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Re: [Orgmode] org-export-region-as-latex exports more than region

From: Scott Otterson
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] org-export-region-as-latex exports more than region
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2008 11:38:57 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071018)

Carsten Dominik wrote:
This command creates a temporary buffer with the LaTeX code but does not write it
to a file.  You are supposed to copy the code from the temporary buffer.
Yes, that was my eventual understanding too -- it might be a good idea to rename the function to something like "org-export-as-latex-buffer" or something like that.

If you select a table and then export to latex normally, you should get a
file with just the table and some document setup around it.

So maybe this is a misunderstanding, or I cannot reproduce what you describe.
Huh, for me, both 'org-export-region-as-latex' and 'org-export-as-latex' export all the tables, regardless of whether or not only one of them is highlighted. I've attached an example org file. If I select last table in the file, all tables are exported. I wonder if this might have something to do with this particular document or maybe my .emacs?

% Created 2008-02-06 Wed 11:32

\title{* RUNS}
\author{Scott Otterson}
\date{06 February 2008}



\textbf{*} Updated to Xavi's latest cvs on cluster and BeamformIt on 10/2/06

 corpus  &  data set  &  run  &  comment  \\
 rt04s   &  del4xs    &  63+  &           \\

    \underline{Runs below with new code: [[CVS tag of my code w/ new PCA][CVS 
tag of my code w/ new PCA]]} 
 corpus  &  data set     &    run  &  comment                           \\
 rt05se  &  xc5          &  1598+  &  1416, no NR                       \\
 rt04s   &  NRall.xc1.0  &  1655+  &  1.0s XC, 0.5s ER, new PCA all NR  \\
 rt05se  &  NRall.xc1.0  &  1677+  &  1.0s XC, 0.5s ER, new PCA all NR  \\

    \underline{below, removed feat3/4 merge stream feats so that remStuckFrms.m 
will get called}
 devDD  &  broken speech tools 7226  &  XC1ref, *, NR on, in case this matters 
for low dim pca input (dfw=1)  \\
 tstDD  &               broken 7262  &  XC1ref, *, NR on, in case this matters 
for low dim pca input (dfw=1)  \\
 dtDD   &                      6474  &  dimPick, ent1G, entNLG                  
 dtDD   &                      6535  &  dimPick, many new methods               

         &         &        &         &     &         &         &        &      
    &                    \\
    dev  &         &        &    dev  &     &    tst  &         &        &      
    &  dev               \\
 runNum  &  worst  &  best  &    tot  &     &    tot  &  worst  &  best  &  
runNum  &  note              \\
  04677  &  49.26  &  2.75  &  18.04  &     &  17.29  &  46.08  &  2.96  &   
04680  &  baseline, dfw==0  \\
  05739  &  44.36  &   3.3  &  16.01  &     &  15.03  &  40.15  &  1.96  &   
05746  &  baseline, dfw==1  \\
  05386  &  36.36  &  2.58  &  15.17  &     &  13.03  &   24.3  &  3.65  &   
05373  &  XC-PCA            \\
  05454  &   44.2  &  6.29  &  19.73  &     &  20.26  &  42.99  &  5.88  &   
05455  &  ER/XC             \\
  05716  &  36.39  &  2.36  &  15.22  &     &  13.42  &  30.47  &  2.34  &   
05733  &  XCfCCA.dMI.3      \\


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