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Re: [O] Checkboxes and state toggling

From: Nick Dokos
Subject: Re: [O] Checkboxes and state toggling
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2011 13:16:49 -0400

Klaus Thoben <address@hidden> wrote:

> I wonder if following functionality is already implemented.
> Could it be achieved that, if I have a checkbox list with a TODO state
> in the headline and I toggle all of the checkboxes, that the TODO state
> switches automatically to DONE?
> I hope the following example makes my question even more clear. 
>      * TODO Organize party [1/4]
>        - [ ] call people
>        - [X] order food
>        - [ ] think about what music to play
>        - [ ] talk to the neighbors
> becomes
>      * DONE Organize party [4/4]
>        - [X] call people
>        - [X] order food
>        - [X] think about what music to play
>        - [X] talk to the neighbors

Here is one way to do that - cobbled together with various bits and
pieces that I found in org.el and org-list.el. In particular, I stole
the regexp from org.el where it is used to check how to fontify the
cookie. I used the org-get-checkbox-statistics-face function as a model
for the ``(if (match-end 1) ...'' structure afterwards (all I had to
do is the (org-todo 'done) calls instead of returning a face).

The initial part limiting the region is pretty standard org code: you'll
find  variations of it all over the place.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(add-to-list 'org-checkbox-statistics-hook (function 

(defun ndk/checkbox-list-complete ()
    (org-back-to-heading t)
    (let ((beg (point)) end)
      (setq end (point))
      (goto-char beg)
      ;; check for the cookie: [100%] or [N/N]
      (if (re-search-forward 
"\\[\\([0-9]*%\\)\\]\\|\\[\\([0-9]*\\)/\\([0-9]*\\)\\]" end t)
            (if (match-end 1)
                (if (equal (match-string 1) "100%")
                    ;; all done - do the state change
                    (org-todo 'done))
              (if (and (> (match-end 2) (match-beginning 2))
                       (equal (match-string 2) (match-string 3)))
                  ;; all done - do the state change               
                  (org-todo 'done))))))))


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