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Re: [O] Orgtbl, Radiotables: ":booktabs t"

From: AW
Subject: Re: [O] Orgtbl, Radiotables: ":booktabs t"
Date: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 10:54:02 +0100
User-agent: KMail/4.11.2 (Linux/3.11.6-4-desktop; KDE/4.11.2; x86_64; ; )


Am Dienstag, 26. November 2013, 11:15:21 schrieb AW:
> \documentclass[parskip=half]{scrartcl}
> \usepackage{booktabs, verbatim}
> \begin{document}
> Hello!
> Once in a while I need a radiotable inside my LaTeX file and I'm asking to
> implement a parameter for the use of booktabs.
> This is an example I picked from the manual of orgmode and added
> \verb|\toprule|, \verb|\bottomrule|, :booktabs t and some other details.
> This is the tabular in \LaTeX:
>      \begin{tabular}{lrrr}\toprule
>      Month & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Days} & Nr.\ sold & per day\\\midrule
>      % BEGIN RECEIVE ORGTBL salesfigures
> Jan & 23 & 55 & 2.4 \\
> Feb & 21 & 16 & 0.8 \\
> March & 22 & 278 & 12.6 \\
> \hline
> S: & 66 &  &  \\
>      % END RECEIVE ORGTBL salesfigures
>       \bottomrule
>      \end{tabular}
> And here comes the source:
> \begin{verbatim}
>      #+ORGTBL: SEND salesfigures orgtbl-to-latex :splice t :skip 2 :booktabs
> t
>      | Month | Days | Nr sold | per day |
>      |
>      |-------+------+---------+---------|
>      |
>      | Jan   |   23 |      55 |     2.4 |
>      | Feb   |   21 |      16 |     0.8 |
>      | March |   22 |     278 |    12.6 |
>      |
>      |-------+------+---------+---------|
>      |
>      | S:    |   66 |         |         |
>      #+TBLFM: $4=$3/$2;%.1f::@5$2=vsum(@I..II)
> \end{verbatim}
> The parameter ":booktabs t" would be new.
> To what end? You see, my table uses the booktabs package and I can, as
> displayed above, use \verb|\toprule| and \verb|\bottomrule| in the "spliced"
> tabular. But inside the tabular, all horizontal lines become
> "hline"(s), which is, well, not ugly, but disturbing. Instead of each
> hline a midrule is needed.
> You can take this email and compile it with pdflatex. You'll see, that
> some space is missing between the ``S:'' and the hline.
> So would it be possible to implement the parameter ":booktabs t"
> without much trouble?
> Kind regards,
> Alexander
> \end{document}

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