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Re: [O] [OT] Icon problem with org-google-weather

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: Re: [O] [OT] Icon problem with org-google-weather
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2011 09:38:32 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110018 (No Gnus v0.18) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Nick Dokos <address@hidden> writes:

> This is off-topic but it is driving me bananas. I do
> (setq date '(6 5 2011))
> (6 5 2011)
> (setq foo (let ((org-google-weather-cache-time 0))
>       (org-google-weather)))
> (setq bar (org-google-weather))
> (equal foo bar)
> (insert foo)
> (insert bar)
> in the *scratch* buffer. The idea is that foo is freshly obtained from
> google every time: it never goes to cached data since the cache time
> is set to 0. bar, otoh, is obtained from cache.  I've traced the code
> and that's indeed what happens.  The two strings compare equal: (equal
> foo bar) returns t - just in case, I also displayed them in separate
> windows and did a compare-windows: they are the same that way too.
> Nevertheless, when I insert foo, the icon is shown, but when I insert
> bar, the icon is an empty box. What am I missing?

I have a similar problem.  In one of my org files, I have

  %%(org-google-weather "Montabaur" "de")

and since lately, I get only squares.

That said, while trying your example, `org-google-weather' always
returned nil.  The reason is that I don't have
`org-google-weather-location' set explicitly to something different as
the default value.  But that default is a form and it is never evaluated
AFAICS.  So that seems to be another bug.

Ok, so when I change your testcase to this...

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(defun foobar ()
  (let ((date '(6 6 2011)))
    (setq bar (org-google-weather "Montabaur" "DE"))
    (setq foo (let ((org-google-weather-cache-time 0))
                (org-google-weather "Montabaur" "DE")))
    (string= foo bar)
    (insert foo)
    (insert bar)))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

I get an error at the foo value evaluation.  The evaluation of bar seems
to work fine...

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Data not found")
  signal(error ("Data not found"))
  error("Data not found")
  (if (search-forward "\n\n" nil t) nil (error "Data not found"))
  (unless (search-forward "\n\n" nil t) (error "Data not found"))
  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (google-weather-retrieve-data-raw url 
org-google-weather-cache-time)) (unless (search-forward "\n\n" nil t) (error 
"Data not found")) (let ((data (buffer-substring (point) (point-max)))) 
(kill-buffer (current-buffer)) data))
  (with-current-buffer (google-weather-retrieve-data-raw url 
org-google-weather-cache-time) (unless (search-forward "\n\n" nil t) (error 
"Data not found")) (let ((data (buffer-substring (point) (point-max)))) 
(kill-buffer (current-buffer)) data))
  (create-image (org-google-weather-get-icon (cadr (assoc (quote icon) 
forecast))) nil t)
  (progn (create-image (org-google-weather-get-icon (cadr (assoc (quote icon) 
forecast))) nil t))
  (if (display-images-p) (progn (create-image (org-google-weather-get-icon 
(cadr (assoc (quote icon) forecast))) nil t)))
  (when (display-images-p) (create-image (org-google-weather-get-icon (cadr 
(assoc (quote icon) forecast))) nil t))
  (let ((condition (cadr (assoc (quote condition) forecast))) (low (cadr (assoc 
(quote low) forecast))) (high (cadr (assoc (quote high) forecast))) (city 
(google-weather-data->city data)) (icon (when (display-images-p) (create-image 
(org-google-weather-get-icon (cadr (assoc ... forecast))) nil t))) (temp-symbol 
(google-weather-data->temperature-symbol data))) (format-spec 
org-google-weather-format (\` ((105 \, (if (and icon 
org-google-weather-display-icon-p) (propertize "icon" (quote display) (append 
icon ...) (quote rear-nonsticky) (quote ...)) "")) (99 \, condition) (76 \, 
location) (67 \, city) (108 \, low) (104 \, high) (115 \, temp-symbol)))))
  (progn (let ((condition (cadr (assoc (quote condition) forecast))) (low (cadr 
(assoc (quote low) forecast))) (high (cadr (assoc (quote high) forecast))) 
(city (google-weather-data->city data)) (icon (when (display-images-p) 
(create-image (org-google-weather-get-icon (cadr ...)) nil t))) (temp-symbol 
(google-weather-data->temperature-symbol data))) (format-spec 
org-google-weather-format (\` ((105 \, (if (and icon 
org-google-weather-display-icon-p) (propertize "icon" ... ... ... ...) "")) (99 
\, condition) (76 \, location) (67 \, city) (108 \, low) (104 \, high) (115 \, 
  (if forecast (progn (let ((condition (cadr (assoc (quote condition) 
forecast))) (low (cadr (assoc (quote low) forecast))) (high (cadr (assoc (quote 
high) forecast))) (city (google-weather-data->city data)) (icon (when 
(display-images-p) (create-image (org-google-weather-get-icon ...) nil t))) 
(temp-symbol (google-weather-data->temperature-symbol data))) (format-spec 
org-google-weather-format (\` ((105 \, (if ... ... "")) (99 \, condition) (76 
\, location) (67 \, city) (108 \, low) (104 \, high) (115 \, temp-symbol)))))))
  (when forecast (let ((condition (cadr (assoc (quote condition) forecast))) 
(low (cadr (assoc (quote low) forecast))) (high (cadr (assoc (quote high) 
forecast))) (city (google-weather-data->city data)) (icon (when 
(display-images-p) (create-image (org-google-weather-get-icon (cadr ...)) nil 
t))) (temp-symbol (google-weather-data->temperature-symbol data))) (format-spec 
org-google-weather-format (\` ((105 \, (if (and icon 
org-google-weather-display-icon-p) (propertize "icon" ... ... ... ...) "")) (99 
\, condition) (76 \, location) (67 \, city) (108 \, low) (104 \, high) (115 \, 
  (if problem-cause (message "%s: %s" location problem-cause) (when forecast 
(let ((condition (cadr (assoc (quote condition) forecast))) (low (cadr (assoc 
(quote low) forecast))) (high (cadr (assoc (quote high) forecast))) (city 
(google-weather-data->city data)) (icon (when (display-images-p) (create-image 
(org-google-weather-get-icon ...) nil t))) (temp-symbol 
(google-weather-data->temperature-symbol data))) (format-spec 
org-google-weather-format (\` ((105 \, (if ... ... "")) (99 \, condition) (76 
\, location) (67 \, city) (108 \, low) (104 \, high) (115 \, temp-symbol)))))))
  (let* ((location (or location org-google-weather-location)) (data 
(ignore-errors (google-weather-get-data location language 
org-google-weather-cache-time))) (problem-cause (when data 
(google-weather-data->problem-cause data))) (forecast (when (and (null 
problem-cause) data) (google-weather-data->forecast-for-date data date)))) (if 
problem-cause (message "%s: %s" location problem-cause) (when forecast (let 
((condition (cadr (assoc ... forecast))) (low (cadr (assoc ... forecast))) 
(high (cadr (assoc ... forecast))) (city (google-weather-data->city data)) 
(icon (when (display-images-p) (create-image ... nil t))) (temp-symbol 
(google-weather-data->temperature-symbol data))) (format-spec 
org-google-weather-format (\` ((105 \, ...) (99 \, condition) (76 \, location) 
(67 \, city) (108 \, low) (104 \, high) (115 \, temp-symbol))))))))
  org-google-weather("Montabaur" "DE")
  (let ((org-google-weather-cache-time 0)) (org-google-weather "Montabaur" 
  (setq foo (let ((org-google-weather-cache-time 0)) (org-google-weather 
"Montabaur" "DE")))
  (let ((date (quote (6 6 2011)))) (setq foo (let 
((org-google-weather-cache-time 0)) (org-google-weather "Montabaur" "DE"))) 
(setq bar (org-google-weather "Montabaur" "DE")) (string= foo bar) (insert foo) 
(insert bar))
  eval((let ((date (quote (6 6 2011)))) (setq foo (let 
((org-google-weather-cache-time 0)) (org-google-weather "Montabaur" "DE"))) 
(setq bar (org-google-weather "Montabaur" "DE")) (string= foo bar) (insert foo) 
(insert bar)) nil)
  call-interactively(eval-last-sexp nil nil)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---


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