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Re: [O] Organizing org-mode files: Tree view

From: Oleh
Subject: Re: [O] Organizing org-mode files: Tree view
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 18:16:26 +0200

Hi Dotan,

> If there is a better way to organize the files, then I would love to
> know how the more experienced users do it.

I'm using an extremely simplistic approach: just dump all the org
files into one directory.  The name of each org file should be concise
but descriptive, e.g. Makefile.org describes Makefiles, and git.org
describes git.

This simplicity completely alleviates organization effort: there's
nothing to organize, since there's only one directory to put the files in.
At the same time, it's very accessible by means of two `helm` wrappers:

- globally, "C-0" runs the command helm-org-wiki (the code is below)
- in org-mode, "g" runs the command wspecial-worf-goto (the code is at

It's like a two-stage personal Google: the first stage is to find an org-file,
the second stage is to search within an org-file.

For example, here's the sequence of key bindings when I want to look
up how git bisect works, assuming that I'm in some random buffer, like

        C-0 gi RET g bis RET

Done. Note that "gi" was enough to match "git.org", since all my other
pages don't contain "gi".  Same thing for "bis" being able to match
uniquely the heading "git bisect".  I think that it's quite optimal
that I'm able to find the topic "git bisect" by using only 10 key
presses, which is the same as the amount of characters in "git
bisect".  Compare this to `helm-google-suggest` (bound to "C-p g"):

        C-p g git bi RET TAB RET

That's 12 key presses (10 in Emacs, 2 in Firefox).

New wiki pages can be created with "C-0" as well, just type in the
name of the new file and hit RET.

That's it, the code is below. It's very similar to `org-switchb`,
except that the files need not be opened to appear in the completion
list, and new files are created if there's no match.

    (defgroup helm-org-wiki nil
      "Simple jump-to-org-file package."
      :group 'org
      :prefix "helm-org-wiki-")
    (defcustom helm-org-wiki-directory "~/org/wiki/"
      "Directory where files for `helm-org-wiki' are stored."
      :group 'helm-org-wiki
      :type 'directory)
    (defun helm-org-wiki-files ()
      "Return .org files in `helm-org-wiki-directory'."
      (let ((default-directory helm-org-wiki-directory))
        (mapcar #'file-name-sans-extension
                (file-expand-wildcards "*.org"))))
    (defvar helm-source-org-wiki
      `((name . "Projects")
        (candidates . helm-org-wiki-files)
        (action . ,(lambda (x)
                      (find-file (expand-file-name
                                  (format "%s.org" x)
    (defvar helm-source-org-wiki-not-found
      `((name . "Create org-wiki")
        (action . (lambda (x)
                      (format "%s/%s.org"
                              helm-org-wiki-directory x)))))))
    (defun helm-org-wiki ()
      "Select an org-file to jump to."
      (helm :sources
    (provide 'helm-org-wiki)


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