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[O] Org capture caused buffer weird indent and folding.

From: stardiviner
Subject: [O] Org capture caused buffer weird indent and folding.
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 15:15:41 +0800
User-agent: mu4e; emacs

I set up capture templates like this

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(require 'org-capture)

(setq org-default-notes-file (concat org-directory "/Capture/notes.org"))

(setq org-capture-templates
      '(("c" "Capture"
         entry (file+headline "~/Org/Capture/Capture.org" "Capture")
         "\n* TODO %^{prompt}\n\n%i\n\n%a\n\n%?")
        ("t" "Capture a task into Tasks"
         entry (file+headline "~/Org/Tasks.org" "Tasks")
         "\n* TODO %^{prompt} [/]\n\n%?\n\n")
        ("u" "Capture an entry into Buy list"
         entry (file+headline "~/Org/Tasks.org" "Buy")
         "\n* TODO %^{prompt}\n\n%i\n\n%?\n\n")
        ("b" "Blog (jekyll)"
         entry (file+datetree+prompt "~/Org/Diary/Public/Blog.org")
         "* %^{Title}  :blog:\n  :PROPERTIES:\n  :on: %T\n  :END:\n  %?")
        ;; ("j" "Journal"
        ;;  entry (file+datetree "~/Org/Journal.org" "Journal")
        ;;  "\n* %^{prompt}\nEntered on %U\n %i\n %?\n\n")
        ;; TODO Contacts
        ;; Issues, Bugs, Features
        ("b" "record a bug to list"
         entry (file+olp "~/Org/Projects/Projects.org" "Computer (电子科技)" "Bugs")
         "\n* BUG %^{prompt}\n\n%i\n\n%?\n\n")
        ("i" "record an issue to list"
         entry (file+olp "~/Org/Projects/Projects.org" "Computer (电子科技)" 
         "\n* ISSUE %^{prompt}\n\n%i\n\n%?\n\n")
        ("f" "record a feature to list"
         entry (file+olp "~/Org/Projects/Projects.org" "Computer (电子科技)" 
         "\n* FEATURE %^{prompt}\n\n%i\n\n%?\n\n")
        ;; bookmark
        ("m" "Add an URL to bookmark database"
         entry (file+headline "~/Org/Wiki/Data/Bookmarks/Bookmarks.org" 
         "\n* %^{prompt}\n\n%A\n\n%?\n\n")
        ;; knowledge
        ;; thought
        ;; "~/Org/Wiki/Wiki/Thought/Thought.org" "My Thought"

And when I did capture, and open that capture destination buffer, found the 
buffer is weird.
How weird?
Like some next siblings will be nested under the captureed headline.
For example:

,* headline 1
,** captured entry
    some text

,* headline 2

,* headline 3

,* headline 4

Will become into this after I do Org buffer folding.

,* headline 1....

,* headline 4

And here is the screenshot.

Here, the /*headline 2/ and /* headline 3/ both are folded. (This is weird.)
And then I use Vim to check out the file.
I found the "text" and "* headline 2" are in two lines. not in same line 
So I don't know what happend here.

I hope someone can tell me how to debug this?
And what reasons might be at here?

Attachment: org-capture-error.png
Description: screenshot

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