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[O] Bug: datetree capture from agenda [7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty

From: Philip Rooke
Subject: [O] Bug: datetree capture from agenda [7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty)]
Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2011 22:50:16 +0100

Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
what in fact did happen.  You don't know how to make a good report?  See


Your bug report will be posted to the Org-mode mailing list.
Launch Emacs with no startup files

$ emacs -Q

; evaluate these 2 forms in the *scratch* buffer

(require 'org-install)
(setq org-capture-templates
      '(("h" "Journal headline" entry (file+datetree "/tmp/journal.org"))
        ("n" "Journal note" plain (file+datetree "/tmp/journal.org"))))

; follow this sequence

M-x org-agenda
a     ; for current week or day agenda
k c   ; agenda action for capture
h     ; to add a headline entry in journal for today
[...] ; add some text and C-c C-c to save
k c   
n     ; add a note in journal for today
[...] ; add some text and save
b     ; back one week
k c 
h     ; add a headline entry in journal for one week ago
b     ; go back one more week
k c
n     ; add a note in journal for two weeks ago

Look at the journal file created.

I would expect to see a date tree with a note entry under the
date two weeks ago, a headline entry under the date one week ago
and a note and headline entry under today's date.

What I see is the date tree correctly constructed.  The note and
headline under today's date are correct filed.  The headline
entry from one week ago is correctly filed.  The date headline
from two weeks ago is correctly created but the text of the note
entry itself is wrongly appended at the end of the file under
today's date.

That doesn't seem right to me.



Emacs  : GNU Emacs (x86_64-apple-darwin10.6.0, NS 
 of 2011-02-17 on bo
Package: Org-mode version 7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty)

current state:
 org-export-latex-after-initial-vars-hook '(org-beamer-after-initial-vars)
 org-speed-command-hook '(org-speed-command-default-hook 
 org-metaup-hook '(org-babel-load-in-session-maybe)
 org-capture-templates '(("h" "Journal headline" entry (file+datetree 
                         ("n" "Journal note" plain (file+datetree 
 org-after-todo-state-change-hook '(org-clock-out-if-current)
 org-export-blocks-postblock-hook '(org-exp-res/src-name-cleanup)
 org-export-latex-format-toc-function 'org-export-latex-format-toc-default
 org-tab-first-hook '(org-hide-block-toggle-maybe 
org-src-native-tab-command-maybe org-babel-hide-result-toggle-maybe)
 org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-babel-configure-edit-buffer 
 org-confirm-shell-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-export-first-hook '(org-beamer-initialize-open-trackers)
 org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text)
 org-babel-pre-tangle-hook '(save-buffer)
 org-cycle-hook '(org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees org-cycle-hide-drawers 
 org-mode-hook '((lambda nil
                  (org-add-hook (quote change-major-mode-hook) (quote 
org-show-block-all) (quote append) (quote local)))
                 (lambda nil
                  (org-add-hook (quote change-major-mode-hook) (quote 
org-babel-show-result-all) (quote append) (quote local)))
                 org-babel-result-hide-spec org-babel-hide-all-hashes)
 org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-hook '(org-babel-hash-at-point 
 org-confirm-elisp-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-export-interblocks '((lob org-babel-exp-lob-one-liners) (src 
 org-occur-hook '(org-first-headline-recenter)
 org-from-is-user-regexp "\\<address@hidden>\\|\\<Philip Rooke\\>"
 org-export-latex-final-hook '(org-beamer-amend-header org-beamer-fix-toc 
 org-metadown-hook '(org-babel-pop-to-session-maybe)
 org-export-blocks '((src org-babel-exp-src-block nil) (comment 
org-export-blocks-format-comment t)
                     (ditaa org-export-blocks-format-ditaa nil) (dot 
org-export-blocks-format-dot nil))

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