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[elpa] externals/svg-lib 778ef64 04/32: Full rewrite

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/svg-lib 778ef64 04/32: Full rewrite
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2021 16:57:45 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/svg-lib
commit 778ef64d80ba3a45e7fab69d43812f762fc479b0
Author: Nicolas P. Rougier <Nicolas.Rougier@inria.fr>
Commit: Nicolas P. Rougier <Nicolas.Rougier@inria.fr>

    Full rewrite
 screenshot.png  | Bin 468252 -> 480935 bytes
 svg-lib-demo.el |  31 ++--
 svg-lib.el      | 508 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------
 3 files changed, 202 insertions(+), 337 deletions(-)

diff --git a/screenshot.png b/screenshot.png
index 6276b76..4af2b44 100644
Binary files a/screenshot.png and b/screenshot.png differ
diff --git a/svg-lib-demo.el b/svg-lib-demo.el
index dae4d1d..8ace83d 100644
--- a/svg-lib-demo.el
+++ b/svg-lib-demo.el
@@ -1,38 +1,41 @@
 (dotimes (i 5)
-  (insert-image (svg-lib-tag "TODO" :padding 1
+  (insert-image (svg-lib-tag "TODO" nil
                              :family "Roboto Mono" :weight (* (+ i 2) 100))))
 (dotimes (i 10)
-  (insert-image (svg-lib-tag "TODO" :padding 1 :stroke (/ i 4.0))))
+  (insert-image (svg-lib-tag "TODO" nil :padding 1 :thickness (/ i 4.0))))
 (dotimes (i 10)
-  (insert-image (svg-lib-tag "TODO" :padding 1 :stroke 2 :radius i)))
+  (insert-image (svg-lib-tag "TODO" nil :thickness 2 :radius i)))
 (dotimes (i 10)
-  (insert-image (svg-lib-progress-bar (/ (+ i 1) 10.0)
-                    :width 5 :margin 1 :stroke 2 :padding 2)))
+  (insert-image (svg-lib-progress (/ (+ i 1) 10.0) nil
+                    :width 5 :margin 1 :thickness 2 :padding 2)))
-(insert-image (svg-lib-progress-bar .75
-                   :bar-color "#999999" :line-color "#999999" :margin 0
-                   :fill-color "#f0f0f0" :radius 0 :stroke .5 :padding 0))
+(insert-image (svg-lib-progress .75 nil
+                   :foreground "#999999" :stroke "#999999" :margin 0
+                   :background "#f0f0f0" :radius 0 :thickness .5 :padding 0))
-(insert-image (svg-lib-progress-bar 0.75 :radius 8 :stroke 2 :padding 0))
+(insert-image (svg-lib-progress 0.75 nil :radius 8 :thickness 2 :padding 0))
+(dotimes (i 10)
+  (insert-image (svg-lib-icon "material" "star" nil
+                              :scale (/ (+ i 1) 10.0))))
-(insert-image (svg-lib-icon "material" "star" :stroke 0))
-(insert-image (svg-lib-icon "material" "star" :stroke 1.5))
-(insert-image (svg-lib-icon "material" "star" :inverse t))
+(insert-image (svg-lib-icon "material" "star" nil :radius 8
+                            :thickness 2 :scale 0.75 :padding 0))
diff --git a/svg-lib.el b/svg-lib.el
index 1c8a8f9..74a8237 100644
--- a/svg-lib.el
+++ b/svg-lib.el
@@ -30,13 +30,7 @@
 ;; (insert-image (svg-lib-tag "TODO"))
 ;; (insert-image (svg-lib-progress-bar 0.33))
-;; (insert-image (svg-lib-icon "material" "star" :stroke 0))
-;; (dotimes (i 10)
-;;   (insert-image (svg-lib-progress-bar (/ (+ i 1) 10.0)
-;;                     :width 5 :margin 1 :stroke 2 :padding 2)))
+;; (insert-image (svg-lib-icon "material" "star"))
 ;; Icons ares created by parsing remote collections whose license are
 ;; compatibles with GNU Emacs:
@@ -80,61 +74,8 @@
   :group 'convenience
   :prefix "svg-lib-")
-(defcustom svg-lib-default-margin 1
-  "Default margin in characters."
-  :type 'integer
-  :group 'svg-lib)
-(defcustom svg-lib-default-padding 1
-  "Default padding in characters for tags, in pixels for bars & icons."
-  :type 'integer
-  :group 'svg-lib)
-(defcustom svg-lib-default-radius 3
-  "Default radius in pixels."
-  :type 'integer
-  :group 'svg-lib)
-(defcustom svg-lib-default-zoom 1
-  "Default zoom level for icons."
-  :type 'integer
-  :group 'svg-lib)
-(defcustom svg-lib-default-width 20
-  "Default width of progress bar in characters."
-  :type 'integer
-  :group 'svg-lib)
-(defcustom svg-lib-default-stroke 1
-  "Default stroke width in pixels."
-  :type 'integer
-  :group 'svg-lib)
-(defface svg-lib-default-face
-  `((t :foreground ,(face-attribute 'default :foreground)
-       :background ,(face-attribute 'default :background)
-       :box (:line-width ,svg-lib-default-stroke
-             :color ,(face-attribute 'default :foreground)
-             :style nil)
-       :family ,(face-attribute 'default :family)
-       :weight ,(face-attribute 'default :weight)
-       :height ,(if (display-graphic-p)
-                    (- (face-attribute 'default :height) 20)
-                  1)))
-  "Default face used for all SVG objects"
-:group 'svg-lib)
-;; SVG font weights translation
-(defvar svg-lib--font-weights '((thin       . 100)
-                                (ultralight . 200)
-                                (light      . 300)
-                                (regular    . 400)
-                                (medium     . 500)
-                                (semibold   . 600)
-                                (bold       . 700)
-                                (extrabold  . 800)
-                                (black      . 900)))
+;; Default icon collections
+;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 (defcustom  svg-lib-icon-collections
   '(("bootstrap" .
@@ -158,218 +99,169 @@ collection (there are way too many to store them)."
   :group 'svg-lib)
+;; Default style for all objects
+;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defcustom svg-lib-style-default
+  '(:foreground "black" :background "white" :stroke "black"
+    :thickness 2 :radius 3 :padding 1 :margin 1 :width 20 :scale 1.0
+    :family "Roboto Mono" :height 12 :weight regular)
+  "Default style"
+  :group 'svg-lib)
+;; Convert Emacs color to SVG color
+;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 (defun svg-lib-convert-color (color-name)
   "Convert Emacs COLOR-NAME to #rrggbb form.
 If COLOR-NAME is unknown to Emacs, then return COLOR-NAME as-is."
   (let ((rgb-color (color-name-to-rgb color-name)))
     (if rgb-color
         (apply #'color-rgb-to-hex (append rgb-color '(2)))
-(defun svg-lib-foreground (face)
-  "Return the foreground color of FACE, ensuring it is specified."
-  (face-attribute face :foreground nil 'default))
-(defun svg-lib-background (face)
-  "Return the background color of FACE, ensuring it is specified."
-  (face-attribute face :background nil 'default))
-;; --- Tags ------------------------------------------------------------
-(defun svg-lib-tag (label &rest args)
-  "Create an SVG image displaying LABEL in a rounded box.
-Visual aspect can be controlled using the ARGS parameters:
-  :face FACE              The face to use
-  :radius RADIUS          The radius in pixels of the box
-  :margin MARGIN          The (external) margin in characters
-  :padding PADDING        The (internal) padding in characters
-  :text-color TEXT-COLOR  The color of the label
-  :line-color LINE-COLOR  The border color of the box
-  :fill-color FILL-COLOR  The background color of the box
-  :inverse INVERSE        Whether to swap text and fill colors
-  :stroke STROKE          The width in pixels of the border of the box
-  :weight WEIGHT          The font weight of the label
-                            (takes precedence over face)
-  :family FAMILY          The font family of the label
-                            (takes precedence over face)"
-  (let* ((face          (or (plist-get args :face)
-                            'svg-lib-default-face))
-         (padding       (or (plist-get args :padding)
-                            svg-lib-default-padding))
-         (margin        (or (plist-get args :margin)
-                            svg-lib-default-margin))
-         (radius        (or (plist-get args :radius)
-                            svg-lib-default-radius))
-         (inverse       (or (plist-get args :inverse)
-                            nil))
-         (text-color (or (plist-get args :text-color)
-                         (if inverse
-                             (svg-lib-background face)
-                           (svg-lib-foreground face))))
-         (fill-color (or (plist-get args :fill-color)
-                         (if inverse
-                             (svg-lib-foreground face)
-                           (svg-lib-background face))))
-         (line-color (or (plist-get args :line-color)
-                         (plist-get args :text-color)
-                         (plist-get (face-attribute face :box) :color)
-                         text-color))
-         (stroke     (or (plist-get args :stroke)
-                         (plist-get (face-attribute face :box) :line-width)
-                         svg-lib-default-stroke))
-         (weight     (or (plist-get args :weight)
-                         (face-attribute face :weight nil 'default)))
-         (weight     (or (cdr (assoc weight svg-lib--font-weights))
-                         weight))
-         (family     (or (plist-get args :family)
-                         (face-attribute face :family)))
+;; SVG Library style build from partial specification
+;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun svg-lib-style (&optional base &rest args)
+  "Build a news style using BASE and style elements ARGS."
+  (let* ((default svg-lib-style-default)
+         (base (or base default))
+         (keys (cl-loop for (key value) on default by 'cddr
+                        collect key))
+         (style '()))
+    (dolist (key keys)
+      (setq style (if (plist-member args key)
+                      (plist-put style key (plist-get args key))
+                    (plist-put style key (plist-get base key)))))
+    ;; Convert emacs colors to SVG colors
+    (plist-put style :foreground
+               (svg-lib-convert-color (plist-get style :foreground)))
+    (plist-put style :background
+               (svg-lib-convert-color (plist-get style :background)))
+    (plist-put style :stroke
+               (svg-lib-convert-color (plist-get style :stroke)))
+    ;; Convert emacs font weights to SVG font weights
+    (let ((weights
+           '((thin       . 100) (ultralight . 200) (light      . 300)
+             (regular    . 400) (medium     . 500) (semibold   . 600)
+             (bold       . 700) (extrabold  . 800) (black      . 900))))
+      (plist-put style :weight
+                 (or (cdr (assoc (plist-get style :weight) weights))
+                     (plist-get style :weight))))
+    style))
+;; Create an image displaying LABEL in a rounded box.
+;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun svg-lib-tag (label &optional style &rest args)
+  "Create an image displaying LABEL in a rounded box using given STYLE
+and style elements ARGS."
+  (let* ((default svg-lib-style-default)
+         (style (if style (apply #'svg-lib-style nil style) default))
+         (style (if args  (apply #'svg-lib-style style args) style))
+         (foreground (plist-get style :foreground))
+         (background (plist-get style :background))
+         (stroke     (plist-get style :stroke))
+         (size       (plist-get style :height))
+         (family     (plist-get style :family))
+         (weight     (plist-get style :weight))
+         (radius     (plist-get style :radius))
+         (margin     (plist-get style :margin))
+         (padding    (plist-get style :padding))
+         (thickness  (plist-get style :thickness))
-         (size       (/ (face-attribute face :height nil 'default) 10))
-         (ascent     (elt (font-info (format "%s:%d" family size)) 8))
-         (tag-char-width  (window-font-width nil face))
-         (tag-char-height (window-font-height nil face))
          (txt-char-width  (window-font-width))
          (txt-char-height (window-font-height))
-         (tag-width (* (+ (length label) padding) txt-char-width))
-         (tag-height (* txt-char-height 0.9))
+         (ascent          (aref (font-info (format "%s:%d" family size)) 8))
+         (tag-char-width  (aref (font-info (format "%s:%d" family size)) 11))
+         (tag-char-height (aref (font-info (format "%s:%d" family size)) 3))
+         (tag-width       (* (+ (length label) padding) txt-char-width))
+         (tag-height      (* txt-char-height 0.9))
-         (svg-width (+ tag-width (* margin txt-char-width)))
-         (svg-height tag-height)
+         (svg-width       (+ tag-width (* margin txt-char-width)))
+         (svg-height      tag-height)
          (tag-x (/ (- svg-width tag-width) 2))
          (text-x (+ tag-x (/ (- tag-width (* (length label) tag-char-width)) 
          (text-y ascent)
          (svg (svg-create svg-width svg-height)))
-    (if (>= stroke 0.25)
+    (if (>= thickness 0.25)
         (svg-rectangle svg tag-x 0 tag-width tag-height
-                       :fill        (svg-lib-convert-color line-color)
-                       :rx          radius))
-    (svg-rectangle svg (+ tag-x (/ stroke 2.0)) (/ stroke 2.0)
-                   (- tag-width stroke) (- tag-height stroke)
-                   :fill        (svg-lib-convert-color fill-color)
-                   :rx          (- radius (/ stroke 2.0)))
-    (svg-text      svg label
-                   :font-family family
-                   :font-weight weight
-                   :font-size   size
-                   :fill        (svg-lib-convert-color text-color)
-                   :x           text-x
-                   :y           text-y)
+                           :fill stroke :rx radius))
+    (svg-rectangle svg (+ tag-x (/ thickness 2.0)) (/ thickness 2.0)
+                       (- tag-width thickness) (- tag-height thickness)
+                       :fill background :rx (- radius (/ thickness 2.0)))
+    (svg-text svg label
+              :font-family family :font-weight weight  :font-size size
+              :fill foreground :x text-x :y  text-y)
     (svg-image svg :scale 1 :ascent 'center)))
+;; Create a progress bar
+;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun svg-lib-progress (value &optional style &rest args)
+  "Create a progress bar image with value VALUE using given STYLE
+and style elements ARGS."
+  (let* ((default svg-lib-style-default)
+         (style (if style (apply #'svg-lib-style nil style) default))
+         (style (if args  (apply #'svg-lib-style style args) style))
+         (width      (plist-get style :width))
+         (foreground (plist-get style :foreground))
+         (background (plist-get style :background))
+         (stroke     (plist-get style :stroke))
+         (size       (plist-get style :height))
+         (family     (plist-get style :family))
+         (weight     (plist-get style :weight))
+         (radius     (plist-get style :radius))
+         (margin     (plist-get style :margin))
+         (padding    (plist-get style :padding))
+         (thickness  (plist-get style :thickness))
-;; --- Progress bars ---------------------------------------------------
-(defun svg-lib-progress-bar (value &rest args)
-  "Create a SVG progress bar image with value VALUE.
-Visual aspect can be controlled using the ARGS parameters:
-  :face FACE              The face to use
-  :width WIDTH            Total width in characters of the bar
-  :radius RADIUS          The radius in pixels of the bar
-  :margin MARGIN          The (external) margin in characters
-  :padding PADDING        The (internal) padding in pixels
-  :bar-color TEXT-COLOR   The color of the progress bar
-  :line-color LINE-COLOR  The border color of the bar
-  :fill-color FILL-COLOR  The background color of the bar
-  :inverse INVERSE        Whether to swap bar and fill colors
-  :stroke STROKE          The width in pixels of the border of the bar"
-  (let* ((face          (or (plist-get args :face)
-                            'svg-lib-default-face))
-         (padding       (or (plist-get args :padding)
-                            svg-lib-default-padding))
-         (margin        (or (plist-get args :margin)
-                            svg-lib-default-margin))
-         (radius        (or (plist-get args :radius)
-                            svg-lib-default-radius))
-         (inverse       (or (plist-get args :inverse)
-                            nil))
-         (bar-color (or (plist-get args :bar-color)
-                        (if inverse
-                            (svg-lib-background face)
-                          (svg-lib-foreground face))))
-         (fill-color (or (plist-get args :fill-color)
-                         (if inverse
-                             (svg-lib-foreground face)
-                           (svg-lib-background face))))
-         (line-color (or (plist-get args :line-color)
-                         (plist-get args :text-color)
-                         (plist-get (face-attribute face :box) :color)
-                         bar-color))
-         (stroke     (or (plist-get args :stroke)
-                         (plist-get (face-attribute face :box) :line-width)
-                         svg-lib-default-stroke))
-         (width      (or (plist-get args :width)
-                         svg-lib-default-width))
-         (weight     (or (plist-get args :weight)
-                         (face-attribute face :weight)))
-         (weight     (cdr (assoc weight svg-lib--font-weights)))
-         (family     (or (plist-get args :family)
-                         (face-attribute face :family)))
-         (size       (face-attribute face :height))
-         (size       (if (eq size 'unspecified)
-                         (face-attribute 'default :height) size))
-         (size       (/ size 10))
-         (ascent (elt (font-info (format "%s:%d" family size)) 8))
-         (tag-char-width  (window-font-width nil face))
-         (tag-char-height (window-font-height nil face))
          (txt-char-width  (window-font-width))
          (txt-char-height (window-font-height))
-         (tag-width (* width txt-char-width))
-         (tag-height (* txt-char-height 0.9))
+         (ascent          (aref (font-info (format "%s:%d" family size)) 8))
+         (tag-char-width  (aref (font-info (format "%s:%d" family size)) 11))
+         (tag-char-height (aref (font-info (format "%s:%d" family size)) 3))
+         (tag-width       (* width txt-char-width))
+         (tag-height      (* txt-char-height 0.9))
-         (svg-width (+ tag-width (* margin txt-char-width)))
-         (svg-height tag-height)
+         (svg-width       (+ tag-width (* margin txt-char-width)))
+         (svg-height      tag-height)
          (tag-x (/ (- svg-width tag-width) 2))
          (svg (svg-create svg-width svg-height)))
-    (if (>= stroke 0.25)
+    (if (>= thickness 0.25)
         (svg-rectangle svg tag-x 0 tag-width tag-height
-                       :fill        (svg-lib-convert-color line-color)
-                       :rx          radius))
-    (svg-rectangle svg (+ tag-x (/ stroke 2.0))
-                       (/ stroke 2.0)
-                       (- tag-width stroke)
-                       (- tag-height stroke)
-                   :fill  (svg-lib-convert-color fill-color)
-                   :rx    (- radius (/ stroke 2.0)))
-    (svg-rectangle svg (+ tag-x (/ stroke 2.0) padding)
-                       (+ (/ stroke 2.0) padding)
-                       (- (* value tag-width) stroke (* 2 padding))
-                       (- tag-height stroke (* 2 padding))
-                   :fill (svg-lib-convert-color bar-color)
-                   :rx   (- radius (/ stroke 2.0)))
+                       :fill stroke :rx radius))
+    (svg-rectangle svg (+ tag-x (/ thickness 2.0))
+                       (/ thickness 2.0)
+                       (- tag-width thickness)
+                       (- tag-height thickness)
+                       :fill background :rx (- radius (/ thickness 2.0)))
+    (svg-rectangle svg (+ tag-x (/ thickness 2.0) padding)
+                       (+ (/ thickness 2.0) padding)
+                       (- (* value tag-width) thickness (* 2 padding))
+                       (- tag-height thickness (* 2 padding))
+                       :fill foreground :rx (- radius (/ thickness 2.0)))
     (svg-image svg :scale 1 :ascent 'center)))
-;; --- Icons -----------------------------------------------------------
+;; Create a rounded box icon
+;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 (defun svg-lib--icon-get-data (collection name &optional force-reload)
   "Retrieve icon NAME from COLLECTION.
@@ -393,103 +285,73 @@ Cached version is returned if it exists unless 
         (url-insert-buffer-contents buffer url)
         (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max))))))
-(defun svg-lib-icon (collection name &rest args)
-  "Create a SVG image displaying icon NAME from COLLECTION.
-Default size is 2x1 characters.
-Visual aspect can be controlled using the ARGS parameters:
-  :face FACE              The face to use
-  :zoom ZOOM              Size of the icon (interger value)
-  :radius RADIUS          The radius in pixels of the box
-  :margin MARGIN          The (external) margin in characters
-  :padding PADDING        The (internal) padding in characters
-  :icon-color TEXT-COLOR  The color of the icon
-  :line-color LINE-COLOR  The border color of the box
-  :fill-color FILL-COLOR  The background color of the box
-  :inverse INVERSE        Whether to swap text and fill colors
-  :stroke STROKE          The width in pixels of the border of the box"
+(defun svg-lib-icon (collection name &optional style &rest args)
+  "Create a SVG image displaying icon NAME from COLLECTION using
+given STYLE and style elements ARGS."
   (let* ((root (svg-lib--icon-get-data collection name))
-         (face          (or (plist-get args :face)
-                            'svg-lib-default-face))
-         (padding       (or (plist-get args :padding)
-                            svg-lib-default-padding))
-         (margin        (or (plist-get args :margin)
-                            svg-lib-default-margin))
-         (radius        (or (plist-get args :radius)
-                            svg-lib-default-radius))
-         (zoom          (or (plist-get args :zoom)
-                            svg-lib-default-zoom))
-         (inverse       (or (plist-get args :inverse)
-                            nil))
-         (icon-color (or (plist-get args :icon-color)
-                         (if inverse
-                             (svg-lib-background face)
-                           (svg-lib-foreground face))))
-         (fill-color (or (plist-get args :fill-color)
-                         (if inverse
-                             (svg-lib-foreground face)
-                           (svg-lib-background face))))
-         (line-color (or (plist-get args :line-color)
-                         (plist-get args :text-color)
-                         (plist-get (face-attribute face :box) :color)
-                         icon-color))
-         (stroke     (or (plist-get args :stroke)
-                         (plist-get (face-attribute face :box) :line-width)
-                         svg-lib-default-stroke))
+         (default svg-lib-style-default)
+         (style (if style (apply #'svg-lib-style nil style) default))
+         (style (if args  (apply #'svg-lib-style style args) style))
+         (foreground (plist-get style :foreground))
+         (background (plist-get style :background))
+         (stroke     (plist-get style :stroke))
+         (size       (plist-get style :height))
+         (family     (plist-get style :family))
+         (weight     (plist-get style :weight))
+         (radius     (plist-get style :radius))
+         (margin     (plist-get style :margin))
+         (padding    (plist-get style :padding))
+         (thickness  (plist-get style :thickness))
+         (scale      (plist-get style :scale))
+         (width      (+ 2 padding))
+         (txt-char-width  (window-font-width))
+         (txt-char-height (window-font-height))
+         (box-width       (* width txt-char-width))
+         (box-height      (*  0.90 txt-char-height))
+         (svg-width       (+ box-width (* margin txt-char-width)))
+         (svg-height      box-height)
+         (box-x           (/ (- svg-width box-width) 2))
+         (box-y           0)
          ;; Read original viewbox
          (viewbox (cdr (assq 'viewBox (xml-node-attributes (car root)))))
          (viewbox (mapcar 'string-to-number (split-string viewbox)))
-         (view-x (nth 0 viewbox))
-         (view-y (nth 1 viewbox))
-         (view-width (nth 2 viewbox))
-         (view-height (nth 3 viewbox))
-         ;; Set icon size (in pixels) to 2x1 characters
-         (svg-width  (* (window-font-width)  2))
-         (svg-height (* (window-font-height) 1))
-         ;; Compute the new viewbox (adjust y origin and height)
-         (ratio (/ view-width svg-width))
-         (delta-h (ceiling (/ (- view-height (* svg-height ratio) ) 2)))
-         (view-y (- view-y delta-h))
-         (view-height (+ view-height (* delta-h 2)))
-         ;; Zoom the icon by using integer factor only
-         (zoom (max 1 (truncate (or zoom 1))))
-         (svg-width  (* svg-width zoom))
-         (svg-height (* svg-height zoom))
-         (svg-viewbox (format "%f %f %f %f"
-                              view-x view-y view-width view-height))
-         (f-ratio (/ (float view-width) (float svg-width)))
-         (transform (format "translate(%f,%f) scale(%f)"  view-x view-y 
-         (svg (svg-create svg-width svg-height
-                          :viewBox svg-viewbox
-                          :stroke-width 0
-                          :fill (svg-lib-convert-color fill-color))))
-    (if (>= stroke 0.25)
-        (svg-rectangle svg 0 0 svg-width svg-height
-                           :fill (svg-lib-convert-color icon-color)
-                           :rx radius
-                           :transform transform))
-      (svg-rectangle svg (/ stroke 2.0) (/ stroke 2.0)
-                         (- svg-width stroke) (- svg-height stroke)
-                         :fill (svg-lib-convert-color fill-color)
-                         :rx  (- radius (/ stroke 2.0))
-                         :transform transform)
+         (icon-x      (nth 0 viewbox))
+         (icon-y      (nth 1 viewbox))
+         (icon-width  (nth 2 viewbox))
+         (icon-height (nth 3 viewbox))
+         (scale       (* scale (/ (float box-height) (float icon-height))))
+         (icon-transform
+          (format "translate(%f,%f) scale(%f) translate(%f,%f)"
+                  (- icon-x )
+                  (- icon-y )
+                  scale
+                  (- (/ svg-width 2 scale) (/ icon-width 2))
+                  (- (/ svg-height 2 scale) (/ icon-height 2))))
+         (svg (svg-create svg-width svg-height)))
+    (if (>= thickness 0.25)
+        (svg-rectangle svg box-x box-y box-width box-height
+                       :fill stroke :rx radius))
+    (svg-rectangle svg (+ box-x (/ thickness 2.0))
+                       (+ box-y (/ thickness 2.0))
+                       (- box-width thickness)
+                       (- box-height thickness)
+                       :fill background :rx (- radius (/ thickness 2.0)))
     (dolist (item (xml-get-children (car root) 'path))
       (let* ((attrs (xml-node-attributes item))
              (path (cdr (assoc 'd attrs)))
-             (fill (or (cdr (assoc 'fill attrs))
-                       (svg-lib-convert-color icon-color))))
-        (message fill)
-        (svg-node svg 'path :d path :fill fill)))
+             (fill (or (cdr (assoc 'fill attrs)) foreground)))
+        (svg-node svg 'path :d path
+                            :fill foreground
+                            :transform icon-transform)))
     (svg-image svg :ascent 'center :scale 1)))

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