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Re: [O] Add-on: Github Flavored Markdown exporter

From: Thorsten Jolitz
Subject: Re: [O] Add-on: Github Flavored Markdown exporter
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 00:18:34 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Lars Tveito <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi!
> I have written an exporter for Github Flavored Markdown, which is a
> derived back-end from the Markdown (vanilla) exporter. It adds
> Github-style src-blocks, strike-through and table of contents.
> I think this could be useful because Org is a great tool for writing
> README's. Org is supported by Github, but it currently does not support
> syntax highlighting and table of contents (and has some other minor
> quirks).
> Should I contribute this to the /lisp/contrib/?
> Best regards,
> - Lars

This is nice, because I like to reuse the comment-sections of my elisp
libraries as README files on github, but neither the raw org nor the
markdown export looked so nice when I tried, so I used the ascii

When I structure my .el files with outshine headers, with the whole
comment section as one tree, I can simply use M-x outorg-edit-as-outorg
on that entry and then export from the outorg-edit-buffer.

I tried your library with outorg.el itself. Here is the comment section
after converting it to outorg (the org-exporter does not like the
reboxes, so I had to put manually , in front of them - is that a bug?
Same problem with ascii-export):

* outorg.el --- Org-style comment editing

Author: Thorsten Jolitz <tjolitz AT gmail DOT com>
Version: 1.0
URL: https://github.com/tj64/outorg

** MetaData
  :copyright: Thorsten Jolitz
  :copyright-years: 2013
  :version:  1.0
  :licence:  GPL 2 or later (free software)
  :licence-url: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
  :part-of-emacs: no
  :author: Thorsten Jolitz
  :author_email: tjolitz AT gmail DOT com
  :inspiration:  org-src
  :keywords: emacs org-mode comment-editing

** Commentary
*** About outorg

[NOTE: For the sake of adding this library to MELPA, headlines had to be
converted back from 'Org-mode style' to 'oldschool', and a few extra lines
of required information had to be added on top of the MetaData section -
just to comply with the required file formatting. All outshine, outorg and
navi-mode functionality still works with this file. See my
[[https://github.com/tj64/iorg][iOrg]] repository for examples of
Emacs-Lisp and PicoLisp files structured 'the outshine way'.]

`outorg' is like "reverse Org-Babel": editing of comment-sections from source
code files in temporary Org-mode buffers instead of editing of Org-mode
source-blocks in temporary source-code buffers.

It should be used together with `outline-minor-mode' and `outshine.el'.
Keep in mind, that `outorg' only works with outshine-style headlines like
those produced by calling `comment-region' on Org-mode style headlines in a
source-code buffer. Take this file as an example for suitable outline
headlines in an Emacs Lisp buffer. In other major-modes, the
`comment-start' character ';' of Emacs Lisp would be replaced by that of
the respective major-mode, e.g. '#' in PicoLisp mode or '%' in LaTeX mode.

`outorgs' main command is accessible via two different keybindings
1. with outline-minor-mode-prefix 'C-c'

, ,---------------------------
, | C-c ' (outorg-edit-as-org)
, `---------------------------

 2. with outline-minor-mode-prefix 'M-#'

, ,---------------------------
, | M-# M-# (outorg-edit-as-org)
, `---------------------------

used in source-code buffers where `outline-minor-mode' is activated with
`outshine' extensions. The Org-mode edit-buffer popped up by this command
has `outorg-edit-minor-mode' activated, a minor-mode with only 2 commands:

,| M-# (outorg-copy-edits-and-exit)
,| C-x C-s (outorg-save-edits-to-tmp-file)

If you want to insert Org-mode source-code or example blocks in
comment-sections, simply outcomment them in the outorg-edit buffer before
calling `outorg-copy-edits-and-exit'.

*** Installation


;; #+begin_src emacs-lisp
;;  (require 'outorg)
;; #+end_src

in your .emacs.

*** Bugs and Shortcomings

`outorg' is line-based, it only works with 'one-line' comments, i.e. with
comment-sections like those produced by `comment-region' (a command that
comments or uncomments each line in the region). Those special multi-line
comments found in many programming languages are not recognized and lead to
undefined behaviour.

*** Emacs Version

`outorg.el' works with [GNU Emacs 24.2.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+
Version 3.6.4) of 2013-01-20 on eric]. No attempts of testing with older
versions or other types of Emacs have been made (yet).

** ChangeLog

| date            | author(s)       | version |
| <2013-05-03 Fr> | Thorsten Jolitz |     1.0 |
| <2013-02-11 Mo> | Thorsten Jolitz |     0.9 |


And here is the "*Org GFM Export*" buffer after exporting with your library:    


- [outorg.el &#x2014; Org-style comment 
  - [MetaData](#metadata)
  - [Commentary](#commentary)
    - [About outorg](#about-outorg)
    - [Installation](#installation)
    - [Bugs and Shortcomings](#bugs-and-shortcomings)
    - [Emacs Version](#emacs-version)
  - [ChangeLog](#changelog)

# outorg.el &#x2014; Org-style comment editing

Author: Thorsten Jolitz <tjolitz AT gmail DOT com>
Version: 1.0
URL: <https://github.com/tj64/outorg>

## MetaData

## Commentary

### About outorg

[NOTE: For the sake of adding this library to MELPA, headlines had to be
converted back from 'Org-mode style' to 'oldschool', and a few extra lines
of required information had to be added on top of the MetaData section -
just to comply with the required file formatting. All outshine, outorg and
navi-mode functionality still works with this file. See my
[iOrg](https://github.com/tj64/iorg) repository for examples of
Emacs-Lisp and PicoLisp files structured 'the outshine way'.]

\`outorg' is like "reverse Org-Babel": editing of comment-sections from source
code files in temporary Org-mode buffers instead of editing of Org-mode
source-blocks in temporary source-code buffers.

It should be used together with \`outline-minor-mode' and \`outshine.el'.
Keep in mind, that \`outorg' only works with outshine-style headlines like
those produced by calling \`comment-region' on Org-mode style headlines in a
source-code buffer. Take this file as an example for suitable outline
headlines in an Emacs Lisp buffer. In other major-modes, the
\`comment-start' character ';' of Emacs Lisp would be replaced by that of
the respective major-mode, e.g. '#' in PicoLisp mode or '%' in LaTeX mode.

\`outorgs' main command is accessible via two different keybindings

1.  with outline-minor-mode-prefix 'C-c'

, ,&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;
, | C-c ' (outorg-edit-as-org)
, \`&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;

1.  with outline-minor-mode-prefix 'M-#'

, ,&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;
, | M-# M-# (outorg-edit-as-org)
, \`&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;&#x2014;

used in source-code buffers where \`outline-minor-mode' is activated with
\`outshine' extensions. The Org-mode edit-buffer popped up by this command
has \`outorg-edit-minor-mode' activated, a minor-mode with only 2 commands:

,| M-# (outorg-copy-edits-and-exit)
,| C-x C-s (outorg-save-edits-to-tmp-file)

If you want to insert Org-mode source-code or example blocks in
comment-sections, simply outcomment them in the outorg-edit buffer before
calling \`outorg-copy-edits-and-exit'.

### Installation


;; #+begin<sub>src</sub> emacs-lisp
;;  (require 'outorg)
;; #+end<sub>src</sub>

in your .emacs.

### Bugs and Shortcomings

\`outorg' is line-based, it only works with 'one-line' comments, i.e. with
comment-sections like those produced by \`comment-region' (a command that
comments or uncomments each line in the region). Those special multi-line
comments found in many programming languages are not recognized and lead to
undefined behaviour.

### Emacs Version

\`outorg.el' works with [GNU Emacs 24.2.1 (x86<sub>64</sub>-unknown-linux-gnu, 
Version 3.6.4) of 2013-01-20 on eric]. No attempts of testing with older
versions or other types of Emacs have been made (yet).

## ChangeLog

<table border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" rules="groups" frame="hsides">

<col  class="left" />

<col  class="left" />

<col  class="right" />
<th scope="col" class="left">date</th>
<th scope="col" class="left">author(s)</th>
<th scope="col" class="right">version</th>

<td class="left"><span class="timestamp-wrapper"><span 
class="timestamp">&lt;2013-05-03 Fr&gt;</span></span></td>
<td class="left">Thorsten Jolitz</td>
<td class="right">1.0</td>

<td class="left"><span class="timestamp-wrapper"><span 
class="timestamp">&lt;2013-02-11 Mo&gt;</span></span></td>
<td class="left">Thorsten Jolitz</td>
<td class="right">0.9</td>


Is that the intended output? I did not try it on github ...


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