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Re: [O] [ANN] Org Mode parser v0.0.1 for NodeJs

From: Giovanni Giorgi
Subject: Re: [O] [ANN] Org Mode parser v0.0.1 for NodeJs
Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2011 17:56:33 +0200
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/0.5.4


 you can find a simple example here

with the source code too.

Anyway, the simpler way is to install the package (via npm) and use the makelist(...) function to read and parse in an asyncronous way the org-nodes:

var orgParser=require('org-mode-parser');
orgParser.makelist("README.org", function (nodelist){
   // Here nodelist is a list of Orgnode objects (ref:putyourcode)
I have just pushed the revision 0.0.2.
Take a look here for unit testing example


On Wed, 5 Oct 2011 08:21:09 -0700, Chris Malone wrote:

Hi Gio,
Perhaps it is my ignorance of how this all works, but do you have a small example of how/why one would use this?  As is obvious from my question, I'm not familiar with nodejs.
On Oct 4, 2011, at 6:43 PM, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:


I was procrastinating on this as well. There's one for ruby as well which I've been playing with, this could give me some inspiration to contribute back.

Keep up the great work,

- Marcelo.

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 4:34 PM, Giovanni Giorgi <address@hidden> wrote:

Hi all,
 I have just published my org-mode parser for the node-js _javascript_ based server:


It is a _javascript_ parser for the Emacs Org-mode file format.

I use org-mode as a database for some programs (like games) where I need to mix meta information to a bunch of long textual data.

I wrote it because I was unable to find an implementation for my needs.

I like too much org-mode to let nodejs without a parser, and as expected the simple org-mode format was easy to parse.
I started from the Charles Cave's OrgNode python parser, but I need to modify it a lot because of _javascript_ different nature.

Please feel free to give me your feedback

Gio's Blog http://gioorgi.com

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