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[O] [Bug] org-open-at-point no longer unescapes shell/elisp links

From: Matt Lundin
Subject: [O] [Bug] org-open-at-point no longer unescapes shell/elisp links
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 07:52:48 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.130008 (Ma Gnus v0.8) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

When I create a link with org-insert-link, it automatically escapes


C-c C-l shell:ls *.org [RET]
a shell link [RET]

results in

[[shell:ls%20*.org][a shell link]]

The problem is that the recent rewrite of org-open-at-point (commit
fc9ce86cfc1ecf7e86028027a12875a26500e774) removed all invocations of

As a result, if I use org-open-at-point on the link above, it sends the
string "ls%20*.org" to my shell, which complains: 

"zsh:1: no matches found: ls%20*.org"

At the bottom of the mail you'll find the backtrack that results when I
call org-open-at-point on an elisp link:



Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-agenda%20)
  (org-agenda%20 "a")
  eval((org-agenda%20 "a"))
  (if (eq (string-to-char cmd) 40) (eval (read cmd)) (call-interactively (read 
  (message "%s => %s" cmd (if (eq (string-to-char cmd) 40) (eval (read cmd)) 
(call-interactively (read cmd))))
  (if (or (and (org-string-nw-p org-confirm-elisp-link-not-regexp) 
(org-string-match-p org-confirm-elisp-link-not-regexp cmd)) (not 
org-confirm-elisp-link-function) (funcall org-confirm-elisp-link-function 
(format "Execute \"%s\" as elisp? " (org-add-props cmd nil (quote face) (quote 
org-warning))))) (message "%s => %s" cmd (if (eq (string-to-char cmd) 40) (eval 
(read cmd)) (call-interactively (read cmd)))) (error "Abort"))
  (let ((cmd path)) (if (or (and (org-string-nw-p 
org-confirm-elisp-link-not-regexp) (org-string-match-p 
org-confirm-elisp-link-not-regexp cmd)) (not org-confirm-elisp-link-function) 
(funcall org-confirm-elisp-link-function (format "Execute \"%s\" as elisp? " 
(org-add-props cmd nil (quote face) (quote org-warning))))) (message "%s => %s" 
cmd (if (eq (string-to-char cmd) 40) (eval (read cmd)) (call-interactively 
(read cmd)))) (error "Abort")))
  (cond ((equal type "file") (if (string-match "[*?{]" (file-name-nondirectory 
path)) (dired path) (apply (or (let ((app ...)) (nth 1 (assoc ... 
org-link-protocols))) (function org-open-file)) path arg (let ((option 
(org-element-property :search-option context))) (cond ((not option) nil) 
((org-string-match-p "\\`[0-9]+\\'" option) (list ...)) (t (list nil 
option))))))) ((assoc type org-link-protocols) (funcall (nth 1 (assoc type 
org-link-protocols)) path)) ((equal type "help") (let ((f-or-v (intern path))) 
(cond ((fboundp f-or-v) (describe-function f-or-v)) ((boundp f-or-v) 
(describe-variable f-or-v)) (t (error "Not a known function or variable"))))) 
((equal type "mailto") (let ((cmd (car org-link-mailto-program)) (args (cdr 
org-link-mailto-program)) (spec (format-spec-make 97 path 115 (let (...) (if 
... "" ...)))) final-args) (apply cmd (dolist (arg args (nreverse final-args)) 
(if (not (stringp arg)) (push arg final-args) (push (format-spec arg spec) 
final-args)))))) ((member type (quote ("http" "https" "ftp" "news"))) 
(browse-url (org-link-escape-browser (concat type ":" path)))) ((equal type 
"doi") (browse-url (org-link-escape-browser (concat org-doi-server-url path)))) 
((equal type "message") (browse-url (concat type ":" path))) ((equal type 
"shell") (let ((buf (generate-new-buffer "*Org Shell Output")) (cmd path)) (if 
(or (and (org-string-nw-p org-confirm-shell-link-not-regexp) (string-match 
org-confirm-shell-link-not-regexp cmd)) (not org-confirm-shell-link-function) 
(funcall org-confirm-shell-link-function (format "Execute \"%s\" in shell? " 
(org-add-props cmd nil ... ...)))) (progn (message "Executing %s" cmd) 
(shell-command cmd buf) (when (featurep (quote midnight)) (setq 
clean-buffer-list-kill-buffer-names (cons buf 
clean-buffer-list-kill-buffer-names)))) (error "Abort")))) ((equal type 
"elisp") (let ((cmd path)) (if (or (and (org-string-nw-p 
org-confirm-elisp-link-not-regexp) (org-string-match-p 
org-confirm-elisp-link-not-regexp cmd)) (not org-confirm-elisp-link-function) 
(funcall org-confirm-elisp-link-function (format "Execute \"%s\" as elisp? " 
(org-add-props cmd nil ... ...)))) (message "%s => %s" cmd (if (eq 
(string-to-char cmd) 40) (eval (read cmd)) (call-interactively (read cmd)))) 
(error "Abort")))) ((equal type "id") (require (quote ord-id)) (funcall (nth 1 
(assoc "id" org-link-protocols)) path)) ((member type (quote ("coderef" 
"custom-id" "fuzzy" "radio"))) (unless (run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote 
org-open-link-functions) path) (if (not arg) (org-mark-ring-push) 
(switch-to-buffer-other-window (org-get-buffer-for-internal-link 
(current-buffer)))) (let ((cmd (\` (org-link-search ... ... ...)))) 
(condition-case nil (let ((org-link-search-inhibit-query t)) (eval cmd)) (error 
(progn (widen) (eval cmd))))))) (t (browse-url-at-point)))
  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (or reference-buffer (current-buffer))) 
(cond ((equal type "file") (if (string-match "[*?{]" (file-name-nondirectory 
path)) (dired path) (apply (or (let (...) (nth 1 ...)) (function 
org-open-file)) path arg (let ((option ...)) (cond (... nil) (... ...) (t 
...)))))) ((assoc type org-link-protocols) (funcall (nth 1 (assoc type 
org-link-protocols)) path)) ((equal type "help") (let ((f-or-v (intern path))) 
(cond ((fboundp f-or-v) (describe-function f-or-v)) ((boundp f-or-v) 
(describe-variable f-or-v)) (t (error "Not a known function or variable"))))) 
((equal type "mailto") (let ((cmd (car org-link-mailto-program)) (args (cdr 
org-link-mailto-program)) (spec (format-spec-make 97 path 115 (let ... ...))) 
final-args) (apply cmd (dolist (arg args (nreverse final-args)) (if (not ...) 
(push arg final-args) (push ... final-args)))))) ((member type (quote ("http" 
"https" "ftp" "news"))) (browse-url (org-link-escape-browser (concat type ":" 
path)))) ((equal type "doi") (browse-url (org-link-escape-browser (concat 
org-doi-server-url path)))) ((equal type "message") (browse-url (concat type 
":" path))) ((equal type "shell") (let ((buf (generate-new-buffer "*Org Shell 
Output")) (cmd path)) (if (or (and (org-string-nw-p 
org-confirm-shell-link-not-regexp) (string-match 
org-confirm-shell-link-not-regexp cmd)) (not org-confirm-shell-link-function) 
(funcall org-confirm-shell-link-function (format "Execute \"%s\" in shell? " 
...))) (progn (message "Executing %s" cmd) (shell-command cmd buf) (when 
(featurep ...) (setq clean-buffer-list-kill-buffer-names ...))) (error 
"Abort")))) ((equal type "elisp") (let ((cmd path)) (if (or (and 
(org-string-nw-p org-confirm-elisp-link-not-regexp) (org-string-match-p 
org-confirm-elisp-link-not-regexp cmd)) (not org-confirm-elisp-link-function) 
(funcall org-confirm-elisp-link-function (format "Execute \"%s\" as elisp? " 
...))) (message "%s => %s" cmd (if (eq ... 40) (eval ...) (call-interactively 
...))) (error "Abort")))) ((equal type "id") (require (quote ord-id)) (funcall 
(nth 1 (assoc "id" org-link-protocols)) path)) ((member type (quote ("coderef" 
"custom-id" "fuzzy" "radio"))) (unless (run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote 
org-open-link-functions) path) (if (not arg) (org-mark-ring-push) 
(switch-to-buffer-other-window (org-get-buffer-for-internal-link 
(current-buffer)))) (let ((cmd (\` ...))) (condition-case nil (let (...) (eval 
cmd)) (error (progn ... ...)))))) (t (browse-url-at-point))))
  (with-current-buffer (or reference-buffer (current-buffer)) (cond ((equal 
type "file") (if (string-match "[*?{]" (file-name-nondirectory path)) (dired 
path) (apply (or (let (...) (nth 1 ...)) (function org-open-file)) path arg 
(let ((option ...)) (cond (... nil) (... ...) (t ...)))))) ((assoc type 
org-link-protocols) (funcall (nth 1 (assoc type org-link-protocols)) path)) 
((equal type "help") (let ((f-or-v (intern path))) (cond ((fboundp f-or-v) 
(describe-function f-or-v)) ((boundp f-or-v) (describe-variable f-or-v)) (t 
(error "Not a known function or variable"))))) ((equal type "mailto") (let 
((cmd (car org-link-mailto-program)) (args (cdr org-link-mailto-program)) (spec 
(format-spec-make 97 path 115 (let ... ...))) final-args) (apply cmd (dolist 
(arg args (nreverse final-args)) (if (not ...) (push arg final-args) (push ... 
final-args)))))) ((member type (quote ("http" "https" "ftp" "news"))) 
(browse-url (org-link-escape-browser (concat type ":" path)))) ((equal type 
"doi") (browse-url (org-link-escape-browser (concat org-doi-server-url path)))) 
((equal type "message") (browse-url (concat type ":" path))) ((equal type 
"shell") (let ((buf (generate-new-buffer "*Org Shell Output")) (cmd path)) (if 
(or (and (org-string-nw-p org-confirm-shell-link-not-regexp) (string-match 
org-confirm-shell-link-not-regexp cmd)) (not org-confirm-shell-link-function) 
(funcall org-confirm-shell-link-function (format "Execute \"%s\" in shell? " 
...))) (progn (message "Executing %s" cmd) (shell-command cmd buf) (when 
(featurep ...) (setq clean-buffer-list-kill-buffer-names ...))) (error 
"Abort")))) ((equal type "elisp") (let ((cmd path)) (if (or (and 
(org-string-nw-p org-confirm-elisp-link-not-regexp) (org-string-match-p 
org-confirm-elisp-link-not-regexp cmd)) (not org-confirm-elisp-link-function) 
(funcall org-confirm-elisp-link-function (format "Execute \"%s\" as elisp? " 
...))) (message "%s => %s" cmd (if (eq ... 40) (eval ...) (call-interactively 
...))) (error "Abort")))) ((equal type "id") (require (quote ord-id)) (funcall 
(nth 1 (assoc "id" org-link-protocols)) path)) ((member type (quote ("coderef" 
"custom-id" "fuzzy" "radio"))) (unless (run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote 
org-open-link-functions) path) (if (not arg) (org-mark-ring-push) 
(switch-to-buffer-other-window (org-get-buffer-for-internal-link 
(current-buffer)))) (let ((cmd (\` ...))) (condition-case nil (let (...) (eval 
cmd)) (error (progn ... ...)))))) (t (browse-url-at-point))))
  (let ((type (org-element-property :type context)) (path (org-element-property 
:path context))) (with-current-buffer (or reference-buffer (current-buffer)) 
(cond ((equal type "file") (if (string-match "[*?{]" (file-name-nondirectory 
path)) (dired path) (apply (or (let ... ...) (function org-open-file)) path arg 
(let (...) (cond ... ... ...))))) ((assoc type org-link-protocols) (funcall 
(nth 1 (assoc type org-link-protocols)) path)) ((equal type "help") (let 
((f-or-v (intern path))) (cond ((fboundp f-or-v) (describe-function f-or-v)) 
((boundp f-or-v) (describe-variable f-or-v)) (t (error "Not a known function or 
variable"))))) ((equal type "mailto") (let ((cmd (car org-link-mailto-program)) 
(args (cdr org-link-mailto-program)) (spec (format-spec-make 97 path 115 ...)) 
final-args) (apply cmd (dolist (arg args ...) (if ... ... ...))))) ((member 
type (quote ("http" "https" "ftp" "news"))) (browse-url 
(org-link-escape-browser (concat type ":" path)))) ((equal type "doi") 
(browse-url (org-link-escape-browser (concat org-doi-server-url path)))) 
((equal type "message") (browse-url (concat type ":" path))) ((equal type 
"shell") (let ((buf (generate-new-buffer "*Org Shell Output")) (cmd path)) (if 
(or (and ... ...) (not org-confirm-shell-link-function) (funcall 
org-confirm-shell-link-function ...)) (progn (message "Executing %s" cmd) 
(shell-command cmd buf) (when ... ...)) (error "Abort")))) ((equal type 
"elisp") (let ((cmd path)) (if (or (and ... ...) (not 
org-confirm-elisp-link-function) (funcall org-confirm-elisp-link-function ...)) 
(message "%s => %s" cmd (if ... ... ...)) (error "Abort")))) ((equal type "id") 
(require (quote ord-id)) (funcall (nth 1 (assoc "id" org-link-protocols)) 
path)) ((member type (quote ("coderef" "custom-id" "fuzzy" "radio"))) (unless 
(run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote org-open-link-functions) path) (if 
(not arg) (org-mark-ring-push) (switch-to-buffer-other-window 
(org-get-buffer-for-internal-link ...))) (let ((cmd ...)) (condition-case nil 
(let ... ...) (error ...))))) (t (browse-url-at-point)))))
  (cond ((not context) (user-error "No link found")) ((and (memq type (quote 
(headline inlinetask))) (progn (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at 
org-complex-heading-regexp)) (or (not (match-beginning 5)) (< (point) 
(match-beginning 5))))) (let* ((data (org-offer-links-in-entry (current-buffer) 
(point) arg)) (links (car data)) (links-end (cdr data))) (if links (dolist 
(link (if (stringp links) (list links) links)) (search-forward link nil 
links-end) (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (org-open-at-point)) (require (quote 
org-attach)) (org-attach-reveal (quote if-exists))))) ((> (point) 
(save-excursion (goto-char (org-element-property :end context)) 
(skip-chars-backward "   ") (point))) (user-error "No link found")) ((eq type 
(quote timestamp)) (org-follow-timestamp-link)) ((and (memq type (quote 
(headline inlinetask))) (progn (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at 
org-complex-heading-regexp)) (and (match-beginning 5) (>= (point) 
(match-beginning 5))))) (org-tags-view arg (substring (match-string 5) 0 -1))) 
((eq type (quote link)) (let ((type (org-element-property :type context)) (path 
(org-element-property :path context))) (with-current-buffer (or 
reference-buffer (current-buffer)) (cond ((equal type "file") (if (string-match 
"[*?{]" ...) (dired path) (apply ... path arg ...))) ((assoc type 
org-link-protocols) (funcall (nth 1 ...) path)) ((equal type "help") (let (...) 
(cond ... ... ...))) ((equal type "mailto") (let (... ... ... final-args) 
(apply cmd ...))) ((member type (quote ...)) (browse-url 
(org-link-escape-browser ...))) ((equal type "doi") (browse-url 
(org-link-escape-browser ...))) ((equal type "message") (browse-url (concat 
type ":" path))) ((equal type "shell") (let (... ...) (if ... ... ...))) 
((equal type "elisp") (let (...) (if ... ... ...))) ((equal type "id") (require 
(quote ord-id)) (funcall (nth 1 ...) path)) ((member type (quote ...)) (unless 
(run-hook-with-args-until-success ... path) (if ... ... ...) (let ... ...))) (t 
(browse-url-at-point)))))) ((or (eq type (quote footnote-reference)) (and (eq 
type (quote footnote-definition)) (save-excursion (skip-chars-forward "     ") 
(let ((begin ...)) (if begin (< ... begin) (= ... ...)))))) 
(org-footnote-action)) (t (user-error "No link found")))
  (let* ((context (org-element-context)) type) (while (and (not (memq (setq 
type (org-element-type context)) (quote (headline inlinetask link 
footnote-definition footnote-reference timestamp)))) (setq context 
(org-element-property :parent context)))) (cond ((not context) (user-error "No 
link found")) ((and (memq type (quote (headline inlinetask))) (progn 
(save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp)) 
(or (not (match-beginning 5)) (< (point) (match-beginning 5))))) (let* ((data 
(org-offer-links-in-entry (current-buffer) (point) arg)) (links (car data)) 
(links-end (cdr data))) (if links (dolist (link (if ... ... links)) 
(search-forward link nil links-end) (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) 
(org-open-at-point)) (require (quote org-attach)) (org-attach-reveal (quote 
if-exists))))) ((> (point) (save-excursion (goto-char (org-element-property 
:end context)) (skip-chars-backward "       ") (point))) (user-error "No link 
found")) ((eq type (quote timestamp)) (org-follow-timestamp-link)) ((and (memq 
type (quote (headline inlinetask))) (progn (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) 
(looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp)) (and (match-beginning 5) (>= (point) 
(match-beginning 5))))) (org-tags-view arg (substring (match-string 5) 0 -1))) 
((eq type (quote link)) (let ((type (org-element-property :type context)) (path 
(org-element-property :path context))) (with-current-buffer (or 
reference-buffer (current-buffer)) (cond ((equal type "file") (if ... ... ...)) 
((assoc type org-link-protocols) (funcall ... path)) ((equal type "help") (let 
... ...)) ((equal type "mailto") (let ... ...)) ((member type ...) (browse-url 
...)) ((equal type "doi") (browse-url ...)) ((equal type "message") (browse-url 
...)) ((equal type "shell") (let ... ...)) ((equal type "elisp") (let ... ...)) 
((equal type "id") (require ...) (funcall ... path)) ((member type ...) (unless 
... ... ...)) (t (browse-url-at-point)))))) ((or (eq type (quote 
footnote-reference)) (and (eq type (quote footnote-definition)) (save-excursion 
(skip-chars-forward "       ") (let (...) (if begin ... ...))))) 
(org-footnote-action)) (t (user-error "No link found"))))
  (if (run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote org-open-at-point-functions)) 
nil (let* ((context (org-element-context)) type) (while (and (not (memq (setq 
type (org-element-type context)) (quote (headline inlinetask link 
footnote-definition footnote-reference timestamp)))) (setq context 
(org-element-property :parent context)))) (cond ((not context) (user-error "No 
link found")) ((and (memq type (quote (headline inlinetask))) (progn 
(save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp)) 
(or (not ...) (< ... ...)))) (let* ((data (org-offer-links-in-entry ... ... 
arg)) (links (car data)) (links-end (cdr data))) (if links (dolist (link ...) 
(search-forward link nil links-end) (goto-char ...) (org-open-at-point)) 
(require (quote org-attach)) (org-attach-reveal (quote if-exists))))) ((> 
(point) (save-excursion (goto-char (org-element-property :end context)) 
(skip-chars-backward "    ") (point))) (user-error "No link found")) ((eq type 
(quote timestamp)) (org-follow-timestamp-link)) ((and (memq type (quote 
(headline inlinetask))) (progn (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at 
org-complex-heading-regexp)) (and (match-beginning 5) (>= ... ...)))) 
(org-tags-view arg (substring (match-string 5) 0 -1))) ((eq type (quote link)) 
(let ((type (org-element-property :type context)) (path (org-element-property 
:path context))) (with-current-buffer (or reference-buffer (current-buffer)) 
(cond (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) 
(... ...) (... ...) (... ... ...) (... ...) (t ...))))) ((or (eq type (quote 
footnote-reference)) (and (eq type (quote footnote-definition)) (save-excursion 
(skip-chars-forward "      ") (let ... ...)))) (org-footnote-action)) (t 
(user-error "No link found")))))
  (unless (run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote 
org-open-at-point-functions)) (let* ((context (org-element-context)) type) 
(while (and (not (memq (setq type (org-element-type context)) (quote (headline 
inlinetask link footnote-definition footnote-reference timestamp)))) (setq 
context (org-element-property :parent context)))) (cond ((not context) 
(user-error "No link found")) ((and (memq type (quote (headline inlinetask))) 
(progn (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at 
org-complex-heading-regexp)) (or (not ...) (< ... ...)))) (let* ((data 
(org-offer-links-in-entry ... ... arg)) (links (car data)) (links-end (cdr 
data))) (if links (dolist (link ...) (search-forward link nil links-end) 
(goto-char ...) (org-open-at-point)) (require (quote org-attach)) 
(org-attach-reveal (quote if-exists))))) ((> (point) (save-excursion (goto-char 
(org-element-property :end context)) (skip-chars-backward "    ") (point))) 
(user-error "No link found")) ((eq type (quote timestamp)) 
(org-follow-timestamp-link)) ((and (memq type (quote (headline inlinetask))) 
(progn (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at 
org-complex-heading-regexp)) (and (match-beginning 5) (>= ... ...)))) 
(org-tags-view arg (substring (match-string 5) 0 -1))) ((eq type (quote link)) 
(let ((type (org-element-property :type context)) (path (org-element-property 
:path context))) (with-current-buffer (or reference-buffer (current-buffer)) 
(cond (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) 
(... ...) (... ...) (... ... ...) (... ...) (t ...))))) ((or (eq type (quote 
footnote-reference)) (and (eq type (quote footnote-definition)) (save-excursion 
(skip-chars-forward "      ") (let ... ...)))) (org-footnote-action)) (t 
(user-error "No link found")))))
  (if (call-interactively (function org-babel-open-src-block-result)) nil 
(org-load-modules-maybe) (move-marker org-open-link-marker (point)) (setq 
org-window-config-before-follow-link (current-window-configuration)) 
(org-remove-occur-highlights nil nil t) (unless 
(run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote org-open-at-point-functions)) (let* 
((context (org-element-context)) type) (while (and (not (memq (setq type ...) 
(quote ...))) (setq context (org-element-property :parent context)))) (cond 
((not context) (user-error "No link found")) ((and (memq type (quote ...)) 
(progn (save-excursion ... ...) (or ... ...))) (let* ((data ...) (links ...) 
(links-end ...)) (if links (dolist ... ... ... ...) (require ...) 
(org-attach-reveal ...)))) ((> (point) (save-excursion (goto-char ...) 
(skip-chars-backward "         ") (point))) (user-error "No link found")) ((eq 
type (quote timestamp)) (org-follow-timestamp-link)) ((and (memq type (quote 
...)) (progn (save-excursion ... ...) (and ... ...))) (org-tags-view arg 
(substring (match-string 5) 0 -1))) ((eq type (quote link)) (let ((type ...) 
(path ...)) (with-current-buffer (or reference-buffer ...) (cond ... ... ... 
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)))) ((or (eq type (quote 
footnote-reference)) (and (eq type ...) (save-excursion ... ...))) 
(org-footnote-action)) (t (user-error "No link found"))))) (move-marker 
org-open-link-marker nil) (run-hook-with-args (quote org-follow-link-hook)))
  (unless (call-interactively (function org-babel-open-src-block-result)) 
(org-load-modules-maybe) (move-marker org-open-link-marker (point)) (setq 
org-window-config-before-follow-link (current-window-configuration)) 
(org-remove-occur-highlights nil nil t) (unless 
(run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote org-open-at-point-functions)) (let* 
((context (org-element-context)) type) (while (and (not (memq (setq type ...) 
(quote ...))) (setq context (org-element-property :parent context)))) (cond 
((not context) (user-error "No link found")) ((and (memq type (quote ...)) 
(progn (save-excursion ... ...) (or ... ...))) (let* ((data ...) (links ...) 
(links-end ...)) (if links (dolist ... ... ... ...) (require ...) 
(org-attach-reveal ...)))) ((> (point) (save-excursion (goto-char ...) 
(skip-chars-backward "         ") (point))) (user-error "No link found")) ((eq 
type (quote timestamp)) (org-follow-timestamp-link)) ((and (memq type (quote 
...)) (progn (save-excursion ... ...) (and ... ...))) (org-tags-view arg 
(substring (match-string 5) 0 -1))) ((eq type (quote link)) (let ((type ...) 
(path ...)) (with-current-buffer (or reference-buffer ...) (cond ... ... ... 
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)))) ((or (eq type (quote 
footnote-reference)) (and (eq type ...) (save-excursion ... ...))) 
(org-footnote-action)) (t (user-error "No link found"))))) (move-marker 
org-open-link-marker nil) (run-hook-with-args (quote org-follow-link-hook)))
  call-interactively(org-return nil nil)

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