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[O] Babel related bug in elpa version 20121231

From: Robert Horn
Subject: [O] Babel related bug in elpa version 20121231
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2013 17:22:23 -0500
User-agent: Notmuch/0.13 (http://notmuchmail.org) Emacs/24.2.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)

I'm experimenting with starterkit on a new machine and have run into a
bug in org-mode elpa version 20121231.

With the stock distribution org-mode (7.8.11) in emacs 24.2 there is no
problem.  With the elpa version 20121231 I get an error, see the
attached output from emacs --debug-init.

It's not clear to me why the condition is failing in
org-babel-strip-protective-commas.  This works properly in 7.8.11. It
shouldn't be taking the path that leads to org-strip-protective-commas.

The environment is the unmodified git repository for the
emacs24-starter-kit, and this error is from the first #+begin_src
emacs-lisp in the personalized startup file.  

This work is on a new machine.  It doesn't have the org-mode git
repository readily available.  If there is an easy way to get
intermediate versions from elpa I can try those relatively easily to
isolate the change that triggers this error better.

For now the workaround is to revert the org-mode package, get the
startups the way I want them, and then re-activate the org-mode

R Horn

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-strip-protective-commas)
  org-strip-protective-commas(1 77)
  org-babel-strip-protective-commas("    (add-hook 'text-mode-hook\n            
  '(lambda () (visual-line-mode)))" "emacs-lisp")
  org-babel-tangle(nil "/home/hornrj/.emacs.d/hornrj.el" "emacs-lisp")
"/home/hornrj/.emacs.d/hornrj.el" "emacs-lisp")
  (cond ((file-exists-p encrypted-org) (org-babel-load-file encrypted-org)) 
((file-exists-p encrypted-el) (load encrypted-el)) ((file-exists-p literate) 
(org-babel-load-file literate)) ((file-exists-p plain) (load plain)))
  (let* ((path (expand-file-name base starter-kit-dir)) (literate (concat path 
".org")) (encrypted-org (concat path ".org.gpg")) (plain (concat path ".el")) 
(encrypted-el (concat path ".el.gpg"))) (cond ((file-exists-p encrypted-org) 
(org-babel-load-file encrypted-org)) ((file-exists-p encrypted-el) (load 
encrypted-el)) ((file-exists-p literate) (org-babel-load-file literate)) 
((file-exists-p plain) (load plain))))
  (catch (quote --cl-block-sk-load--) (let* ((path (expand-file-name base 
starter-kit-dir)) (literate (concat path ".org")) (encrypted-org (concat path 
".org.gpg")) (plain (concat path ".el")) (encrypted-el (concat path 
".el.gpg"))) (cond ((file-exists-p encrypted-org) (org-babel-load-file 
encrypted-org)) ((file-exists-p encrypted-el) (load encrypted-el)) 
((file-exists-p literate) (org-babel-load-file literate)) ((file-exists-p 
plain) (load plain)))))
  (cl-block-wrapper (catch (quote --cl-block-sk-load--) (let* ((path 
(expand-file-name base starter-kit-dir)) (literate (concat path ".org")) 
(encrypted-org (concat path ".org.gpg")) (plain (concat path ".el")) 
(encrypted-el (concat path ".el.gpg"))) (cond ((file-exists-p encrypted-org) 
(org-babel-load-file encrypted-org)) ((file-exists-p encrypted-el) (load 
encrypted-el)) ((file-exists-p literate) (org-babel-load-file literate)) 
((file-exists-p plain) (load plain))))))
  (block sk-load (let* ((path (expand-file-name base starter-kit-dir)) 
(literate (concat path ".org")) (encrypted-org (concat path ".org.gpg")) (plain 
(concat path ".el")) (encrypted-el (concat path ".el.gpg"))) (cond 
((file-exists-p encrypted-org) (org-babel-load-file encrypted-org)) 
((file-exists-p encrypted-el) (load encrypted-el)) ((file-exists-p literate) 
(org-babel-load-file literate)) ((file-exists-p plain) (load plain)))))
  (let ((elisp-dir (expand-file-name "src" starter-kit-dir)) (user-dir 
(expand-file-name user-login-name starter-kit-dir))) (add-to-list (quote 
load-path) elisp-dir) (when (file-exists-p elisp-dir) (let ((default-directory 
elisp-dir)) (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path))) (sk-load system-name) 
(sk-load user-login-name) (when (file-exists-p user-dir) (add-to-list (quote 
load-path) user-dir) (mapc (function sk-load) (remove-duplicates (mapcar 
(function remove-extension) (directory-files user-dir t 
".*.\\(org\\|el\\)\\(\\.gpg\\)?$")) :test (function string=)))))
  (progn (fset (quote remove-extension) (function* (lambda (name) (block 
remove-extension (string-match 
"\\(.*?\\).\\(org\\(\\.el\\)?\\|el\\)\\(\\.gpg\\)?$" name) (match-string 1 
name))))) (let ((elisp-dir (expand-file-name "src" starter-kit-dir)) (user-dir 
(expand-file-name user-login-name starter-kit-dir))) (add-to-list (quote 
load-path) elisp-dir) (when (file-exists-p elisp-dir) (let ((default-directory 
elisp-dir)) (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path))) (sk-load system-name) 
(sk-load user-login-name) (when (file-exists-p user-dir) (add-to-list (quote 
load-path) user-dir) (mapc (function sk-load) (remove-duplicates (mapcar 
(function remove-extension) (directory-files user-dir t 
".*.\\(org\\|el\\)\\(\\.gpg\\)?$")) :test (function string=))))))
  (unwind-protect (progn (fset (quote remove-extension) (function* (lambda 
(name) (block remove-extension (string-match 
"\\(.*?\\).\\(org\\(\\.el\\)?\\|el\\)\\(\\.gpg\\)?$" name) (match-string 1 
name))))) (let ((elisp-dir (expand-file-name "src" starter-kit-dir)) (user-dir 
(expand-file-name user-login-name starter-kit-dir))) (add-to-list (quote 
load-path) elisp-dir) (when (file-exists-p elisp-dir) (let ((default-directory 
elisp-dir)) (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path))) (sk-load system-name) 
(sk-load user-login-name) (when (file-exists-p user-dir) (add-to-list (quote 
load-path) user-dir) (mapc (function sk-load) (remove-duplicates (mapcar 
(function remove-extension) (directory-files user-dir t 
".*.\\(org\\|el\\)\\(\\.gpg\\)?$")) :test (function string=)))))) (if 
--cl-letf-bound-- (fset (quote remove-extension) --cl-letf-save--) (fmakunbound 
(quote remove-extension))))
  (let* ((--cl-letf-bound-- (fboundp (quote remove-extension))) 
(--cl-letf-save-- (and --cl-letf-bound-- (symbol-function (quote 
remove-extension))))) (unwind-protect (progn (fset (quote remove-extension) 
(function* (lambda (name) (block remove-extension (string-match 
"\\(.*?\\).\\(org\\(\\.el\\)?\\|el\\)\\(\\.gpg\\)?$" name) (match-string 1 
name))))) (let ((elisp-dir (expand-file-name "src" starter-kit-dir)) (user-dir 
(expand-file-name user-login-name starter-kit-dir))) (add-to-list (quote 
load-path) elisp-dir) (when (file-exists-p elisp-dir) (let ((default-directory 
elisp-dir)) (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path))) (sk-load system-name) 
(sk-load user-login-name) (when (file-exists-p user-dir) (add-to-list (quote 
load-path) user-dir) (mapc (function sk-load) (remove-duplicates (mapcar ... 
...) :test (function string=)))))) (if --cl-letf-bound-- (fset (quote 
remove-extension) --cl-letf-save--) (fmakunbound (quote remove-extension)))))
  (letf (((symbol-function (quote remove-extension)) (function* (lambda (name) 
(block remove-extension (string-match 
"\\(.*?\\).\\(org\\(\\.el\\)?\\|el\\)\\(\\.gpg\\)?$" name) (match-string 1 
name)))))) (let ((elisp-dir (expand-file-name "src" starter-kit-dir)) (user-dir 
(expand-file-name user-login-name starter-kit-dir))) (add-to-list (quote 
load-path) elisp-dir) (when (file-exists-p elisp-dir) (let ((default-directory 
elisp-dir)) (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path))) (sk-load system-name) 
(sk-load user-login-name) (when (file-exists-p user-dir) (add-to-list (quote 
load-path) user-dir) (mapc (function sk-load) (remove-duplicates (mapcar 
(function remove-extension) (directory-files user-dir t 
".*.\\(org\\|el\\)\\(\\.gpg\\)?$")) :test (function string=))))))
  (progn (fset (quote sk-load) (function* (lambda (base) (block sk-load (let* 
((path ...) (literate ...) (encrypted-org ...) (plain ...) (encrypted-el ...)) 
(cond (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...))))))) (letf (((symbol-function 
(quote remove-extension)) (function* (lambda (name) (block remove-extension 
(string-match "\\(.*?\\).\\(org\\(\\.el\\)?\\|el\\)\\(\\.gpg\\)?$" name) 
(match-string 1 name)))))) (let ((elisp-dir (expand-file-name "src" 
starter-kit-dir)) (user-dir (expand-file-name user-login-name 
starter-kit-dir))) (add-to-list (quote load-path) elisp-dir) (when 
(file-exists-p elisp-dir) (let ((default-directory elisp-dir)) 
(normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path))) (sk-load system-name) (sk-load 
user-login-name) (when (file-exists-p user-dir) (add-to-list (quote load-path) 
user-dir) (mapc (function sk-load) (remove-duplicates (mapcar (function 
remove-extension) (directory-files user-dir t 
".*.\\(org\\|el\\)\\(\\.gpg\\)?$")) :test (function string=)))))))
  (unwind-protect (progn (fset (quote sk-load) (function* (lambda (base) (block 
sk-load (let* (... ... ... ... ...) (cond ... ... ... ...)))))) (letf 
(((symbol-function (quote remove-extension)) (function* (lambda (name) (block 
remove-extension ... ...))))) (let ((elisp-dir (expand-file-name "src" 
starter-kit-dir)) (user-dir (expand-file-name user-login-name 
starter-kit-dir))) (add-to-list (quote load-path) elisp-dir) (when 
(file-exists-p elisp-dir) (let ((default-directory elisp-dir)) 
(normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path))) (sk-load system-name) (sk-load 
user-login-name) (when (file-exists-p user-dir) (add-to-list (quote load-path) 
user-dir) (mapc (function sk-load) (remove-duplicates (mapcar ... ...) :test 
(function string=))))))) (if --cl-letf-bound-- (fset (quote sk-load) 
--cl-letf-save--) (fmakunbound (quote sk-load))))
  (let* ((--cl-letf-bound-- (fboundp (quote sk-load))) (--cl-letf-save-- (and 
--cl-letf-bound-- (symbol-function (quote sk-load))))) (unwind-protect (progn 
(fset (quote sk-load) (function* (lambda (base) (block sk-load (let* ... 
...))))) (letf (((symbol-function (quote remove-extension)) (function* (lambda 
... ...)))) (let ((elisp-dir (expand-file-name "src" starter-kit-dir)) 
(user-dir (expand-file-name user-login-name starter-kit-dir))) (add-to-list 
(quote load-path) elisp-dir) (when (file-exists-p elisp-dir) (let (...) 
(normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path))) (sk-load system-name) (sk-load 
user-login-name) (when (file-exists-p user-dir) (add-to-list (quote load-path) 
user-dir) (mapc (function sk-load) (remove-duplicates ... :test ...)))))) (if 
--cl-letf-bound-- (fset (quote sk-load) --cl-letf-save--) (fmakunbound (quote 
  (letf (((symbol-function (quote sk-load)) (function* (lambda (base) (block 
sk-load (let* (... ... ... ... ...) (cond ... ... ... ...))))))) (letf 
(((symbol-function (quote remove-extension)) (function* (lambda (name) (block 
remove-extension (string-match 
"\\(.*?\\).\\(org\\(\\.el\\)?\\|el\\)\\(\\.gpg\\)?$" name) (match-string 1 
name)))))) (let ((elisp-dir (expand-file-name "src" starter-kit-dir)) (user-dir 
(expand-file-name user-login-name starter-kit-dir))) (add-to-list (quote 
load-path) elisp-dir) (when (file-exists-p elisp-dir) (let ((default-directory 
elisp-dir)) (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path))) (sk-load system-name) 
(sk-load user-login-name) (when (file-exists-p user-dir) (add-to-list (quote 
load-path) user-dir) (mapc (function sk-load) (remove-duplicates (mapcar 
(function remove-extension) (directory-files user-dir t 
".*.\\(org\\|el\\)\\(\\.gpg\\)?$")) :test (function string=)))))))
  (letf* (((symbol-function (quote sk-load)) (function* (lambda (base) (block 
sk-load (let* (... ... ... ... ...) (cond ... ... ... ...)))))) 
((symbol-function (quote remove-extension)) (function* (lambda (name) (block 
remove-extension (string-match 
"\\(.*?\\).\\(org\\(\\.el\\)?\\|el\\)\\(\\.gpg\\)?$" name) (match-string 1 
name)))))) (let ((elisp-dir (expand-file-name "src" starter-kit-dir)) (user-dir 
(expand-file-name user-login-name starter-kit-dir))) (add-to-list (quote 
load-path) elisp-dir) (when (file-exists-p elisp-dir) (let ((default-directory 
elisp-dir)) (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path))) (sk-load system-name) 
(sk-load user-login-name) (when (file-exists-p user-dir) (add-to-list (quote 
load-path) user-dir) (mapc (function sk-load) (remove-duplicates (mapcar 
(function remove-extension) (directory-files user-dir t 
".*.\\(org\\|el\\)\\(\\.gpg\\)?$")) :test (function string=))))))
  (flet ((sk-load (base) (let* ((path (expand-file-name base starter-kit-dir)) 
(literate (concat path ".org")) (encrypted-org (concat path ".org.gpg")) (plain 
(concat path ".el")) (encrypted-el (concat path ".el.gpg"))) (cond 
((file-exists-p encrypted-org) (org-babel-load-file encrypted-org)) 
((file-exists-p encrypted-el) (load encrypted-el)) ((file-exists-p literate) 
(org-babel-load-file literate)) ((file-exists-p plain) (load plain))))) 
(remove-extension (name) (string-match 
"\\(.*?\\).\\(org\\(\\.el\\)?\\|el\\)\\(\\.gpg\\)?$" name) (match-string 1 
name))) (let ((elisp-dir (expand-file-name "src" starter-kit-dir)) (user-dir 
(expand-file-name user-login-name starter-kit-dir))) (add-to-list (quote 
load-path) elisp-dir) (when (file-exists-p elisp-dir) (let ((default-directory 
elisp-dir)) (normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path))) (sk-load system-name) 
(sk-load user-login-name) (when (file-exists-p user-dir) (add-to-list (quote 
load-path) user-dir) (mapc (function sk-load) (remove-duplicates (mapcar 
(function remove-extension) (directory-files user-dir t 
".*.\\(org\\|el\\)\\(\\.gpg\\)?$")) :test (function string=))))))
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*<2>> nil "/home/hornrj/.emacs.d/starter-kit.el" 
nil t)  ; Reading at buffer position 5662
"/home/hornrj/.emacs.d/starter-kit.el" nil nil)
  load("/home/hornrj/.emacs.d/starter-kit.el" nil nil t)
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*> nil "/home/hornrj/.emacs.d/init.el" nil t)  ; 
Reading at buffer position 348
"/home/hornrj/.emacs.d/init.el" t t)
  load("/home/hornrj/.emacs.d/init" t t)
  #[0 "\205\262       \306=\203\307\310Q\202;     
 [init-file-user system-type delayed-warnings-list user-init-file 
inhibit-default-init inhibit-startup-screen ms-dos "~" "/_emacs" windows-nt 
"/.emacs" directory-files nil "^\\.emacs\\(\\.elc?\\)?$" "~/.emacs" 
"^_emacs\\(\\.elc?\\)?$" (initialization "`_emacs' init file is deprecated, 
please use `.emacs'") "~/_emacs" t load expand-file-name "init" 
file-name-as-directory "/.emacs.d" file-name-extension "elc" 
file-name-sans-extension ".el" file-exists-p file-newer-than-file-p message 
"Warning: %s is newer than %s" sit-for 1 "default"] 7 "\n\n(fn)"]()

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