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Re: [Orgmode] org-export-region-as-latex exports more than region

From: Scott Otterson
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] org-export-region-as-latex exports more than region
Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 10:07:21 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071031)

Oops, I forgot to attach my .org file. It's attached now. However, this bug may be fixed after the work of Nick and Bastien. I'll check it out on the next release.


Scott Otterson wrote:
Huh, for me, both 'org-export-region-as-latex' and 'org-export-as-latex' export all the tables, regardless of whether or not only one of them is highlighted. I've attached an example org file. If I select last table in the file, all tables are exported. I wonder if this might have something to do with this particular document or maybe my .emacs?

*** Updated to Xavi's latest cvs on cluster and BeamformIt on 10/2/06

    | corpus | data set |   run | comment                                       
    | rt04s  | del4xs   |   63+ |                                               

    _Runs below with new code: [[CVS tag of my code w/ new PCA]]_ 
    | corpus | data set    |   run | comment                                    
    | rt05se | xc5         | 1598+ | 1416, no NR                                
    | rt04s  | NRall.xc1.0 | 1655+ | 1.0s XC, 0.5s ER, new PCA all NR           
    | rt05se | NRall.xc1.0 | 1677+ | 1.0s XC, 0.5s ER, new PCA all NR           
    _below, removed feat3/4 merge stream feats so that remStuckFrms.m will get 
    | devDD | broken speech tools 7226 | XC1ref, *, NR on, in case this matters 
for low dim pca input (dfw=1)              |
    | tstDD |              broken 7262 | XC1ref, *, NR on, in case this matters 
for low dim pca input (dfw=1)              |
    | dtDD  |                     6474 | dimPick, ent1G, entNLG                 
    | dtDD  |                     6535 | dimPick, many new methods              

* Reoptimize
*** TODO correlation manifold kernel support vectors from combinations of 
diariation speaker location models
*** Split CCA w/ do_feat_weights==1                                 :conclusion:
    1.) best perf is 13.42%, 
    2.) beats baseline, 
    3.) doesn't beat PCA-only dim reduction 
    4.) but no gain over CCA-ER or XC dim reduction

      Total Diariz Error vs. Run [merged 5720, dev_DD, merged 5737, test_DD]

|      x |   feat |                 |       |      | dev,5720 |   | tst,5737 |  
     |      |      x |
| runNum | 3_nmix | feat3_pairFeats | worst | best |      tot |   |      tot | 
worst | best | runNum |
|  05703 |      1 | XCfCCA.CC.1     | 40.84 | 3.04 |    18.21 |   |     15.5 | 
40.58 | 5.42 |  05720 |
*** Summary Table

|        |       |      |       |   |       |       |      |        |           
|    dev |       |      |   dev |   |   tst |       |      |        | dev       
| runNum | worst | best |   tot |   |   tot | worst | best | runNum | note      
|  04677 | 49.26 | 2.75 | 18.04 |   | 17.29 | 46.08 | 2.96 |  04680 | baseline, 
dfw==0        |
|  05739 | 44.36 |  3.3 | 16.01 |   | 15.03 | 40.15 | 1.96 |  05746 | baseline, 
dfw==1        |
|  05386 | 36.36 | 2.58 | 15.17 |   | 13.03 |  24.3 | 3.65 |  05373 | XC-PCA    
|  05454 |  44.2 | 6.29 | 19.73 |   | 20.26 | 42.99 | 5.88 |  05455 | ER/XC     
|  05716 | 36.39 | 2.36 | 15.22 |   | 13.42 | 30.47 | 2.34 |  05733 | 
XCfCCA.dMI.3            |

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