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Re: [O] [Patch] Few small fixes to html header

From: Marcin Antczak
Subject: Re: [O] [Patch] Few small fixes to html header
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 19:02:10 +0100
User-agent: mu4e; emacs

Rick Frankel writes:

> On 2014-03-28 11:16, Marcin Antczak wrote:
>> Rick Frankel writes:
>> On 2014-03-27 15:57, Marcin Antczak wrote:
>> I've attached patch below, but I'm affraid that there is something
>> wrong
>> with indentation.
>> I'm not sure if there is problem with my settings or just entire
>> ox-html.el is indented badly.
>> Unfortunately, ox-html is indented with a combination of tabs and
>> spaces, you can turn on whitespace-mode to see. I'm not sure why your
>> saving the file has touched areas you didn't edit. Did you do a
>> re-indent or have a whitespace-cleanup or convert-tabs-to-spaces hook
>> turned on?
>> Why ox-html is indented in a way that doesn't follow guidelines
>> described on Emacs Lisp Coding Conventions?
> good question. I think because it's actually a very old file.
>> Could we fix it?
> Another good question. Bastien- Do you think it makes sense to do a
> whitespace cleanup only commit of ox-html to master?

+1 from me.

> That may be, but it's a stylistic issue, not a bug. My read of the
> html dtd does not specify the order of elements in the head. Can you
> show me an example where the order of the elements causes incorrect
> display of the title?

Cannot reproduce this right now.
I had a lot of various problems with Polish Latin-2 ISO-8859-2
characters, but to be honest these were in pre-UTF era.

> Does it cause output which is incorrectly displayed? Otherwise it's
> not really a bug, but i will look at changing it the next time i need
> to touch the file.

There is no output from META tag. So, no.

But, w3c html-markup syntax documentation says:

"end tags consist of the following parts, in exactly the following order:

    A "<" character.
    A "/" character
    The element’s tag name.
    Optionally, one or more space characters.
    A ">" character.

They don't mention any newline character.

> I'm worried about touching (4) w/o tests, as sometimes attributes are
> concatenated, and removing a leading whitespace could cause breakage.

It shouldn't.
Meta tag can only have two attributes. There is no reason to concatenate
anything else.

> While source whitespace and output formatting are annoying, our
> approach to modifications of this (quite old) file has been to not
> make changes which don't materially affect functionality or fix bugs
> (the rule of least damage :).

I agree. But code really should be valid and IMHO little improvements
and code cleanups are ok.


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