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Re: [O] MobileOrg documentation?

From: Ken Mankoff
Subject: Re: [O] MobileOrg documentation?
Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2014 17:19:59 -0400

Some code to auto-update Org when Mobile Org pushes:



On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 5:15 PM, David Masterson <address@hidden> wrote:
address@hidden (Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo) writes:

> David Masterson writes:
>> Hmmm.  Simple question (I think).  Can you edit outlines (at least
>> somewhat) from MobileOrg?  For instance, can you add outline headers
>> to your Org outline in MobileOrg?  Or is MobileOrg only useful for
>> viewing Org outlines and capturing items to add to your outlines
>> later?
> Yes.
> In MobileOrg of your phone: Settings, Synchronization, check Advanced
> capture. Click over any headline and then use the capture button (the
> circle with a plus inside). Write the new headline, save, and
> synchronize.

Hmmm.  Don't see this in MobileOrg for iOS.  I do see Settings,
Settings, AutoCapture Mode, but not Advanced Capture.  Is this an
example of two different code bases?  This is MobileOrg v1.6.1.

> Afterwards run org-mobile-pull from your computer, the changes should be
> there. At least it works for me under Android.

Yes, I expected that, once you made a change in MobileOrg, you have to
cycle over to Emacs Org via org-mobile-pu(sh|ll).

David Masterson
Programmer At Large

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