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Re: [Orgmode] Citing articles, bibliography and html export

From: Manuel Hermenegildo
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Citing articles, bibliography and html export
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 18:33:31 +0100

 > If you want to use BibTeX for your citations, you'd have to have
 > either: (1) a bibtex engine for HTML (does it exist?) or (2) get org
 > to cleverly insert fragments of TeX output in HTML, both for each
 > citation and the bibliography.  This would be ugly even if it were
 > easy, and I suspect it's not.

Some time ago I had some success in a similar context (writing an
autodocumenter for the Ciao programming language) where I needed to
generate citations in a format different from latex.  I managed to do
this by writing a new .bst file (the "bibliography style" file that
controls the format in which bibtex formats the references that it
outputs). Hope it helps. --Manuel

 Manuel Hermenegildo                     | Prof., C.S.Dept., T.U. Madrid (UPM)
 Director, IMDEA-Software and CLIP Group | +34-91-336-7435 (W) -352-4819 (Fax)

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