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[Orgmode] Can't export to LaTeX/PDF.

From: Mueen Nawaz
Subject: [Orgmode] Can't export to LaTeX/PDF.
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 15:08:13 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9.1b3pre) Gecko/20090607 Thunderbird/3.0b2


        Apologies if this has been addressed earlier.

I can't seem to export to PDF/LaTeX. When I try to do so, I get the following error:

Loading org-latex...done
Exporting to LaTeX...
Loading latexenc...done
Loading tex-mode...done
org-export-as-latex: Wrong type argument: integer-or-marker-p, nil

The file is a simple one:

#+TITLE: Sunday schedule
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil

A few points:

- The lab be closed on both Sundays of the Thanksgiving Break (before
  and after). Hence, I've not put any OH there.

- Both of you will need to get the key to room. Obtain one.

- This schedule assumes that there will be a session every week. Perhaps
  stuff like exams will get in the way. It will be updated as needed.

        I'm using 6.29c, and Emacs 22.3.1.

        I know it worked with 6.27a...

Here's a backtrace (apologies for the line wraps):

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)
(if (re-search-forward "^\\*+ " end t) (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (goto-char end)) (let* ((pt ...) (end ...)) (prog1 (org-export-latex-content ...) (org-unmodified ...))) (save-excursion (goto-char (or beg ...)) (let* (... ...) (prog1 ... ...))) org-export-latex-first-lines((:latex-image-options "width=10em" :exclude-tags ("noexport") :select-tags ("export") :email "address@hidden" :author "" :auto-postamble t :auto-preamble t :postamble nil :preamble nil :publishing-directory nil :timestamp nil :expand-quoted-html t :html-table-tag "<table border=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"6\" rules=\"groups\" frame=\"hsides\">" :xml-declaration (("html" . "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"%s\"?>") ("php" . "<?php echo \"<?xml version=\\\"1.0\\\" encoding=\\\"%s\\\" ?>\"; ?>")) :html-extension "html" :inline-images maybe :convert-org-links t :agenda-style "" :style-extra "" :style "" :style-include-scripts t :style-include-default t :table-auto-headline t :tables t :time-stamp-file t ...) nil nil) (if skip "" (org-export-latex-first-lines opt-plist (if subtree-p ... rbeg) (if region-p rend))) (let* ((wcf ...) (opt-plist org-export-latex-options-plist) (region-p ...) (rbeg ...) (rend ...) (subtree-p ...) (opt-plist ...) (org-export-latex-options-plist opt-plist) (title ...) (filename ...) (filename ...) (buffer ...) (odd org-odd-levels-only) (header ...) (skip ...) (text ...) (org-export-preprocess-hook ...) (first-lines ...) (coding-system ...) (coding-system-for-write ...) (save-buffer-coding-system ...) (region ...) (string-for-export ...)) (set-buffer buffer) (erase-buffer) (org-install-letbind) (and (fboundp ...) (set-buffer-file-coding-system coding-system-for-write)) (unless (or ... body-only) (insert header)) (when (and text ...) (insert ... "\n\n")) (unless skip (insert first-lines)) (org-export-latex-global (with-temp-buffer ... ... ...)) (unless body-only (insert "\n\\end{document}")) (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward "\\[TABLE-OF-CONTENTS\\]" nil t) (goto-char ...) (while ... ...) (goto-char ...) (and ... ...)) (or to-buffer (save-buffer)) (goto-char (point-min)) (or (org-export-push-to-kill-ring "LaTeX") (message "Exporting to LaTeX...done")) (prog1 (if ... ... ...) (set-window-configuration wcf)))
  org-export-as-latex(nil nil nil nil nil nil)
(let* ((wconfig ...) (lbuf ...) (file ...) (base ...) (pdffile ...) (cmds org-latex-to-pdf-process) (outbuf ...) (bibtex-p ...) cmd) (with-current-buffer outbuf (erase-buffer)) (and (file-exists-p pdffile) (delete-file pdffile)) (message "Processing LaTeX file...") (if (and cmds ...) (funcall cmds file) (while cmds ... ... ... ...)) (message "Processing LaTeX file...done") (if (not ...) (error "PDF file was not produced") (set-window-configuration wconfig) (when org-export-pdf-remove-logfiles ...) (message "Exporting to PDF...done") pdffile))
(if (and bg (nth 2 ass) (not ...) (not ...)) (let (...) (set-process-sentinel p ...) (message "Background process \"%s\": started" p)) (call-interactively (nth 1 ass))) (let* ((bg ...) (help "[t] insert the export option template\n[v] limit export to visible part of outline tree\n\n[a] export as ASCII [A] to temporary buffer\n\n[h] export as HTML [H] to temporary buffer [R] export region\n[b] export as HTML and open in browser\n\n[l] export as LaTeX [L] to temporary buffer\n[p] export as LaTeX and process to PDF\n[d] export as LaTeX, process to PDF, and open the resulting PDF document\n\n[D] export as DocBook\n[V] export as DocBook, process to PDF, and open the resulting PDF document\n\n[x] export as XOXO\n[g] export using Wes Hardaker's generic exporter\n\n[i] export current file as iCalendar file\n[I] export all agenda files as iCalendar files\n[c] export agenda files into combined iCalendar file\n\n[F] publish current file [P] publish current project\n[X] publish a project... [E] publish every projects") (cmds ...) r1 r2 ass) (save-excursion (save-window-excursion ... ... ... ... ...)) (setq r2 (if ... ... r1)) (unless (setq ass ...) (error "No command associated with key %c" r1)) (if (and bg ... ... ...) (let ... ... ...) (call-interactively ...)))
  byte-code("à  @Ã=Â!ÃÃÃ\"ÂÃÃ!Â?A@)¢Ã=Â!ÃÃÃ\"ÂÃ
ZyÂ|Â)ÃcÂebÂÃÃÃ \"ÂÃ ÂÃÃ!ÂÃÃÃÃ!ÂÂÃ Â+ÃÂ" [unread-command-char debugger-args x debugger-buffer noninteractive debugger-batch-max-lines -1 debug backtrace-debug 4 t backtrace-frame lambda 5 pop-to-buffer debugger-mode debugger-setup-buffer count-lines 2 "...\n" message "%s" buffer-string kill-emacs "" nil recursive-edit middlestart buffer-read-only standard-output] 4)
  debug(error (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil))
(if (re-search-forward "^\\*+ " end t) (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (goto-char end)) (let* ((pt ...) (end ...)) (prog1 (org-export-latex-content ...) (org-unmodified ...))) (save-excursion (goto-char (or beg ...)) (let* (... ...) (prog1 ... ...))) org-export-latex-first-lines((:latex-image-options "width=10em" :exclude-tags ("noexport") :select-tags ("export") :email "address@hidden" :author "" :auto-postamble t :auto-preamble t :postamble nil :preamble nil :publishing-directory nil :timestamp nil :expand-quoted-html t :html-table-tag "<table border=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"6\" rules=\"groups\" frame=\"hsides\">" :xml-declaration (("html" . "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"%s\"?>") ("php" . "<?php echo \"<?xml version=\\\"1.0\\\" encoding=\\\"%s\\\" ?>\"; ?>")) :html-extension "html" :inline-images maybe :convert-org-links t :agenda-style "" :style-extra "" :style "" :style-include-scripts t :style-include-default t :table-auto-headline t :tables t :time-stamp-file t ...) nil nil) (if skip "" (org-export-latex-first-lines opt-plist (if subtree-p ... rbeg) (if region-p rend))) (let* ((wcf ...) (opt-plist org-export-latex-options-plist) (region-p ...) (rbeg ...) (rend ...) (subtree-p ...) (opt-plist ...) (org-export-latex-options-plist opt-plist) (title ...) (filename ...) (filename ...) (buffer ...) (odd org-odd-levels-only) (header ...) (skip ...) (text ...) (org-export-preprocess-hook ...) (first-lines ...) (coding-system ...) (coding-system-for-write ...) (save-buffer-coding-system ...) (region ...) (string-for-export ...)) (set-buffer buffer) (erase-buffer) (org-install-letbind) (and (fboundp ...) (set-buffer-file-coding-system coding-system-for-write)) (unless (or ... body-only) (insert header)) (when (and text ...) (insert ... "\n\n")) (unless skip (insert first-lines)) (org-export-latex-global (with-temp-buffer ... ... ...)) (unless body-only (insert "\n\\end{document}")) (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward "\\[TABLE-OF-CONTENTS\\]" nil t) (goto-char ...) (while ... ...) (goto-char ...) (and ... ...)) (or to-buffer (save-buffer)) (goto-char (point-min)) (or (org-export-push-to-kill-ring "LaTeX") (message "Exporting to LaTeX...done")) (prog1 (if ... ... ...) (set-window-configuration wcf)))
  org-export-as-latex(nil nil nil nil nil nil)
(let* ((wconfig ...) (lbuf ...) (file ...) (base ...) (pdffile ...) (cmds org-latex-to-pdf-process) (outbuf ...) (bibtex-p ...) cmd) (with-current-buffer outbuf (erase-buffer)) (and (file-exists-p pdffile) (delete-file pdffile)) (message "Processing LaTeX file...") (if (and cmds ...) (funcall cmds file) (while cmds ... ... ... ...)) (message "Processing LaTeX file...done") (if (not ...) (error "PDF file was not produced") (set-window-configuration wconfig) (when org-export-pdf-remove-logfiles ...) (message "Exporting to PDF...done") pdffile))
(if (and bg (nth 2 ass) (not ...) (not ...)) (let (...) (set-process-sentinel p ...) (message "Background process \"%s\": started" p)) (call-interactively (nth 1 ass))) (let* ((bg ...) (help "[t] insert the export option template\n[v] limit export to visible part of outline tree\n\n[a] export as ASCII [A] to temporary buffer\n\n[h] export as HTML [H] to temporary buffer [R] export region\n[b] export as HTML and open in browser\n\n[l] export as LaTeX [L] to temporary buffer\n[p] export as LaTeX and process to PDF\n[d] export as LaTeX, process to PDF, and open the resulting PDF document\n\n[D] export as DocBook\n[V] export as DocBook, process to PDF, and open the resulting PDF document\n\n[x] export as XOXO\n[g] export using Wes Hardaker's generic exporter\n\n[i] export current file as iCalendar file\n[I] export all agenda files as iCalendar files\n[c] export agenda files into combined iCalendar file\n\n[F] publish current file [P] publish current project\n[X] publish a project... [E] publish every projects") (cmds ...) r1 r2 ass) (save-excursion (save-window-excursion ... ... ... ... ...)) (setq r2 (if ... ... r1)) (unless (setq ass ...) (error "No command associated with key %c" r1)) (if (and bg ... ... ...) (let ... ... ...) (call-interactively ...)))


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