#! /usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2005, 2007 Alex Schroeder # # Portions copyright (c) 2013, Peter Davis # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . sub ParseData { my $data = shift; my %result; while ($data =~ /(\S+?): (.*?)(?=\n[^ \t]|\Z)/sg) { my ($key, $value) = ($1, $2); $value =~ s/\n\t/\n/g; $result{$key} = $value; } return %result; } sub FixMarkUp { my $data = shift; my $orgout = "#+STARTUP: showeverything logdone\n#+options: num:nil\n\n"; my $csvMode = 0; foreach (split /\n/, $data) { if (length($_)) { s/\r//g; # csv tables if ($_ =~ //) { $csvMode = 1; s//#+ATTR_HTML: :border 2 :rules all :frame border/g; } elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*$/) { $csvMode = 0; } elsif ($csvMode) { s/^/|/g; s/,/|/g; s/$/|/g; } # hyperlinks s/\[\[([^]]*)\]\]/[[file:$1.org][$1]]/g; # strike through s/<\/?s>/+/g; # verse s/:::/#+BEGIN_VERSE/g; # bold and italic s/'''/*/g; s/''/\//g; # bullet lists s/^\*\*\*\*/ */g; s/^\*\*\*/ */g; s/^\*\*/ */g; s/^\*/ */g; # headers s/^\=\=\=\=/****/g; s/^\=\=\=/***/g; s/^\=\=/**/g; s/^\=/*/g; # s/ \=?$//g; s/ \=\=\=\=$//g; s/ \=\=\=$//g; s/ \=\=$//g; s/ \=$//g; s/^# / 1. /g; } else { $csvMode = 0; } $orgout = $orgout . $_ . "\n"; } return $orgout; } sub main { my ($regexp, $PageDir, $OrgDir) = @_; # include dotfiles! local $/ = undef; # Read complete files foreach my $file (glob("$PageDir/*/*.pg $PageDir/*/.*.pg")) { next unless $file =~ m|/.*/(.+)\.pg$|; my $page = $1; next if $regexp && $page !~ m|$regexp|o; $page = $page . ".org"; mkdir($OrgDir) or die "Cannot create $OrgDir directory: $!" unless -d $OrgDir; open(F, $file) or die "Cannot read $page file: $!"; my $data = ; close(F); my $ts = (stat("$OrgDir/$page"))[9]; my %result1 = ParseData($data); my $result2 = FixMarkUp($result1{text}); if ($ts && $ts == $result1{ts}) { print "skipping $page because it is up to date\n" if $verbose; } else { print "writing $page because $ts != $result{ts}\n" if $verbose; open(F,"> $OrgDir/$page") or die "Cannot write $page org file: $!"; # print F $result1{text}; print F $result2; close(F); utime $result1{ts}, $result1{ts}, "$OrgDir/$page"; # touch file } } } use Getopt::Long; my $regexp = undef; my $page = 'page'; my $dir = 'org'; GetOptions ("regexp=s" => \$regexp, "page=s" => \$page, "dir=s" => \$dir, "help" => \$help); if ($help) { print qq{ Usage: $0 [--regexp REGEXP] [--page DIR] [--dir DIR] Writes the org wiki text into plain text files. --regexp selects a subsets of pages whose names match the regular expression. Note that spaces have been translated to underscores. --page designates the page directory. By default this is 'page' in the current directory. If you run this script in your data directory, the default should be fine. --dir designates an output directory. By default this is 'org' in the current directory. Example: $0 --regexp '\\.el\$' --dir elisp } } else { main ($regexp, $page, $dir); }