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[elpa] externals/phpinspect f003b6a279 105/126: Make project indexation

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/phpinspect f003b6a279 105/126: Make project indexation asynchronous using `phpinspect-pipeline'
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2023 00:58:50 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/phpinspect
commit f003b6a2794b2071f0c2d3cfa783f28670645fa4
Author: Hugo Thunnissen <devel@hugot.nl>
Commit: Hugo Thunnissen <devel@hugot.nl>

    Make project indexation asynchronous using `phpinspect-pipeline'
 phpinspect-autoload.el | 291 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 phpinspect-cache.el    |   6 +-
 phpinspect-fs.el       |   5 +-
 phpinspect-pipeline.el | 115 +++++++++----------
 phpinspect.el          |  14 ++-
 test/test-autoload.el  | 132 +++++++++++-----------
 6 files changed, 313 insertions(+), 250 deletions(-)

diff --git a/phpinspect-autoload.el b/phpinspect-autoload.el
index 8245be322e..cb7cca9104 100644
--- a/phpinspect-autoload.el
+++ b/phpinspect-autoload.el
@@ -27,12 +27,19 @@
 (require 'phpinspect-project)
 (require 'phpinspect-fs)
 (require 'phpinspect-util)
+(require 'phpinspect-pipeline)
 (cl-defstruct (phpinspect-psr0
                (:constructor phpinspect-make-psr0-generated))
   (prefix nil
           :type string
           :documentation "The namespace prefix for which the directories 
contain code.")
+  (autoloader nil
+              :type phpinspect-autoloader)
+  (own nil
+       :type boolean)
+  (fs nil
+      :type phpinspect-fs)
   (directories nil
              :type list
@@ -43,17 +50,17 @@
   (prefix nil
           :type string
           :documentation "The namespace prefix for which the directories 
contain code.")
+  (autoloader nil
+              :type phpinspect-autoloader)
+  (own nil
+       :type boolean)
+  (fs nil
+      :type phpinspect-fs)
   (directories nil
              :type list
              "The directories that this autoloader finds code in."))
-(cl-defstruct (phpinspect-classmap
-               (:constructor phpinspect-make-classmap-generated))
-  (directories nil
-             :type list
-             :documentation
-             "The directories that this autoloader finds code in."))
 (cl-defstruct (phpinspect-autoloader
                (:constructor phpinspect-make-autoloader))
@@ -75,34 +82,29 @@
 qualified names congruent with a bareword type name. Keyed by
 bareword typenames."))
-(defun phpinspect-make-autoload-definition-closure (project-root fs typehash)
-  "Create a closure that can be used to `maphash' the autoload
-section of a composer-json."
-  (lambda (type prefixes)
-    (let ((strategy))
-      (cond
-       ((string= "psr-0" type)
-        (maphash
-         (lambda (prefix directory-paths)
-           (when (stringp directory-paths) (setq directory-paths (list 
-           (setq strategy (phpinspect-make-psr0-generated :prefix prefix))
-           (dolist (path directory-paths)
-             (push (concat project-root "/" path)
-                   (phpinspect-psr0-directories strategy))))
-         prefixes))
-       ((string= "psr-4" type)
-        (maphash
-         (lambda (prefix directory-paths)
-           (when (stringp directory-paths) (setq directory-paths (list 
-           (setq strategy (phpinspect-make-psr4-generated :prefix prefix))
-             (dolist (path directory-paths)
-               (push (concat project-root "/" path)
-                     (phpinspect-psr4-directories strategy))))
-         prefixes))
-       (t (phpinspect--log "Unsupported autoload strategy \"%s\" encountered" 
-      (when strategy
-        (phpinspect-al-strategy-fill-typehash strategy fs typehash)))))
+;; (define-inline phpinspect-directory-lister (dirs &optional fs)
+;;   (inline-letevals (dirs fs)
+;;     (inline-quote
+;;      (let* ((directory (pop ,dirs))
+;;             (files
+;;              (phpinspect-fs-directory-files ,fs directory))
+;;             listing)
+;;        (dolist (file files)
+;;          (if (phpinspect-fs-file-directory-p ,fs file)
+;;              (push file ,dirs)
+;;            (push file listing)))
+;;        listing))))
+;; (phpinspect-define-pipeline-step phpinspect-directory-lister 
+(cl-defstruct (phpinspect-cj-iter-ctx (:constructor 
+  (autoloader nil
+              :type phpinspect-autoloader)
+  (compiled-dirs nil
+                 :type boolean)
+  (dirs nil
+        :type list))
 (cl-defmethod phpinspect--read-json-file (fs file)
@@ -110,100 +112,161 @@ section of a composer-json."
     (goto-char 0)
     (phpinspect-json-preset (json-read))))
-(cl-defmethod phpinspect-autoloader-refresh ((autoloader 
-  "Refresh autoload definitions by reading composer.json files
-  from the project and vendor folders."
-  (let* ((project-root (phpinspect-project-root (phpinspect-autoloader-project 
-         (fs (phpinspect-project-fs (phpinspect-autoloader-project 
-         (vendor-dir (concat project-root "/vendor"))
-         (composer-json-path (concat project-root "/composer.json"))
-         (composer-json)
-         (project-autoload )
-         (type-name-fqn-bags (make-hash-table :test 'eq :size 3000 
:rehash-size 3000))
-         (own-types (make-hash-table :test 'eq :size 10000 :rehash-size 10000))
-         (types (make-hash-table :test 'eq :size 10000 :rehash-size 10000)))
-    (when (phpinspect-fs-file-exists-p fs composer-json-path)
-      (setq composer-json (phpinspect--read-json-file fs composer-json-path))
-      (if (hash-table-p composer-json)
-          (setq project-autoload (gethash "autoload" composer-json))
-        (phpinspect--log "Error: Parsing %s did not return a hashmap."
-                         composer-json-path)))
+(define-inline phpinspect-filename-to-typename (dir filename &optional prefix)
+  (inline-quote
+   (phpinspect-intern-name
+    (replace-regexp-in-string
+     "[\\\\]+"
+     "\\\\"
+     (concat "\\"
+             (or ,prefix "")
+             (replace-regexp-in-string
+              "/" "\\\\"
+              (string-remove-suffix
+               ".php"
+               (string-remove-prefix ,dir ,filename))))))))
-    (when project-autoload
-      (maphash (phpinspect-make-autoload-definition-closure project-root fs 
-               project-autoload)
-      (maphash (phpinspect-make-autoload-definition-closure project-root fs 
-               project-autoload))
+(defun phpinspect-find-composer-json-files (fs project-root)
+  (let ((cj-path (concat project-root "/composer.json"))
+        (vendor-dir (concat project-root "/vendor"))
+        files)
+    (when (phpinspect-fs-file-exists-p fs cj-path)
+      (push `(local . ,cj-path) files))
     (when (phpinspect-fs-file-directory-p fs vendor-dir)
       (dolist (author-dir (phpinspect-fs-directory-files fs vendor-dir))
         (when (phpinspect-fs-file-directory-p fs author-dir)
           (dolist (dependency-dir (phpinspect-fs-directory-files fs 
+            (setq cj-path (concat dependency-dir "/composer.json"))
             (when (and (phpinspect-fs-file-directory-p fs dependency-dir)
-                       (phpinspect-fs-file-exists-p fs (concat dependency-dir 
-              (let* ((dependency-json (phpinspect--read-json-file
-                                       fs
-                                       (concat dependency-dir 
-                     (dependency-autoload (gethash "autoload" 
-                (when dependency-autoload
-                  (maphash (phpinspect-make-autoload-definition-closure
-                            dependency-dir fs types)
-                           dependency-autoload))))))))
-    (maphash (lambda (type-fqn _)
-               (let* ((type-name (phpinspect-intern-name
-                                  (car (last (split-string (symbol-name 
type-fqn) "\\\\")))))
-                      (bag (gethash type-name type-name-fqn-bags)))
-                 (push type-fqn bag)
-                 (puthash type-name bag type-name-fqn-bags)))
-             types)
-    (setf (phpinspect-autoloader-own-types autoloader) own-types)
-    (setf (phpinspect-autoloader-types autoloader) types)
-    (setf (phpinspect-autoloader-type-name-fqn-bags autoloader)
-          type-name-fqn-bags)))
+                       (phpinspect-fs-file-exists-p fs cj-path))
+              (push `(vendor . ,cj-path) files))))))
+    files))
+(cl-defmethod phpinspect-al-strategy-execute ((strat phpinspect-psr4))
+  (let* ((fs (phpinspect-psr4-fs strat))
+         (al (phpinspect-psr4-autoloader strat))
+         (own (phpinspect-psr4-own strat))
+         (own-typehash (phpinspect-autoloader-own-types al))
+         (typehash (phpinspect-autoloader-types al))
+         (prefix (phpinspect-psr4-prefix strat))
+         type-fqn)
+    (dolist (dir (phpinspect-psr4-directories strat))
+      (dolist (file (phpinspect-fs-directory-files-recursively fs dir 
+        (setq type-fqn (phpinspect-filename-to-typename dir file prefix))
+        (phpinspect-autoloader-put-type-bag al type-fqn)
+        (puthash type-fqn file typehash)
+        (when own
+          (puthash type-fqn file own-typehash))))))
+(cl-defmethod phpinspect-al-strategy-execute ((strat phpinspect-psr0))
+  (let* ((fs (phpinspect-psr0-fs strat))
+         (al (phpinspect-psr0-autoloader strat))
+         (own (phpinspect-psr0-own strat))
+         (own-typehash (phpinspect-autoloader-own-types al))
+         (typehash (phpinspect-autoloader-types al))
+         type-fqn)
+    (dolist (dir (phpinspect-psr0-directories strat))
+      (dolist (file (phpinspect-fs-directory-files-recursively fs dir 
+        (setq type-fqn (phpinspect-filename-to-typename dir file))
+        (phpinspect-autoloader-put-type-bag al type-fqn)
+        (puthash type-fqn file typehash)
+        (when own
+          (puthash type-fqn file own-typehash))))))
+(cl-defmethod phpinspect-autoloader-put-type-bag ((al phpinspect-autoloader) 
(type-fqn symbol))
+  (let* ((type-name (phpinspect-intern-name
+                     (car (last (split-string (symbol-name type-fqn) 
+         (bag (gethash type-name (phpinspect-autoloader-type-name-fqn-bags 
+    (if bag
+        (push type-fqn bag)
+      (push type-fqn bag)
+      (puthash type-name bag (phpinspect-autoloader-type-name-fqn-bags al)))))
+(phpinspect-define-pipeline-step phpinspect-al-strategy-execute 
+(cl-defmethod phpinspect-iterate-composer-jsons
+  ((al phpinspect-autoloader) file)
+  (let* ((fs (phpinspect-project-fs (phpinspect-autoloader-project al)))
+         (project-root (file-name-directory (cdr file)))
+         (json (phpinspect--read-json-file fs (cdr file)))
+         (autoload (gethash "autoload" json))
+         batch)
+    (when (hash-table-p autoload)
+      (maphash
+       (lambda (type prefixes)
+         (let ((strategy))
+           (pcase type
+             ("psr-0"
+              (maphash
+               (lambda (prefix directory-paths)
+                 (when (stringp directory-paths)
+                   (setq directory-paths (list directory-paths)))
+                 (setq strategy (phpinspect-make-psr0-generated
+                                 :autoloader al
+                                 :fs fs
+                                 :prefix prefix
+                                 :own (eq 'local (car file))))
+                 (dolist (path directory-paths)
+                   (push (file-name-concat project-root path)
+                         (phpinspect-psr0-directories strategy))))
+               prefixes))
+             ("psr-4"
+              (maphash
+               (lambda (prefix directory-paths)
+                 (when (stringp directory-paths)
+                   (setq directory-paths (list directory-paths)))
+                 (setq strategy (phpinspect-make-psr4-generated
+                                 :fs fs
+                                 :autoloader al
+                                 :prefix prefix
+                                 :own (eq 'local (car file))))
+                 (dolist (path directory-paths)
+                   (push (file-name-concat project-root path)
+                         (phpinspect-psr4-directories strategy))))
+               prefixes))
+             (_ (phpinspect--log "Unsupported autoload strategy \"%s\" 
encountered" type)))
+           (push strategy batch)))
+       autoload)
+      (phpinspect-pipeline-emit-all batch))))
+(phpinspect-define-pipeline-step phpinspect-iterate-composer-jsons
+                                 phpinspect-iterate-composer-jsons)
 (cl-defmethod phpinspect-autoloader-resolve ((autoloader phpinspect-autoloader)
   (or (gethash typename-symbol (phpinspect-autoloader-own-types autoloader))
       (gethash typename-symbol (phpinspect-autoloader-types autoloader))))
+(cl-defmethod phpinspect-autoloader-refresh ((autoloader 
phpinspect-autoloader) &optional async-callback)
+  "Refresh autoload definitions by reading composer.json files
+  from the project and vendor folders."
+  (let* ((project-root (phpinspect-project-root (phpinspect-autoloader-project 
+         (fs (phpinspect-project-fs (phpinspect-autoloader-project 
+         result error)
+    (setf (phpinspect-autoloader-type-name-fqn-bags autoloader)
+          (make-hash-table :test 'eq :size 3000 :rehash-size 3000))
+    (setf (phpinspect-autoloader-own-types autoloader)
+          (make-hash-table :test 'eq :size 10000 :rehash-size 10000))
+    (setf (phpinspect-autoloader-types autoloader)
+          (make-hash-table :test 'eq :size 10000 :rehash-size 10000))
+    (phpinspect-pipeline (phpinspect-find-composer-json-files fs project-root)
+      :async (or async-callback
+                 (lambda (_result error)
+                   (if error
+                       (message "Error during autoloader refresh: %s" error)
+                     (message (concat "Refreshed project autoloader. Found %d 
types within project,"
+                                      " %d types total.")
+                              (hash-table-count 
(phpinspect-autoloader-own-types autoloader))
+                              (hash-table-count (phpinspect-autoloader-types 
+      :into (phpinspect-iterate-composer-jsons :with-context autoloader)
+      :into phpinspect-al-strategy-execute)))
+(cl-defmethod phpinspect-autoloader-refresh
-(cl-defgeneric phpinspect-al-strategy-fill-typehash (strategy fs typehash)
-  "Make STRATEGY return a map with type names as keys and the
-  paths to the files they are defined in as values.")
-(defsubst phpinspect-filename-to-typename (dir filename &optional prefix)
-  (phpinspect-intern-name
-   (replace-regexp-in-string
-    "[\\\\]+"
-    "\\\\"
-    (concat "\\"
-            (or prefix "")
-            (replace-regexp-in-string
-             "/" "\\\\"
-             (string-remove-suffix
-              ".php"
-              (string-remove-prefix dir filename)))))))
-(cl-defmethod phpinspect-al-strategy-fill-typehash ((strategy phpinspect-psr0)
-                                                    fs
-                                                    typehash)
-  (dolist (dir (phpinspect-psr0-directories strategy))
-    (dolist (file (phpinspect-fs-directory-files-recursively fs dir "\\.php$"))
-      (puthash (phpinspect-filename-to-typename dir file) file typehash))))
-(cl-defmethod phpinspect-al-strategy-fill-typehash ((strategy phpinspect-psr4)
-                                                    fs
-                                                    typehash)
-  (let ((prefix (phpinspect-psr4-prefix strategy)))
-    (dolist (dir (phpinspect-psr4-directories strategy))
-      (dolist (file (phpinspect-fs-directory-files-recursively fs dir 
-        (puthash (phpinspect-filename-to-typename dir file prefix) file 
 (provide 'phpinspect-autoload)
 ;;; phpinspect-autoload.el ends here
diff --git a/phpinspect-cache.el b/phpinspect-cache.el
index b5b0182724..54a5507da1 100644
--- a/phpinspect-cache.el
+++ b/phpinspect-cache.el
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ then returned."
                               :root project-root
                               :worker (phpinspect-make-dynamic-worker))
                              (phpinspect--cache-projects cache)))
-      (let ((autoload (phpinspect-make-autoloader :project project)))
-        (setf (phpinspect-project-autoload project) autoload)
-        (phpinspect-autoloader-refresh autoload)))
+      (let ((autoloader (phpinspect-make-autoloader :project project)))
+        (setf (phpinspect-project-autoload project) autoloader)
+        (phpinspect-autoloader-refresh autoloader)))
 (provide 'phpinspect-cache)
diff --git a/phpinspect-fs.el b/phpinspect-fs.el
index 0a9aeceb16..ab293ef9a9 100644
--- a/phpinspect-fs.el
+++ b/phpinspect-fs.el
@@ -41,9 +41,8 @@
 (defalias 'phpinspect-virtual-file-modification-time #'cadr)
 (defalias 'phpinspect-virtual-file-contents #'car)
-(cl-defmethod phpinspect-virtual-fs-set-file ((fs phpinspect-virtual-fs)
-                                              path
-                                              contents)
+(defun phpinspect-virtual-fs-set-file (fs path contents)
+  (declare (indent defun))
   (puthash path (phpinspect-make-virtual-file contents)
            (phpinspect-virtual-fs-files fs)))
diff --git a/phpinspect-pipeline.el b/phpinspect-pipeline.el
index 456243c869..77cd704930 100644
--- a/phpinspect-pipeline.el
+++ b/phpinspect-pipeline.el
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
             thread-live (thread-live-p (car thread)))
       (when thread-live
-        (if ended
+        (if end
             (setq errors (nconc errors (list (format "Thread %s ended 
pipeline, but is still running"
                                                      (thread-name (car 
           (setq errors (nconc errors (list (format "Thread %s is still running 
when pipeline is closing"
@@ -91,13 +91,19 @@
       (signal 'phpinspect-pipeline-error errors))))
-(defmacro phpinspect-pipeline-emit (data)
-  `(throw 'phpinspect-pipeline-emit ,data))
+(define-inline phpinspect-pipeline-emit (data)
+  (inline-letevals (data)
+    (inline-quote
+     (throw 'phpinspect-pipeline-emit ,data))))
-(defmacro phpinspect-pipeline-emit-all (collection)
-  `(throw 'phpinspect-pipeline-emit
-          (phpinspect-make-pipeline-emission
-           :collection ,collection)))
+(define-inline phpinspect-pipeline-emit-all (collection)
+  (inline-letevals (collection)
+    (inline-quote
+     (throw 'phpinspect-pipeline-emit
+            (if ,collection
+                (phpinspect-make-pipeline-emission
+                 :collection ,collection)
+              ,collection)))))
 (defmacro phpinspect-pipeline-end (&optional value)
   (if value
@@ -197,8 +203,8 @@
           (end-queue-sym (gensym "end-queue"))
           (ctx-sym (gensym "ctx"))
           (recv-sym (gensym))
-          (errors (gensym))
           (result-sym (gensym))
+          (seed-sym (gensym))
           (collecting-sym (gensym)))
          (when (eq main-thread (current-thread))
@@ -209,13 +215,15 @@
                 (,queue-sym (phpinspect-make-queue))
                 (,end-queue-sym (phpinspect-make-queue))
                 (,collecting-sym t)
-                ,recv-sym ,result-sym)
+                ,recv-sym ,result-sym ,seed-sym)
            ,(phpinspect--chain-pipeline-steps steps queue-sym end-queue-sym 
-           (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue
-            ,queue-sym
-            (phpinspect-make-pipeline-emission :collection ,seed-form) 
+           (setq ,seed-sym ,seed-form)
+           (when ,seed-sym
+             (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue
+              ,queue-sym
+              (phpinspect-make-pipeline-emission :collection ,seed-form) 
             ,queue-sym (phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread (current-thread)))
@@ -249,7 +257,7 @@
               (lambda ()
                 (condition-case err
                     (let ((,result ,(append '(phpinspect--pipeline) (list 
seed-form) macro-params)))
-                      (funcall ,async ,result nil))
+                      (funcall ,async (or ,result 
'phpinspect-pipeline-nil-result) nil))
                   (t (funcall ,async nil err))))
            ,(append '(phpinspect--pipeline) (list seed-form) macro-params)))))
@@ -257,11 +265,11 @@
 (define-inline phpinspect-pipeline-receive (queue)
   (inline-letevals (queue)
-    `(or (phpinspect-queue-dequeue ,queue)
-         (let ((mx (make-mutex)))
-           (with-mutex mx
-             (condition-wait (make-condition-variable mx 
-           (phpinspect-queue-dequeue ,queue)))))
+    (inline-quote
+     (let ((val))
+       (while (not (setq val (phpinspect-queue-dequeue ,queue)))
+         (thread-yield))
+       val))))
 (defun phpinspect-pipeline-step-name (name &optional suffix)
   (intern (concat (symbol-name name) (if suffix (concat "-" suffix) ""))))
@@ -275,17 +283,16 @@
 (define-inline phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue (queue emission &optional 
   (inline-letevals (queue emission no-notify)
-     (if (and (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-p ,emission)
-              (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-collection ,emission))
-         (progn
-           (while (cdr (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-collection ,emission))
+     (when ,emission
+       (if (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-p ,emission)
+           (when (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-collection ,emission)
+             (while (cdr (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-collection ,emission))
+               (phpinspect-queue-enqueue
+                ,queue (pop (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-collection 
+                ,no-notify))
-              ,queue (pop (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-collection ,emission))
-              ,no-notify))
-           (phpinspect-queue-enqueue
-            ,queue (pop (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-collection ,emission)) 
-       (phpinspect-queue-enqueue ,queue ,emission ,no-notify)))))
+              ,queue (pop (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-collection ,emission)) 
+         (phpinspect-queue-enqueue ,queue ,emission ,no-notify))))))
 (defmacro phpinspect-define-pipeline-step (name function-name)
   (unless (symbolp name)
@@ -320,7 +327,6 @@
                        (out-queue (gensym "queue"))
                        (context-sym (gensym "context"))
                        (continue-running (gensym "continue-running"))
-                       (original-thread (gensym "original-thread"))
                        (pctx-sym (gensym "pipeline-ctx"))
                        (incoming-end (gensym "incoming-end"))
                        (end (gensym "end")))
@@ -330,8 +336,7 @@
                      (setq statement (nconc statement (list context-sym))))
-                    (let ((,original-thread (current-thread))
-                          (,inc-queue ,queue)
+                    (let ((,inc-queue ,queue)
                           (,out-queue ,consumer-queue)
                           (,context-sym ,context)
                           (,pctx-sym ,pipeline-ctx))
@@ -345,33 +350,29 @@
                              (condition-case err
-                                   (catch 'phpinspect-pipeline-break
-                                     (while ,continue-running
-                                       (setq ,incoming 
(phpinspect-pipeline-receive ,inc-queue))
-                                       (if (phpinspect-pipeline-end-p 
+                                   (setq ,incoming 
(phpinspect-pipeline-receive ,inc-queue))
+                                   (if (phpinspect-pipeline-end-p ,incoming)
+                                       (progn
+                                         (setq ,incoming-end ,incoming)
+                                         (when (phpinspect-pipeline-end-value 
-                                             (setq ,incoming-end ,incoming)
-                                             (when 
(phpinspect-pipeline-end-value ,incoming)
-                                               (progn
-                                                 (setq ,incoming 
(phpinspect-pipeline-end-value ,incoming)
-                                                       ,outgoing ,statement)
-                                                 (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue 
,out-queue ,outgoing 'no-notify)))
-                                             (setq ,end 
(phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread (current-thread)))
(phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-end ,pctx-sym ,end)
-                                             (setq ,continue-running nil)
-                                             (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue 
,out-queue ,end))
-                                         ;; Else
-                                         (setq ,outgoing ,statement)
-                                         (when (phpinspect-pipeline-end-p 
-                                           (setq ,end 
(phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread (current-thread)))
(phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-end ,pctx-sym ,end)
-                                           (setq ,continue-running nil))
-                                         (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue 
,out-queue ,outgoing))
-                                       (when ,end
-                                         (throw 'phpinspect-pipeline-break 
+                                             (setq ,incoming 
(phpinspect-pipeline-end-value ,incoming)
+                                                   ,outgoing ,statement)
+                                             (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue 
,out-queue ,outgoing 'no-notify)))
+                                         (setq ,end 
(phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread (current-thread)))
+                                         (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-end 
,pctx-sym ,end)
+                                         (setq ,continue-running nil)
+                                         (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue 
,out-queue ,end))
+                                     ;; Else
+                                     (setq ,outgoing ,statement)
+                                     (when (phpinspect-pipeline-end-p 
+                                       (setq ,end 
(phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread (current-thread)))
+                                       (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-end 
,pctx-sym ,end)
+                                       (setq ,continue-running nil))
+                                     (phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue ,out-queue 
                                (t (phpinspect--log "Pipeline thread errored: 
%s" err)
                                   (setq ,end (phpinspect-make-pipeline-end 
:thread (current-thread) :error err))
diff --git a/phpinspect.el b/phpinspect.el
index 8a13cd60db..fa7c1241ad 100644
--- a/phpinspect.el
+++ b/phpinspect.el
@@ -352,11 +352,15 @@ before the search is executed."
          (autoloader (phpinspect-project-autoload project)))
-    (phpinspect-autoloader-refresh autoloader)
-    (message (concat "Refreshed project autoloader. Found %d types within 
-                     " %d types total.")
-             (hash-table-count (phpinspect-autoloader-own-types autoloader))
-             (hash-table-count (phpinspect-autoloader-types autoloader)))))
+    ;; Update display so that it is clear to the user that emacs is
+    ;; responsive. Otherwise the autoloader refresh thread hogging the cpu will
+    ;; make it look like emacs is not responsive, especially when M-x uses some
+    ;; kind of completion framework, in which case the completion popup will
+    ;; appear frozen while the thread is executing.
+    (redisplay)
+    (phpinspect-autoloader-refresh autoloader)))
 (provide 'phpinspect)
 ;;; phpinspect.el ends here
diff --git a/test/test-autoload.el b/test/test-autoload.el
index 43417c3963..7d9348b5cc 100644
--- a/test/test-autoload.el
+++ b/test/test-autoload.el
@@ -28,91 +28,73 @@
 (require 'phpinspect-fs)
 (require 'phpinspect-autoload)
-(ert-deftest phpinspect-psr0-fill-typehash ()
+(ert-deftest phpinspect-find-composer-json-files ()
   (let* ((fs (phpinspect-make-virtual-fs))
-         (typehash (make-hash-table :size 10 :test 'eq))
-         (autoload
-           (phpinspect-make-psr0-generated :prefix "App\\")))
-    (phpinspect-virtual-fs-set-file
-     fs "/home/user/projects/app/src/App/Services/SuperService.php" "")
-    (phpinspect-virtual-fs-set-file
-     fs "/home/user/projects/app/src/Kernel.php" "")
-    (phpinspect-virtual-fs-set-file
-     fs "/home/user/projects/app/src/App/Controller/Banana.php" "")
-    (phpinspect-virtual-fs-set-file
-     fs "/home/user/projects/app/lib/Mailer_Lib.php" "")
+         (autoloader (phpinspect-make-autoloader
+                     :project (phpinspect--make-project :root "/root" :fs 
+    (phpinspect-virtual-fs-set-file fs
+      "/root/composer.json"
+      "{ \"autoload\": { \"psr-4\": {\"WoW\\\\Dwarves\\\\\": \"src/\"}}}")
-    (setf (phpinspect-psr0-directories autoload) (list 
+    (phpinspect-virtual-fs-set-file fs
+      "/root/vendor/runescape/client/composer.json"
+      "{\"autoload\": { \"psr-0\": {\"Runescape\\\\Banana\\\\\": [\"src/\", 
-    (phpinspect-al-strategy-fill-typehash autoload fs typehash)
-    (should-not (hash-table-empty-p typehash))
+    (phpinspect-virtual-fs-set-file fs
+      "/root/vendor/apples/pears/composer.json"
+     "{\"autoload\": { \"psr-0\": {\"Runescape\\\\Banana\\\\\": [\"src/\", 
-    (should (string= 
-                     (gethash (phpinspect-intern-name 
-                              typehash)))
-    (should (string= "/home/user/projects/app/src/Kernel.php"
-                     (gethash (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Kernel")
-                              typehash)))
-    (should (string= "/home/user/projects/app/src/App/Controller/Banana.php"
-                     (gethash (phpinspect-intern-name 
-                              typehash)))
+    (let ((sorter (lambda (file1 file2) (string-lessp (cdr file1) (cdr 
-    (should (string= "/home/user/projects/app/lib/Mailer_Lib.php"
-                     (gethash (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Mailer_Lib")
-                              typehash)))))
+    (should (equal (sort '((vendor . "/root/vendor/apples/pears/composer.json")
+                           (vendor . 
+                           (local . "/root/composer.json"))
+                         sorter)
+                   (sort (phpinspect-find-composer-json-files fs "/root")
+                         sorter))))))
-(ert-deftest phpinspect-psr4-fill-typehash ()
+(ert-deftest phpinspect-autoload-composer-json-iterator ()
   (let* ((fs (phpinspect-make-virtual-fs))
-         (typehash (make-hash-table :size 10 :test 'eq))
-         (autoload
-           (phpinspect-make-psr4-generated :prefix "App\\")))
-    (phpinspect-virtual-fs-set-file
-     fs "/home/user/projects/app/src/Services/SuperService.php" "")
+         (autoloader (phpinspect-make-autoloader
+                      :project (phpinspect--make-project :root "/root" :fs 
+         result error)
-    (phpinspect-virtual-fs-set-file
-     fs "/home/user/projects/app/src/Kernel.php" "")
+      (phpinspect-virtual-fs-set-file fs
+      "/root/composer.json"
+      "{ \"autoload\": { \"psr-4\": {\"WoW\\\\Dwarves\\\\\": \"src/\"}}}")
-    (phpinspect-virtual-fs-set-file
-     fs "/home/user/projects/app/src/Controller/Banana.php" "")
+    (phpinspect-virtual-fs-set-file fs
+      "/root/vendor/runescape/client/composer.json"
+      "{\"autoload\": { \"psr-0\": {\"Runescape\\\\Banana\\\\\": [\"src/\", 
-    (phpinspect-virtual-fs-set-file
-     fs "/home/user/projects/app/lib/Mailer_Lib.php" "")
-    (setf (phpinspect-psr4-directories autoload) (list 
+    (phpinspect-virtual-fs-set-file fs
+      "/root/vendor/apples/pears/composer.json"
+      "{\"autoload\": { \"psr-0\": {\"Runescape\\\\Banana\\\\\": [\"src/\", 
+                        \"psr-4\": {\"Another\\\\Namespace\\\\\": 
-    (phpinspect-al-strategy-fill-typehash autoload fs typehash)
+    (phpinspect-pipeline (phpinspect-find-composer-json-files fs "/root")
+      :async (lambda (res err)
+               (setq result res
+                     error err))
+      :into (phpinspect-iterate-composer-jsons :with-context autoloader))
-    (should-not (hash-table-empty-p typehash))
+    (while (not (or result error))
+      (thread-yield))
-    (should (string= "/home/user/projects/app/src/Services/SuperService.php"
-                     (gethash (phpinspect-intern-name 
-                              typehash)))
-    (should (string= "/home/user/projects/app/src/Kernel.php"
-                     (gethash (phpinspect-intern-name "\\App\\Kernel")
-                              typehash)))
-    (should (string= "/home/user/projects/app/src/Controller/Banana.php"
-                     (gethash (phpinspect-intern-name 
-                              typehash)))
+    (should-not error)
-    (should (string= "/home/user/projects/app/lib/Mailer_Lib.php"
-                     (gethash (phpinspect-intern-name "\\App\\Mailer_Lib")
-                              typehash)))))
+    (should (= 4 (length result)))
+    (should (= 2 (length (seq-filter #'phpinspect-psr0-p result))))
+    (should (= 2 (length (seq-filter #'phpinspect-psr4-p result))))))
-(ert-deftest phpinspect-autoloader-refresh ()
+(ert-deftest phpinspect-al-strategy-execute ()
   (let* ((fs (phpinspect-make-virtual-fs))
-         (project (phpinspect--make-project
-                   :fs fs
-                   :root "/project/root"))
          (autoloader (phpinspect-make-autoloader
-                      :project project)))
+                      :project (phpinspect--make-project :root "/project/root" 
:fs fs)))
+         result error)
@@ -144,7 +126,17 @@
       fs "/project/root/vendor/not-runescape/wow/src/TestClass.php" "")
-    (phpinspect-autoloader-refresh autoloader)
+    (phpinspect-pipeline (phpinspect-find-composer-json-files fs 
+      :async (lambda (res err)
+               (setq result res
+                     error err))
+      :into (phpinspect-iterate-composer-jsons :with-context autoloader)
+      :into phpinspect-al-strategy-execute)
+    (while (not (or result error))
+      (thread-yield))
+    (should-not error)
     (should-not (hash-table-empty-p (phpinspect-autoloader-own-types 
     (should-not (hash-table-empty-p (phpinspect-autoloader-types autoloader)))
@@ -152,4 +144,8 @@
     (should (string= 
-                      (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Runescape\\Banana\\App"))))))
+                      (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Runescape\\Banana\\App"))))
+    (should (string= "/project/root/vendor/not-runescape/wow/src/TestClass.php"
+                     (phpinspect-autoloader-resolve
+                      autoloader
+                      (phpinspect-intern-name "\\WoW\\Dwarves\\TestClass"))))))

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