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[nongnu] elpa/web-mode d8258fb33c 3/3: Merge pull request #1253 from thi

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/web-mode d8258fb33c 3/3: Merge pull request #1253 from thiderman/completionista
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2022 10:59:49 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/web-mode
commit d8258fb33cc1918a2d83ff637157061e804acd6f
Merge: 7b5459f58c 7ae48dec23
Author: fxbois <fxbois@gmail.com>
Commit: GitHub <noreply@github.com>

    Merge pull request #1253 from thiderman/completionista
    Add completion for tags, attributes, and attribute values
 web-mode.el | 86 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 79 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/web-mode.el b/web-mode.el
index 03be12e3b5..18b4a7e1ea 100644
--- a/web-mode.el
+++ b/web-mode.el
@@ -357,6 +357,57 @@ See web-mode-block-face."
   :type '(repeat string)
   :group 'web-mode)
+;; https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element
+(defcustom web-mode-tag-list
+  '("html" "base" "head" "link" "meta" "style" "title" "body" "address"
+    "article" "aside" "footer" "header" "h1" "h2" "h3" "h4" "h5" "h6" "main"
+    "nav" "section" "blockquote" "dd" "div" "dl" "dt" "figcaption" "figure"
+    "hr" "li" "menu" "ol" "p" "pre" "ula" "a" "abbr" "b" "bdi" "bdo" "br"
+    "cite" "code" "data" "dfn" "em" "i" "kbdmark" "q" "rp" "rt" "ruby" "s"
+    "samp" "small" "span" "strong" "sub" "sup" "time" "u" "var" "wbr" "area"
+    "audio" "img" "map" "track" "video" "embed" "iframe" "object" "picture"
+    "portal" "source" "svg" "math" "canvas" "noscript" "script" "del" "ins"
+    "caption" "col" "colgroup" "table" "tbody" "td" "tfoot" "th" "thead" "tr"
+    "button" "datalist" "fieldset" "form" "input" "label" "legend" "meter"
+    "optgroup" "option" "output" "progress" "select" "textarea" "details"
+    "dialog" "summary" "slot" "template")
+  "HTML tags used for completion."
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'web-mode)
+;; https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_attributes.asp
+;; Attributes marked as deprecated in HTML 5 are not added.
+(defcustom web-mode-attribute-list
+  '("accept" "accesskey" "action" "alt" "async" "autocomplete" "autofocus"
+    "autoplay" "charset" "checked" "cite" "class" "cols" "colspan" "content"
+    "contenteditable" "controls" "coords" "data" "datetime" "default" "defer"
+    "dir" "dirname" "disabled" "download" "draggable" "enctype" "for" "form"
+    "formaction" "headers" "height" "hidden" "high" "href" "hreflang" "http"
+    "id" "ismap" "kind" "label" "lang" "list" "loop" "low" "max" "maxlength"
+    "media" "method" "min" "multiple" "muted" "name" "novalidate" "onabort"
+    "onafterprint" "onbeforeprint" "onbeforeunload" "onblur" "oncanplay"
+    "oncanplaythrough" "onchange" "onclick" "oncontextmenu" "oncopy"
+    "oncuechange" "oncut" "ondblclick" "ondrag" "ondragend" "ondragenter"
+    "ondragleave" "ondragover" "ondragstart" "ondrop" "ondurationchange"
+    "onemptied" "onended" "onerror" "onfocus" "onhashchange" "oninput"
+    "oninvalid" "onkeydown" "onkeypress" "onkeyup" "onload" "onloadeddata"
+    "onloadedmetadata" "onloadstart" "onmousedown" "onmousemove" "onmouseout"
+    "onmouseover" "onmouseup" "onmousewheel" "onoffline" "ononline"
+    "onpagehide" "onpageshow" "onpaste" "onpause" "onplay" "onplaying"
+    "onpopstate" "onprogress" "onratechange" "onreset" "onresize" "onscroll"
+    "onsearch" "onseeked" "onseeking" "onselect" "onstalled" "onstorage"
+    "onsubmit" "onsuspend" "ontimeupdate" "ontoggle" "onunload"
+    "onvolumechange" "onwaiting" "onwheel" "open" "optimum" "pattern"
+    "placeholder" "poster" "preload" "readonly" "rel" "required" "reversed"
+    "rows" "rowspan" "sandbox" "scope" "selected" "shape" "size" "sizes"
+    "span" "spellcheck" "src" "srcdoc" "srclang" "srcset" "start" "step"
+    "style" "tabindex" "target" "title" "translate" "type" "usemap" "value"
+    "width" "wrap")
+  "HTML attributes used for completion."
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'web-mode)
 ;;---- FACES 
 (defface web-mode-error-face
@@ -877,6 +928,10 @@ Must be used in conjunction with 
     ("case-extra-offset" . t)
+(defvar web-mode-tag-history nil)
+(defvar web-mode-attribute-history nil)
+(defvar web-mode-attribute-value-history nil)
 (defvar web-mode-engines
   '(("angular"          . ("angularjs"))
     ("anki"             . ())
@@ -10549,7 +10604,7 @@ Pos should be in a tag."
     (let (beg end line-beg line-end pos tag tag-start tag-end)
-          (setq tag (read-from-minibuffer "Tag name? ")
+          (setq tag (web-mode-element-complete)
                 tag-start (concat "<" tag ">")
                 tag-end (concat "</" tag ">")
                 pos (point)
@@ -10600,13 +10655,22 @@ Pos should be in a tag."
     ) ;let
+(defun web-mode-element-complete (&optional prompt)
+  "Completes for an element tag."
+  (completing-read
+   (or prompt "Tag name: ")
+   (append
+    web-mode-tag-list
+    web-mode-tag-history)
+   nil nil nil 'web-mode-tag-history))
 (defun web-mode-element-wrap (&optional tag-name)
   "Wrap current REGION with start and end tags.
 Prompt user if TAG-NAME isn't provided."
   (let (beg end pos tag sep)
-      (setq tag (or tag-name (read-from-minibuffer "Tag name? ")))
+      (setq tag (or tag-name (web-mode-element-complete)))
       (setq pos (point))
@@ -10716,7 +10780,7 @@ Prompt user if TAG-NAME isn't provided."
      ((and (get-text-property (point) 'tag-type)
            (not (get-text-property (point) 'tag-beg)))
       (message "element-insert ** invalid context **"))
-     ((not (and (setq tag-name (read-from-minibuffer "Tag name? "))
+     ((not (and (setq tag-name (web-mode-element-complete))
                 (> (length tag-name) 0)))
       (message "element-insert ** failure **"))
      ((web-mode-element-is-void tag-name)
@@ -10766,7 +10830,7 @@ Prompt user if TAG-NAME isn't provided."
     (let (pos)
-      (unless tag-name (setq tag-name (read-from-minibuffer "New tag name? ")))
+      (unless tag-name (setq tag-name (web-mode-element-complete "New tag 
name: ")))
       (when (and (> (length tag-name) 0)
                  (looking-at "<\\([[:alnum:]]+\\(:?[[:alpha:]_-]+\\)?\\)"))
@@ -12087,19 +12151,27 @@ Prompt user if TAG-NAME isn't provided."
       ;;(message "attrs=%S" attrs)
-(defun web-mode-attribute-insert ()
+(defun web-mode-attribute-insert (&optional attr-name attr-value)
   "Insert an attribute inside current tag."
   (let (attr attr-name attr-value)
      ((not (member (get-text-property (point) 'tag-type) '(start void)))
       (message "attribute-insert ** invalid context **"))
-     ((not (and (setq attr-name (read-from-minibuffer "Attribute name? "))
+     ((not (and (setq attr-name (or attr-name (completing-read
+                                               "Attribute name: "
+                                               (append
+                                                web-mode-attribute-list
+                                                web-mode-attribute-history)
+                                               nil nil nil 
                 (> (length attr-name) 0)))
       (message "attribute-insert ** failure **"))
       (setq attr (concat " " attr-name))
-      (when (setq attr-value (read-from-minibuffer "Attribute value? "))
+      (when (setq attr-value (or attr-value (completing-read
+                                             "Attribute value: "
+                                             web-mode-attribute-value-history
+                                             nil nil nil 
         (setq attr (concat attr "=\"" attr-value "\"")))
       (if (looking-back "/>" (point-min))

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