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Re: [O] How to improve Org startup time?

From: Daimrod
Subject: Re: [O] How to improve Org startup time?
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2013 10:51:16 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

"Sebastien Vauban" <address@hidden> writes:

>> Finally, org-agenda-to-appt is very slow by default, it uses
>> org-agenda-get-day-entries and check every entry... see the docstring on how
>> to make it check only the ones you really need.
> Euh...
>     ╭────
>     │ org-agenda-get-day-entries is a Lisp function in `org-agenda.el'.
>     │ (org-agenda-get-day-entries &rest ARGS)
>     │ Not documented.
>     ╰────
>     ╭────
>     │ org-agenda-to-appt is an interactive autoloaded Lisp function in
>     │ `org-agenda.el'.
>     │ (org-agenda-to-appt &optional REFRESH FILTER &rest ARGS)
>     │ Not documented.
>     ╰────
> What am I missing?

Those functions should be documented. Here is what I have:

> org-agenda-get-day-entries is a compiled Lisp function in
> `org-agenda.el'.
> (org-agenda-get-day-entries FILE DATE &rest ARGS)
> Does the work for `org-diary' and `org-agenda'.
> FILE is the path to a file to be checked for entries.  DATE is date like
> the one returned by `calendar-current-date'.  ARGS are symbols indicating
> which kind of entries should be extracted.  For details about these, see
> the documentation of `org-diary'.

> org-agenda-to-appt is an interactive autoloaded compiled Lisp function
> in `org-agenda.el'.
> (org-agenda-to-appt &optional REFRESH FILTER &rest ARGS)
> Activate appointments found in `org-agenda-files'.
> With a C-u prefix, refresh the list of
> appointments.
> If FILTER is t, interactively prompt the user for a regular
> expression, and filter out entries that don't match it.
> If FILTER is a string, use this string as a regular expression
> for filtering entries out.
> If FILTER is a function, filter out entries against which
> calling the function returns nil.  This function takes one
> argument: an entry from `org-agenda-get-day-entries'.
> FILTER can also be an alist with the car of each cell being
> either 'headline or 'category.  For example:
>   '((headline "IMPORTANT")
>     (category "Work"))
> will only add headlines containing IMPORTANT or headlines
> belonging to the "Work" category.
> ARGS are symbols indicating what kind of entries to consider.
> By default `org-agenda-to-appt' will use :deadline, :scheduled
> and :timestamp entries.  See the docstring of `org-diary' for
> details and examples.
> If an entry as a APPT_WARNTIME property, its value will be used
> to override `appt-message-warning-time'.


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