OBJ's `default' slot if not nil,
+     else return nil"
+  (let ((default (oref obj default)))
+    (if-let ((value (oref obj value)))
+        (concat (oref obj argument) value)
+      (when default
+        (concat (oref obj argument) default)))))
+(cl-defmethod transient-format-value ((obj sketch-variable:choices))
+  (let ((value (oref obj value))
+        (choices (oref obj choices))
+        (default  (oref obj default)))
+    (concat
+     (propertize "[" 'face 'transient-inactive-value)
+     (mapconcat (lambda (choice)
+                  (propertize choice 'face (if (equal choice value)
+                                               (if (member choice choices)
+                                                   'transient-value
+                                                 'font-lock-warning-face)
+                                             'transient-inactive-value)))
+                choices
+                (propertize "|" 'face 'transient-inactive-value))
+     (and (or default)
+          (concat
+           (propertize "|" 'face 'transient-inactive-value)
+           (cond
+            (default
+              (propertize (concat "default:" default)
+                          'face
+                          (if value
+                              'transient-inactive-value
+                            'transient-value))))))
+     (propertize "]" 'face 'transient-inactive-value))))
+(defclass sketch-variable:colors (transient-variable)
+  ((fallback    :initarg :fallback    :initform nil)
+   (default     :initarg :default     :initform nil)))
+(cl-defmethod transient-infix-read ((obj sketch-variable:colors))
+  (read-color "Select color: "))
+(cl-defmethod transient-infix-value ((obj sketch-variable:colors))
+  (let ((default (oref obj default)))
+    (if-let ((value (oref obj value)))
+        (concat (oref obj argument) (substring-no-properties value))
+      (when default
+        (concat (oref obj argument) (substring-no-properties default))))))
+(cl-defmethod transient-format-value ((obj sketch-variable:colors))
+  (let ((value (oref obj value))
+        (default  (oref obj default)))
+    (if value
+        (format "%s (%s)"
+                (propertize value 'face (cons 'foreground-color value))
+                (propertize (apply 'color-rgb-to-hex (color-name-to-rgb value))
+                            'face 'transient-inactive-argument))
+      (if (string= default "none")
+          (propertize "none" 'face 'transient-inactive-argument)
+        (format "%s (%s)"
+                (propertize default 'face (cons 'foreground-color default))
+                (propertize (apply 'color-rgb-to-hex (color-name-to-rgb 
+                            'face 'transient-inactive-argument))))))
+(transient-define-prefix  sketch-transient ()
+  "Some Emacs magic"
+  :transient-suffix     'transient--do-call
+  :transient-non-suffix 'transient--do-stay
+  ["Object definitions"
+   [("o" "object" sketch-object)]
+   [("c" "stroke-color" sketch-stroke-color)
+    ("C" "fill-color" sketch-fill-color)]
+   [("w" "stroke-width" sketch-stroke-width)]
+   [("m" "end-marker" sketch-object-marker)]]
+  ["Snap-to-grid"
+   ("s" "Snap to grid" sketch-snap)]
+  ["Commands"
+   [([drag-mouse-1] "Sketch"  sketch-interactively-1)]
+   [("d" "Show definition" sketch-show-definition)
+    ("D" "Copy definition" sketch-copy-definition)
+    ("S" "Save image" sketch-save)]]
+  [("q" "Quit"           transient-quit-one)])
+(transient-define-infix sketch-object ()
+  :description "Option with list"
+  :class 'sketch-variable:choices
+  :argument "--object="
+  :choices '("rectangle" "circle" "ellipse")
+  :default "line")
+(transient-define-infix sketch-stroke-width ()
+  :description "Option with list"
+  :class 'transient-option
+  :argument "--stroke-width="
+  :choices (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                     (number-to-string x))
+                   (number-sequence 1 100)))
+(transient-define-infix sketch-stroke-color ()
+  :description "Option with list"
+  :class 'sketch-variable:colors
+  :argument "--stroke-color="
+  :default "black")
+(transient-define-infix sketch-fill-color ()
+  :description "Option with list"
+  :class 'sketch-variable:colors
+  :argument "--fill-color="
+  :default "none")
+(transient-define-infix sketch-object-marker ()
+  :description "Option with list"
+  :class 'sketch-variable:choices
+  :argument "--marker="
+  :choices '("arrow" "point")
+  :default "none")
+(transient-define-infix sketch-snap ()
+  :description "Option with list"
+  :class 'sketch-variable:choices
+  :argument "--snap-to-grid="
+  :choices '("t")
+  :default "nil")
+(transient-define-suffix sketch-interactively-1 (event)
+  (interactive "@e")
+  (let* ((args (when transient-current-prefix (transient-args 
+         (start (event-start event))
+         (grid-param (plist-get (cdr (posn-image start)) :grid-param))
+         (snap (transient-arg-value "--snap-to-grid=" args))
+         (start-coords (if (or (not snap) (string= snap "nil"))
+                          (posn-object-x-y start)
+                        (sketch-snap-to-grid (posn-object-x-y start) 
+         (end (event-end event))
+         (end-coords (if (or (not snap) (string= snap "nil"))
+                        (posn-object-x-y end)
+                      (sketch-snap-to-grid (posn-object-x-y end) grid-param)))
+         (object-props (list :stroke-width
+                             (transient-arg-value "--stroke-width=" args)
+                             :stroke
+                             (transient-arg-value "--stroke-color=" args)
+                             :fill
+                             (transient-arg-value "--fill-color=" args)
+                             :marker-end (if args (pcase (transient-arg-value 
"--marker=" args)
+                                                    ("arrow" "url(#arrow)")
+                                                    ("point" "url(#point)"))
+                                           (if sketch-include-end-marker
+                                               "url(#arrow)"
+                                             "none")              (_ "none"))))
+         (command-and-coords (pcase (transient-arg-value "--object=" args)
+                               ("line" (list 'svg-line
+                                             (car start-coords) (cdr 
start-coords) (car end-coords) (cdr end-coords)))
+                               ("rectangle" `(svg-rectangle 
,@(sketch--rectangle-coords start-coords end-coords)))
+                               ("circle" (list 'svg-circle
+                                               (car start-coords) (cdr 
+                                               (sketch--circle-radius 
start-coords end-coords)))
+                               ("ellipse" `(svg-ellipse 
,@(sketch--ellipse-coords start-coords end-coords))))))
+    (apply (car command-and-coords) svg `(,@(cdr command-and-coords) 
+    (kill-backward-chars 1)
+    (insert-image (svg-image svg :pointer 'arrow :grid-param grid-param))))
+;; (defun sketch-interactively (event)
+;;   "Draw object interactively, interpreting mouse event."
+;;   (interactive "e")
+;;   (let* ((start (event-start event))
+;;          (start-coords (posn-object-x-y start))
+;;          (end (event-end event))
+;;          (end-coords (posn-object-x-y end))
+;;          (grid-param (plist-get (cdr (posn-image start)) :grid-param)))
+;;     (when (or (not grid-param) (= grid-param 0))
+;;       (setq sketch-snap-to-grid nil))
+;;     (when sketch-snap-to-grid
+;;       (setq start-coords (sketch-snap-to-grid start-coords grid-param))
+;;       (setq end-coords (sketch-snap-to-grid end-coords grid-param)))
+;;     (pcase sketch-default-shape
+;;       ('line   (svg-line svg (car start-coords) (cdr start-coords) (car 
end-coords) (cdr end-coords)
+;;                          :marker-start (if sketch-include-start-marker
+;;                                          "url(#arrow)"
+;;                                        "none")
+;;                          :marker-mid (if sketch-include-mid-marker
+;;                                            "url(#arrow)"
+;;                                          "none")
+;;                          :marker-end (if sketch-include-end-marker
+;;                                          "url(#arrow)"
+;;                                        "none")))
+;;       ('rectangle (apply 'svg-rectangle svg (append 
(sketch--rectangle-coords start-coords end-coords) '(:fill "none"))))
+;;       ('circle (svg-circle svg (car start-coords) (cdr start-coords) 
(sketch--circle-radius start-coords end-coords)
+;;                            :fill "none"))
+;;       ('ellipse (apply 'svg-ellipse svg  (append (sketch--ellipse-coords 
start-coords end-coords) '(:fill "none")))))
+;;     (kill-backward-chars 1)
+;;     (insert-image (svg-image svg :pointer 'arrow :grid-param grid-param))))
+  ;; (call-interactively 'tutorial-transient)
+(transient-define-suffix sketch-show-definition ()
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create "svg")))
+    (pp svg buffer)
+    (switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer)
+    (emacs-lisp-mode)))
+(transient-define-suffix sketch-copy-definition ()
+  (interactive)
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (pp svg (current-buffer))
+    (kill-new (buffer-string))))
+(transient-define-suffix sketch-save ()
+  (interactive)
+  (image-save))
+(provide 'sketch-mode)
+;;; filename ends here

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