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[elpa] externals/kind-icon 1266945d3e 2/2: Cache separately for non-term

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/kind-icon 1266945d3e 2/2: Cache separately for non-terminal and terminal
Date: Thu, 19 May 2022 16:57:47 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/kind-icon
commit 1266945d3efaff0f728034292860649212d721b6
Author: JD Smith <93749+jdtsmith@users.noreply.github.com>
Commit: JD Smith <93749+jdtsmith@users.noreply.github.com>

    Cache separately for non-terminal and terminal
 kind-icon.el | 116 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 file changed, 59 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kind-icon.el b/kind-icon.el
index c0f69904b4..3ee5d7e68c 100644
--- a/kind-icon.el
+++ b/kind-icon.el
@@ -60,14 +60,14 @@
 (require 'svg-lib nil 'noerror)
 (require 'color)
-(defvar kind-icon--cache nil
+(defvar kind-icon--cache [nil nil]
   "The cache of styled and padded label (text or icon).  
-An alist.")
+An vector of two alist for non-terminal and terminal.")
 (defun kind-icon-reset-cache ()
   "Remove all cached icons from `kind-icon-mapping'."
-  (setq kind-icon--cache nil))
+  (setq kind-icon--cache (make-vector 2 nil)))
 (defun kind-icon--set-default-clear-cache (&rest args)
@@ -254,59 +254,61 @@ frame background color) and the foreground.  If
 `kind-icon-blend-background' is nil, the background is taken from
 the :face's background, `kind-icon-default-face', or the frame
-  (or (alist-get kind kind-icon--cache)
-      (if-let ((map (assq kind kind-icon-mapping))
-              (plist (cddr map)))
-         (let* ((kind-face (plist-get plist :face))
-                (col (if kind-face
-                         (face-attribute kind-face :foreground nil t)
-                       (if kind-icon-default-face
-                           (face-attribute kind-icon-default-face :foreground 
nil t)
-                         (frame-parameter nil 'foreground-color))))
-                (kind-face-bg (and kind-face
-                                   (face-attribute kind-face :background nil 
-                (default-bg (if kind-icon-default-face
-                                (face-attribute kind-icon-default-face 
:background nil t)
-                              (frame-parameter nil 'background-color)))
-                (bg-col (if kind-icon-blend-background
-                            (kind-icon--rgb-blend
-                             (color-name-to-rgb col)
-                             (color-name-to-rgb default-bg)
-                             kind-icon-blend-frac)
-                          (if (and kind-face-bg (not (eq kind-face-bg 
-                              kind-face-bg
-                            default-bg)))
-                (dfw (default-font-width))
-                (terminal (eq dfw 1))
-                (half (/ dfw 2))
-                (face-spec `(:weight bold :foreground ,col :background 
-                (pad-right (propertize " " 'display `(space :width (,half))
-                                       'face face-spec))
-                (pad-left (propertize " " 'display `(space :width (,(- dfw 
-                                      'face face-spec))
-                (disp (if-let ((kind-icon-use-icons)
-                               (icon-name (plist-get plist :icon))
-                               (icon (kind-icon--get-icon-safe icon-name col 
-                          ;; icon: always 2x1, half-space on each side
-                          (propertize ; pretend it's one char to allow padding
-                           (concat pad-left
-                                   (propertize "*" 'display icon 'face 
`(:background ,bg-col))
-                                   pad-right))
-                        ;; text, 1 or 2 chars, centered with full or half 
space on each side
-                        (let* ((txt (truncate-string-to-width (cadr map) 2))
-                               (len (length txt)))
-                          (if (eq len 2)
-                              (if terminal
-                                  (propertize (concat txt " ") 'face face-spec)
-                                (concat pad-left
-                                        (propertize "_" 'display
-                                                    (propertize txt 'face 
-                                        pad-right))
-                            (propertize (concat " " txt " ") 'face 
-           (if disp
-               (setf (alist-get kind kind-icon--cache) disp)
-             (propertize (concat pad-left "??" pad-right) 'face 
-       kind-icon--unknown)))
+  (let* ((dfw (default-font-width))
+        (terminal (eq dfw 1))
+        (slot (if terminal 1 0)))
+    (or (alist-get kind (aref kind-icon--cache slot))
+       (if-let ((map (assq kind kind-icon-mapping))
+                (plist (cddr map)))
+           (let* ((kind-face (plist-get plist :face))
+                  (col (if kind-face
+                           (face-attribute kind-face :foreground nil t)
+                         (if kind-icon-default-face
+                             (face-attribute kind-icon-default-face 
:foreground nil t)
+                           (frame-parameter nil 'foreground-color))))
+                  (kind-face-bg (and kind-face
+                                     (face-attribute kind-face :background nil 
+                  (default-bg (if kind-icon-default-face
+                                  (face-attribute kind-icon-default-face 
:background nil t)
+                                (frame-parameter nil 'background-color)))
+                  (bg-col (if kind-icon-blend-background
+                              (kind-icon--rgb-blend
+                               (color-name-to-rgb col)
+                               (color-name-to-rgb default-bg)
+                               kind-icon-blend-frac)
+                            (if (and kind-face-bg (not (eq kind-face-bg 
+                                kind-face-bg
+                              default-bg)))
+                  (half (/ dfw 2))
+                  (face-spec `(:weight bold :foreground ,col :background 
+                  (pad-right (propertize " " 'display `(space :width (,half))
+                                         'face face-spec))
+                  (pad-left (propertize " " 'display `(space :width (,(- dfw 
+                                        'face face-spec))
+                  (disp (if-let ((kind-icon-use-icons)
+                                 ((not terminal))
+                                 (icon-name (plist-get plist :icon))
+                                 (icon (kind-icon--get-icon-safe icon-name col 
+                            ;; icon: always 2x1, half-space on each side
+                            (propertize ; pretend it's one char to allow 
+                             (concat pad-left
+                                     (propertize "*" 'display icon 'face 
`(:background ,bg-col))
+                                     pad-right))
+                          ;; text, 1 or 2 chars, centered with full or half 
space on each side
+                          (let* ((txt (truncate-string-to-width (cadr map) 2))
+                                 (len (length txt)))
+                            (if (eq len 2)
+                                (if terminal ; no half spaces on terminal
+                                    (propertize (concat txt " ") 'face 
+                                  (concat pad-left
+                                          (propertize "_" 'display
+                                                      (propertize txt 'face 
+                                          pad-right))
+                              (propertize (concat " " txt " ") 'face 
+             (if disp
+                 (setf (alist-get kind (aref kind-icon--cache slot)) disp)
+               (propertize (concat pad-left "??" pad-right) 'face 
+         kind-icon--unknown))))
 (defun kind-icon-margin-formatter (metadata)
@@ -324,7 +326,7 @@ function to the relevant margin-formatters list."
   "Create and return a custom kind-icon affixation function.
 The company-kind function should be passed in as KIND-FUNC and
 any annotation-function as ANN-FUNC.  The returned function
-supplies a candiate kind badge -- abbreviated text key or icon --
+supplies a candidate kind badge -- abbreviated text key or icon --
 as an affixation prefix.  ANN-FUNC, if non-nil, will be called
 and its result used as the affixation suffix, first setting the
 `completions-annotations' face on it."

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