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[elpa] externals/srht 0175b45ac1 14/27: external: Expunge.

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/srht 0175b45ac1 14/27: external: Expunge.
Date: Tue, 17 May 2022 22:58:00 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/srht
commit 0175b45ac1d17f06995f7a95dd46b3a027b3ebf8
Author: Aleksandr Vityazev <avityazev@posteo.org>
Commit: Aleksandr Vityazev <avityazev@posteo.org>

    external: Expunge.
 Eldev           |   1 +
 external/plz.el | 523 --------------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 523 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Eldev b/Eldev
index da68d34a82..4a88e7024b 100644
--- a/Eldev
+++ b/Eldev
@@ -9,4 +9,5 @@
 ;; (file-name-directory (find-library-name "plz"))
 (add-to-list 'load-path "./lisp/")
 (setq eldev-project-main-file "./lisp/srht.el")
+;; FIXME: outdated version, not support 'delete method
diff --git a/external/plz.el b/external/plz.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 62fd5563b8..0000000000
--- a/external/plz.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,523 +0,0 @@
-;;; plz.el --- HTTP library                         -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2019  Adam Porter
-;; Author: Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net>
-;; URL: https://github.com/alphapapa/plz.el
-;; Version: 0.1-pre
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.3"))
-;; Keywords: comm, network, http
-;;; License:
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; An HTTP library that uses curl as a backend.  Inspired by, and some
-;; code copied from, Christopher Wellons's library, elfeed-curl.el.
-;; Why this package?
-;; 1.  `url' works well for many things, but it has some issues (and have
-;;     you seen its code?).
-;; 2.  `request' works well for many things, but it has some issues (and
-;;     have you seen its code?).
-;; 3.  Chris Wellons doesn't have time to factor his excellent
-;;     elfeed-curl.el library out of Elfeed.  This will have to do.
-;; Why is it called `plz'?
-;; 1.  There's already a package called `http'.
-;; 2.  There's already a package called `request'.
-;; 3.  Naming things is hard.
-;;; Code:
-;;;; Requirements
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(require 'rx)
-(require 'subr-x)
-;;;; Errors
-;; FIXME: `condition-case' can't catch these...?
-(define-error 'plz-curl-error "Curl error")
-(define-error 'plz-http-error "HTTP error")
-;;;; Structs
-(cl-defstruct plz-response
-  version status headers body)
-(cl-defstruct plz-error
-  curl-error response message)
-;;;; Constants
-(defconst plz-http-response-status-line-regexp
-  (rx bol "HTTP/" (group (1+ (or digit "."))) (1+ blank)
-      (group (1+ digit)))
-  "Regular expression matching HTTP response status line.")
-(defconst plz-curl-errors
-  ;; Copied from elfeed-curl.el.
-  '((1 . "Unsupported protocol.")
-    (2 . "Failed to initialize.")
-    (3 . "URL malformed. The syntax was not correct.")
-    (4 . "A feature or option that was needed to perform the desired request 
was not enabled or was explicitly disabled at build-time.")
-    (5 . "Couldn't resolve proxy. The given proxy host could not be resolved.")
-    (6 . "Couldn't resolve host. The given remote host was not resolved.")
-    (7 . "Failed to connect to host.")
-    (8 . "FTP weird server reply. The server sent data curl couldn't parse.")
-    (9 . "FTP access denied.")
-    (11 . "FTP weird PASS reply.")
-    (13 . "FTP weird PASV reply.")
-    (14 . "FTP weird 227 format.")
-    (15 . "FTP can't get host.")
-    (17 . "FTP couldn't set binary.")
-    (18 . "Partial file. Only a part of the file was transferred.")
-    (19 . "FTP couldn't download/access the given file, the RETR (or similar) 
command failed.")
-    (21 . "FTP quote error. A quote command returned error from the server.")
-    (22 . "HTTP page not retrieved.")
-    (23 . "Write error.")
-    (25 . "FTP couldn't STOR file.")
-    (26 . "Read error. Various reading problems.")
-    (27 . "Out of memory. A memory allocation request failed.")
-    (28 . "Operation timeout.")
-    (30 . "FTP PORT failed.")
-    (31 . "FTP couldn't use REST.")
-    (33 . "HTTP range error. The range \"command\" didn't work.")
-    (34 . "HTTP post error. Internal post-request generation error.")
-    (35 . "SSL connect error. The SSL handshaking failed.")
-    (36 . "FTP bad download resume.")
-    (37 . "FILE couldn't read file.")
-    (38 . "LDAP bind operation failed.")
-    (39 . "LDAP search failed.")
-    (41 . "Function not found. A required LDAP function was not found.")
-    (42 . "Aborted by callback.")
-    (43 . "Internal error. A function was called with a bad parameter.")
-    (45 . "Interface error. A specified outgoing interface could not be used.")
-    (47 . "Too many redirects.")
-    (48 . "Unknown option specified to libcurl.")
-    (49 . "Malformed telnet option.")
-    (51 . "The peer's SSL certificate or SSH MD5 fingerprint was not OK.")
-    (52 . "The server didn't reply anything, which here is considered an 
-    (53 . "SSL crypto engine not found.")
-    (54 . "Cannot set SSL crypto engine as default.")
-    (55 . "Failed sending network data.")
-    (56 . "Failure in receiving network data.")
-    (58 . "Problem with the local certificate.")
-    (59 . "Couldn't use specified SSL cipher.")
-    (60 . "Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA 
-    (61 . "Unrecognized transfer encoding.")
-    (62 . "Invalid LDAP URL.")
-    (63 . "Maximum file size exceeded.")
-    (64 . "Requested FTP SSL level failed.")
-    (65 . "Sending the data requires a rewind that failed.")
-    (66 . "Failed to initialise SSL Engine.")
-    (67 . "The user name, password, or similar was not accepted and curl 
failed to log in.")
-    (68 . "File not found on TFTP server.")
-    (69 . "Permission problem on TFTP server.")
-    (70 . "Out of disk space on TFTP server.")
-    (71 . "Illegal TFTP operation.")
-    (72 . "Unknown TFTP transfer ID.")
-    (73 . "File already exists (TFTP).")
-    (74 . "No such user (TFTP).")
-    (75 . "Character conversion failed.")
-    (76 . "Character conversion functions required.")
-    (77 . "Problem with reading the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?).")
-    (78 . "The resource referenced in the URL does not exist.")
-    (79 . "An unspecified error occurred during the SSH session.")
-    (80 . "Failed to shut down the SSL connection.")
-    (82 . "Could not load CRL file, missing or wrong format (added in 
-    (83 . "Issuer check failed (added in 7.19.0).")
-    (84 . "The FTP PRET command failed")
-    (85 . "RTSP: mismatch of CSeq numbers")
-    (86 . "RTSP: mismatch of Session Identifiers")
-    (87 . "unable to parse FTP file list")
-    (88 . "FTP chunk callback reported error")
-    (89 . "No connection available, the session will be queued")
-    (90 . "SSL public key does not matched pinned public key"))
-  "Alist mapping curl error code integers to helpful error messages.")
-;;;; Variables
-(defvar-local plz-else nil
-  "Callback function for errored completion of request.
-Called in current curl process buffer.")
-(defvar-local plz-then nil
-  "Callback function for successful completion of request.
-Called in current curl process buffer.")
-(defvar-local plz-finally nil
-  "Function called unconditionally after completion of request.
-Called after the then/else function, without arguments, outside
-the curl process buffer.")
-(defvar-local plz-result nil
-  "Used when `plz' is called synchronously.")
-(defvar-local plz-sync nil
-  "Used when `plz' is called synchronously.")
-;;;; Customization
-(defgroup plz nil
-  "Options for `plz'."
-  :group 'network
-  :link '(url-link "https://github.com/alphapapa/plz.el";))
-(defcustom plz-curl-program "curl"
-  "Name of curl program to call."
-  :type 'string)
-(defcustom plz-curl-default-args
-  '("--silent"
-    "--compressed"
-    "--location"
-    "--dump-header" "-")
-  "Default arguments to curl.
-Note that these arguments are passed on the command line, which
-may be visible to other users on the local system."
-  :type '(repeat string))
-(defcustom plz-connect-timeout 5
-  "Default connection timeout in seconds.
-This limits how long the connection phase may last (the
-\"--connect-timeout\" argument to curl)."
-  :type 'number)
-(defcustom plz-timeout 60
-  "Default request timeout in seconds.
-This limits how long an entire request may take, including the
-connection phase and waiting to receive the response (the
-\"--max-time\" argument to curl)."
-  :type 'number)
-;;;; Functions
-;;;;; Public
-(cl-defun plz (method url &key headers body else finally noquery
-                      (as 'string) (then 'sync)
-                      (body-type 'text) (decode t decode-s)
-                      (connect-timeout plz-connect-timeout) (timeout 
-  "Request METHOD from URL with curl.
-Return the curl process object or, for a synchronous request, the
-selected result.
-HEADERS may be an alist of extra headers to send with the
-BODY-TYPE may be `text' to send BODY as text, or `binary' to send
-it as binary.
-AS selects the kind of result to pass to the callback function
-THEN, or the kind of result to return for synchronous requests.
-It may be:
-- `buffer' to pass the response buffer.
-- `binary' to pass the response body as an undecoded string.
-- `string' to pass the response body as a decoded string.
-- `response' to pass a `plz-response' struct.
-- `file' to pass a temporary filename to which the response body
-  has been saved without decoding.
-- `(file FILENAME)' to pass FILENAME after having saved the
-  response body to it without decoding.  FILENAME must be a
-  non-existent file; if it exists, it will not be overwritten,
-  and an error will be signaled.
-- A function, which is called in the response buffer with it
-  narrowed to the response body (suitable for, e.g. `json-read').
-If DECODE is non-nil, the response body is decoded automatically.
-For binary content, it should be nil.  When AS is `binary',
-DECODE is automatically set to nil.
-THEN is a callback function, whose sole argument is selected
-above with AS.  Or THEN may be `sync' to make a synchronous
-request, in which case the result is returned directly.
-ELSE is an optional callback function called when the request
-fails with one argument, a `plz-error' struct.  If ELSE is nil,
-an error is signaled when the request fails, either
-`plz-curl-error' or `plz-http-error' as appropriate, with a
-`plz-error' struct as the error data.  For synchronous requests,
-this argument is ignored.
-FINALLY is an optional function called without argument after
-THEN or ELSE, as appropriate.  For synchronous requests, this
-argument is ignored.
-CONNECT-TIMEOUT and TIMEOUT are a number of seconds that limit
-how long it takes to connect to a host and to receive a response
-from a host, respectively.
-NOQUERY is passed to `make-process', which see."
-  ;; Inspired by and copied from `elfeed-curl-retrieve'.
-  (declare (indent defun))
-  (setf decode (if (and decode-s (not decode))
-                   nil decode))
-  ;; NOTE: By default, for PUT requests and POST requests >1KB, curl sends an
-  ;; "Expect:" header, which causes servers to send a "100 Continue" response, 
-  ;; we don't want to have to deal with, so we disable it by setting the 
header to
-  ;; the empty string.  See <https://gms.tf/when-curl-sends-100-continue.html>.
-  ;; TODO: Handle "100 Continue" responses and remove this workaround.
-  (push (cons "Expect" "") headers)
-  (let* ((data-arg (pcase-exhaustive body-type
-                     ('binary "--data-binary")
-                     ('text "--data")))
-         (curl-command-line-args (append plz-curl-default-args
-                                         (list "--config" "-")))
-         (curl-config-header-args (cl-loop for (key . value) in headers
-                                           collect (cons "--header" (format 
"%s: %s" key value))))
-         (curl-config-args (append curl-config-header-args
-                                   (list (cons "--url" url))
-                                   (when connect-timeout
-                                     (list (cons "--connect-timeout"
-                                                 (number-to-string 
-                                   (when timeout
-                                     (list (cons "--max-time" 
(number-to-string timeout))))
-                                   (pcase method
-                                     ((or 'put 'post)
-                                      (cl-assert body)
-                                      (list (cons "--request" (upcase 
(symbol-name method)))
-                                            ;; It appears that this must be 
the last argument
-                                            ;; in order to pass data on the 
rest of STDIN.
-                                            (cons data-arg "@-")))
-                                     ('delete
-                                      (list (cons "--request" (upcase 
(symbol-name method))))))))
-         (curl-config (cl-loop for (key . value) in curl-config-args
-                               concat (format "%s \"%s\"\n" key value)))
-         (decode (pcase as
-                   ('binary nil)
-                   (_ decode)))
-         sync-p)
-    (when (eq 'sync then)
-      (setf sync-p t
-            then (lambda (result)
-                   (setf plz-result result))))
-    (with-current-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *plz-request-curl*")
-      ;; Avoid making process in a nonexistent directory (in case the current
-      ;; default-directory has since been removed).  It's unclear what the best
-      ;; directory is, but this seems to make sense, and it should still exist.
-      (let ((default-directory temporary-file-directory)
-            (process (make-process :name "plz-request-curl"
-                                   :buffer (current-buffer)
-                                   :coding 'binary
-                                   :command (append (list plz-curl-program) 
-                                   :connection-type 'pipe
-                                   :sentinel #'plz--sentinel
-                                   :stderr (current-buffer)
-                                   :noquery noquery))
-            ;; The THEN function is called in the response buffer.
-            (then (pcase-exhaustive as
-                    ((or 'binary 'string)
-                     (lambda ()
-                       (let ((coding-system (or (plz--coding-system) 'utf-8)))
-                         (pcase as
-                           ('binary (set-buffer-multibyte nil)))
-                         (plz--narrow-to-body)
-                         (when decode
-                           (decode-coding-region (point) (point-max) 
-                         (funcall then (buffer-string)))))
-                    ('buffer (lambda ()
-                               (funcall then (current-buffer))))
-                    ('response (lambda ()
-                                 (funcall then (plz--response :decode-p 
-                    ('file (lambda ()
-                             (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
-                             (plz--narrow-to-body)
-                             (let ((filename (make-temp-file "plz-")))
-                               (condition-case err
-                                   (write-region (point-min) (point-max) 
-                                 ;; In case of an error writing to the file, 
delete the temp file
-                                 ;; and signal the error.  Ignore any errors 
encountered while
-                                 ;; deleting the file, which would obscure the 
original error.
-                                 (error (ignore-errors
-                                          (delete-file filename))
-                                        (signal (car err) (cdr err))))
-                               (funcall then filename))))
-                    (`(file ,(and (pred stringp) filename))
-                     (lambda ()
-                       (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
-                       (plz--narrow-to-body)
-                       (condition-case err
-                           (write-region (point-min) (point-max) filename nil 
nil nil 'excl)
-                         ;; Since we are creating the file, it seems sensible 
to delete it in case of an
-                         ;; error while writing to it (e.g. a disk-full 
error).  And we ignore any errors
-                         ;; encountered while deleting the file, which would 
obscure the original error.
-                         (error (ignore-errors
-                                  (when (file-exists-p filename)
-                                    (delete-file filename)))
-                                (signal (car err) (cdr err))))
-                       (funcall then filename)))
-                    ((pred functionp) (lambda ()
-                                        (let ((coding-system (or 
(plz--coding-system) 'utf-8)))
-                                          (plz--narrow-to-body)
-                                          (when decode
-                                            (decode-coding-region (point) 
(point-max) coding-system))
-                                          (funcall then (funcall as))))))))
-        (setf plz-then then
-              plz-else else
-              plz-finally finally
-              plz-sync sync-p)
-        ;; Send --config arguments.
-        (process-send-string process curl-config)
-        (when body
-          (cl-typecase body
-            (string (process-send-string process body))
-            (buffer (with-current-buffer body
-                      (process-send-region process (point-min) (point-max))))))
-        (process-send-eof process)
-        (if sync-p
-            (progn
-              (while
-                  ;; According to the Elisp manual, blocking on a process's
-                  ;; output is really this simple.  And it seems to work.
-                  (accept-process-output process))
-              (prog1 plz-result
-                (unless (eq as 'buffer)
-                  (kill-buffer))))
-          process)))))
-;;;;; Private
-(defun plz--sentinel (process-or-buffer status)
-  "Process buffer of curl output in PROCESS-OR-BUFFER.
-If PROCESS-OR-BUFFER if a process, uses its buffer; if a buffer,
-uses it.  STATUS should be the process's event string (see info
-node `(elisp) Sentinels').  Kills the buffer before returning."
-  ;; Inspired by and some code copied from `elfeed-curl--sentinel'.
-  (let* ((buffer (cl-etypecase process-or-buffer
-                   (process (process-buffer process-or-buffer))
-                   (buffer process-or-buffer)))
-         (finally (buffer-local-value 'plz-finally buffer))
-         sync)
-    (unwind-protect
-        (with-current-buffer buffer
-          (setf sync plz-sync)
-          (pcase-exhaustive status
-            ((or 0 "finished\n")
-             ;; Curl exited normally: check HTTP status code.
-             (pcase (plz--http-status)
-               (200 (funcall plz-then))
-               (_ (let ((err (make-plz-error :response (plz--response))))
-                    (pcase-exhaustive plz-else
-                      (`nil (signal 'plz-http-error err))
-                      ((pred functionp) (funcall plz-else err)))))))
-            ((or (and (pred numberp) code)
-                 (rx "exited abnormally with code " (let code (group (1+ 
-             ;; Curl error.
-             (let* ((curl-exit-code (cl-typecase code
-                                      (string (string-to-number code))
-                                      (number code)))
-                    (curl-error-message (alist-get curl-exit-code 
-                    (err (make-plz-error :curl-error (cons curl-exit-code 
-               (pcase-exhaustive plz-else
-                 ;; FIXME: Returning a plz-error struct which has a curl-error 
slot, wrapped in a plz-curl-error, is confusing.
-                 (`nil (signal 'plz-curl-error err))
-                 ((pred functionp) (funcall plz-else err)))))
-            ("killed\n"
-             ;; Curl process killed.
-             (let ((err (make-plz-error :message "curl process killed")))
-               (pcase-exhaustive plz-else
-                 (`nil (signal 'plz-curl-error err))
-                 ((pred functionp) (funcall plz-else err)))))))
-      (when finally
-        (funcall finally))
-      (unless sync
-        (kill-buffer buffer)))))
-;;;;;; HTTP Responses
-;; Functions for parsing HTTP responses.
-(cl-defun plz--response (&key (decode-p t))
-  "Return response struct for HTTP response in current buffer.
-When DECODE-P is non-nil, decode the response body automatically
-according to the apparent coding system."
-  (save-excursion
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    ;; Parse HTTP version and status code.
-    (unless (looking-at plz-http-response-status-line-regexp)
-      (error "Unable to parse HTTP response"))
-    (let* ((http-version (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
-           (status-code (string-to-number (match-string 2)))
-           (headers (plz--headers))
-           (coding-system (or (plz--coding-system headers) 'utf-8)))
-      (plz--narrow-to-body)
-      (when decode-p
-        (decode-coding-region (point) (point-max) coding-system))
-      (make-plz-response
-       :version http-version
-       :status status-code
-       :headers headers
-       :body (buffer-string)))))
-(defun plz--coding-system (&optional headers)
-  "Return coding system for HTTP response in current buffer.
-HEADERS may optionally be an alist of parsed HTTP headers to
-refer to rather than the current buffer's unparsed headers."
-  (let* ((headers (or headers (plz--headers)))
-         (content-type (alist-get 'content-type headers)))
-    (when content-type
-      (coding-system-from-name content-type))))
-(defun plz--http-status ()
-  "Return HTTP status code for HTTP response in current buffer."
-  (save-excursion
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (when (looking-at plz-http-response-status-line-regexp)
-      (string-to-number (match-string 2)))))
-(defun plz--headers ()
-  "Return headers alist for HTTP response in current buffer."
-  (save-excursion
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (forward-line 1)
-    (let ((limit (save-excursion
-                   (re-search-forward "^\r\n" nil)
-                   (point))))
-      (cl-loop while (re-search-forward (rx bol (group (1+ (not (in ":")))) 
":" (1+ blank)
-                                            (group (1+ (not (in "\r\n")))))
-                                        limit t)
-               ;; NOTE: Some HTTP servers send all-lowercase header keys, 
which means an alist
-               ;; lookup with `equal' or `string=' fails when the case 
differs.  We don't want
-               ;; users to have to worry about this, so for consistency, we 
downcase the
-               ;; header name.  And while we're at it, we might as well intern 
it so we can
-               ;; use `alist-get' without having to add "nil nil #'equal" 
every time.
-               collect (cons (intern (downcase (match-string 1))) 
(match-string 2))))))
-(defun plz--narrow-to-body ()
-  "Narrow to body of HTTP response in current buffer."
-  (goto-char (point-min))
-  (re-search-forward "^\r\n" nil)
-  (narrow-to-region (point) (point-max)))
-;;;; Footer
-(provide 'plz)
-;;; plz.el ends here

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