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Re: [O] Can't preview latex fragment

From: Feng Shu
Subject: Re: [O] Can't preview latex fragment
Date: Sun, 19 May 2013 12:39:46 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.130008 (Ma Gnus v0.8) Emacs/24.2 (gnu/linux)

Nick Dokos <address@hidden> writes:

> Feng Shu <address@hidden> writes:
>> The error is like this:
>> Creating image...1
>> let: Symbol's value as variable is void: org-export--default-title
> You need to provide more information: at a minimum, emacs and org
> version and above all a backtrace. See section 1.4, "Feedback", in the
> org manual on how to produce a useful backtrace. An example org file
> exhibiting the problem might also be needed (and it is always a good
> idea to provide one).

Thanks for your information!

I find  the problem is related  this commit 


when I revert this commit, it work!

emacs: GNU Emacs 24.2.1 (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.4.2)of 2013-01-23 on 
biber, modified by Debian
org: the newest git snapshot

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable org-export--default-title)
  (let ((value (eval (nth 3 cell)))) (if (not (stringp value)) value (let 
((keyword (nth 1 cell))) (if (member keyword org-element-document-properties) 
(org-element-parse-secondary-string value (org-element-restriction (quote 
keyword))) value))))
  (plist-put plist prop (let ((value (eval (nth 3 cell)))) (if (not (stringp 
value)) value (let ((keyword (nth 1 cell))) (if (member keyword 
org-element-document-properties) (org-element-parse-secondary-string value 
(org-element-restriction (quote keyword))) value)))))
  (setq plist (plist-put plist prop (let ((value (eval (nth 3 cell)))) (if (not 
(stringp value)) value (let ((keyword (nth 1 cell))) (if (member keyword 
org-element-document-properties) (org-element-parse-secondary-string value 
(org-element-restriction ...)) value))))))
  (if (plist-member plist prop) nil (setq plist (plist-put plist prop (let 
((value (eval (nth 3 cell)))) (if (not (stringp value)) value (let ((keyword 
...)) (if (member keyword org-element-document-properties) 
(org-element-parse-secondary-string value ...) value)))))))
  (unless (plist-member plist prop) (setq plist (plist-put plist prop (let 
((value (eval (nth 3 cell)))) (if (not (stringp value)) value (let ((keyword 
...)) (if (member keyword org-element-document-properties) 
(org-element-parse-secondary-string value ...) value)))))))
  (let ((prop (car cell))) (unless (plist-member plist prop) (setq plist 
(plist-put plist prop (let ((value (eval ...))) (if (not (stringp value)) value 
(let (...) (if ... ... value))))))))
  (while --cl-dolist-temp-- (setq cell (car --cl-dolist-temp--)) (let ((prop 
(car cell))) (unless (plist-member plist prop) (setq plist (plist-put plist 
prop (let ((value ...)) (if (not ...) value (let ... ...))))))) (setq 
--cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr --cl-dolist-temp--)))
  (let ((--cl-dolist-temp-- all) cell) (while --cl-dolist-temp-- (setq cell 
(car --cl-dolist-temp--)) (let ((prop (car cell))) (unless (plist-member plist 
prop) (setq plist (plist-put plist prop (let (...) (if ... value ...)))))) 
(setq --cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr --cl-dolist-temp--))) (setq cell nil) plist)
  (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let ((--cl-dolist-temp-- all) cell) (while 
--cl-dolist-temp-- (setq cell (car --cl-dolist-temp--)) (let ((prop (car 
cell))) (unless (plist-member plist prop) (setq plist (plist-put plist prop 
(let ... ...))))) (setq --cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr --cl-dolist-temp--))) (setq 
cell nil) plist))
  (cl-block-wrapper (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let ((--cl-dolist-temp-- 
all) cell) (while --cl-dolist-temp-- (setq cell (car --cl-dolist-temp--)) (let 
((prop (car cell))) (unless (plist-member plist prop) (setq plist (plist-put 
plist prop ...)))) (setq --cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr --cl-dolist-temp--))) (setq 
cell nil) plist)))
  (block nil (let ((--cl-dolist-temp-- all) cell) (while --cl-dolist-temp-- 
(setq cell (car --cl-dolist-temp--)) (let ((prop (car cell))) (unless 
(plist-member plist prop) (setq plist (plist-put plist prop (let ... ...))))) 
(setq --cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr --cl-dolist-temp--))) (setq cell nil) plist))
  (dolist (cell all plist) (let ((prop (car cell))) (unless (plist-member plist 
prop) (setq plist (plist-put plist prop (let ((value ...)) (if (not ...) value 
(let ... ...))))))))
  (let (plist (all (append (and backend (org-export-backend-options backend)) 
org-export-options-alist))) (dolist (cell all plist) (let ((prop (car cell))) 
(unless (plist-member plist prop) (setq plist (plist-put plist prop (let (...) 
(if ... value ...))))))))
  (org-combine-plists (org-export--get-global-options (quote latex)) 
(org-export--get-inbuffer-options (quote latex)))
  (plist-get (org-combine-plists (org-export--get-global-options (quote latex)) 
(org-export--get-inbuffer-options (quote latex))) :latex-header)
  (org-splice-latex-header org-format-latex-header 
org-latex-default-packages-alist org-latex-packages-alist t (plist-get 
(org-combine-plists (org-export--get-global-options (quote latex)) 
(org-export--get-inbuffer-options (quote latex))) :latex-header))
  (org-latex-guess-inputenc (org-splice-latex-header org-format-latex-header 
org-latex-default-packages-alist org-latex-packages-alist t (plist-get 
(org-combine-plists (org-export--get-global-options (quote latex)) 
(org-export--get-inbuffer-options (quote latex))) :latex-header)))
  (let ((latex-header (org-create-formula--latex-header))) (with-temp-file 
texfile (insert latex-header) (insert "\n\\begin{document}\n" 
"\\definecolor{fg}{rgb}{" fg "}\n" "\\definecolor{bg}{rgb}{" bg "}\n" 
"\n\\pagecolor{bg}\n" "\n{\\color{fg}\n" string "\n}\n" "\n\\end{document}\n")))
  (let* ((tmpdir (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) (temp-directory) 
temporary-file-directory)) (texfilebase (make-temp-name (expand-file-name 
"orgtex" tmpdir))) (texfile (concat texfilebase ".tex")) (pdffile (concat 
texfilebase ".pdf")) (pngfile (concat texfilebase ".png")) (fnh (if (featurep 
(quote xemacs)) (font-height (face-font (quote default))) (face-attribute 
(quote default) :height nil))) (scale (or (plist-get options (if buffer :scale 
:html-scale)) 1.0)) (dpi (number-to-string (* scale (floor (* 0.9 (if buffer 
fnh 140)))))) (fg (or (plist-get options (if buffer :foreground 
:html-foreground)) "black")) (bg (or (plist-get options (if buffer :background 
:html-background)) "white"))) (if (eq fg (quote default)) (setq fg 
(org-latex-color :foreground)) (setq fg (org-latex-color-format fg))) (if (eq 
bg (quote default)) (setq bg (org-latex-color :background)) (setq bg 
(org-latex-color-format (if (string= bg "Transparent") "white" bg)))) (let 
((latex-header (org-create-formula--latex-header))) (with-temp-file texfile 
(insert latex-header) (insert "\n\\begin{document}\n" "\\definecolor{fg}{rgb}{" 
fg "}\n" "\\definecolor{bg}{rgb}{" bg "}\n" "\n\\pagecolor{bg}\n" 
"\n{\\color{fg}\n" string "\n}\n" "\n\\end{document}\n"))) (org-latex-compile 
texfile t) (if (not (file-exists-p pdffile)) (progn (message "Failed to create 
pdf file from %s" texfile) nil) (condition-case nil (if (featurep (quote 
xemacs)) (call-process "convert" nil nil nil "-density" "96" "-trim" 
"-antialias" pdffile "-quality" "100" pngfile) (call-process "convert" nil nil 
nil "-density" dpi "-trim" "-antialias" pdffile "-quality" "100" pngfile)) 
(error nil)) (if (not (file-exists-p pngfile)) (if 
org-format-latex-signal-error (error "Failed to create png file from %s" 
texfile) (message "Failed to create png file from %s" texfile) nil) (copy-file 
pngfile tofile (quote replace)) (loop for e in (quote (".pdf" ".tex" ".aux" 
".log" ".png")) do (if (file-exists-p (concat texfilebase e)) (delete-file 
(concat texfilebase e)))) pngfile)))
  org-create-formula-image-with-imagemagick(#("\\begin{displaymath}\ny = 
\\beta_{0}+\\beta_{1}x_{1} + \\delta_{2}x_{1} + 
\\delta_{3}x_{3}\n\\end{displaymath}" 0 20 (fontified t) 20 85 (fontified t) 85 
102 (fontified t)) 
 (:foreground default :background default :scale 1.2 :html-foreground "Black" 
:html-background "Transparent" :html-scale 1.0 :matchers ("begin" "$1" "$" "$$" 
"\\(" "\\[")) forbuffer)
  funcall(org-create-formula-image-with-imagemagick #("\\begin{displaymath}\ny 
= \\beta_{0}+\\beta_{1}x_{1} + \\delta_{2}x_{1} + 
\\delta_{3}x_{3}\n\\end{displaymath}" 0 20 (fontified t) 20 85 (fontified t) 85 
102 (fontified t)) 
 (:foreground default :background default :scale 1.2 :html-foreground "Black" 
:html-background "Transparent" :html-scale 1.0 :matchers ("begin" "$1" "$" "$$" 
"\\(" "\\[")) forbuffer)
  org-create-formula-image(#("\\begin{displaymath}\ny = 
\\beta_{0}+\\beta_{1}x_{1} + \\delta_{2}x_{1} + 
\\delta_{3}x_{3}\n\\end{displaymath}" 0 20 (fontified t) 20 85 (fontified t) 85 
102 (fontified t)) 
 (:foreground default :background default :scale 1.2 :html-foreground "Black" 
:html-background "Transparent" :html-scale 1.0 :matchers ("begin" "$1" "$" "$$" 
"\\(" "\\[")) forbuffer imagemagick)
  (if (file-exists-p movefile) nil (org-create-formula-image txt movefile 
optnew forbuffer processing-type))
  (unless (file-exists-p movefile) (org-create-formula-image txt movefile 
optnew forbuffer processing-type))
  (cond ((eq processing-type (quote verbatim))) ((eq processing-type (quote 
mathjax)) (setq string (match-string n)) (when (member m (quote ("$" "$1"))) 
(save-excursion (delete-region (match-beginning n) (match-end n)) (goto-char 
(match-beginning n)) (insert (concat "\\(" (substring string 1 -1) "\\)"))))) 
((or (eq processing-type (quote dvipng)) (eq processing-type (quote 
imagemagick))) (setq txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end 
(match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (let ((face (face-at-point)) (fg (plist-get opt 
:foreground)) (bg (plist-get opt :background)) print-length print-level) (when 
forbuffer (goto-char beg) (when (eq fg (quote auto)) (setq fg (face-attribute 
face :foreground nil (quote default)))) (when (eq bg (quote auto)) (setq bg 
(face-attribute face :background nil (quote default)))) (setq optnew 
(copy-sequence opt)) (plist-put optnew :foreground fg) (plist-put optnew 
:background bg)) (setq hash (sha1 (prin1-to-string (list 
org-format-latex-header org-latex-default-packages-alist 
org-latex-packages-alist org-format-latex-options forbuffer txt fg bg))) 
linkfile (format "%s_%s.png" prefix hash) movefile (format "%s_%s.png" 
absprefix hash))) (setq link (concat block "[[file:" linkfile "]]" block)) (if 
msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) (unless checkdir (setq checkdir t) (or 
(file-directory-p todir) (make-directory todir t))) (unless (file-exists-p 
movefile) (org-create-formula-image txt movefile optnew forbuffer 
processing-type)) (if overlays (progn (mapc (lambda (o) (if (eq ... ...) 
(delete-overlay o))) (overlays-in beg end)) (setq ov (make-overlay beg end)) 
(overlay-put ov (quote org-overlay-type) (quote org-latex-overlay)) (if 
(featurep (quote xemacs)) (progn (overlay-put ov (quote invisible) t) 
(overlay-put ov (quote end-glyph) (make-glyph ...))) (overlay-put ov (quote 
display) (list (quote image) :type (quote png) :file movefile :ascent (quote 
center)))) (push ov org-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (goto-char end)) 
(delete-region beg end) (insert (org-add-props link (list (quote org-latex-src) 
(replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "" txt) (quote org-latex-src-embed-type) (if 
block-type (quote paragraph) (quote character))))))) ((eq processing-type 
(quote mathml)) (unless (save-match-data (org-format-latex-mathml-available-p)) 
(user-error "LaTeX to MathML converter not configured")) (setq txt 
(match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (if 
msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) (delete-region beg end) (insert 
(org-format-latex-as-mathml txt block-type prefix dir))) (t (error "Unknown 
conversion type %s for LaTeX fragments" processing-type)))
  (progn (cond ((eq processing-type (quote verbatim))) ((eq processing-type 
(quote mathjax)) (setq string (match-string n)) (when (member m (quote ("$" 
"$1"))) (save-excursion (delete-region (match-beginning n) (match-end n)) 
(goto-char (match-beginning n)) (insert (concat "\\(" (substring string 1 -1) 
"\\)"))))) ((or (eq processing-type (quote dvipng)) (eq processing-type (quote 
imagemagick))) (setq txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end 
(match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (let ((face (face-at-point)) (fg (plist-get opt 
:foreground)) (bg (plist-get opt :background)) print-length print-level) (when 
forbuffer (goto-char beg) (when (eq fg (quote auto)) (setq fg (face-attribute 
face :foreground nil ...))) (when (eq bg (quote auto)) (setq bg (face-attribute 
face :background nil ...))) (setq optnew (copy-sequence opt)) (plist-put optnew 
:foreground fg) (plist-put optnew :background bg)) (setq hash (sha1 
(prin1-to-string (list org-format-latex-header org-latex-default-packages-alist 
org-latex-packages-alist org-format-latex-options forbuffer txt fg bg))) 
linkfile (format "%s_%s.png" prefix hash) movefile (format "%s_%s.png" 
absprefix hash))) (setq link (concat block "[[file:" linkfile "]]" block)) (if 
msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) (unless checkdir (setq checkdir t) (or 
(file-directory-p todir) (make-directory todir t))) (unless (file-exists-p 
movefile) (org-create-formula-image txt movefile optnew forbuffer 
processing-type)) (if overlays (progn (mapc (lambda (o) (if ... ...)) 
(overlays-in beg end)) (setq ov (make-overlay beg end)) (overlay-put ov (quote 
org-overlay-type) (quote org-latex-overlay)) (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) 
(progn (overlay-put ov ... t) (overlay-put ov ... ...)) (overlay-put ov (quote 
display) (list ... :type ... :file movefile :ascent ...))) (push ov 
org-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (goto-char end)) (delete-region beg end) 
(insert (org-add-props link (list (quote org-latex-src) 
(replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "" txt) (quote org-latex-src-embed-type) (if 
block-type ... ...)))))) ((eq processing-type (quote mathml)) (unless 
(save-match-data (org-format-latex-mathml-available-p)) (user-error "LaTeX to 
MathML converter not configured")) (setq txt (match-string n) beg 
(match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) 
(goto-char beg) (delete-region beg end) (insert (org-format-latex-as-mathml txt 
block-type prefix dir))) (t (error "Unknown conversion type %s for LaTeX 
fragments" processing-type))))
  (if (and (or (not at) (equal (cdr at) (match-beginning n))) (or (not 
overlays) (not (eq (get-char-property (match-beginning n) (quote 
org-overlay-type)) (quote org-latex-overlay))))) (progn (cond ((eq 
processing-type (quote verbatim))) ((eq processing-type (quote mathjax)) (setq 
string (match-string n)) (when (member m (quote ("$" "$1"))) (save-excursion 
(delete-region (match-beginning n) (match-end n)) (goto-char (match-beginning 
n)) (insert (concat "\\(" ... "\\)"))))) ((or (eq processing-type (quote 
dvipng)) (eq processing-type (quote imagemagick))) (setq txt (match-string n) 
beg (match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (let ((face 
(face-at-point)) (fg (plist-get opt :foreground)) (bg (plist-get opt 
:background)) print-length print-level) (when forbuffer (goto-char beg) (when 
(eq fg ...) (setq fg ...)) (when (eq bg ...) (setq bg ...)) (setq optnew 
(copy-sequence opt)) (plist-put optnew :foreground fg) (plist-put optnew 
:background bg)) (setq hash (sha1 (prin1-to-string ...)) linkfile (format 
"%s_%s.png" prefix hash) movefile (format "%s_%s.png" absprefix hash))) (setq 
link (concat block "[[file:" linkfile "]]" block)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) 
(goto-char beg) (unless checkdir (setq checkdir t) (or (file-directory-p todir) 
(make-directory todir t))) (unless (file-exists-p movefile) 
(org-create-formula-image txt movefile optnew forbuffer processing-type)) (if 
overlays (progn (mapc (lambda ... ...) (overlays-in beg end)) (setq ov 
(make-overlay beg end)) (overlay-put ov (quote org-overlay-type) (quote 
org-latex-overlay)) (if (featurep ...) (progn ... ...) (overlay-put ov ... 
...)) (push ov org-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (goto-char end)) 
(delete-region beg end) (insert (org-add-props link (list ... ... ... ...))))) 
((eq processing-type (quote mathml)) (unless (save-match-data 
(org-format-latex-mathml-available-p)) (user-error "LaTeX to MathML converter 
not configured")) (setq txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end 
(match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) 
(delete-region beg end) (insert (org-format-latex-as-mathml txt block-type 
prefix dir))) (t (error "Unknown conversion type %s for LaTeX fragments" 
  (when (and (or (not at) (equal (cdr at) (match-beginning n))) (or (not 
overlays) (not (eq (get-char-property (match-beginning n) (quote 
org-overlay-type)) (quote org-latex-overlay))))) (cond ((eq processing-type 
(quote verbatim))) ((eq processing-type (quote mathjax)) (setq string 
(match-string n)) (when (member m (quote ("$" "$1"))) (save-excursion 
(delete-region (match-beginning n) (match-end n)) (goto-char (match-beginning 
n)) (insert (concat "\\(" (substring string 1 -1) "\\)"))))) ((or (eq 
processing-type (quote dvipng)) (eq processing-type (quote imagemagick))) (setq 
txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) 
(let ((face (face-at-point)) (fg (plist-get opt :foreground)) (bg (plist-get 
opt :background)) print-length print-level) (when forbuffer (goto-char beg) 
(when (eq fg (quote auto)) (setq fg (face-attribute face :foreground nil ...))) 
(when (eq bg (quote auto)) (setq bg (face-attribute face :background nil ...))) 
(setq optnew (copy-sequence opt)) (plist-put optnew :foreground fg) (plist-put 
optnew :background bg)) (setq hash (sha1 (prin1-to-string (list 
org-format-latex-header org-latex-default-packages-alist 
org-latex-packages-alist org-format-latex-options forbuffer txt fg bg))) 
linkfile (format "%s_%s.png" prefix hash) movefile (format "%s_%s.png" 
absprefix hash))) (setq link (concat block "[[file:" linkfile "]]" block)) (if 
msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) (unless checkdir (setq checkdir t) (or 
(file-directory-p todir) (make-directory todir t))) (unless (file-exists-p 
movefile) (org-create-formula-image txt movefile optnew forbuffer 
processing-type)) (if overlays (progn (mapc (lambda (o) (if ... ...)) 
(overlays-in beg end)) (setq ov (make-overlay beg end)) (overlay-put ov (quote 
org-overlay-type) (quote org-latex-overlay)) (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) 
(progn (overlay-put ov ... t) (overlay-put ov ... ...)) (overlay-put ov (quote 
display) (list ... :type ... :file movefile :ascent ...))) (push ov 
org-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (goto-char end)) (delete-region beg end) 
(insert (org-add-props link (list (quote org-latex-src) 
(replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "" txt) (quote org-latex-src-embed-type) (if 
block-type ... ...)))))) ((eq processing-type (quote mathml)) (unless 
(save-match-data (org-format-latex-mathml-available-p)) (user-error "LaTeX to 
MathML converter not configured")) (setq txt (match-string n) beg 
(match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) 
(goto-char beg) (delete-region beg end) (insert (org-format-latex-as-mathml txt 
block-type prefix dir))) (t (error "Unknown conversion type %s for LaTeX 
fragments" processing-type))))
  (while (re-search-forward re nil t) (when (and (or (not at) (equal (cdr at) 
(match-beginning n))) (or (not overlays) (not (eq (get-char-property 
(match-beginning n) (quote org-overlay-type)) (quote org-latex-overlay))))) 
(cond ((eq processing-type (quote verbatim))) ((eq processing-type (quote 
mathjax)) (setq string (match-string n)) (when (member m (quote ("$" "$1"))) 
(save-excursion (delete-region (match-beginning n) (match-end n)) (goto-char 
(match-beginning n)) (insert (concat "\\(" ... "\\)"))))) ((or (eq 
processing-type (quote dvipng)) (eq processing-type (quote imagemagick))) (setq 
txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) 
(let ((face (face-at-point)) (fg (plist-get opt :foreground)) (bg (plist-get 
opt :background)) print-length print-level) (when forbuffer (goto-char beg) 
(when (eq fg ...) (setq fg ...)) (when (eq bg ...) (setq bg ...)) (setq optnew 
(copy-sequence opt)) (plist-put optnew :foreground fg) (plist-put optnew 
:background bg)) (setq hash (sha1 (prin1-to-string ...)) linkfile (format 
"%s_%s.png" prefix hash) movefile (format "%s_%s.png" absprefix hash))) (setq 
link (concat block "[[file:" linkfile "]]" block)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) 
(goto-char beg) (unless checkdir (setq checkdir t) (or (file-directory-p todir) 
(make-directory todir t))) (unless (file-exists-p movefile) 
(org-create-formula-image txt movefile optnew forbuffer processing-type)) (if 
overlays (progn (mapc (lambda ... ...) (overlays-in beg end)) (setq ov 
(make-overlay beg end)) (overlay-put ov (quote org-overlay-type) (quote 
org-latex-overlay)) (if (featurep ...) (progn ... ...) (overlay-put ov ... 
...)) (push ov org-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (goto-char end)) 
(delete-region beg end) (insert (org-add-props link (list ... ... ... ...))))) 
((eq processing-type (quote mathml)) (unless (save-match-data 
(org-format-latex-mathml-available-p)) (user-error "LaTeX to MathML converter 
not configured")) (setq txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end 
(match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) 
(delete-region beg end) (insert (org-format-latex-as-mathml txt block-type 
prefix dir))) (t (error "Unknown conversion type %s for LaTeX fragments" 
  (progn (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward re nil t) (when (and 
(or (not at) (equal (cdr at) (match-beginning n))) (or (not overlays) (not (eq 
(get-char-property ... ...) (quote org-latex-overlay))))) (cond ((eq 
processing-type (quote verbatim))) ((eq processing-type (quote mathjax)) (setq 
string (match-string n)) (when (member m (quote ...)) (save-excursion 
(delete-region ... ...) (goto-char ...) (insert ...)))) ((or (eq 
processing-type (quote dvipng)) (eq processing-type (quote imagemagick))) (setq 
txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) 
(let ((face ...) (fg ...) (bg ...) print-length print-level) (when forbuffer 
(goto-char beg) (when ... ...) (when ... ...) (setq optnew ...) (plist-put 
optnew :foreground fg) (plist-put optnew :background bg)) (setq hash (sha1 ...) 
linkfile (format "%s_%s.png" prefix hash) movefile (format "%s_%s.png" 
absprefix hash))) (setq link (concat block "[[file:" linkfile "]]" block)) (if 
msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) (unless checkdir (setq checkdir t) (or 
(file-directory-p todir) (make-directory todir t))) (unless (file-exists-p 
movefile) (org-create-formula-image txt movefile optnew forbuffer 
processing-type)) (if overlays (progn (mapc ... ...) (setq ov ...) (overlay-put 
ov ... ...) (if ... ... ...) (push ov org-latex-fragment-image-overlays) 
(goto-char end)) (delete-region beg end) (insert (org-add-props link ...)))) 
((eq processing-type (quote mathml)) (unless (save-match-data 
(org-format-latex-mathml-available-p)) (user-error "LaTeX to MathML converter 
not configured")) (setq txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end 
(match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) 
(delete-region beg end) (insert (org-format-latex-as-mathml txt block-type 
prefix dir))) (t (error "Unknown conversion type %s for LaTeX fragments" 
  (if (member m matchers) (progn (goto-char (point-min)) (while 
(re-search-forward re nil t) (when (and (or (not at) (equal (cdr at) 
(match-beginning n))) (or (not overlays) (not (eq ... ...)))) (cond ((eq 
processing-type (quote verbatim))) ((eq processing-type (quote mathjax)) (setq 
string (match-string n)) (when (member m ...) (save-excursion ... ... ...))) 
((or (eq processing-type ...) (eq processing-type ...)) (setq txt (match-string 
n) beg (match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (let (... ... ... 
print-length print-level) (when forbuffer ... ... ... ... ... ...) (setq hash 
... linkfile ... movefile ...)) (setq link (concat block "[[file:" linkfile 
"]]" block)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) (unless checkdir (setq 
checkdir t) (or ... ...)) (unless (file-exists-p movefile) 
(org-create-formula-image txt movefile optnew forbuffer processing-type)) (if 
overlays (progn ... ... ... ... ... ...) (delete-region beg end) (insert ...))) 
((eq processing-type (quote mathml)) (unless (save-match-data ...) (user-error 
"LaTeX to MathML converter not configured")) (setq txt (match-string n) beg 
(match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) 
(goto-char beg) (delete-region beg end) (insert (org-format-latex-as-mathml txt 
block-type prefix dir))) (t (error "Unknown conversion type %s for LaTeX 
fragments" processing-type)))))))
  (when (member m matchers) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward 
re nil t) (when (and (or (not at) (equal (cdr at) (match-beginning n))) (or 
(not overlays) (not (eq (get-char-property ... ...) (quote 
org-latex-overlay))))) (cond ((eq processing-type (quote verbatim))) ((eq 
processing-type (quote mathjax)) (setq string (match-string n)) (when (member m 
(quote ...)) (save-excursion (delete-region ... ...) (goto-char ...) (insert 
...)))) ((or (eq processing-type (quote dvipng)) (eq processing-type (quote 
imagemagick))) (setq txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end 
(match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (let ((face ...) (fg ...) (bg ...) print-length 
print-level) (when forbuffer (goto-char beg) (when ... ...) (when ... ...) 
(setq optnew ...) (plist-put optnew :foreground fg) (plist-put optnew 
:background bg)) (setq hash (sha1 ...) linkfile (format "%s_%s.png" prefix 
hash) movefile (format "%s_%s.png" absprefix hash))) (setq link (concat block 
"[[file:" linkfile "]]" block)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) 
(unless checkdir (setq checkdir t) (or (file-directory-p todir) (make-directory 
todir t))) (unless (file-exists-p movefile) (org-create-formula-image txt 
movefile optnew forbuffer processing-type)) (if overlays (progn (mapc ... ...) 
(setq ov ...) (overlay-put ov ... ...) (if ... ... ...) (push ov 
org-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (goto-char end)) (delete-region beg end) 
(insert (org-add-props link ...)))) ((eq processing-type (quote mathml)) 
(unless (save-match-data (org-format-latex-mathml-available-p)) (user-error 
"LaTeX to MathML converter not configured")) (setq txt (match-string n) beg 
(match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) 
(goto-char beg) (delete-region beg end) (insert (org-format-latex-as-mathml txt 
block-type prefix dir))) (t (error "Unknown conversion type %s for LaTeX 
fragments" processing-type))))))
  (while (setq e (pop re-list)) (setq m (car e) re (nth 1 e) n (nth 2 e) 
block-type (nth 3 e) block (if block-type "\n\n" "")) (when (member m matchers) 
(goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward re nil t) (when (and (or (not 
at) (equal (cdr at) (match-beginning n))) (or (not overlays) (not (eq ... 
...)))) (cond ((eq processing-type (quote verbatim))) ((eq processing-type 
(quote mathjax)) (setq string (match-string n)) (when (member m ...) 
(save-excursion ... ... ...))) ((or (eq processing-type ...) (eq 
processing-type ...)) (setq txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end 
(match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (let (... ... ... print-length print-level) (when 
forbuffer ... ... ... ... ... ...) (setq hash ... linkfile ... movefile ...)) 
(setq link (concat block "[[file:" linkfile "]]" block)) (if msg (message msg 
cnt)) (goto-char beg) (unless checkdir (setq checkdir t) (or ... ...)) (unless 
(file-exists-p movefile) (org-create-formula-image txt movefile optnew 
forbuffer processing-type)) (if overlays (progn ... ... ... ... ... ...) 
(delete-region beg end) (insert ...))) ((eq processing-type (quote mathml)) 
(unless (save-match-data ...) (user-error "LaTeX to MathML converter not 
configured")) (setq txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end (match-end 
n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) (delete-region beg 
end) (insert (org-format-latex-as-mathml txt block-type prefix dir))) (t (error 
"Unknown conversion type %s for LaTeX fragments" processing-type)))))))
  (let* ((prefixnodir (file-name-nondirectory prefix)) (absprefix 
(expand-file-name prefix dir)) (todir (file-name-directory absprefix)) (opt 
org-format-latex-options) (optnew org-format-latex-options) (matchers 
(plist-get opt :matchers)) (re-list org-latex-regexps) (cnt 0) txt hash link 
beg end re e checkdir string m n block-type block linkfile movefile ov) (while 
(setq e (pop re-list)) (setq m (car e) re (nth 1 e) n (nth 2 e) block-type (nth 
3 e) block (if block-type "\n\n" "")) (when (member m matchers) (goto-char 
(point-min)) (while (re-search-forward re nil t) (when (and (or (not at) (equal 
... ...)) (or (not overlays) (not ...))) (cond ((eq processing-type ...)) ((eq 
processing-type ...) (setq string ...) (when ... ...)) ((or ... ...) (setq txt 
... beg ... end ... cnt ...) (let ... ... ...) (setq link ...) (if msg ...) 
(goto-char beg) (unless checkdir ... ...) (unless ... ...) (if overlays ... ... 
...)) ((eq processing-type ...) (unless ... ...) (setq txt ... beg ... end ... 
cnt ...) (if msg ...) (goto-char beg) (delete-region beg end) (insert ...)) (t 
(error "Unknown conversion type %s for LaTeX fragments" processing-type))))))))
  org-format-latex("ltxpng/i-notes-study" "/home/feng/org/" overlays "Creating 
image...%s" (#("\\begin{displaymath}" 0 19 (fontified t)) . 30719) forbuffer 
  (let (beg end at msg) (cond ((or (equal subtree (quote (16))) (not 
(save-excursion (re-search-backward org-outline-regexp-bol nil t)))) (setq beg 
(point-min) end (point-max) msg "Creating images for buffer...%s")) ((equal 
subtree (quote (4))) (org-back-to-heading) (setq beg (point) end 
(org-end-of-subtree t) msg "Creating images for subtree...%s")) (t (if (setq at 
(org-inside-LaTeX-fragment-p)) (goto-char (max (point-min) (- (cdr at) 2))) 
(org-back-to-heading)) (setq beg (point) end (progn (outline-next-heading) 
(point)) msg (if at "Creating image...%s" "Creating images for entry...%s")))) 
(message msg "") (narrow-to-region beg end) (goto-char beg) (org-format-latex 
(concat org-latex-preview-ltxpng-directory (file-name-sans-extension 
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))) default-directory (quote overlays) 
msg at (quote forbuffer) org-latex-create-formula-image-program) (message msg 
"done.  Use `C-c C-c' to remove images."))
  (save-restriction (let (beg end at msg) (cond ((or (equal subtree (quote 
(16))) (not (save-excursion (re-search-backward org-outline-regexp-bol nil 
t)))) (setq beg (point-min) end (point-max) msg "Creating images for 
buffer...%s")) ((equal subtree (quote (4))) (org-back-to-heading) (setq beg 
(point) end (org-end-of-subtree t) msg "Creating images for subtree...%s")) (t 
(if (setq at (org-inside-LaTeX-fragment-p)) (goto-char (max (point-min) (- ... 
2))) (org-back-to-heading)) (setq beg (point) end (progn (outline-next-heading) 
(point)) msg (if at "Creating image...%s" "Creating images for entry...%s")))) 
(message msg "") (narrow-to-region beg end) (goto-char beg) (org-format-latex 
(concat org-latex-preview-ltxpng-directory (file-name-sans-extension 
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))) default-directory (quote overlays) 
msg at (quote forbuffer) org-latex-create-formula-image-program) (message msg 
"done.  Use `C-c C-c' to remove images.")))
  (save-excursion (save-restriction (let (beg end at msg) (cond ((or (equal 
subtree (quote ...)) (not (save-excursion ...))) (setq beg (point-min) end 
(point-max) msg "Creating images for buffer...%s")) ((equal subtree (quote 
(4))) (org-back-to-heading) (setq beg (point) end (org-end-of-subtree t) msg 
"Creating images for subtree...%s")) (t (if (setq at 
(org-inside-LaTeX-fragment-p)) (goto-char (max ... ...)) (org-back-to-heading)) 
(setq beg (point) end (progn (outline-next-heading) (point)) msg (if at 
"Creating image...%s" "Creating images for entry...%s")))) (message msg "") 
(narrow-to-region beg end) (goto-char beg) (org-format-latex (concat 
org-latex-preview-ltxpng-directory (file-name-sans-extension 
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))) default-directory (quote overlays) 
msg at (quote forbuffer) org-latex-create-formula-image-program) (message msg 
"done.  Use `C-c C-c' to remove images."))))
  (progn (org-remove-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (save-excursion 
(save-restriction (let (beg end at msg) (cond ((or (equal subtree ...) (not 
...)) (setq beg (point-min) end (point-max) msg "Creating images for 
buffer...%s")) ((equal subtree (quote ...)) (org-back-to-heading) (setq beg 
(point) end (org-end-of-subtree t) msg "Creating images for subtree...%s")) (t 
(if (setq at ...) (goto-char ...) (org-back-to-heading)) (setq beg (point) end 
(progn ... ...) msg (if at "Creating image...%s" "Creating images for 
entry...%s")))) (message msg "") (narrow-to-region beg end) (goto-char beg) 
(org-format-latex (concat org-latex-preview-ltxpng-directory 
(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))) 
default-directory (quote overlays) msg at (quote forbuffer) 
org-latex-create-formula-image-program) (message msg "done.  Use `C-c C-c' to 
remove images.")))))
  (if (display-graphic-p) (progn (org-remove-latex-fragment-image-overlays) 
(save-excursion (save-restriction (let (beg end at msg) (cond ((or ... ...) 
(setq beg ... end ... msg "Creating images for buffer...%s")) ((equal subtree 
...) (org-back-to-heading) (setq beg ... end ... msg "Creating images for 
subtree...%s")) (t (if ... ... ...) (setq beg ... end ... msg ...))) (message 
msg "") (narrow-to-region beg end) (goto-char beg) (org-format-latex (concat 
org-latex-preview-ltxpng-directory (file-name-sans-extension ...)) 
default-directory (quote overlays) msg at (quote forbuffer) 
org-latex-create-formula-image-program) (message msg "done.  Use `C-c C-c' to 
remove images."))))))
  (when (display-graphic-p) (org-remove-latex-fragment-image-overlays) 
(save-excursion (save-restriction (let (beg end at msg) (cond ((or (equal 
subtree ...) (not ...)) (setq beg (point-min) end (point-max) msg "Creating 
images for buffer...%s")) ((equal subtree (quote ...)) (org-back-to-heading) 
(setq beg (point) end (org-end-of-subtree t) msg "Creating images for 
subtree...%s")) (t (if (setq at ...) (goto-char ...) (org-back-to-heading)) 
(setq beg (point) end (progn ... ...) msg (if at "Creating image...%s" 
"Creating images for entry...%s")))) (message msg "") (narrow-to-region beg 
end) (goto-char beg) (org-format-latex (concat 
org-latex-preview-ltxpng-directory (file-name-sans-extension 
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))) default-directory (quote overlays) 
msg at (quote forbuffer) org-latex-create-formula-image-program) (message msg 
"done.  Use `C-c C-c' to remove images.")))))
  call-interactively(org-preview-latex-fragment nil nil)
  debug(error (void-variable org-export--default-title))
  (let ((value (eval (nth 3 cell)))) (if (not (stringp value)) value (let 
((keyword (nth 1 cell))) (if (member keyword org-element-document-properties) 
(org-element-parse-secondary-string value (org-element-restriction (quote 
keyword))) value))))
  (plist-put plist prop (let ((value (eval (nth 3 cell)))) (if (not (stringp 
value)) value (let ((keyword (nth 1 cell))) (if (member keyword 
org-element-document-properties) (org-element-parse-secondary-string value 
(org-element-restriction (quote keyword))) value)))))
  (setq plist (plist-put plist prop (let ((value (eval (nth 3 cell)))) (if (not 
(stringp value)) value (let ((keyword (nth 1 cell))) (if (member keyword 
org-element-document-properties) (org-element-parse-secondary-string value 
(org-element-restriction ...)) value))))))
  (if (plist-member plist prop) nil (setq plist (plist-put plist prop (let 
((value (eval (nth 3 cell)))) (if (not (stringp value)) value (let ((keyword 
...)) (if (member keyword org-element-document-properties) 
(org-element-parse-secondary-string value ...) value)))))))
  (unless (plist-member plist prop) (setq plist (plist-put plist prop (let 
((value (eval (nth 3 cell)))) (if (not (stringp value)) value (let ((keyword 
...)) (if (member keyword org-element-document-properties) 
(org-element-parse-secondary-string value ...) value)))))))
  (let ((prop (car cell))) (unless (plist-member plist prop) (setq plist 
(plist-put plist prop (let ((value (eval ...))) (if (not (stringp value)) value 
(let (...) (if ... ... value))))))))
  (while --cl-dolist-temp-- (setq cell (car --cl-dolist-temp--)) (let ((prop 
(car cell))) (unless (plist-member plist prop) (setq plist (plist-put plist 
prop (let ((value ...)) (if (not ...) value (let ... ...))))))) (setq 
--cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr --cl-dolist-temp--)))
  (let ((--cl-dolist-temp-- all) cell) (while --cl-dolist-temp-- (setq cell 
(car --cl-dolist-temp--)) (let ((prop (car cell))) (unless (plist-member plist 
prop) (setq plist (plist-put plist prop (let (...) (if ... value ...)))))) 
(setq --cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr --cl-dolist-temp--))) (setq cell nil) plist)
  (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let ((--cl-dolist-temp-- all) cell) (while 
--cl-dolist-temp-- (setq cell (car --cl-dolist-temp--)) (let ((prop (car 
cell))) (unless (plist-member plist prop) (setq plist (plist-put plist prop 
(let ... ...))))) (setq --cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr --cl-dolist-temp--))) (setq 
cell nil) plist))
  (cl-block-wrapper (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let ((--cl-dolist-temp-- 
all) cell) (while --cl-dolist-temp-- (setq cell (car --cl-dolist-temp--)) (let 
((prop (car cell))) (unless (plist-member plist prop) (setq plist (plist-put 
plist prop ...)))) (setq --cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr --cl-dolist-temp--))) (setq 
cell nil) plist)))
  (block nil (let ((--cl-dolist-temp-- all) cell) (while --cl-dolist-temp-- 
(setq cell (car --cl-dolist-temp--)) (let ((prop (car cell))) (unless 
(plist-member plist prop) (setq plist (plist-put plist prop (let ... ...))))) 
(setq --cl-dolist-temp-- (cdr --cl-dolist-temp--))) (setq cell nil) plist))
  (dolist (cell all plist) (let ((prop (car cell))) (unless (plist-member plist 
prop) (setq plist (plist-put plist prop (let ((value ...)) (if (not ...) value 
(let ... ...))))))))
  (let (plist (all (append (and backend (org-export-backend-options backend)) 
org-export-options-alist))) (dolist (cell all plist) (let ((prop (car cell))) 
(unless (plist-member plist prop) (setq plist (plist-put plist prop (let (...) 
(if ... value ...))))))))
  (org-combine-plists (org-export--get-global-options (quote latex)) 
(org-export--get-inbuffer-options (quote latex)))
  (plist-get (org-combine-plists (org-export--get-global-options (quote latex)) 
(org-export--get-inbuffer-options (quote latex))) :latex-header)
  (org-splice-latex-header org-format-latex-header 
org-latex-default-packages-alist org-latex-packages-alist t (plist-get 
(org-combine-plists (org-export--get-global-options (quote latex)) 
(org-export--get-inbuffer-options (quote latex))) :latex-header))
  (org-latex-guess-inputenc (org-splice-latex-header org-format-latex-header 
org-latex-default-packages-alist org-latex-packages-alist t (plist-get 
(org-combine-plists (org-export--get-global-options (quote latex)) 
(org-export--get-inbuffer-options (quote latex))) :latex-header)))
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texfile (insert latex-header) (insert "\n\\begin{document}\n" 
"\\definecolor{fg}{rgb}{" fg "}\n" "\\definecolor{bg}{rgb}{" bg "}\n" 
"\n\\pagecolor{bg}\n" "\n{\\color{fg}\n" string "\n}\n" "\n\\end{document}\n")))
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temporary-file-directory)) (texfilebase (make-temp-name (expand-file-name 
"orgtex" tmpdir))) (texfile (concat texfilebase ".tex")) (pdffile (concat 
texfilebase ".pdf")) (pngfile (concat texfilebase ".png")) (fnh (if (featurep 
(quote xemacs)) (font-height (face-font (quote default))) (face-attribute 
(quote default) :height nil))) (scale (or (plist-get options (if buffer :scale 
:html-scale)) 1.0)) (dpi (number-to-string (* scale (floor (* 0.9 (if buffer 
fnh 140)))))) (fg (or (plist-get options (if buffer :foreground 
:html-foreground)) "black")) (bg (or (plist-get options (if buffer :background 
:html-background)) "white"))) (if (eq fg (quote default)) (setq fg 
(org-latex-color :foreground)) (setq fg (org-latex-color-format fg))) (if (eq 
bg (quote default)) (setq bg (org-latex-color :background)) (setq bg 
(org-latex-color-format (if (string= bg "Transparent") "white" bg)))) (let 
((latex-header (org-create-formula--latex-header))) (with-temp-file texfile 
(insert latex-header) (insert "\n\\begin{document}\n" "\\definecolor{fg}{rgb}{" 
fg "}\n" "\\definecolor{bg}{rgb}{" bg "}\n" "\n\\pagecolor{bg}\n" 
"\n{\\color{fg}\n" string "\n}\n" "\n\\end{document}\n"))) (org-latex-compile 
texfile t) (if (not (file-exists-p pdffile)) (progn (message "Failed to create 
pdf file from %s" texfile) nil) (condition-case nil (if (featurep (quote 
xemacs)) (call-process "convert" nil nil nil "-density" "96" "-trim" 
"-antialias" pdffile "-quality" "100" pngfile) (call-process "convert" nil nil 
nil "-density" dpi "-trim" "-antialias" pdffile "-quality" "100" pngfile)) 
(error nil)) (if (not (file-exists-p pngfile)) (if 
org-format-latex-signal-error (error "Failed to create png file from %s" 
texfile) (message "Failed to create png file from %s" texfile) nil) (copy-file 
pngfile tofile (quote replace)) (loop for e in (quote (".pdf" ".tex" ".aux" 
".log" ".png")) do (if (file-exists-p (concat texfilebase e)) (delete-file 
(concat texfilebase e)))) pngfile)))
=\\beta_{0}+\\beta_{1}x_{1} + \\delta_{2}x_{1} + 
\\delta_{3}x_{3}\n\\end{displaymath}" 0 20 (fontified t) 20 85 (fontified t) 85 
102 (fontified t)) 
 (:foreground default :background default :scale 1.2 :html-foreground "Black" 
:html-background "Transparent" :html-scale 1.0 :matchers ("begin" "$1" "$" "$$" 
"\\(" "\\[")) forbuffer)
  funcall(org-create-formula-image-with-imagemagick #("\\begin{displaymath}\ny  
=\\beta_{0}+\\beta_{1}x_{1} + \\delta_{2}x_{1} + 
\\delta_{3}x_{3}\n\\end{displaymath}" 0 20 (fontified t) 20 85 (fontified t) 85 
102 (fontified t)) 
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:html-background "Transparent" :html-scale 1.0 :matchers ("begin" "$1" "$" "$$" 
"\\(" "\\[")) forbuffer)
=\\beta_{0}+\\beta_{1}x_{1} + \\delta_{2}x_{1} + 
\\delta_{3}x_{3}\n\\end{displaymath}" 0 20 (fontified t) 20 85 (fontified t) 85 
102 (fontified t)) 
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:html-background "Transparent" :html-scale 1.0 :matchers ("begin" "$1" "$" "$$" 
"\\(" "\\[")) forbuffer imagemagick)
  (if (file-exists-p movefile) nil (org-create-formula-image txt movefile 
optnew forbuffer processing-type))
  (unless (file-exists-p movefile) (org-create-formula-image txt movefile 
optnew forbuffer processing-type))
  (cond ((eq processing-type (quote verbatim))) ((eq processing-type (quote 
mathjax)) (setq string (match-string n)) (when (member m (quote ("$" "$1"))) 
(save-excursion (delete-region (match-beginning n) (match-end n)) (goto-char 
(match-beginning n)) (insert (concat "\\(" (substring string 1 -1) "\\)"))))) 
((or (eq processing-type (quote dvipng)) (eq processing-type (quote 
imagemagick))) (setq txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end 
(match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (let ((face (face-at-point)) (fg (plist-get opt 
:foreground)) (bg (plist-get opt :background)) print-length print-level) (when 
forbuffer (goto-char beg) (when (eq fg (quote auto)) (setq fg (face-attribute 
face :foreground nil (quote default)))) (when (eq bg (quote auto)) (setq bg 
(face-attribute face :background nil (quote default)))) (setq optnew 
(copy-sequence opt)) (plist-put optnew :foreground fg) (plist-put optnew 
:background bg)) (setq hash (sha1 (prin1-to-string (list 
org-format-latex-header org-latex-default-packages-alist 
org-latex-packages-alist org-format-latex-options forbuffer txt fg bg))) 
linkfile (format "%s_%s.png" prefix hash) movefile (format "%s_%s.png" 
absprefix hash))) (setq link (concat block "[[file:" linkfile "]]" block)) (if 
msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) (unless checkdir (setq checkdir t) (or 
(file-directory-p todir) (make-directory todir t))) (unless (file-exists-p 
movefile) (org-create-formula-image txt movefile optnew forbuffer 
processing-type)) (if overlays (progn (mapc (lambda (o) (if (eq ... ...) 
(delete-overlay o))) (overlays-in beg end)) (setq ov (make-overlay beg end)) 
(overlay-put ov (quote org-overlay-type) (quote org-latex-overlay)) (if 
(featurep (quote xemacs)) (progn (overlay-put ov (quote invisible) t) 
(overlay-put ov (quote end-glyph) (make-glyph ...))) (overlay-put ov (quote 
display) (list (quote image) :type (quote png) :file movefile :ascent (quote 
center)))) (push ov org-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (goto-char end)) 
(delete-region beg end) (insert (org-add-props link (list (quote org-latex-src) 
(replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "" txt) (quote org-latex-src-embed-type) (if 
block-type (quote paragraph) (quote character))))))) ((eq processing-type 
(quote mathml)) (unless (save-match-data (org-format-latex-mathml-available-p)) 
(user-error "LaTeX to MathML converter not configured")) (setq txt 
(match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (if 
msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) (delete-region beg end) (insert 
(org-format-latex-as-mathml txt block-type prefix dir))) (t (error "Unknown 
conversion type %s for LaTeX fragments" processing-type)))
  (progn (cond ((eq processing-type (quote verbatim))) ((eq processing-type 
(quote mathjax)) (setq string (match-string n)) (when (member m (quote ("$" 
"$1"))) (save-excursion (delete-region (match-beginning n) (match-end n)) 
(goto-char (match-beginning n)) (insert (concat "\\(" (substring string 1 -1) 
"\\)"))))) ((or (eq processing-type (quote dvipng)) (eq processing-type (quote 
imagemagick))) (setq txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end 
(match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (let ((face (face-at-point)) (fg (plist-get opt 
:foreground)) (bg (plist-get opt :background)) print-length print-level) (when 
forbuffer (goto-char beg) (when (eq fg (quote auto)) (setq fg (face-attribute 
face :foreground nil ...))) (when (eq bg (quote auto)) (setq bg (face-attribute 
face :background nil ...))) (setq optnew (copy-sequence opt)) (plist-put optnew 
:foreground fg) (plist-put optnew :background bg)) (setq hash (sha1 
(prin1-to-string (list org-format-latex-header org-latex-default-packages-alist 
org-latex-packages-alist org-format-latex-options forbuffer txt fg bg))) 
linkfile (format "%s_%s.png" prefix hash) movefile (format "%s_%s.png" 
absprefix hash))) (setq link (concat block "[[file:" linkfile "]]" block)) (if 
msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) (unless checkdir (setq checkdir t) (or 
(file-directory-p todir) (make-directory todir t))) (unless (file-exists-p 
movefile) (org-create-formula-image txt movefile optnew forbuffer 
processing-type)) (if overlays (progn (mapc (lambda (o) (if ... ...)) 
(overlays-in beg end)) (setq ov (make-overlay beg end)) (overlay-put ov (quote 
org-overlay-type) (quote org-latex-overlay)) (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) 
(progn (overlay-put ov ... t) (overlay-put ov ... ...)) (overlay-put ov (quote 
display) (list ... :type ... :file movefile :ascent ...))) (push ov 
org-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (goto-char end)) (delete-region beg end) 
(insert (org-add-props link (list (quote org-latex-src) 
(replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "" txt) (quote org-latex-src-embed-type) (if 
block-type ... ...)))))) ((eq processing-type (quote mathml)) (unless 
(save-match-data (org-format-latex-mathml-available-p)) (user-error "LaTeX to 
MathML converter not configured")) (setq txt (match-string n) beg 
(match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) 
(goto-char beg) (delete-region beg end) (insert (org-format-latex-as-mathml txt 
block-type prefix dir))) (t (error "Unknown conversion type %s for LaTeX 
fragments" processing-type))))
  (if (and (or (not at) (equal (cdr at) (match-beginning n))) (or (not 
overlays) (not (eq (get-char-property (match-beginning n) (quote 
org-overlay-type)) (quote org-latex-overlay))))) (progn (cond ((eq 
processing-type (quote verbatim))) ((eq processing-type (quote mathjax)) (setq 
string (match-string n)) (when (member m (quote ("$" "$1"))) (save-excursion 
(delete-region (match-beginning n) (match-end n)) (goto-char (match-beginning 
n)) (insert (concat "\\(" ... "\\)"))))) ((or (eq processing-type (quote 
dvipng)) (eq processing-type (quote imagemagick))) (setq txt (match-string n) 
beg (match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (let ((face 
(face-at-point)) (fg (plist-get opt :foreground)) (bg (plist-get opt 
:background)) print-length print-level) (when forbuffer (goto-char beg) (when 
(eq fg ...) (setq fg ...)) (when (eq bg ...) (setq bg ...)) (setq optnew 
(copy-sequence opt)) (plist-put optnew :foreground fg) (plist-put optnew 
:background bg)) (setq hash (sha1 (prin1-to-string ...)) linkfile (format 
"%s_%s.png" prefix hash) movefile (format "%s_%s.png" absprefix hash))) (setq 
link (concat block "[[file:" linkfile "]]" block)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) 
(goto-char beg) (unless checkdir (setq checkdir t) (or (file-directory-p todir) 
(make-directory todir t))) (unless (file-exists-p movefile) 
(org-create-formula-image txt movefile optnew forbuffer processing-type)) (if 
overlays (progn (mapc (lambda ... ...) (overlays-in beg end)) (setq ov 
(make-overlay beg end)) (overlay-put ov (quote org-overlay-type) (quote 
org-latex-overlay)) (if (featurep ...) (progn ... ...) (overlay-put ov ... 
...)) (push ov org-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (goto-char end)) 
(delete-region beg end) (insert (org-add-props link (list ... ... ... ...))))) 
((eq processing-type (quote mathml)) (unless (save-match-data 
(org-format-latex-mathml-available-p)) (user-error "LaTeX to MathML converter 
not configured")) (setq txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end 
(match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) 
(delete-region beg end) (insert (org-format-latex-as-mathml txt block-type 
prefix dir))) (t (error "Unknown conversion type %s for LaTeX fragments" 
  (when (and (or (not at) (equal (cdr at) (match-beginning n))) (or (not 
overlays) (not (eq (get-char-property (match-beginning n) (quote 
org-overlay-type)) (quote org-latex-overlay))))) (cond ((eq processing-type 
(quote verbatim))) ((eq processing-type (quote mathjax)) (setq string 
(match-string n)) (when (member m (quote ("$" "$1"))) (save-excursion 
(delete-region (match-beginning n) (match-end n)) (goto-char (match-beginning 
n)) (insert (concat "\\(" (substring string 1 -1) "\\)"))))) ((or (eq 
processing-type (quote dvipng)) (eq processing-type (quote imagemagick))) (setq 
txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) 
(let ((face (face-at-point)) (fg (plist-get opt :foreground)) (bg (plist-get 
opt :background)) print-length print-level) (when forbuffer (goto-char beg) 
(when (eq fg (quote auto)) (setq fg (face-attribute face :foreground nil ...))) 
(when (eq bg (quote auto)) (setq bg (face-attribute face :background nil ...))) 
(setq optnew (copy-sequence opt)) (plist-put optnew :foreground fg) (plist-put 
optnew :background bg)) (setq hash (sha1 (prin1-to-string (list 
org-format-latex-header org-latex-default-packages-alist 
org-latex-packages-alist org-format-latex-options forbuffer txt fg bg))) 
linkfile (format "%s_%s.png" prefix hash) movefile (format "%s_%s.png" 
absprefix hash))) (setq link (concat block "[[file:" linkfile "]]" block)) (if 
msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) (unless checkdir (setq checkdir t) (or 
(file-directory-p todir) (make-directory todir t))) (unless (file-exists-p 
movefile) (org-create-formula-image txt movefile optnew forbuffer 
processing-type)) (if overlays (progn (mapc (lambda (o) (if ... ...)) 
(overlays-in beg end)) (setq ov (make-overlay beg end)) (overlay-put ov (quote 
org-overlay-type) (quote org-latex-overlay)) (if (featurep (quote xemacs)) 
(progn (overlay-put ov ... t) (overlay-put ov ... ...)) (overlay-put ov (quote 
display) (list ... :type ... :file movefile :ascent ...))) (push ov 
org-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (goto-char end)) (delete-region beg end) 
(insert (org-add-props link (list (quote org-latex-src) 
(replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "" txt) (quote org-latex-src-embed-type) (if 
block-type ... ...)))))) ((eq processing-type (quote mathml)) (unless 
(save-match-data (org-format-latex-mathml-available-p)) (user-error "LaTeX to 
MathML converter not configured")) (setq txt (match-string n) beg 
(match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) 
(goto-char beg) (delete-region beg end) (insert (org-format-latex-as-mathml txt 
block-type prefix dir))) (t (error "Unknown conversion type %s for LaTeX 
fragments" processing-type))))
  (while (re-search-forward re nil t) (when (and (or (not at) (equal (cdr at) 
(match-beginning n))) (or (not overlays) (not (eq (get-char-property 
(match-beginning n) (quote org-overlay-type)) (quote org-latex-overlay))))) 
(cond ((eq processing-type (quote verbatim))) ((eq processing-type (quote 
mathjax)) (setq string (match-string n)) (when (member m (quote ("$" "$1"))) 
(save-excursion (delete-region (match-beginning n) (match-end n)) (goto-char 
(match-beginning n)) (insert (concat "\\(" ... "\\)"))))) ((or (eq 
processing-type (quote dvipng)) (eq processing-type (quote imagemagick))) (setq 
txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) 
(let ((face (face-at-point)) (fg (plist-get opt :foreground)) (bg (plist-get 
opt :background)) print-length print-level) (when forbuffer (goto-char beg) 
(when (eq fg ...) (setq fg ...)) (when (eq bg ...) (setq bg ...)) (setq optnew 
(copy-sequence opt)) (plist-put optnew :foreground fg) (plist-put optnew 
:background bg)) (setq hash (sha1 (prin1-to-string ...)) linkfile (format 
"%s_%s.png" prefix hash) movefile (format "%s_%s.png" absprefix hash))) (setq 
link (concat block "[[file:" linkfile "]]" block)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) 
(goto-char beg) (unless checkdir (setq checkdir t) (or (file-directory-p todir) 
(make-directory todir t))) (unless (file-exists-p movefile) 
(org-create-formula-image txt movefile optnew forbuffer processing-type)) (if 
overlays (progn (mapc (lambda ... ...) (overlays-in beg end)) (setq ov 
(make-overlay beg end)) (overlay-put ov (quote org-overlay-type) (quote 
org-latex-overlay)) (if (featurep ...) (progn ... ...) (overlay-put ov ... 
...)) (push ov org-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (goto-char end)) 
(delete-region beg end) (insert (org-add-props link (list ... ... ... ...))))) 
((eq processing-type (quote mathml)) (unless (save-match-data 
(org-format-latex-mathml-available-p)) (user-error "LaTeX to MathML converter 
not configured")) (setq txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end 
(match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) 
(delete-region beg end) (insert (org-format-latex-as-mathml txt block-type 
prefix dir))) (t (error "Unknown conversion type %s for LaTeX fragments" 
  (progn (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward re nil t) (when (and 
(or (not at) (equal (cdr at) (match-beginning n))) (or (not overlays) (not (eq 
(get-char-property ... ...) (quote org-latex-overlay))))) (cond ((eq 
processing-type (quote verbatim))) ((eq processing-type (quote mathjax)) (setq 
string (match-string n)) (when (member m (quote ...)) (save-excursion 
(delete-region ... ...) (goto-char ...) (insert ...)))) ((or (eq 
processing-type (quote dvipng)) (eq processing-type (quote imagemagick))) (setq 
txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) 
(let ((face ...) (fg ...) (bg ...) print-length print-level) (when forbuffer 
(goto-char beg) (when ... ...) (when ... ...) (setq optnew ...) (plist-put 
optnew :foreground fg) (plist-put optnew :background bg)) (setq hash (sha1 ...) 
linkfile (format "%s_%s.png" prefix hash) movefile (format "%s_%s.png" 
absprefix hash))) (setq link (concat block "[[file:" linkfile "]]" block)) (if 
msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) (unless checkdir (setq checkdir t) (or 
(file-directory-p todir) (make-directory todir t))) (unless (file-exists-p 
movefile) (org-create-formula-image txt movefile optnew forbuffer 
processing-type)) (if overlays (progn (mapc ... ...) (setq ov ...) (overlay-put 
ov ... ...) (if ... ... ...) (push ov org-latex-fragment-image-overlays) 
(goto-char end)) (delete-region beg end) (insert (org-add-props link ...)))) 
((eq processing-type (quote mathml)) (unless (save-match-data 
(org-format-latex-mathml-available-p)) (user-error "LaTeX to MathML converter 
not configured")) (setq txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end 
(match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) 
(delete-region beg end) (insert (org-format-latex-as-mathml txt block-type 
prefix dir))) (t (error "Unknown conversion type %s for LaTeX fragments" 
  (if (member m matchers) (progn (goto-char (point-min)) (while 
(re-search-forward re nil t) (when (and (or (not at) (equal (cdr at) 
(match-beginning n))) (or (not overlays) (not (eq ... ...)))) (cond ((eq 
processing-type (quote verbatim))) ((eq processing-type (quote mathjax)) (setq 
string (match-string n)) (when (member m ...) (save-excursion ... ... ...))) 
((or (eq processing-type ...) (eq processing-type ...)) (setq txt (match-string 
n) beg (match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (let (... ... ... 
print-length print-level) (when forbuffer ... ... ... ... ... ...) (setq hash 
... linkfile ... movefile ...)) (setq link (concat block "[[file:" linkfile 
"]]" block)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) (unless checkdir (setq 
checkdir t) (or ... ...)) (unless (file-exists-p movefile) 
(org-create-formula-image txt movefile optnew forbuffer processing-type)) (if 
overlays (progn ... ... ... ... ... ...) (delete-region beg end) (insert ...))) 
((eq processing-type (quote mathml)) (unless (save-match-data ...) (user-error 
"LaTeX to MathML converter not configured")) (setq txt (match-string n) beg 
(match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) 
(goto-char beg) (delete-region beg end) (insert (org-format-latex-as-mathml txt 
block-type prefix dir))) (t (error "Unknown conversion type %s for LaTeX 
fragments" processing-type)))))))
  (when (member m matchers) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward 
re nil t) (when (and (or (not at) (equal (cdr at) (match-beginning n))) (or 
(not overlays) (not (eq (get-char-property ... ...) (quote 
org-latex-overlay))))) (cond ((eq processing-type (quote verbatim))) ((eq 
processing-type (quote mathjax)) (setq string (match-string n)) (when (member m 
(quote ...)) (save-excursion (delete-region ... ...) (goto-char ...) (insert 
...)))) ((or (eq processing-type (quote dvipng)) (eq processing-type (quote 
imagemagick))) (setq txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end 
(match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (let ((face ...) (fg ...) (bg ...) print-length 
print-level) (when forbuffer (goto-char beg) (when ... ...) (when ... ...) 
(setq optnew ...) (plist-put optnew :foreground fg) (plist-put optnew 
:background bg)) (setq hash (sha1 ...) linkfile (format "%s_%s.png" prefix 
hash) movefile (format "%s_%s.png" absprefix hash))) (setq link (concat block 
"[[file:" linkfile "]]" block)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) 
(unless checkdir (setq checkdir t) (or (file-directory-p todir) (make-directory 
todir t))) (unless (file-exists-p movefile) (org-create-formula-image txt 
movefile optnew forbuffer processing-type)) (if overlays (progn (mapc ... ...) 
(setq ov ...) (overlay-put ov ... ...) (if ... ... ...) (push ov 
org-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (goto-char end)) (delete-region beg end) 
(insert (org-add-props link ...)))) ((eq processing-type (quote mathml)) 
(unless (save-match-data (org-format-latex-mathml-available-p)) (user-error 
"LaTeX to MathML converter not configured")) (setq txt (match-string n) beg 
(match-beginning n) end (match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) 
(goto-char beg) (delete-region beg end) (insert (org-format-latex-as-mathml txt 
block-type prefix dir))) (t (error "Unknown conversion type %s for LaTeX 
fragments" processing-type))))))
  (while (setq e (pop re-list)) (setq m (car e) re (nth 1 e) n (nth 2 e) 
block-type (nth 3 e) block (if block-type "\n\n" "")) (when (member m matchers) 
(goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward re nil t) (when (and (or (not 
at) (equal (cdr at) (match-beginning n))) (or (not overlays) (not (eq ... 
...)))) (cond ((eq processing-type (quote verbatim))) ((eq processing-type 
(quote mathjax)) (setq string (match-string n)) (when (member m ...) 
(save-excursion ... ... ...))) ((or (eq processing-type ...) (eq 
processing-type ...)) (setq txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end 
(match-end n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (let (... ... ... print-length print-level) (when 
forbuffer ... ... ... ... ... ...) (setq hash ... linkfile ... movefile ...)) 
(setq link (concat block "[[file:" linkfile "]]" block)) (if msg (message msg 
cnt)) (goto-char beg) (unless checkdir (setq checkdir t) (or ... ...)) (unless 
(file-exists-p movefile) (org-create-formula-image txt movefile optnew 
forbuffer processing-type)) (if overlays (progn ... ... ... ... ... ...) 
(delete-region beg end) (insert ...))) ((eq processing-type (quote mathml)) 
(unless (save-match-data ...) (user-error "LaTeX to MathML converter not 
configured")) (setq txt (match-string n) beg (match-beginning n) end (match-end 
n) cnt (1+ cnt)) (if msg (message msg cnt)) (goto-char beg) (delete-region beg 
end) (insert (org-format-latex-as-mathml txt block-type prefix dir))) (t (error 
"Unknown conversion type %s for LaTeX fragments" processing-type)))))))
  (let* ((prefixnodir (file-name-nondirectory prefix)) (absprefix 
(expand-file-name prefix dir)) (todir (file-name-directory absprefix)) (opt 
org-format-latex-options) (optnew org-format-latex-options) (matchers 
(plist-get opt :matchers)) (re-list org-latex-regexps) (cnt 0) txt hash link 
beg end re e checkdir string m n block-type block linkfile movefile ov) (while 
(setq e (pop re-list)) (setq m (car e) re (nth 1 e) n (nth 2 e) block-type (nth 
3 e) block (if block-type "\n\n" "")) (when (member m matchers) (goto-char 
(point-min)) (while (re-search-forward re nil t) (when (and (or (not at) (equal 
... ...)) (or (not overlays) (not ...))) (cond ((eq processing-type ...)) ((eq 
processing-type ...) (setq string ...) (when ... ...)) ((or ... ...) (setq txt 
... beg ... end ... cnt ...) (let ... ... ...) (setq link ...) (if msg ...) 
(goto-char beg) (unless checkdir ... ...) (unless ... ...) (if overlays ... ... 
...)) ((eq processing-type ...) (unless ... ...) (setq txt ... beg ... end ... 
cnt ...) (if msg ...) (goto-char beg) (delete-region beg end) (insert ...)) (t 
(error "Unknown conversion type %s for LaTeX fragments" processing-type))))))))
  org-format-latex("ltxpng/i-notes-study" "/home/feng/org/" overlays "Creating 
image...%s" (#("\\begin{displaymath}" 0 19 (fontified t)) . 30719) forbuffer 
  (let (beg end at msg) (cond ((or (equal subtree (quote (16))) (not 
(save-excursion (re-search-backward org-outline-regexp-bol nil t)))) (setq beg 
(point-min) end (point-max) msg "Creating images for buffer...%s")) ((equal 
subtree (quote (4))) (org-back-to-heading) (setq beg (point) end 
(org-end-of-subtree t) msg "Creating images for subtree...%s")) (t (if (setq at 
(org-inside-LaTeX-fragment-p)) (goto-char (max (point-min) (- (cdr at) 2))) 
(org-back-to-heading)) (setq beg (point) end (progn (outline-next-heading) 
(point)) msg (if at "Creating image...%s" "Creating images for entry...%s")))) 
(message msg "") (narrow-to-region beg end) (goto-char beg) (org-format-latex 
(concat org-latex-preview-ltxpng-directory (file-name-sans-extension 
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))) default-directory (quote overlays) 
msg at (quote forbuffer) org-latex-create-formula-image-program) (message msg 
"done.  Use `C-c C-c' to remove images."))
  (save-restriction (let (beg end at msg) (cond ((or (equal subtree (quote 
(16))) (not (save-excursion (re-search-backward org-outline-regexp-bol nil 
t)))) (setq beg (point-min) end (point-max) msg "Creating images for 
buffer...%s")) ((equal subtree (quote (4))) (org-back-to-heading) (setq beg 
(point) end (org-end-of-subtree t) msg "Creating images for subtree...%s")) (t 
(if (setq at (org-inside-LaTeX-fragment-p)) (goto-char (max (point-min) (- ... 
2))) (org-back-to-heading)) (setq beg (point) end (progn (outline-next-heading) 
(point)) msg (if at "Creating image...%s" "Creating images for entry...%s")))) 
(message msg "") (narrow-to-region beg end) (goto-char beg) (org-format-latex 
(concat org-latex-preview-ltxpng-directory (file-name-sans-extension 
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))) default-directory (quote overlays) 
msg at (quote forbuffer) org-latex-create-formula-image-program) (message msg 
"done.  Use `C-c C-c' to remove images.")))
  (save-excursion (save-restriction (let (beg end at msg) (cond ((or (equal 
subtree (quote ...)) (not (save-excursion ...))) (setq beg (point-min) end 
(point-max) msg "Creating images for buffer...%s")) ((equal subtree (quote 
(4))) (org-back-to-heading) (setq beg (point) end (org-end-of-subtree t) msg 
"Creating images for subtree...%s")) (t (if (setq at 
(org-inside-LaTeX-fragment-p)) (goto-char (max ... ...)) (org-back-to-heading)) 
(setq beg (point) end (progn (outline-next-heading) (point)) msg (if at 
"Creating image...%s" "Creating images for entry...%s")))) (message msg "") 
(narrow-to-region beg end) (goto-char beg) (org-format-latex (concat 
org-latex-preview-ltxpng-directory (file-name-sans-extension 
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))) default-directory (quote overlays) 
msg at (quote forbuffer) org-latex-create-formula-image-program) (message msg 
"done.  Use `C-c C-c' to remove images."))))
  (progn (org-remove-latex-fragment-image-overlays) (save-excursion 
(save-restriction (let (beg end at msg) (cond ((or (equal subtree ...) (not 
...)) (setq beg (point-min) end (point-max) msg "Creating images for 
buffer...%s")) ((equal subtree (quote ...)) (org-back-to-heading) (setq beg 
(point) end (org-end-of-subtree t) msg "Creating images for subtree...%s")) (t 
(if (setq at ...) (goto-char ...) (org-back-to-heading)) (setq beg (point) end 
(progn ... ...) msg (if at "Creating image...%s" "Creating images for 
entry...%s")))) (message msg "") (narrow-to-region beg end) (goto-char beg) 
(org-format-latex (concat org-latex-preview-ltxpng-directory 
(file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))) 
default-directory (quote overlays) msg at (quote forbuffer) 
org-latex-create-formula-image-program) (message msg "done.  Use `C-c C-c' to 
remove images.")))))
  (if (display-graphic-p) (progn (org-remove-latex-fragment-image-overlays) 
(save-excursion (save-restriction (let (beg end at msg) (cond ((or ... ...) 
(setq beg ... end ... msg "Creating images for buffer...%s")) ((equal subtree 
...) (org-back-to-heading) (setq beg ... end ... msg "Creating images for 
subtree...%s")) (t (if ... ... ...) (setq beg ... end ... msg ...))) (message 
msg "") (narrow-to-region beg end) (goto-char beg) (org-format-latex (concat 
org-latex-preview-ltxpng-directory (file-name-sans-extension ...)) 
default-directory (quote overlays) msg at (quote forbuffer) 
org-latex-create-formula-image-program) (message msg "done.  Use `C-c C-c' to 
remove images."))))))
  (when (display-graphic-p) (org-remove-latex-fragment-image-overlays) 
(save-excursion (save-restriction (let (beg end at msg) (cond ((or (equal 
subtree ...) (not ...)) (setq beg (point-min) end (point-max) msg "Creating 
images for buffer...%s")) ((equal subtree (quote ...)) (org-back-to-heading) 
(setq beg (point) end (org-end-of-subtree t) msg "Creating images for 
subtree...%s")) (t (if (setq at ...) (goto-char ...) (org-back-to-heading)) 
(setq beg (point) end (progn ... ...) msg (if at "Creating image...%s" 
"Creating images for entry...%s")))) (message msg "") (narrow-to-region beg 
end) (goto-char beg) (org-format-latex (concat 
org-latex-preview-ltxpng-directory (file-name-sans-extension 
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))) default-directory (quote overlays) 
msg at (quote forbuffer) org-latex-create-formula-image-program) (message msg 
"done.  Use `C-c C-c' to remove images.")))))
  call-interactively(org-preview-latex-fragment nil nil)


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