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[Orgmode] Args out of range when creating TODOs

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: [Orgmode] Args out of range when creating TODOs
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 11:05:54 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110007 (No Gnus v0.7) Emacs/23.0.50 (gnu/linux)


I didn't follow the org development for the last few weeks, so maybe
this is no bug but a misconfiguration by me.  Anyway, I've set

    org-use-fast-todo-selection t
    org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "STARTED(s)" "WAITING(w)"
                         "|" "DONE(d)" "DEFERRED(f)" "CANCELLED(c)"))

When I want to create a new TODO headline I do

    *** C-c C-t

which pops up the *Org Tags* buffer with my todo keywords.  Now I select
`t' and get (control letters in byte-code deleted)

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (args-out-of-range 0 1)
  replace-match(#(" TODO " 0 1 nil 1 5 (face org-todo) 5 6 nil) t t)
  byte-code("Æ .Ç!..È.Sb.ÇÉ   ÊQ!..ÇÊ!.Ë .Ì 
>\".k.é.U.l.#.].e.^.e.n.ÏÑ\".o.p.!.U.Q.ƒz.q. .N..U.Q.„.Ö.U!.B.r.s. 
>.t. .u.B$.v. .Õ.n.Õ.Š.w.Õ!.Ç._!).Õ.`å.†Á.Õ.å\\W.Õ.å.†Î.Õ.b.x. 
>.`.å.Š.y.`.W\")..‡" [outline-regexp org-todo-regexp startpos 
>save-match-data-internal logging org-log-done org-back-to-heading looking-at 0 
>" +" " *" line-beginning-position match-data ((byte-code "ÁÂ\"." 
>[save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3)) org-entry-get nil 
>"LOGGING" t org-parse-local-options org-log-repeat match-string 1 
>org-get-todo-sequence-head assoc 3 4 "" (4) prefix org-fast-todo-selection (4) 
>completing-read "State: " mapcar #[(x) "C." [x] 1] right left 2 last (4) none 
>done nextset previousset reverse prefix-numeric-value sequence (type priority) 
>" " :type ...] 10)

When I write the TODO manually I can switch between states with C-c C-t
without problems.


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