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Re: [O] [bug] TODO [/] cookie not updating if list has inline task

From: Rasmus
Subject: Re: [O] [bug] TODO [/] cookie not updating if list has inline task
Date: Sun, 17 May 2015 21:44:30 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Eric S Fraga <address@hidden> writes:

> I'm not sure I understand what is misleading about the above?  The note
> is indeed intended to belong to the first item on the list.

The misleading part, IMO, is that it is not obvious whether the
inlinetasks belong to the list item or not.  Normally something that
belong to the item in indented, which is not possible here.

> However, we are starting to see that inline tasks are indeed a bit of
> kludge and impact on org structures significantly so maybe we can remove
> this capability once inline annotations, as discussed in another thread,
> are implemented?

FWIW, I did not like the syntax Nicolas suggested in that thread.  It
reminded me too much of *XML (which is also true with inlinetasks BTW).
[I, did, however, only add a star to the thread rather than replying].


I hear there's rumors on the, uh, Internets. . .

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