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[Orgmode] Re: export (as latex) a large number of org files in a directo

From: Sébastien Vauban
Subject: [Orgmode] Re: export (as latex) a large number of org files in a directory
Date: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 17:21:36 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi Nick and the others,

Nick Dokos wrote:
> Stephen Tucker <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Hi, I am trying to export a bunch of .org files stored in a directory as
>> latex files.
> The following script (I call it org-to-latex) works fine on linux:
> #! /bin/bash
> orglib=$HOME/elisp/org-mode/lisp
> emacs   --batch \
>         --load=$orglib/org.elc \
>         --eval "(setq org-export-headline-levels 2)" \
>         --visit=$1 --funcall org-export-as-latex-batch

Another solution is a Makefile, such as this one:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
##  Makefile for Web site (+ PDF equivalent)

# Time-stamp: <2009-09-02 Wed 16:43 sva on mundaneum>

# Defined rules for users:
# - (make called without parameter)
#     Generate all PDF
# - clean
#     Delete all temporary files
# - realclean
#     Do `make clean' plus remove all generated files

# where to find a recent version of Org-mode
ORGLIB   = $(HOME)/Downloads/emacs/site-lisp/org-mode/lisp

# publish HTML directory
DISTDIR  = ../public_html

# platform-specific setup (to override ORGLIB and/or DISTDIR)
-include Make.params

PDFLATEX = pdflatex --interaction=batchmode
RM       = rm -f

RMEXT    = *.log *.aux *.toc *.lot *.lof *.out *.ilg *.idx *.ind *.blg *.bbl \
           *.glg *.glx *.glo *.gls *.tex

RMOUT    = *.pdf $(DISTDIR)/*.html

# all source files
ORG=$(wildcard *.org)

# all exported PDF files
PDF=$(patsubst %.org, %.pdf, $(ORG))

# all TEX files
TEX=$(patsubst %.org, %.tex, $(ORG))

# all published HTML files
HTML=$(patsubst %.org, $(DISTDIR)/%.html, $(ORG))

.PHONY: all html pdf clean realclean

# avoid make to delete intermediate `%.tex' target
.PRECIOUS: %.tex


all: html pdf

html: $(HTML)

pdf: $(PDF) clean

tex: $(TEX)

$(DISTDIR)/%.html: %.org
        @emacs --batch \
        --eval "(add-to-list 'load-path \"$(ORGLIB)\")" \
        --load ./Org2HTML.el \
        --visit=$^ \
        --funcall org-publish-current-file

%.pdf: %.tex
# Runs LaTeX once, then reruns LaTeX as many times as necessary to get rid of
# the "Rerun to get cross-references right" warning message
        @echo "* Running \`pdfLaTeX $^' *"
        @$(RM) *.log
        @$(PDFLATEX) $^
        @while ( grep -e "Rerun .* cross-references" *.log > /dev/null ); \
        do \
                echo; \
                echo "* Re-running \`pdfLaTeX $^' *"; \
                $(RM) *.log; \
                $(PDFLATEX) $^; \

%.tex: %.org
# Pay attention that `--batch' implies `-q', so `.emacs' is *not* loaded and
# you don't get your `load-path' customizations. Hence, this loads the Emacs
# built-in version of Org-mode.
        @emacs --batch \
        --eval "(add-to-list 'load-path \"$(ORGLIB)\")" \
        --eval "(require 'org)" \
        --eval "(require 'org-exp)" \
        --eval "(setq org-export-headline-levels 2)" \
        --load ./Org2LaTeX.el \
        --visit=$^ \
        --funcall org-export-as-latex-batch

        -$(RM) $(RMEXT)

realclean: clean
        -$(RM) $(RMOUT)

## Makefile ends here
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

It has the advantage of running only the required compilation for the modified
files, and generates both HTML and PDF versions...

A nice thing would be to be able to even merge all the PDF files into one --
but here come questions like in which order, with or without title page, and
so on.

Comments (more than) welcome!


Sébastien Vauban

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