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Re: [O] Questions on LaTeX Exporter

From: Rasmus
Subject: Re: [O] Questions on LaTeX Exporter
Date: Sun, 06 Mar 2011 14:21:58 +0100
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This would make you an "early adopter."

Well, to be fair the latex exporter have been there for years and I have
used it for non-important documents for years. But papers utilizing more
features have proven difficult, so far.

Of course, the paper doesn't have abbreviations that end  with dots ...
The problem might be traced back to my less-than-stylish prose :)

Yes, and the overhead does get in the way, at least for my writing

With folding, AUCTeX buffers become quite readable. But linking, plannig
and TODOs are nice. Previously, I have had a notes.org and several
tex files.

On the other hand, I think it is the only way currently to get from
Org-mode to perfect LaTeX.

... And in that case AUCTeX provide a nicer environment in my
oppinion. Org would be nice for text heavy documents, though.

Fixme in Org
If you figure this one out, please share
I haven't. I think one of either of the following would be nice.

  1) Have them fold like I do in AUCTeX (i.e. \fxnote{·} is replaced by
     [fix] in the buffer)
  2) Use special footnotes. This could be an org-centric system, without
     the need of fixme.sty. This would require that Org could tell the
     difference between fn:x and fix:x, and further, one would need to
     be able to specify which set(s) of footnotes were to be exported.

*More questions, sorry*

Org populates every section with a label. I would
like to \ref or \vref these. I could predict \label's, but this a rather
fragile solution. When I use "Org-links" I get a text link suitable
for e.g. html. I want to use \ref to get a number. One solution is

|   * section
|   #+latex: \label{sec:sec}

But there /must/ be a better way to this, eh?

And other question, which should also be simple, but which I have not been
able to figure out.

I have internalized word count in my org file using babel:

| ** Getting Word Count
| #+srcname: wordcount
| #+BEGIN_SRC sh
|   #!/bin/bash
| alias calc='Rscript -e "cat( file=stdout(), eval( parse( text=paste( commandArgs(TRUE), collapse=\"\"))),\"\n\")"'
|   calc `texcount -inc -sum -relaxed -1 -q -total assignment.tex`/400
| #+results: wordcount
| : 0.6425

First, this should be evaluated post-export, but this is a trival issue
as I can export the document in question twice. However, I want to
include the result in a \thanks{·}-node in the #+TITLE.

I have tried varioues methods, but so far without luck. To given an
example, I want to replace X by the results of my Babel-snip in the

| #+TITLE: \Large Education in Labor Markets With Asymmetric Information\thanks{Approximatly X words using \TeX Count}

Thanks in advance,

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