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Re: [Orgmode] Feature request: preserving plain list line breaks in expo

From: Wanrong Lin
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Feature request: preserving plain list line breaks in exporting
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 17:02:45 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)

Thanks. But "::"" does not as well as "\\" for numbered list (the numbers are gone with "::").

Actually, when I say "it is not as pretty as I want" in my last email, I meant the original ".org" text file is not pretty with either "\\" or "::" just for adding a line break for exporting. So ideally, I still prefer a configuration option to control the line break preservation.


Sebastian Rose wrote:
Wanrong Lin <address@hidden> writes:
The double back slashes works well (although that is not as pretty as I
want). Thank you!

For better controle of line height and paddings, I'd suggest to use the
`::' syntax and CSS for the <dt> and <dd> elements.

dd {font-weight:bold;margin-top:3em;}
dt {....}




Sebastian Rose wrote:

* TODO Read books
  1. [ ] Book 1 \\
         Note: blah blah blah
  2. [ ] Book 2 \\
         Note: blah blah blah

Or even:

* TODO Read books
  1. [ ] Book 1 ::
         Note: blah blah blah
  2. [ ] Book 2 ::
         Note: blah blah blah

 plus CSS



Wanrong Lin <address@hidden> writes:

Suppose I have a plain list as the following:

* TODO Read books
 1. [ ] Book 1
        Note: blah blah blah
 2. [ ] Book 2
        Note: blah blah blah

When the above is exported to HTML, the line breaks after the "heading line" of
each list item are lost, so it becomes "Book1 Note: blah blah blah", which does
not look very nice to me. I know I can keep the line breaks by inserting a blank
line, like this:

* TODO Read books
 1. [ ] Book 1

        Note: blah blah blah
 2. [ ] Book 2

        Note: blah blah blah

Well, this will fix the export, but the text above looks ugly now, especially
when the "Note" part is very short.

Can we add some kind of option to control whether the line break after the first
line of a plain list item should be preserved in exporting? Or maybe we can
assume the line breaks should be preserved when "org-cycle-include-plain-lists"
is set to "t", since in that case we are treating the plain list item kind of
like a heading.

Note setting "org-export-preserve-breaks" does not meet my needs, since that
will preserve ALL breaks.

Thanks for giving the above a thought.


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