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Re: [Orgmode] Agenda view for logging?

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Agenda view for logging?
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2008 19:22:16 +0200

On Apr 9, 2008, at 7:00 PM, Jose Robins wrote:

Thanks Manish for the response. I didn't realize I had to "schedule" it as well. Now it works...

Well, how else should the agenda know on which date the entry should be shown...

- Carsten

Manish wrote:

    On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 1:01 AM, Jose Robins wrote:
> I'm slowly getting familiar with the agenda view. I see that the agenda
    > view shows the "time-of-day-specification" in the time column.
Is there any
> way to show the time stamps based on the logbook entries? So e.g. If the > clock properties for a headline1 is from 9:20 am to 9:55 am, and headline2
    > has 10:15 to 10:44 am, then  the agenda view should show ...
    >  9:20-9:55   headline1
    >  10:15-10:44 headline2

You do get this if you create a task like so:

******* TODO 1pm-14:30 another test task for Jose
               SCHEDULED: <2008-04-09 Wed>
               CREATED: [2008-04-09 Wed 12:30]
******* TODO test task for Jose 12:30-8:00pm
               SCHEDULED: <2008-04-09 Wed>
               CREATED: [2008-04-09 Wed 12:15]

And the agenda (with time grid turned on) looks like this:

Day-agenda (W15):
Wednesday   9 April 2008
                    8:00...... -------------------------
                    9:00...... -------------------------
                   10:00...... -------------------------
                   11:00...... -------------------------
                   12:00...... -------------------------
  braindump:       12:30-20:00 Scheduled:  TODO test task for Jose
                   13:00...... -------------------------
                   14:00...... -------------------------
braindump: 13:00-14:30 Scheduled: TODO another test task for Jose
                   15:00...... -------------------------
                   16:00...... -------------------------
                   17:00...... -------------------------
                   18:00...... -------------------------
                   19:00...... -------------------------
                   20:00...... -------------------------
                   21:00...... -------------------------
                   22:00...... ------------------------

    >  (instead of the time-of-day). Is that possible?
> Also, the manual says in page 67 of the pdf : "a time range may appear as
    > plain text (like '12:45' or a "8:30-1pm").

This is in section 10.4.2 / page marked #70 or page 77 as reported by
PDF reader (at least in manual for Release 6.00pre-2).

    > If I understood this correctly, I
    > should be able to put...
    >  *task1 8:30-1:00pm
    >  in an org file and if I go to the agenda view, I should see
this listed in
> today's agenda from 8:30 am to 1:00pm. However I don't seem to be able to > see that happening. Did I get that wrong? I'm using verson 5.23a
of or-mode
    > in emacs 22.1

I think you either have not added SCHEDULED (C-c C-s) or have not
turned the time grid on (`G' in agenda view).

-- Manish

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