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Re: [O] Questions on LaTeX Exporter

From: Thomas S. Dye
Subject: Re: [O] Questions on LaTeX Exporter
Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2011 13:25:09 -1000

Aloha Rasmus,

On Mar 5, 2011, at 10:50 AM, Rasmus wrote:


I am trying to move more seriouse text tasks from AUCTeX to Org. Mostly
because it allows me to link to pdf articles, and have * COMMENT in the
same file.

This would make you an "early adopter."  I haven't been able to solve all the issues translating from Org-mode to LaTeX yet, but I recently completed a conference paper without using babel code blocks and it looks fine.  Of course, the paper doesn't have abbreviations that end with dots ...

However, I have noticed at least one non-acceptable issue. When using
using English, LaTeX (via Babel or just default) full-stops (≈double
space) will be inserted after dots. However, with abbrevation one would
use an ordinary space (i.e.\ an escaped space ("\ ") in LaTeX). Org does
not seem to notice abbrivations—how could it?—and further "\ " is
interpreted literaly. I need to have an escaped space.

One solution, which would yield much overheat, would be to use babel and
LaTeX fragments. See:


Yes, and the overhead does get in the way, at least for my writing projects.  Literate programming of prose, which is essentially what LaTeX code blocks in babel yield, is a bit different than LP for a software project.  In my experience, prose blocks don't require as much explanation as source code often does, so some of the rationale for literate programming isn't applicable, and it is very difficult, at least for me, to stitch together good prose if isn't organized linearly.  A typical paragraph isn't as independent as a well-written function.  I haven't figured out how to write a generic segue.

On the other hand, I think it is the only way currently to get from Org-mode to perfect LaTeX.  

Also, for fixme notes, I use =[[latex:fixme][insert citation]]= at the
moment. Does anybody have a nicer solution? For example, having the
fixme note folded, placed in a footnote or similar?

If you figure this one out, please share.  I've been over-using the extensible link syntax.  It is great, no doubt about it, but after a while it feels like I'm working for Org-mode rather than the other way round.

All the best,


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