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Re: [Orgmode] Re: org-mode on sloooow computer

From: Daniel Martins
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Re: org-mode on sloooow computer
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 18:25:05 -0300

I had simply added load-path of version 6.29 and tried to load it without sucess

Following the hints in


I could installed the new version and the times diminished.

However they are still high.

I possibly have to rearrange something in my configuration but I do not know what!


org-agenda                                                    1           8.954259      8.954259
org-agenda-list                                               1           8.222621      8.222621
org-agenda-get-day-entries                                    27          6.0676470000  0.2247276666
org-agenda-get-scheduled                                      24          1.8954390000  0.0789766250
org-agenda-get-deadlines                                      24          1.848125      0.0770052083
org-finalize-agenda                                           1           1.682567      1.682567
org-get-tags-at                                               739         1.5204500000  0.0020574424
org-agenda-to-appt                                            1           1.478704      1.478704
org-end-of-subtree                                            3021        1.369184      0.0004532221
org-up-heading-safe                                           2959        1.3089300000  0.0004423555
org-agenda-get-todos                                          3           1.204345      0.4014483333
org-format-agenda-item                                        678         1.0977590000  0.0016191135
org-finalize-agenda-entries                                   8           1.002133      0.125266625
org-back-to-heading                                           8152        0.7544939999  9.255...e-05
org-agenda-get-restriction-and-command                        1           0.731547      0.731547
org-agenda-get-timestamps                                     24          0.6970960000  0.0290456666
org-agenda-highlight-todo                                     512         0.5082190000  0.0009926152
org-get-effort                                                667         0.4587000000  0.0006877061
org-prepare-agenda-buffers                                    2           0.448168      0.224084
org-prepare-agenda                                            1           0.375422      0.375422
org-entry-get                                                 667         0.3152920000  0.0004727016
org-agenda-get-sexps                                          21          0.3122680000  0.0148699047
org-get-property-block                                        667         0.3088189999  0.0004629970
org-time-string-to-absolute                                   2455        0.2245600000  9.147...e-05
org-get-entries-from-diary                                    7           0.2179910000  0.0311415714
org-agenda-align-tags                                         1           0.196897      0.196897
org-add-props                                                 1928        0.1870930000  9.703...e-05
org-get-priority                                              665         0.1791409999  0.0002693849
org-parse-time-string                                         2599        0.1669620000  6.424...e-05
org-agenda-skip                                               5746        0.1608899999  2.800...e-05
org-closest-date                                              519         0.1604959999  0.0003092408
org-get-todo-state                                            766         0.148052      0.0001932793
org-date-to-gregorian                                         1039        0.14695       0.0001414340
org-trim                                                      578         0.1219580000  0.0002110000
org-agenda-get-blocks                                         24          0.1055319999  0.0043971666
org-outline-level                                             8200        0.0868150000  1.058...e-05
org-at-date-range-p                                           490         0.0674459999  0.0001376448
org-fit-window-to-buffer                                      2           0.0491700000  0.0245850000
org-fit-agenda-window                                         1           0.047655      0.047655
org-on-heading-p                                              502         0.0472360000  9.409...e-05
org-refresh-category-properties                               6           0.044592      0.007432
org-entries-lessp                                             2350        0.0303510000  1.291...e-05
org-agenda-add-inherited-tags                                 678         0.0143810000  2.121...e-05
org-diary-sexp-entry                                          413         0.0117370000  2.841...e-05
org-split-string                                              2007        0.0101030000  5.033...e-06
org-agenda-new-marker                                         1100        0.0094529999  8.593...e-06
org-downcase-keep-props                                       2741        0.0074950000  2.734...e-06
org-calendar-holiday                                          7           0.005071      0.0007244285
org-add-prop-inherited                                        2613        0.0044160000  1.690...e-06
org-get-time-of-day                                           158         0.0034779999  2.201...e-05
org-fontify-priorities                                        1           0.003422      0.003422
org-activate-bracket-links                                    28          0.003122      0.0001115000
org-time-string-to-time                                       144         0.0031109999  2.160...e-05
org-get-wdays                                                 688         0.0029170000  4.239...e-06
org-remove-uniherited-tags                                    2549        0.0029120000  1.142...e-06
org-check-agenda-file                                         30          0.002788      9.293...e-05
org-get-category                                              768         0.0016760000  2.182...e-06
org-get-agenda-file-buffer                                    33          0.001566      4.745...e-05
org-find-base-buffer-visiting                                 33          0.0013430000  4.069...e-05
org-agenda-add-time-grid-maybe                                7           0.0011580000  0.0001654285
org-agenda-mode                                               1           0.001007      0.001007
org-agenda-todayp                                             48          0.000894      1.862...e-05
org-get-todo-face                                             444         0.0008830000  1.988...e-06
org-before-change-function                                    518         0.0008730000  1.685...e-06
org-agenda-files                                              4           0.000864      0.000216
org-agenda-cleanup-fancy-diary                                7           0.000662      9.457...e-05
org-modify-diary-entry-string                                 11          0.0005960000  5.418...e-05
org-diary-default-entry                                       7           0.000533      7.614...e-05
org-agenda-check-for-timestamp-as-reason-to-ignore-todo-item  342         0.0005210000  1.523...e-06
org-add-to-diary-list                                         7           0.000486      6.942...e-05
org-agenda-deadline-face                                      113         0.0004459999  3.946...e-06
org-agenda-format-date-aligned                                7           0.000435      6.214...e-05
org-agenda-reset-markers                                      1           0.000356      0.000356
org-uniquify                                                  6           0.000353      5.883...e-05
org-remove-flyspell-overlays-in                               29          0.0002899999  9.999...e-06
org-days-to-iso-week                                          9           0.0002069999  2.299...e-05
org-switch-to-buffer-other-window                             1           0.000192      0.000192
org-make-overlay                                              42          0.0001350000  3.214...e-06
org-overlay-put                                               84          0.0001129999  1.345...e-06
org-activate-tags                                             3           7.199...e-05  2.399...e-05
org-activate-dates                                            4           7e-05         1.75e-05
org-compile-prefix-format                                     1           6.8e-05       6.8e-05
org-do-emphasis-faces                                         2           6.500...e-05  3.250...e-05
org-overlay-get                                               43          6.399...e-05  1.488...e-06
org-delete-overlay                                            42          5.899...e-05  1.404...e-06
org-unfontify-region                                          2           5.099...e-05  2.549...e-05
org-activate-footnote-links                                   2           4.499...e-05  2.249...e-05
org-activate-plain-links                                      2           3.5e-05       1.75e-05
org-overlays-in                                               1           2.3e-05       2.3e-05
org-activate-angle-links                                      2           2.2e-05       1.1e-05
org-activate-code                                             2           1.7e-05       8.5e-06
org-get-level-face                                            6           1.6e-05       2.666...e-06
org-file-menu-entry                                           3           1.499...e-05  4.999...e-06
org-agenda-set-mode-name                                      1           1.4e-05       1.4e-05
org-add-hook                                                  2           1.300...e-05  6.500...e-06
org-agenda-post-command-hook                                  3           1.2e-05       4e-06
org-hide-wide-columns                                         2           1.1e-05       5.5e-06
org-unhighlight                                               3           1.1e-05       3.666...e-06
org-font-lock-add-tag-faces                                   3           5.999...e-06  2e-06
org-agenda-ndays-to-span                                      2           4.999...e-06  2.499...e-06
org-region-active-p                                           1           4e-06         4e-06
org-font-lock-hook                                            2           4e-06         2e-06
org-do-latex-and-special-faces                                2           3e-06         1.5e-06
org-release-buffers                                           1           3e-06         3e-06
org-set-sorting-strategy                                      1           2e-06         2e-06
org-activate-target-links                                     2           2e-06         1e-06

2009/8/31 Leo <address@hidden>
On 2009-08-31 22:03 +0100, Daniel Martins wrote:
> I did all but it complains about a org-agenda-list: Symbol's function
> definition is void: elp-wrapper
> Daniel

Maybe put (autoload 'elp-wrapper "elp") somewhere in your .emacs. This
will get your org mode to compile.

But you may want to figure out where that elp-wrapper is used. The
vanilla org mode does not seem to use it.

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