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Re: [O] unexpected failure on all formulas

From: Nick Dokos
Subject: Re: [O] unexpected failure on all formulas
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 04:26:10 -0400

Nick Dokos <address@hidden> wrote:

> Jude DaShiell <address@hidden> wrote:
> > |------------------------+----------+-----------+-------|
> > | mode                   |          |           |       |
> > | Min                    |          |           |       |
> > | Max                    |     127. |       81. |   74. |
> > #+TBLFM: @>>>$2..@>>>$4=vmode(@address@hidden) :: 
> > @>>$2..@>>$4=vmin(@address@hidden) :: @>$2..@>$4=vmax(@address@hidden)
> > 
> > 
> > # Local Variables:
> > # kept-new-versions: 100
> > # version-control: t
> > # End:
> > cut here.
> > What did I do wrong with this #+TBLFM: line?
> > 
> Two things:
> o as Christian Moe pointed out, calc does not provide a vmode() function.
> o the separator lines in the formulas have to be specified using capital
> I letters.

Here is an implementation of vmode - afaict, it works correctly but
that may be because I've only tested it on a single set of data. If
you find something wrong, please let me know.

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
| Date Stamp             | Systolic | Diastolic | Pulse |
| [2011-07-19 Tue 02:26] |      138 |        92 |    74 |
| [2011-07-20 Wed 04:03] |      130 |        85 |    74 |
| [2011-07-21 Thu 03:50] |      128 |        79 |    76 |
| [2011-07-22 Fri 02:33] |      121 |        80 |    79 |
| [2011-07-23 Sat 02:52] |      118 |        75 |    68 |
| [2011-07-24 Sun 04:13] |      126 |        83 |    78 |
| [2011-07-25 Mon 02:12] |      122 |        79 |    76 |
| [2011-07-26 Tue 01:57] |      124 |        79 |    72 |
| [2011-07-27 Wed 04:03] |      137 |        74 |    76 |
| [2011-07-28 Thu 03:47] |      136 |        80 |    76 |
| [2011-07-29 Fri 04:06] |      120 |        72 |    76 |
| [2011-07-30 Sat 03:18] |      128 |        92 |    80 |
| [2011-07-31 Sun 07:11] |      124 |        84 |    72 |
| [2011-08-01 Mon 04:55] |      124 |        77 |    69 |
| [2011-08-02 Tue 02:47] |      128 |        80 |    67 |
| [2011-08-03 Wed 06:00] |      132 |        89 |    70 |
| [2011-08-04 Thu 04:30] |      137 |        82 |    77 |
| [2011-08-05 Fri 06:10] |      124 |        86 |    77 |
| [2011-08-06 Sat 04:04] |      139 |        88 |    78 |
| [2011-08-07 Sun 04:02] |      124 |        80 |    68 |
| [2011-08-08 Mon 06:36] |      137 |        93 |    79 |
| [2011-08-10 Wed04:03]  |      120 |        80 |    68 |
| [2011-08-11 Thu 04:30] |      128 |        78 |    77 |
| [2011-08-12 Fri 06:36] |      143 |        82 |    76 |
| [2011-08-13 Sat 06:18] |      125 |        76 |    69 |
| [2011-08-14 Sun 04:04] |      123 |        70 |    69 |
| [2011-08-15 Mon 04:04] |      135 |        83 |    76 |
| [2011-08-16 Tue 04:03] |      128 |        80 |    69 |
| [2011-08-17 Wed 04:04] |      124 |        80 |    68 |
| [2011-08-18 Thu 05:58] |      136 |        87 |    72 |
| [2011-08-19 Fri 05:50] |      116 |        80 |    64 |
| [2011-08-20 Sat 06:38] |      139 |        84 |    64 |
| [2011-08-21 Sun 08:20] |      124 |        84 |    73 |
| [2011-08-22 Mon 03:50] |      138 |        76 |    70 |
| [2011-08-23 Tue 05:52] |      126 |        79 |    68 |
| [2011-08-24 Wed 04:53] |      125 |        81 |    64 |
| [2011-08-25 Thu 05:37] |      124 |        79 |    68 |
| [2011-08-26 Fri 06:41] |      124 |        87 |    74 |
| [2011-08-27 Sat 05:44] |      133 |        74 |    61 |
| [2011-08-28 Sun 03:22] |      124 |        76 |    61 |
| [2011-08-29 Mon 04:06] |      124 |        76 |    65 |
| [2011-08-30 Tue 05:52] |      139 |        87 |    71 |
| [2011-08-31 Wed 06:47] |      152 |        86 |    68 |
| [2011-09-01 Thu 06:00] |      136 |        86 |    78 |
| [2011-09-02 Fri 01:22] |      142 |       100 |    78 |
| [2011-09-03 Sat 09:12] |      126 |        79 |    70 |
| [2011-09-04 Sun 11:53] |      130 |        90 |    72 |
| [2011-09-05 Mon 06:29] |      138 |        77 |    65 |
| [2011-09-06 Tue 05:42] |      121 |        76 |    68 |
| [2011-09-07 Wed 06:47] |      131 |        77 |    68 |
| [2011-09-08 Thu 06:02] |      122 |        76 |    72 |
| [2011-09-10 Sat 05:38] |      126 |        76 |    69 |
| [2011-09-11 Sun 10:12] |      137 |        87 |    64 |
| [2011-09-12 Mon 04:00] |      135 |        78 |    89 |
| [2011-09-13 Tue 06:00] |      132 |        82 |    66 |
| [2011-09-14 Wed 06:01] |      137 |        77 |    77 |
| [2011-09-15 Thu 04:08] |      141 |        87 |    64 |
| [2011-09-17 Sat 08:35] |      121 |        78 |    66 |
| [2011-09-18 Sun 07:04] |      124 |        69 |    65 |
| [2011-09-19 Mon 06:00] |      133 |        81 |    69 |
| mode                   |      125 |        81 |    69 |
| min                    |      116 |        69 |    61 |
| max                    |      152 |       100 |    89 |
#+TBLFM: @>>>$2..@>>>$4=vmode(@address@hidden) :: 
@>>$2..@>>$4=vmin(@address@hidden) :: @>$2..@>$4=vmax(@address@hidden)

#+begin_src elisp

(defun calcFunc-vmode (&rest vecs)
  (let* ((flat (copy-sequence (cdr (math-flatten-many-vecs vecs))))
         (p flat)
         (len (length flat))
         (hlen (/ len 2)))
    (if (= len 0)
        (math-reject-arg nil "*Must be at least 1 argument")
      (if (and (= len 1) (memq (car-safe (car flat)) '(sdev intv)))
          (calcFunc-vmean (car flat))
        (while p
          (if (eq (car-safe (car p)) 'sdev)
              (setcar p (nth 1 (car p))))
          (or (Math-anglep (car p))
              (math-reject-arg (car p) 'anglep))
          (setq p (cdr p)))
        (setq flat (sort flat 'math-lessp))
        (setq freqs (vfreqs flat))
        (cadr (maxfreq freqs))

(defun vfreqs (v)
  "v is assumed to be sorted.
Return a list of pairs: (count element)
for each distinct element of v."
  (let ((count 0)
        (prev (car v))
        (vec v)
    (setq freqs nil)
    (while vec
      (if (= (nth 0 vec) prev)
          (setq count (1+ count))
        (setq freqs (cons (list count (nth 0 vec)) freqs))
        (setq count 1 prev (nth 0 vec)))
      (setq vec (cdr vec)))

(defun freq-greater (a b)
  (if (> (car a) (car b))

(defun maxfreq (f)
  "Sort the frequency list by count and return the first pair."
  (let ((fs (sort f 'freq-greater)))
    (nth 0 fs)))

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

I cribbed heavily from the implementation of vmedian. Although there is
no key binding, you can even use the above in an interactive Calc
session, by entering the formula in algebraic form. I yanked the vector
twice onto the Calc stack and then entered 'vmode($) with the following

| --- Emacs Calculator Mode ---
| 2:  [138, 130, 128, 121, 118, 126, 122, 124, 137, 136, 120, 128, 124, 124, 
128, 132, 137, 124, 139, 
|      124, 137, 120, 128, 143, 125, 123, 135, 128, 124, 136, 116, 139, 124, 
138, 126, 125, 124, 124, 
|      133, 124, 124, 139, 152, 136, 142, 126, 130, 138, 121, 131, 122, 126, 
137, 135, 132, 137, 141, 
|      121, 124, 133]
| 1:  125
|     .


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