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Re: [O] [BUG] gnuplot with dates from a table dosn't work anymore

From: Nicolas Goaziou
Subject: Re: [O] [BUG] gnuplot with dates from a table dosn't work anymore
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 13:49:42 +0200


Thomas Holst <address@hidden> writes:

> after a pull from this weekend generating plots with gnuplot does not
> work anymore. It was working perfectly before the pull. I get an error
> message saying:
>   org-babel-gnuplot-quote-timestamp-field: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil
> Here is the sample table and babel code:
> #+TBLNAME: GewichtSep2014
> |   | Date            |   Kg |  $\Delta$ |
> |---+-----------------+------+------|
> | # | <2014-09-10 Mi> | 90.0 |  0.0 |
> | # | <2014-09-11 Do> | 89.7 |  0.3 |
> | # | <2014-09-12 Fr> | 88.4 |  1.3 |
> | # | <2014-09-13 Sa> | 86.9 |  1.5 |
> | # | <2014-09-14 So> | 86.4 |  0.5 |
> | # | <2014-09-15 Mo> | 87.0 | -0.6 |
> |---+-----------------+------+------|
> | # |                 |  3.0 |   [] |
> #+TBLFM: address@hidden;%.1f::@8$3=(@I - @II-1);%.1f::@8$4=""
> #+begin_src gnuplot :var data=GewichtSep2014[2:-3,1:-2] :exports code :file 
> GewSep2014.png :session :hlines no
>   reset
>   cd "~/git/org-priv"
>   set title "Example"
>   set xdata time
>   set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S"
>   set format x "%d.%m."
>   set yrange [80:]
>   set xtics nomirror
>   set ytics nomirror
>   set xtics "2014-09-10:0:0:0", 7*86400  # Datum muss in timefmt sein, 
> Abstand in Sekunden
>   plot data using 1:2 with lines lt rgb "blue" title "Gewicht", 84.0 with 
> dots lt rgb "red" notitle
> #+end_src

It should be fixed. Thank you for reporting it.


Nicolas Goaziou

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