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[nongnu] elpa/vc-fossil fe0b3f0 002/111: Initial Revision

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/vc-fossil fe0b3f0 002/111: Initial Revision
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2021 08:59:09 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/vc-fossil
commit fe0b3f0e94415e7fe984bd3a1c3b78d38a87cb1c
Author: venkat <venkat>
Commit: venkat <venkat>

    Initial Revision
 vc/el/vc-fossil.el | 308 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 308 insertions(+)

diff --git a/vc/el/vc-fossil.el b/vc/el/vc-fossil.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddb4513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc/el/vc-fossil.el
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+;;; vc-fossil.el --- VC backend for the fossil sofware configuraiton 
management system
+;; Author: Venkat Iyer <venkat@comit.com>
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file contains a VC backend for the fossil version control
+;; system.
+;;; Installation:
+;; 1. Put this file somewhere in the emacs load-path.  2. Add Fossil
+;; to the list of supported backends in `vc-handled-backends'
+;; e.g.    (add-to-list 'vc-handled-backends 'Fossil)
+;;; Implemented Functions
+;; * revision-granularity
+;; * registered (file)   
+;; * state (file) - 'up-to-date 'edited 'needs-patch 'needs-merge 
+;; * workfile-version (file)
+;; * checkout-model (file)
+;; - workfile-unchanged-p (file)
+;; * register (file &optional rev comment)
+;; * checkin (file rev comment)
+;; * find-version (file rev buffer)
+;; * checkout (file &optional editable rev)
+;; * revert (file &optional contents-done)
+;; - responsible-p (file)
+;; * print-log (file &optional buffer)
+;; * diff (file &optional rev1 rev2 buffer)
+;; - delete-file (file)
+;; - rename-file (old new)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'vc))
+(defun vc-fossil-revision-granularity () 'repository)
+;; Internal Commands
+(defun vc-fossil--call (buffer &rest args)
+  (apply 'process-file "fossil" nil buffer nil args))
+(defun vc-fossil--out-ok (&rest args)
+  (zerop (apply 'vc-fossil--call '(t nil) args)))
+(defun vc-fossil--run (&rest args)
+  "Run a fossil command and return its output as a string"
+  (let* ((ok t)
+         (str (with-output-to-string
+                (with-current-buffer standard-output
+                  (unless (apply 'vc-fossil--out-ok args)
+                    (setq ok nil))))))
+    (and ok str)))
+(defun vc-fossil-root (file)
+  (vc-find-root file "_FOSSIL_"))
+(defun vc-fossil-command (buffer okstatus file-or-list &rest flags)
+  "A wrapper around `vc-do-command' for use in vc-fossil.el.
+  The difference to vc-do-command is that this function always invokes 
+  (apply 'vc-do-command (or buffer "*vc*") okstatus "fossil" file-or-list 
+(defun vc-fossil-get-id (dir)
+  (let* ((default-directory dir)
+        (info (vc-fossil--run "info"))
+        (pos (string-match "checkout: *\\([0-9a-fA-F]+\\)" info))
+        (uid (match-string 1 info))
+        )
+    (substring uid 0 9)))
+(defun vc-fossil-registered (file)
+  "Check whether FILE is registered with fossil."
+  (when (vc-fossil-root file)
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (let* ((dir (file-name-directory file))
+            (name (file-relative-name file dir))
+            (str (ignore-errors
+                   (when dir (cd dir))
+                   (vc-fossil--out-ok "finfo" "-s" name)
+                   (buffer-string))))
+            (and str
+                   (not (string= (substring str 0 7) "unknown")))))))
+(defun vc-fossil-state-code (code)
+  (if (not code)
+      'unregistered
+    (let ((state (cond 
+                 ((string= code "UNKNOWN")   'unregistered)
+                 ((string= code "UNCHANGED") 'up-to-date)
+                 ((string= code "CONFLICT")  'edited)
+                 ((string= code "ADDED")     'added)
+                 ((string= code "EDITED")    'edited)
+                 ((string= code "REMOVE")    'removed)
+                 ((string= code "UPDATE")    'needs-update)
+                 ((string= code "MERGE")     'needs-merge))))
+      (if state state
+       (error "Cannot handle fossil state code %s" code)))))
+(defun vc-fossil-state  (file)
+  "Fossil specific version of `vc-state'."
+  ; (message (format "vc-fossil-state on %s" file))
+  (let ((line (vc-fossil--run "update" "-n" "-v" "--file" file)))
+    (and line
+        (vc-fossil-state-code (car (split-string line))))))
+(defun vc-fossil-working-revision (file)
+  "Fossil Specific version of `vc-working-revision'."
+  (let ((line (vc-fossil--run "finfo" "-s" file)))
+    (and line
+        (car (cdr (split-string line))))))
+(defun vc-fossil-workfile-unchanged-p (file)
+  (eq 'up-to-date (vc-fossil-state file)))
+;; TODO: mode-line-string
+;; TODO: dir-printer  / dir-extra-headers
+(defun vc-fossil-dir-status (dir update-function)
+  "Get Fossil status for all files in a directory"
+  ;(message dir)
+  (insert (vc-fossil--run "update" "-n" "-v" "--file" dir))
+  (let* ((result)
+        (root (vc-fossil-root dir)))
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (while (not (eobp))
+      (setq line (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (line-end-position)))
+      (message line)
+      (setq status-word (car (split-string line)))
+      (setq state (vc-fossil-state-code status-word))
+      (setq file (substring line (+ (length status-word) 1)))
+      ;(message file)
+      (setq file (expand-file-name file root))
+      ;(message file)
+      (setq file (file-relative-name file dir))
+      ;(message file)
+      (setq result (cons (list file state) result))
+      (forward-line))
+    (funcall update-function result nil)))
+(defun vc-fossil-after-dir-status (callback)
+  "Function to call after the status process has finished"
+  (message "after-dir-status called %s" (buffer-string))
+  (let (result)
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (while (not (eobp))
+      (setq line (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (line-end-position)))
+      (message line)
+      (setq state (vc-fossil-state-code (car (split-string line))))
+      (setq file (expand-file-name (substring line (+ (length status-word) 
+      (setq result (cons (list file state) result))
+      (forward-line))
+    (funcall callback result t)))
+(defun vc-fossil-checkout-model (files) 'implicit)
+(defun vc-fossil-dir-extra-headers (dir)
+  (let* ((info (vc-fossil--run "info"))
+        (posco (string-match "checkout: *\\([0-9a-fA-F]+\\) \\([-0-9: ]+ 
UTC\\)" info))
+        (coid (substring (match-string 1 info) 0 9))
+        (cots (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z" 
+                                  (safe-date-to-time (match-string 2 info))))
+        (postag (string-match "tags: *\\(.*\\)" info))
+        (tags (match-string 1 info))
+        )
+    (concat
+     (propertize "Checkout   : " 'face 'font-lock-type-face)
+     (propertize (concat coid " " cots) 'face 'font-lock-variable-name-face)
+     "\n"
+     (propertize "Tags       : " 'face 'font-lock-type-face)
+     (propertize tags 'face 'font-lock-variable-name-face))))
+(defun vc-fossil-create-repo ()
+  "Create a new Fossil Repository."
+  (vc-fossil-command nil 0 nil "new"))
+;; We ignore the comment.  There's no comment on add.
+(defun vc-fossil-register (files &optional rev comment)
+  "Register FILE into the fossil version-control system."
+  (vc-fossil-command nil 0 files "add"))
+(defun vc-fossil-responsible-p (file)
+  (vc-fossil-root file))
+(defun vc-fossil-unregister (file)
+  (vc-fossil-command nil 0 file "rm"))
+(defun vc-fossil-checkin (files rev comment)
+  (vc-fossil-command nil 0 files "commit" "-m" comment))
+(defun vc-fossil-find-revision (file rev buffer)
+  (if (string= rev "")
+      (vc-fossil-command buffer 0 file "finfo" "-p")
+      (vc-fossil-command buffer 0 file "finfo" "-r" rev "-p")))
+(defun vc-fossil-checkout (file &optional editable rev)
+  (if (eq rev t)
+      (vc-fossil-command nil 0 nil "update")
+    ((vc-fossil-command nil 0 nil "update" rev)
+  )))
+(defun vc-fossil-revert (file &optional contents-done)
+  "Revert FILE to the version stored in the fossil repository."
+  (if contents-done t
+    (vc-fossil-command nil 0 file "revert")))
+(defun vc-fossil-print-log (files &optional buffer)
+  "Print full log for a file"
+  (if files 
+      (progn
+       (vc-fossil-command buffer 0 (car files) "finfo" "-l" "-b")
+       (vc-fossil-print-log (cdr files) buffer))))
+;; TBD: log-entry 
+(defun vc-fossil-diff (file &optional rev1 rev2 buffer)
+  "Get Differences for a file"
+  ;(message (format "Get diffs between rev <%s> and <%s> for file <%s>" rev1 
rev2 file))
+  (let ((buf (or buffer "*vc-diff*")))
+    (if (and rev1 rev2)
+       (vc-fossil-command buf 0 file "diff" "-i" "--from" rev1 "--to" rev2)
+      (if rev1
+         (vc-fossil-command buf 0 file "diff" "-i" "--from" rev1)
+       (if rev2
+           (vc-fossil-command buf 0 file "diff" "-i" "--to" rev2)
+         (vc-fossil-command buf 0 file "diff" "-i")
+         )))))
+;; FIXME: we need a convenience function to check that there's nothing checked
+;; out in the tree, since we tag or branch the whole repository
+(defun vc-fossil-create-tag (file name branchp)
+  (let* ((dir (if (file-directory-p file) file (file-name-directory file)))
+        ((default-directory dir)))
+    (if branchp
+       (vc-fossil-command nil 0 nil "branch" "new" name (vc-fossil-get-id dir))
+      (vc-fossil-command nil 0 nil "tag" "add" name (vc-fossil-get-id dir)))))
+;; FIXME: we should update buffers if update is non-nill
+(defun vc-fossil-retrieve-tag (dir name update)
+  (let ((default-directory dir))
+    (vc-fossil-command nil 0 nil "checkout" name)))
+(defun vc-fossil-previous-revision (file rev)
+  "Fossil specific version of the `vc-previous-revision'."
+  (if file
+      (with-temp-buffer 
+       (let* ((found (not rev))
+              (newver nil))
+         (insert (vc-fossil--run "finfo" "-l" "-b" file))
+                                       ;(vc-fossil--call "fossil" "finfo" "-l" 
"-b" file)
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (while (not (eobp))
+           (setq line (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) 
+           ;(message line)
+           (setq version (car (split-string line)))
+           (setq newver (or newver (and found version)))
+           (setq found  (string= version rev))
+           (forward-line))
+         newver))))
+(defun vc-fossil-next-revision (file rev)
+  "Fossil specific version of the `vc-previous-revision'."
+  (if file
+      (with-temp-buffer 
+       (let* ((found (not rev))
+              (oldver nil))
+         (insert (vc-fossil--run "finfo" "-l" "-b" file))
+                                       ;(vc-fossil--call "fossil" "finfo" "-l" 
"-b" file)
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (while (not (eobp))
+           (setq line (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) 
+           (setq version (car (split-string line)))
+           (setq found  (string= version rev))
+           (setq oldver (or oldver found version))
+           (forward-line))
+         oldver))))
+(defun vc-fossil-delete-file (file)
+  (vc-fossil-command nil 0 file "rm"))
+(defun vc-fossil-rename-file (old new)
+  (vc-fossil-command nil 0 (list old new) "mv"))
+(provide 'vc-fossil)

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