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[elpa] externals/tomelr 52dc93201d 08/84: feat: First cut -- Port json-e

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/tomelr 52dc93201d 08/84: feat: First cut -- Port json-encode from json.el to tomelr-encode
Date: Tue, 3 May 2022 09:58:07 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/tomelr
commit 52dc93201deb02a3d380d841e839f5f3e5f32c95
Author: Kaushal Modi <kaushal.modi@gmail.com>
Commit: Kaushal Modi <kaushal.modi@gmail.com>

    feat: First cut -- Port json-encode from json.el to tomelr-encode
    Contains only the fixes needed to make the boolean key-value pair look
    right in TOML.
 tomelr.el | 288 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 288 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tomelr.el b/tomelr.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a60f9d0e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tomelr.el
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+;;; tomelr.el --- Convert Emacs s-expressions to TOML           -*- 
lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Authors: Kaushal Modi <kaushal.modi@gmail.com>
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; tomelr.el is a library that provides functions to convert Emacs
+;; symbolic expressions to TOML.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'map)
+;;; Variables
+(defvar tomelr-false '(:false 'false "false")
+  "S-exp values to be interpreted as TOML `false'.")
+(defvar tomelr-encoding-default-indentation "  "
+  "String used for a single indentation level during encoding.
+This value is repeated for each further nested element.")
+(defvar tomelr-encoding-lisp-style-closings nil
+  "If non-nil, delimiters ] and } will be formatted Lisp-style.
+This means they will be placed on the same line as the last
+element of the respective array or object, without indentation.")
+(defvar tomelr-encoding-object-sort-predicate nil
+  "Sorting predicate for TOML object keys during encoding.
+If nil, no sorting is performed.  Else, TOML object keys are
+ordered by the specified sort predicate during encoding.  For
+instance, setting this to `string<' will have TOML object keys
+ordered alphabetically.")
+;;;; Internal Variables
+(defvar tomelr--print-indentation-prefix "\n"
+  "String used to start indentation during encoding.")
+(defvar tomelr--print-indentation-depth -1
+  "Current indentation level during encoding.
+Dictates repetitions of `tomelr-encoding-default-indentation'.")
+(defvar tomelr--print-keyval-separator " = "
+  "String used to separate key-value pairs during encoding.")
+;;; Error conditions
+(define-error 'tomelr-error "Unknown TOML error")
+(define-error 'tomelr-key-format "Bad TOML object key" 'tomelr-error)
+;;; Utilities
+(defun tomelr-alist-p (list)
+  "Non-nil if and only if LIST is an alist with simple keys."
+  (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free error-free))
+  (while (and (consp (car-safe list))
+              (atom (caar list))
+              (setq list (cdr list))))
+  (null list))
+(defun tomelr-plist-p (list)
+  "Non-nil if and only if LIST is a plist with keyword keys."
+  (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free error-free))
+  (while (and (keywordp (car-safe list))
+              (consp (cdr list))
+              (setq list (cddr list))))
+  (null list))
+(defmacro tomelr--with-output-to-string (&rest body)
+  "Eval BODY in a temporary buffer bound to `standard-output'.
+Return the resulting buffer contents as a string."
+  (declare (indent 0) (debug t))
+  `(with-output-to-string
+     (with-current-buffer standard-output
+       ;; This affords decent performance gains.
+       (setq-local inhibit-modification-hooks t)
+       ,@body)))
+(defmacro tomelr--with-indentation (&rest body)
+  "Eval BODY with the TOML encoding nesting incremented by one step.
+This macro sets up appropriate variable bindings for
+`tomelr--print-indentation' to produce the correct indentation."
+  (declare (debug t) (indent 0))
+  `(let ((tomelr--print-indentation-depth (1+ 
+     ,@body))
+(defun tomelr--print-indentation ()
+  "Insert the current indentation for TOML encoding at point."
+  (insert tomelr--print-indentation-prefix)
+  (dotimes (_ tomelr--print-indentation-depth)
+    (insert tomelr-encoding-default-indentation)))
+;;; Encoding
+;;;; Keywords
+(defun tomelr-encode-keyword (keyword)
+  "Encode KEYWORD as a TOML value."
+  (declare (side-effect-free t))
+  ;; (message "[tomelr-encode-keyword DBG] keyword = %S" keyword)
+  (cond ((eq keyword t)                "true")
+        ((member keyword tomelr-false) "false")))
+(defun tomelr--print-keyword (keyword)
+  "Insert KEYWORD as a TOML value at point.
+Return nil if KEYWORD is not recognized as a TOML keyword."
+  (prog1 (setq keyword (tomelr-encode-keyword keyword))
+    (and keyword (insert keyword))))
+;;;; Strings
+(defconst tomelr-special-chars
+  '((?\" . ?\")
+    (?\\ . ?\\)
+    (?b . ?\b)
+    (?f . ?\f)
+    (?n . ?\n)
+    (?r . ?\r)
+    (?t . ?\t))
+  "Characters which are escaped in TOML, with their Elisp counterparts.")
+(defun tomelr--print-string (string &optional from)
+  "Insert a TOML representation of STRING at point.
+FROM is the index of STRING to start from and defaults to 0."
+  ;; (message "[tomelr--print-string DBG] string = %s" string)
+  (insert ?\")
+  (goto-char (prog1 (point) (princ string)))
+  (and from (delete-char from))
+  ;; Escape only quotation mark, backslash, and the control
+  ;; characters U+0000 to U+001F (RFC 4627, ECMA-404).
+  (while (re-search-forward (rx (in ?\" ?\\ cntrl)) nil 'move)
+    (let ((char (preceding-char)))
+      (delete-char -1)
+      (insert ?\\ (or
+                   ;; Special TOML character (\n, \r, etc.).
+                   (car (rassq char tomelr-special-chars))
+                   ;; Fallback: UCS code point in \uNNNN form.
+                   (format "u%04x" char)))))
+  (insert ?\")
+  string)
+(defun tomelr-encode-string (string)
+  "Return a TOML representation of STRING."
+  (tomelr--with-output-to-string (tomelr--print-string string)))
+(defun tomelr--print-stringlike (object)
+  "Insert OBJECT encoded as a TOML string at point.
+Return nil if OBJECT cannot be encoded as a TOML string."
+  (cond ((stringp object)
+         ;; (message "[tomelr--print-stringlike DBG] string")
+         (tomelr--print-string object))
+        ((keywordp object)
+         ;; (message "[tomelr--print-stringlike DBG] keyword")
+         (tomelr--print-string (symbol-name object) 1))
+        ((symbolp object)
+         ;; (message "[tomelr--print-stringlike DBG] symbol")
+         (princ (symbol-name object))
+         ;; (tomelr--print-string (symbol-name object))
+         )))
+(defun tomelr--print-key (object)
+  "Insert a TOML key representation of OBJECT at point.
+Signal `tomelr-key-format' if it cannot be encoded as a string."
+  (or (tomelr--print-stringlike object)
+      (signal 'tomelr-key-format (list object))))
+;;;; Objects
+(defun tomelr--print-pair (key val)
+  "Insert TOML representation of KEY-VAL pair at point."
+  (tomelr--print-indentation) ;Newline before each key in a key-value pair
+  (tomelr--print-key key)
+  (insert tomelr--print-keyval-separator)
+  (tomelr--print val))
+(defun tomelr--print-map (map)
+  "Insert TOML object representation of MAP at point.
+This works for any MAP satisfying `mapp'."
+  (unless (map-empty-p map)
+    (tomelr--with-indentation
+      (map-do #'tomelr--print-pair map))))
+(defun tomelr--print-unordered-map (map)
+  "Like `tomelr--print-map', but optionally sort MAP first.
+If `tomelr-encoding-object-sort-predicate' is non-nil, this first
+transforms an unsortable MAP into a sortable alist."
+  (if (and tomelr-encoding-object-sort-predicate
+           (not (map-empty-p map)))
+      (tomelr--print-alist (map-pairs map) t)
+    (tomelr--print-map map)))
+;;;; Lists (including alists and plists)
+(defun tomelr--print-alist (alist &optional destructive)
+  "Insert a TOML representation of ALIST at point.
+Sort ALIST first if `tomelr-encoding-object-sort-predicate' is
+non-nil.  Sorting can optionally be DESTRUCTIVE for speed."
+  (tomelr--print-map (if (and tomelr-encoding-object-sort-predicate alist)
+                         (sort (if destructive alist (copy-sequence alist))
+                               (lambda (a b)
+                                 (funcall tomelr-encoding-object-sort-predicate
+                                          (car a) (car b))))
+                       alist)))
+;; The following two are unused but useful to keep around due to the
+;; inherent ambiguity of lists.
+(defun tomelr-encode-alist (alist)
+  "Return a TOML representation of ALIST."
+  (tomelr--with-output-to-string (tomelr--print-alist alist)))
+(defun tomelr-encode-plist (plist)
+  "Return a TOML representation of PLIST."
+  (tomelr--with-output-to-string (tomelr--print-unordered-map plist)))
+(defun tomelr--print-list (list)
+  "Like `tomelr-encode-list', but insert the TOML at point."
+  (cond ((tomelr-alist-p list) (tomelr--print-alist list))
+        ((tomelr-plist-p list) (tomelr--print-unordered-map list))
+        ((listp list)          (tomelr--print-array list))
+        ((signal 'tomelr-error (list list)))))
+;;;; Arrays
+(defun tomelr--print-array (array)
+  "Like `tomelr-encode-array', but insert the TOML at point."
+  (insert ?\[)
+  (unless (length= array 0)
+    (tomelr--with-indentation
+      (tomelr--print-indentation)
+      (let ((first t))
+        (mapc (lambda (elt)
+                (if first
+                    (setq first nil)
+                  (insert ",")
+                  (tomelr--print-indentation))
+                (tomelr--print elt))
+              array)))
+    (or tomelr-encoding-lisp-style-closings
+        (tomelr--print-indentation)))
+  (insert ?\]))
+(defun tomelr-encode-array (array)
+  "Return a TOML representation of ARRAY.
+ARRAY can also be a list."
+  (tomelr--with-output-to-string (tomelr--print-array array)))
+;;;; Print wrapper
+(defun tomelr--print (object)
+  "Like `tomelr-encode', but insert or print the TOML at point."
+  (cond ((tomelr--print-keyword object))
+        ((listp object)         (tomelr--print-list object))
+        ((tomelr--print-stringlike object))
+        ((numberp object)       (prin1 object))
+        ((arrayp object)        (tomelr--print-array object))
+        ((hash-table-p object)  (tomelr--print-unordered-map object))
+        ((signal 'tomelr-error (list object)))))
+;;; User API
+(defun tomelr-encode (object)
+  "Return a TOML representation of OBJECT as a string.
+If an error is detected during encoding, an error based on
+`tomelr-error' is signaled."
+  (string-trim
+   (tomelr--with-output-to-string (tomelr--print object))))
+(provide 'tomelr)
+;;; tomelr.el ends here

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