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Re: [Orgmode] Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented

From: Julien Danjou
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 16:37:12 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110011 (No Gnus v0.11) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

On Sun, Oct 17 2010, Carsten Dominik wrote:

> This is bad.  As this problem does not exist in Emacs 23 and I have not
> changed anything in this part of the code, maybe a bug report to  EMacs is
> in order.  Will you file one, with the remark that this works  fine in Emacs
> 23?

I'm not sure that will work fine. Well, I've started to debug this, any
help appreciated.

I'm adding emacs-devel in Cc since this is clearly a bug in Emacs 24.
For people not reading orgmode list, the problem is that when
org-startup-indented is set to t, the yanking does not yank the correct

To test, this is what I've got:

* TODO Blalaundo

I copy "undo" with C-space on `u', C-e, M-w.

Then I press C-y (org-yank). Everything is fine, except that as that

Debugger entered--returning value: "* TODO Blala"
  x-get-selection(PRIMARY UTF8_STRING)
* byte-code("\303      @\"\303\207" [type request-type text x-get-selection] 
* x-selection-value-internal(PRIMARY)
* x-selection-value()
* current-kill(0)
* (and kill-ring (current-kill 0))
* (or txt (and kill-ring (current-kill 0)) "")
* (let* ((kill (or txt (and kill-ring (current-kill 0)) "")) (start-level (and 
kill (string-match (concat "\\`\\([      \n
]*?\n\\)?\\(" org-outline-regexp "\\)") kill) (- (match-end 2) (match-beginning 
2) 1))) (re (concat "^" org-outline-regexp)) (start (1+ (or (match-beginning 2) 
-1)))) (if (not start-level) (progn nil) (catch (quote exit) (while (setq start 
(string-match re kill (1+ start))) (when (< (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 
0) 1) start-level) (throw (quote exit) nil))) t)))
* org-kill-is-subtree-p()
* (and (org-kill-is-subtree-p) (or (bolp) (and (looking-at "[   ]*$") 
(string-match "\\`\\*+\\'" (buffer-substring (point-at-bol) (point))))))
* (let ((subtreep (and (org-kill-is-subtree-p) (or (bolp) (and (looking-at "[   
]*$") (string-match "\\`\\*+\\'" (buffer-substring ... ...)))))) swallowp) 
(cond ((and subtreep org-yank-folded-subtrees) (let ((beg (point)) end) (if 
(and subtreep org-yank-adjusted-subtrees) (org-paste-subtree nil nil (quote 
for-yank)) (call-interactively command)) (setq end (point)) (goto-char beg) 
(when (and (bolp) subtreep (not (setq swallowp ...))) (or (looking-at 
outline-regexp) (re-search-forward (concat "^" outline-regexp) end t)) (while 
(and (< ... end) (looking-at outline-regexp)) (hide-subtree) 
(org-cycle-show-empty-lines (quote folded)) (condition-case nil 
(outline-forward-same-level 1) (error ...)))) (when swallowp (message "Inserted 
text not folded because that would swallow text")) (goto-char end) 
(skip-chars-forward "        \n
") (beginning-of-line 1) (push-mark beg (quote nomsg)))) ((and subtreep 
org-yank-adjusted-subtrees) (let ((beg (point-at-bol))) (org-paste-subtree nil 
nil (quote for-yank)) (push-mark beg (quote nomsg)))) (t (call-interactively 
* (if arg (call-interactively command) (let ((subtreep (and 
(org-kill-is-subtree-p) (or (bolp) (and (looking-at "[      ]*$") (string-match 
"\\`\\*+\\'" ...))))) swallowp) (cond ((and subtreep org-yank-folded-subtrees) 
(let ((beg (point)) end) (if (and subtreep org-yank-adjusted-subtrees) 
(org-paste-subtree nil nil (quote for-yank)) (call-interactively command)) 
(setq end (point)) (goto-char beg) (when (and (bolp) subtreep (not ...)) (or 
(looking-at outline-regexp) (re-search-forward ... end t)) (while (and ... ...) 
(hide-subtree) (org-cycle-show-empty-lines ...) (condition-case nil ... ...))) 
(when swallowp (message "Inserted text not folded because that would swallow 
text")) (goto-char end) (skip-chars-forward "     \n
") (beginning-of-line 1) (push-mark beg (quote nomsg)))) ((and subtreep 
org-yank-adjusted-subtrees) (let ((beg (point-at-bol))) (org-paste-subtree nil 
nil (quote for-yank)) (push-mark beg (quote nomsg)))) (t (call-interactively 
* org-yank-generic(yank nil)
* org-yank(nil)
  call-interactively(org-yank nil nil)

No clue why, but the PRIMARY selection seems to return the start of the

I've done this then:

* TODO Blalaundo

I go on `u', press C-space, then C-e. The M-; and execute
(x-selection-value), which returns: "undo".

So far so good. But if I go on `u', press C-space, then C-e, then M-w,
then M-; to execute (x-selection-value), it returns "* TODO Blala".

So it seems that when the org-startup-indented is set to t, M-w goes
crazy and set the primary selection wrongly.

Julien Danjou
// ᐰ <address@hidden>   http://julien.danjou.info

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