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[elpa] externals/plz 7c27e4bdcd 61/81: Change: Sync with accept-process-

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/plz 7c27e4bdcd 61/81: Change: Sync with accept-process-output
Date: Wed, 11 May 2022 17:58:02 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/plz
commit 7c27e4bdcd747f0bfc5a6298040739562a941e08
Author: Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net>
Commit: Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net>

    Change: Sync with accept-process-output
    No need for separate functions to handle synchronous requests, and no
    duplicated code from the sentinel.
    Also, no need for a separate plz--curl function, just to deal with one
 plz.el            | 210 ++++++++++++------------------------------------------
 tests/test-plz.el |  46 ++++++------
 2 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 186 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plz.el b/plz.el
index 1a9fdd742f..50ac5ccc74 100644
--- a/plz.el
+++ b/plz.el
@@ -168,6 +168,12 @@ Called in current curl process buffer.")
 Called after the then/else function, without arguments, outside
 the curl process buffer.")
+(defvar-local plz-result nil
+  "Used when `plz' is called synchronously.")
+(defvar-local plz-sync nil
+  "Used when `plz' is called synchronously.")
 ;;;; Customization
 (defgroup plz nil
@@ -209,33 +215,9 @@ connection phase and waiting to receive the response (the
 (cl-defun plz (method url &key headers body as then else finally noquery
                       (body-type 'text) (decode t decode-s)
                       (connect-timeout plz-connect-timeout) (timeout 
-  "Request BODY with METHOD to URL with curl.
-AS selects the kind of result to pass to the callback function
-THEN.  It may be:
-- `buffer' to pass the response buffer.
-- `binary' to pass the response body as an undecoded string.
-- `string' to pass the response body as a decoded string.
-- `response' to pass a `plz-response' struct.
-- A function, which is called in the response buffer with it
-  narrowed to the response body (suitable for, e.g. `json-read').
-If DECODE is non-nil, the response body is decoded automatically.
-For binary content, it should be nil.  When AS is `binary',
-DECODE is automatically set to nil.
-THEN is a callback function, whose sole argument is selected
-above with AS.
-ELSE is an optional callback function called when the request
-fails with one argument, a `plz-error' struct.  If ELSE is nil,
-an error is signaled when the request fails, either
-`plz-curl-error' or `plz-http-error' as appropriate, with a
-`plz-error' struct as the error data.
-FINALLY is an optional function called without argument after
-THEN or ELSE, as appropriate.
+  "Request METHOD from URL with curl.
+Return the curl process object or, for a synchronous request, the
+selected result.
 HEADERS may be an alist of extra headers to send with the
@@ -243,66 +225,9 @@ request.
 BODY-TYPE may be `text' to send BODY as text, or `binary' to send
 it as binary.
-NOQUERY is passed to `make-process', which see.
-CONNECT-TIMEOUT and TIMEOUT are a number of seconds that limit
-how long it takes to connect to a host and to receive a response
-from a host, respectively."
-  (declare (indent defun))
-  (plz--curl method url
-             :body body :body-type body-type
-             :headers headers
-             :connect-timeout connect-timeout :timeout timeout
-             :decode (if (and decode-s (not decode)) nil decode)
-             :as as :then then :else else :finally finally :noquery noquery))
-(cl-defun plz-get-sync (url &key headers as
-                            (decode t decode-s)
-                            (connect-timeout plz-connect-timeout) (timeout 
-  "Get HTTP URL with curl synchronously.
-AS selects the kind of result to return.  It may be:
-- `binary' to pass the response body as an undecoded string.
-- `string' to pass the response body as a decoded string.
-- `response' to pass a `plz-response' struct.
-- A function, which is called in the response buffer with it
-  narrowed to the response body (suitable for, e.g. `json-read').
-If DECODE is non-nil, the response body is decoded automatically.
-For binary content, it should be nil.  When AS is `binary',
-DECODE is automatically set to nil.
-If the request fails, an error is signaled, either
-`plz-curl-error' or `plz-http-error' as appropriate, with a
-`plz-error' struct as the error data.
-HEADERS may be an alist of extra headers to send with the
-CONNECT-TIMEOUT and TIMEOUT are a number of seconds that limit
-how long it takes to connect to a host and to receive a response
-from a host, respectively."
-  (declare (indent defun))
-  (plz--curl-sync 'get url
-                  :headers headers
-                  :connect-timeout connect-timeout :timeout timeout
-                  :decode (if (and decode-s (not decode)) nil decode)
-                  :as as))
-;;;;; Private
-;;;;;; Curl
-;; Functions for calling and handling curl processes.
-(cl-defun plz--curl (method url &key body headers connect-timeout timeout
-                            decode as then else finally noquery
-                            (body-type 'text))
-  "Make HTTP METHOD request to URL with curl.
 AS selects the kind of result to pass to the callback function
-THEN.  It may be:
+THEN, or the kind of result to return for synchronous requests.
+It may be:
 - `buffer' to pass the response buffer.
 - `binary' to pass the response body as an undecoded string.
@@ -312,25 +237,23 @@ THEN.  It may be:
   narrowed to the response body (suitable for, e.g. `json-read').
 If DECODE is non-nil, the response body is decoded automatically.
+For binary content, it should be nil.  When AS is `binary',
+DECODE is automatically set to nil.
 THEN is a callback function, whose sole argument is selected
-above with AS.
+above with AS.  Or it may be `sync' to make a synchronous
+request, in which case the result is returned directly.
 ELSE is an optional callback function called when the request
 fails with one argument, a `plz-error' struct.  If ELSE is nil,
 an error is signaled when the request fails, either
 `plz-curl-error' or `plz-http-error' as appropriate, with a
-`plz-error' struct as the error data.
+`plz-error' struct as the error data.  For synchronous requests,
+this argument is ignored.
 FINALLY is an optional function called without argument after
-THEN or ELSE, as appropriate.
-BODY may be a string or buffer to send as the request body.
-BODY-TYPE may be `text' to send BODY as text, or `binary' to send
-it as binary.
-HEADERS may be an alist of extra headers to send with the
+THEN or ELSE, as appropriate.  For synchronous requests, this
+argument is ignored.
 CONNECT-TIMEOUT and TIMEOUT are a number of seconds that limit
 how long it takes to connect to a host and to receive a response
@@ -338,6 +261,9 @@ from a host, respectively.
 NOQUERY is passed to `make-process', which see."
   ;; Inspired by and copied from `elfeed-curl-retrieve'.
+  (declare (indent defun))
+  (setf decode (if (and decode-s (not decode))
+                   nil decode))
   ;; NOTE: By default, for PUT requests and POST requests >1KB, curl sends an
   ;; "Expect:" header, which causes servers to send a "100 Continue" response, 
   ;; we don't want to have to deal with, so we disable it by setting the 
header to
@@ -369,7 +295,12 @@ NOQUERY is passed to `make-process', which see."
                                concat (format "%s \"%s\"\n" key value)))
          (decode (pcase as
                    ('binary nil)
-                   (_ decode))))
+                   (_ decode)))
+         sync-p)
+    (when (eq 'sync then)
+      (setf sync-p t
+            then (lambda (result)
+                   (setf plz-result result))))
     (with-current-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *plz-request-curl*")
       ;; Avoid making process in a nonexistent directory (in case the current
       ;; default-directory has since been removed).  It's unclear what the best
@@ -406,7 +337,8 @@ NOQUERY is passed to `make-process', which see."
                                           (funcall then (funcall as))))))))
         (setf plz-then then
               plz-else else
-              plz-finally finally)
+              plz-finally finally
+              plz-sync sync-p)
         ;; Send --config arguments.
         (process-send-string process curl-config)
         (when body
@@ -415,71 +347,18 @@ NOQUERY is passed to `make-process', which see."
             (buffer (with-current-buffer body
                       (process-send-region process (point-min) (point-max))))))
         (process-send-eof process)
-        process))))
-(cl-defun plz--curl-sync (_method url &key headers connect-timeout timeout
-                                  decode as)
-  "Return result for HTTP request to URL made synchronously with curl.
-AS selects the kind of result to return.  It may be:
-- `string' to pass the response body as a string.
-- `response' to pass a `plz-response' struct.
-- A function, which is called in the response buffer with it
-  narrowed to the response body (suitable for, e.g. `json-read').
-If DECODE is non-nil, the response body is decoded automatically.
-HEADERS may be an alist of extra headers to send with the
-CONNECT-TIMEOUT and TIMEOUT are a number of seconds that limit
-how long it takes to connect to a host and to receive a response
-from a host, respectively.
+        (if sync-p
+            (progn
+              (while
+                  ;; According to the Elisp manual, blocking on a process's
+                  ;; output is really this simple.  And it seems to work.
+                  (accept-process-output process))
+              (prog1 plz-result
+                (unless (eq as 'buffer)
+                  (kill-buffer))))
+          process)))))
-If the request fails, an error is signaled, either
-`plz-curl-error' or `plz-http-error' as appropriate, with a
-`plz-error' struct as the error data.
-Uses `call-process' to call curl synchronously."
-  (with-current-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *plz-request-curl*")
-    (let* ((coding-system-for-read 'binary)
-           (process-connection-type nil)
-           (header-args (cl-loop for (key . value) in headers
-                                 collect (format "--header %s: %s" key value)))
-           (curl-args (append plz-curl-default-args header-args
-                              (when connect-timeout
-                                (list "--connect-timeout" (number-to-string 
-                              (when timeout
-                                (list "--max-time" (number-to-string timeout)))
-                              (list url)))
-           (decode (pcase as
-                     ('binary nil)
-                     (_ decode)))
-           (status (apply #'call-process plz-curl-program nil t nil
-                          curl-args))
-           ;; THEN form copied from `plz--curl'.
-           ;; TODO: DRY this.  Maybe we could use a thread and a condition 
variable, but...
-           (plz-then (pcase-exhaustive as
-                       ((or `nil 'string 'binary)
-                        (lambda ()
-                          (let ((coding-system (or (plz--coding-system) 
-                            (pcase as
-                              ('binary (set-buffer-multibyte nil)))
-                            (plz--narrow-to-body)
-                            (when decode
-                              (decode-coding-region (point) (point-max) 
-                            (buffer-string))))
-                       ('response
-                        (apply-partially #'plz--response :decode-p decode))
-                       ((pred functionp)
-                        (lambda ()
-                          (let ((coding-system (or (plz--coding-system) 
-                            (plz--narrow-to-body)
-                            (when decode
-                              (decode-coding-region (point) (point-max) 
-                            (funcall as)))))))
-      (plz--sentinel (current-buffer) status))))
+;;;;; Private
 (defun plz--sentinel (process-or-buffer status)
   "Process buffer of curl output in PROCESS-OR-BUFFER.
@@ -490,9 +369,11 @@ node `(elisp) Sentinels').  Kills the buffer before 
   (let* ((buffer (cl-etypecase process-or-buffer
                    (process (process-buffer process-or-buffer))
                    (buffer process-or-buffer)))
-         (finally (buffer-local-value 'plz-finally buffer)))
+         (finally (buffer-local-value 'plz-finally buffer))
+         sync)
         (with-current-buffer buffer
+          (setf sync plz-sync)
           (pcase-exhaustive status
             ((or 0 "finished\n")
              ;; Curl exited normally: check HTTP status code.
@@ -524,7 +405,8 @@ node `(elisp) Sentinels').  Kills the buffer before 
                  ((pred functionp) (funcall plz-else err)))))))
       (when finally
         (funcall finally))
-      (kill-buffer buffer))))
+      (unless sync
+        (kill-buffer buffer)))))
 ;;;;;; HTTP Responses
diff --git a/tests/test-plz.el b/tests/test-plz.el
index 8fa933e6af..10812b06d9 100644
--- a/tests/test-plz.el
+++ b/tests/test-plz.el
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@
       (should (string= "value" (alist-get 'key (json-read-from-string 
 (ert-deftest plz-post-jpeg-string nil
-  (let* ((jpeg-to-upload (plz-get-sync "https://httpbin.org/image/jpeg";
-                           :as 'binary))
+  (let* ((jpeg-to-upload (plz 'get "https://httpbin.org/image/jpeg";
+                           :as 'binary :then 'sync))
          (process (plz 'post "https://httpbin.org/post";
@@ -162,23 +162,25 @@
 ;;;;; Sync
 (ert-deftest plz-get-string-sync nil
-  (should (string-match "curl" (plz-get-sync "https://httpbin.org/get";
-                                 :as 'string)))
-  (should (string-match "curl" (plz-get-sync "https://httpbin.org/get";))))
+  (let-alist (json-read-from-string (plz 'get "https://httpbin.org/get";
+                                      :as 'string :then 'sync))
+    (should (equal "https://httpbin.org/get"; .url))))
 (ert-deftest plz-get-response-sync nil
-  (plz-test-get-response (plz-get-sync "https://httpbin.org/get";
-                           :as 'response)))
+  (plz-test-get-response (plz 'get "https://httpbin.org/get";
+                           :as 'response :then 'sync)))
 (ert-deftest plz-get-json-sync nil
-  (let-alist (plz-get-sync "https://httpbin.org/get";
-               :as #'json-read)
+  (let-alist (plz 'get "https://httpbin.org/get";
+               :as #'json-read :then 'sync)
     (should (string-match "curl" .headers.User-Agent))))
 (ert-deftest plz-get-buffer-sync nil
-  ;; `buffer' is not a valid type for `plz-get-sync'.
-  (should-error (plz-get-sync "https://httpbin.org/get";
-                  :as 'buffer)))
+  (let ((buffer (plz 'get "https://httpbin.org/get";
+                  :as 'buffer :then 'sync)))
+    (unwind-protect
+        (should (buffer-live-p buffer))
+      (kill-buffer buffer))))
 ;;;;; Headers
@@ -212,9 +214,9 @@
       (should (equal "value" (alist-get 'key (json-read-from-string 
 (ert-deftest plz-get-json-with-headers-sync ()
-  (let-alist (plz-get-sync "https://httpbin.org/get";
+  (let-alist (plz 'get "https://httpbin.org/get";
                :headers '(("X-Plz-Test-Header" . "plz-test-header-value"))
-               :as #'json-read)
+               :as #'json-read :then 'sync)
     (should (string-match "curl" .headers.User-Agent))
     (should (equal "plz-test-header-value" .headers.X-Plz-Test-Header))))
@@ -252,8 +254,8 @@
 (ert-deftest plz-get-curl-error-sync nil
   ;; Sync.
-  (let ((err (should-error (plz-get-sync 
-                             :as 'string)
+  (let ((err (should-error (plz 'get "https://httpbinnnnnn.org/get/status/404";
+                             :as 'string :then 'sync)
                            :type 'plz-curl-error)))
     (should (eq 'plz-curl-error (car err)))
     (should (plz-error-p (cdr err)))
@@ -275,8 +277,8 @@
                  (eq 404 (plz-response-status (plz-error-response err))))))
   ;; Sync.
-  (let ((err (should-error (plz-get-sync "https://httpbin.org/get/status/404";
-                             :as 'string)
+  (let ((err (should-error (plz 'get "https://httpbin.org/get/status/404";
+                             :as 'string :then 'sync)
                            :type 'plz-http-error)))
     (should (and (eq 'plz-http-error (car err))
                  (plz-error-p (cdr err))
@@ -301,8 +303,8 @@
   ;; Sync.
   (let ((start-time (current-time))
         (err (cdr
-              (should-error (plz-get-sync "https://httpbin.org/delay/5";
-                              :as 'string :timeout 1)
+              (should-error (plz 'get "https://httpbin.org/delay/5";
+                              :as 'string :then 'sync :timeout 1)
                             :type 'plz-curl-error)))
         (end-time (current-time)))
     (should (eq 28 (car (plz-error-curl-error err))))
@@ -333,8 +335,8 @@
     (should (equal 'jpeg (image-type-from-data test-jpeg)))))
 (ert-deftest plz-get-jpeg-sync ()
-  (let ((jpeg (plz-get-sync "https://httpbin.org/image/jpeg";
-                :as 'binary)))
+  (let ((jpeg (plz 'get "https://httpbin.org/image/jpeg";
+                :as 'binary :then 'sync)))
     (should (equal 'jpeg (image-type-from-data jpeg)))))
 ;;;; Footer

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