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Re: [Orgmode] Bug: \log and friends are not recognized as math [6.34b]

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Bug: \log and friends are not recognized as math [6.34b]
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2010 11:25:55 +0100

Hi Nick,

am I right that you are now through with this, so that I can start my work based on your last iteration?

- Carsten

On Feb 2, 2010, at 12:37 AM, Nick Dokos wrote:

I went through the rest - same conventions apply.

1. If something is undefined in LaTeX, this is notated by commenting the item out
  in the appended LaTeX file, e.g.


2. If something requires math mode, this is notated by marking the item like this:
  \ensuremath{\foo} in the appended LaTeX file, e.g.


3. If an item is defined and does not require math mode, it is left unadorned in
  the appended LaTeX file, e.g.


In addition, there are some symbols that are defined in packages. Where
I knew about that, I indicated the package in a comment. There are a
couple of things (\divide, \and and \or) that are defined, but they are
not useful as symbols - where applicable, I have indicated that in a
comment as well. And there is a bug in org-exp.el that caused \heartsuit
to be omitted and \diamondsuit to be duplicated:

   ("hearts") ("diamondsuit"."♥")



% \nbsp
% \iexcl
% \cent
% \pound
% \curren
% \yen
% \brvbar

% \sect
% \uml
% \ordf
% \laquo
% \shy
% \reg
% \macr
\ensuremath{\sup }%2
\ensuremath{\sup }%3

\ensuremath{\acute x}
% \micro
% \para
% \middot
% \ordm
% \raquo
\ensuremath{\frac 1 4}
\ensuremath{\frac 1 2}
\ensuremath{\frac 3 4}
% \iquest
% \Agrave
% \Aacute
% \Acirc
% \Atilde
% \Auml
% \Aring
% \AElig
% \Ccedil
% \Egrave
% \Eacute
% \Ecirc
% \Euml
% \Igrave
% \Iacute
% \Icirc
% \Iuml
% \ETH
% \Ntilde
% \Ograve
% \Oacute
% \Ocirc
% \Otilde
% \Ouml
% \Oslash
% \Ugrave
% \Uacute
% \Ucirc
% \Uuml
% \Yacute
% \szlig
% \agrave
% \aacute
% \acirc
% \atilde
% \auml
% \aring
% \aelig
% \ccedil
% \checkmark
% \egrave
% \eacute
% \ecirc
% \euml
% \igrave
% \iacute
% \icirc
% \iuml
% \eth
% \ntilde
% \ograve
% \oacute
% \ocirc
% \otilde
% \ouml
 \divide\count240 by 2    % not useful as a symbol
% \oslash
% \ugrave
% \uacute
% \ucirc
% \uuml
% \yacute
% \thorn
% \yuml
% \fnof
% \Alpha
% \Beta
% \Epsilon
% \Zeta
% \Eta
% \Iota
% \Kappa
% \Mu
% \Nu
% \piv
% \bull
% \oline
% \frasl
% \weierp
% \image
% \real
% \trade
% \alefsym
% \larr
% \radic
% \prop
% \proptp
% \infin

% \and                  - not useful as a symbol
% \or                   - not useful as a symbol
% \there4
% \sube
% \supe
% \lang
% \rang
% \loz
% \Diamond                 % latexsym.sty
% \spades
% \clubs
% \hearts
\ensuremath{\heartsuit}    % added for this testing
% \diams
% \diamondsuit             % duplicate
% \blacksmile
% \sad
% \quot
% \amp
% \lt
% \gt
% \OElig
% \oelig
% \Scaron
% \scaron
% \Yuml
\ensuremath{\tilde{x}}   % math accent - not a symbol
% \ensp
% \emsp
% \thinsp
% \zwj
% \lrm
% \rlm
% \ndash
% \mdash
% \lsquo
% \rsquo
% \sbquo
% \ldquo
% \rdquo
% \bdquo
% \Dagger
% \permil
% \lsaquo
% \rsaquo
% \euro                % eurosym.sty
% \EUR                 % marvosym.sty
% \EURdig              % marvosym.sty
% \EURhv               % marvosym.sty
% \EURcr               % marvosym.sty
% \EURtm               % marvosym.sty

% I didn't test these individually, but I'm pretty sure they all require math mode.

\ensuremath{ \arccos


%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End:

- Carsten

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