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Re: [O] Using Code Blocks in Org Tables

From: Eric Schulte
Subject: Re: [O] Using Code Blocks in Org Tables
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 08:58:02 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Henri-Paul Indiogine <address@hidden> writes:

> I am trying to have the final output of several bash script appear in
> a summary table.
> I am trying to follow this example:
> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/intro.html#spreadsheet
> This is my test system:
> -------------------------8<--------------------------->8---------------------
> #+tblname: test
> #+CAPTION: test
> #+LABEL: tbl:test
> | collection     | number               |
> |----------------+----------------------|
> | congr-hearings | (("/home/henk") (2)) |
> | congr-bills    |                      |
> | pres-docs      |                      |
> | eric-docs      |                      |
> #+TBLFM: @2$2='(sbe "test-sh")
> #+srcname: test-sh
> #+begin_src sh  :results value
> x=2
> echo $HOME
> echo $x
> #+end_src
> #+results: test-sh
> | /home/henk |
> |          2 |
> ---------------------------8<--------------------->8----------------
> I want actually to have only the number "2" in cell @2$2.  I thought
> that with ":results value" only the final output of the script, i.e.
> the output of "echo $x" would appear.  Instead the results of all echo
> statement do appear.

sh code blocks are different in that they don't really have a ":results
value" option in the same way as most code blocks.  Two options would be
to either
1. remove the "echo $HOME" line from your code blocks, or
2. change the '(sbe "test-sh") formula to '(second (second (sbe "test-sh")))

> What am I doing wrongly?

Nothing wrong, you just weren't aware of the idiosyncrasies of the sh
code blocks.  I suppose that we could change the behavior of ":results
value" on sh blocks such that it only returns the last line of output,
but depending on who you ask "value" means different things on sh blocks
(e.g., possibly the return value of the last statement $?).

Best -- Eric

> Thanks,
> Henri-Paul

Eric Schulte

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