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Re: [O] bug in latex export tutorial?

From: Robert Goldman
Subject: Re: [O] bug in latex export tutorial?
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 16:05:17 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110414 Thunderbird/3.1.10

On 4/29/11 Apr 29 -1:21 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:
> Robert Goldman <address@hidden> wrote:
>> On 4/29/11 Apr 29 -11:44 AM, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
>>> Aloha Robert,
>>> Yep.  It should be "One of these, amssymb, requires amsmath, which
>>> conflicts with several LaTeX fonts."
>> I don't /believe/ amssymb requires amsmath.  I have been working on a
>> document where I wanted to use some of the stuff in amsmath (e.g.,
>> \text, align environment).  That document did /not/ parse, even though
>> amssymb *is* in the preamble of the exported file.  I looked, and the
>> preamble has amssymb, but not amsmath.
>> It would be *great* if someone could provide tutorial information that
>> would tell us:
>> 1.  How do we configure a file so that it *can* use amsmath?
> amsmath conflicts with wasysym (redefines \iint), so you have to
> redefine your headers to omit wasysym or include amsmath *first*: for
> some reason, if you \usepackage{amsmath} *before* you
> \usepackage{wasysym}, the error does not arise -- presumably, amsmath
> assumes that \iint is not defined beforehand, whereas wasysym does not
> make that assumption.

The not-very-tasty solution I came up with was to put the following into
the local variables list at the foot of my file:

# org-export-latex-default-packages-alist: (("AUTO" "inputenc" t) ("T1"
"fontenc" t) ("" "fixltx2e" nil) ("" "graphicx" t) ("" "longtable" nil)
("" "float" nil) ("" "wrapfig" nil) ("" "soul" t) ("" "t1enc" t) (""
"textcomp" t) ("" "marvosym" t) ("" "amsmath" t) ("" "wasysym" t) (""
"latexsym" t) ("" "amssymb" t)
"hyperref" nil) "\\tolerance=1000")

I put this in the file, rather than in my configuration, because it is
specific to the formatting of this file, and because I share this
document with others, who need to be able to export from it w/o having
to reconfigure their org-mode installations.

I figure that someone can probably suggest a solution that is nicer than


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