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Re: [Orgmode] Feature improvement request: state change logging

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Feature improvement request: state change logging
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 08:25:05 +0100

On Feb 11, 2009, at 5:52 PM, Wanrong Lin wrote:


My TODO sequence is set up as following:

(setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "STARTED(s!)" "WAITING(w@/!)" "MAYBE(m/!)" "DELEGATED(g@/!)" "DEFERRED(d!/!)" "HOLD(h!/!)" "|" "DONE(x)" "CANCELED(c)")))

The state change logging is great, but I wonder whether we can further improve it:

1. Can we also include the original state in the log message?
i.e.: instead of having - State "DEFERRED" [2009-02-11 Wed 11:38]
we can have
- State "DEFERRED"  from "HOLD" [2009-02-11 Wed 11:38]

The message will be clearer, and useful even when somebody edited the TODO keyword in place without using the "org-todo" command (in that case, simply looking at all the "destination states" in the log message does not give us the right information).

This strikes me like a useful idea, in particular if you are
jumping between states, or if only some states record logging info.

So I have added this capability.  If you are configuring
the variable `org-log-note-headings', use the %S (capital S) as
a place holder for the old state.

2. Can we put all of those state change history logging messages into a drawer like "STATE-HIST" (when the drawer is defined in org- drawers), so it is less intrusive in the file?

I do like the idea to be able to put state changes into a drawer,
but I do not think that making it dependent on what it is org-drawers
is good.  So lets use a separate variable:

If you configure org-log-state-notes-into-drawer, you can get all new
state changes into a drawer (sorry, no automatic wrapping of old ones).

Note that putting state log into a drawer will remove it from
export.  If you want to export state changes, try


Thank you for giving a thought on it.

Thank you for contributing very good ideas!

- Carsten

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